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Chapter 481 Zhang Xinning

There was sincerity shining in Zhao Yunshu's eyes, which made Xiao Nianzhi unable to tell what the other party's attitude was.

However, if you are sincere now, then she should be sincere in return.

Xiao Nianzhi reacted and quickly said with a smile: "Fortunately, it's really just a small skill in cooking."

Zhao Yunshu didn't dwell too much on this matter. He smiled and asked how was today's play and what did Xiao Nianzhi like?

What activities are you interested in?

what do you like eating?

They are all simple exchanges that little girls have with each other on a daily basis.

Xiao Nianzhi replied softly.

At this time, there were still many people observing secretly.

Many people actually wanted to take this opportunity to establish a relationship with Xiao Nianzhi.

Especially those who knew the inside story, after knowing that Xiao Nianzhi was related to the Feng family, their eager hearts became even more uncontrollable.

However, where Zhao Yunshu was, no one could force his way through.

Otherwise, if you are not familiar with the other person, it would be awkward to approach him like this.

However, there are no such worries.

Xiao Nianzhi and Zhao Yunshu were talking when they noticed someone walking over.

She subconsciously looked up and met a pair of very familiar eyes.

The first thing I felt when I saw those eyes was...


Are you looking at yourself in the mirror?

Yes, the other person also has a pair of round, watery, litchi eyes. When he first looks at her like that, he really has the illusion that he is looking in the mirror.

There are many noble ladies in the capital with this kind of eye shape, and now Xiao Nianzhi can deal with it calmly.

Therefore, I didn't panic after seeing it, I reacted and nodded politely.

Zhao Yunshu also noticed that someone was coming behind him. He turned his head gracefully and saw that he was an acquaintance. He smiled again and said, "Xinning is here? I guess you must come over if there is a lot of excitement here."

The other party called his name affectionately without a surname, which made it difficult for Xiao Nianzhi to determine the other party's identity.

Moreover, Xiao Nianzhi couldn't tell for the time being whether the other party was coming for him or Zhao Yunshu.

However, she was not in a hurry and sat there calmly. If the other party looked over, Xiao Nianzhi would imitate Zhao Yunshu and smile gracefully.

She was already pretty, but now she smiled, with a sense of surprise that shook people's hearts.

Zhang Xinning is a quick and straightforward girl, and she is quite fast-talking.

Therefore, when he once again met those eyes that were like his own, Zhang Xinning gave a friendly smile and said clearly: "Jun'an, Ning'an Township, I am Xinning from the Zhang Mansion, Minister of the Ministry of Revenue."

After he finished speaking, he bowed slightly.

Although Zhang Xinning's status is not low, she is not like Xiao Nianzhi, so she still needs to be polite.

Her salute made Zhao Yunshu a little annoyed.


Has she forgotten this?

Now that I think about it, I feel a little embarrassed.

The other party took the initiative to salute and say hello. Xiao Nianzhi stood up quickly and returned the salute slightly: "I am Xiao Nianzhi."

Xiao Nianzhi’s name is familiar to everyone.

Before Zhang Xinning came, even if he didn't understand, he must have asked in advance.

However, now that he heard Xiao Nianzhi say it himself, coupled with that stunning photo, Zhang Xinning couldn't help but feel dazed.

At this moment, deep in her heart, she had thoughts similar to Yu Moyue's.

That is: Why isn’t she a son-in-law???

After Xiao Nianzhi said hello, he asked people to sit down.

Fortunately, there is still room at their table, so there won't be room for one more person.

After the three of them sat down, Zhang Xinning looked at Xiao Nianzhi curiously from time to time.

This made Xiao Nianzhi couldn't help but want to turn his head to look at the other party.

From time to time, the two people's eyes would collide, and then they would look at each other and smile sheepishly, and then separate.

He couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was, but Zhang Xinning didn't find it annoying.

Seeing Zhang Xinning like this, Zhao Yunshu, as a good friend, mercilessly undermined her: "Xinning has been thinking about getting to know you before, but now that we have met, why are you so coy?"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yunshu turned his head and looked at Zhang Xinning with a smile on his face: "Xinning, this doesn't look like you."

In Zhao Yunshu's view, Zhang Xinning, a good friend, has always been sober in the world and sees everything very clearly.

Although sometimes, due to limitations of status, even if you can see clearly and have a clear mind, you can't do much.

But Zhao Yunshu is actually quite envious of the other person. At least he can live soberly, although sometimes it is actually quite uncomfortable.

But more often than not, it's still good for you.

If something is wrong, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to get out in time?

If you can't withdraw, you can withdraw your feelings in time and stop the loss in time.

No matter what, it's better than being confused all your life, right?

Zhang Xinning was not annoyed by being teased by Zhao Yunshu. He just looked at Xiao Nianzhi with a smile, and this time he said openly: "Since we are all curious about each other, let's look at each other openly."

I don't usually have such an opportunity.

After all, Zhang Xinning is more limited than Zhao Yunshu.

She is the Queen's niece, the daughter of the Prince's maternal grandfather, and one of the important ladies in the capital who always attracts attention.

Zhang Xinning's daily words and deeds are all watched by others, so it is rare for him to have a chance to relax.

Therefore, due to various concerns, even if she was curious, she could not get too close to Xiao Nianzhi and cause unnecessary trouble to each other.

But on such an occasion, it’s normal to come and take a look out of curiosity, right?

Even if someone pays attention and someone wants to make an article about it, but they have no intersection after that, others want to write an article, but they can't!

After Zhang Xinning said this, Xiao Nianzhi relaxed.

The three of them chatted quietly for a while, and then talked about the delicacies, greenhouses, glass in the capital...

Of course, Xiao Nianzhi quietly mentioned the lipstick he recently made and the soap that will be released soon.

Although the raw materials for the soap have just been gathered, it will not be put into use until a month at the earliest.

However, it won't hurt to publicize it in advance and attract people's curiosity and attention later.

Their voices are not loud, and they are babbling on stage, so they will not disturb others.

Therefore, no one has any opinions about them.

Yan Changxia saw it from a distance. She had to admit that she felt a little sad in her heart, but she still understood that friends were not private property and could not be monopolized.

Therefore, even if you feel sad, you still have to look away and pretend not to care.

Then, I became more and more curious about the gift from Xiao Nianzhi.

If it wasn't so rude to leave now, she actually wanted to go back and take it apart and take a look.

Ah, I'm just curious as to what kind of gift it is.

Uncle Wang's gift was a lamp, and it looked like something that Uncle Wang cherished.

Yan Changxia had only seen the lamp, but had not seen the effect, and could not see any difference.

However, she felt that it must be different!

If a good friend takes action, it will definitely be a blockbuster. How can it be just a light?

Thinking of this, Yan Changxia even had the idea of ​​stealing the lamp for a moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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