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Chapter 560 Fresh Milk Nest Egg

Xiao Nianzhi moved very quickly and soon fetched milk, eggs and rock sugar.

She didn't deliberately turn on the high heat, but chose the small stove on the other side of the stove, using a small milk pot that usually heats oil.

This pot is not very big, but it is enough to cook sweet soup for three to four people.

After Xiao Nianzhi washed it, he took the milk and boiled it over high heat to remove the smell and sterilize it.

Then pour out the milk, clean the small pot, and boil it again.

This time the miscellaneous smell in the milk was much lighter. Xiao Nianzhi put rock sugar in it while it was boiling and stirred it slowly.

It wasn't until the rock sugar melted that Xiao Nianzhi cracked the eggs into the pot.

After the three eggs were beaten, Xiao Nianzhi took the chopsticks and stirred them around the eggs a little.

The movements need to be controlled well to ensure that the egg whites are broken up but the yolks are retained.

Xiao Nianzhi made enough for three people.

She had dinner very late and was not prepared to eat another sweet soup at this time.

Aunt Yu will have one share, Grandpa will have one share, and Sister-in-law Guo will also share a share if she catches up.

So, three servings, three eggs.

This is the first time Xiao Nianzhi has made fresh milk nest eggs for them. I am not sure whether they like whole egg yolks or separated ones.

So, let’s keep it for now.

If they don't like this, just beat the egg yolks next time.

However, if you keep the intact egg yolk, for a better taste, you can actually keep a little bit of a bitter taste, and the taste will be better and more tender.

Because the egg yolk at that time was not so dry that it would cause choking.

Therefore, Xiao Nianzhi controlled the heat and took the small pot off the stove after a while.

Then close the lid and simmer for a while.

Counting the time, Xiao Nianzhi felt that he should be able to make the egg yolk look runny.

Then it was necessary to divide the pot into three portions and leave one portion for Sister-in-law Guo, which surprised the other party. She waved her hands and said no: "No, no, big girl, I won't eat it."

When she looked at Xiao Nianzhi's portion, there were only three portions in total. How could she be embarrassed to drink it?

Xiao Nianzhi smiled and explained: "I'm very full from dinner and can't eat anymore. Sister-in-law, please eat it. When it gets cold, the eggs will become fishy and not so delicious."

While it's still hot, the milk is fragrant and slightly sweet, and the eggs are smooth and refreshing. It's so comforting to have a bowl at midnight.

Sister-in-law Guo shamelessly accepted it and wanted to help Xiao Nianzhi, but she was also rejected.

Xiao Nianzhi quickly went to find Aunt Yu and Grandpa with two portions of fresh milk and eggs.

Aunt Yu was holding a jade pendant at the moment, slightly stunned.

The jade pendant was one of the items in a box given by Concubine Sun before she left the palace.

Aunt Yu just picked it up and then fell into memories, her face slightly condensed and her heart heavy.

When she heard the knock on the door, she was still a little confused.

After reacting for a while, he raised his hand and wiped his eyes, and found that he was crying again, feeling helpless and a little uncomfortable.

Although Mrs. Sun's health was not very good, they should have been mentally prepared.


Sometimes, when something really happens, it is still difficult to accept it all at once.

After packing up, Aunt Yu went to open the door.

When she found out that it was her young apprentice who had come to deliver sweet soup, Aunt Yu was moved and sad at the same time: "The road is not dry yet, so you are so late at night, so don't worry about it. You really fell, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

He said words of blame, but he honestly accepted the sweet soup in his hands.

As for whether to drink or not?

Well, the fresh fragrance of milk mixed with the sweet smell has drifted over, and Aunt Yu felt...

My stomach suddenly felt empty!

She should have been sad, but she couldn't resist her body's instinct!

Xiao Nianzhi still had a bowl in his hand that he had to give away, so he didn't stay to persuade his aunt. He only whispered: "Aunt, I want to give it to grandpa, so I'll leave first. You can drink this bowl while it's hot."

, if it gets cold, the eggs may become a little fishy, ​​affecting the taste.”

As soon as she heard that she wanted to send it to Grandpa Feng, Aunt Yu hurriedly waved her hand: "Go quickly, go quickly."

Xiao Nianzhi responded before going to her grandfather's side.

Grandpa didn't have any feelings for Concubine Sun, so he didn't feel sad at all. He was just affected by the atmosphere and was in poor health, so he didn't eat much for dinner.

Xiao Nianzhi brought the sweet soup over, and when he smelled it, he felt...

Hungry too!

He actually eats normally at night.

Logically speaking, you shouldn’t be hungry at this time, right?

Grandpa Feng didn't mean to refuse. He wanted to persuade Xiao Nianzhi to let others do it and not to torment herself: "Think about it, I..."

Just as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Xiao Nianzhi: "Okay, grandpa, how can I say it's hard to honor grandpa? I think it's good, grandpa, drink it quickly, otherwise it will affect the taste if it gets cold."

These words were heart-warming, and Grandpa Feng was so coaxed that he couldn't say anything. In the end, he could only go back to drink the soup honestly.

Xiao Nianzhi didn't bother to wait, but went back to continue reading.

The lives that have been lost cannot be restored by living people.

However, life must go on.

They cannot dwell on the past forever, they must always look forward.

Therefore, as for how to better purify iron, this matter requires further reading.

When Xiao Nianzhi read until midnight, Yan Xingxuan also stayed at the funeral until midnight.

Concubine Sun had no children, but she had many royal children.

Therefore, filial sons and grandsons must take turns to come and keep vigil.

On the first night, the people from the Queen Mother's team will naturally be given priority.

As the king of a country, His Majesty also needs to consider the health of the dragon. If he is not his biological mother, he can just go through the motions.

Therefore, this matter falls to Yan Xingxuan and the other two young masters.

In his later years, the late emperor favored the sons of the Concubine Jade, and because he favored the Concubine Jade for many years, the age gap between the princes and the princesses was serious.

Not only that, for many years in between, there was nothing left in the harem.

In addition, after King Li rebelled and His Majesty liquidated them, not many of the late emperor's princes were left.

Some honest and fearful people, after seeing the situation clearly, deliberately left their sons behind and went to a remote fiefdom.

Now that they are still on their way back, they can only let the young masters they detained in the capital keep vigil on their behalf.

We are all of the same age, but there is a huge gap in generations!

The two young gentlemen, who had been shown their loyalty by their father, were left as hostages in the capital, and their daily behavior was quite absurd.

Therefore, they are actually not very willing to confront Yan Xingxuan.

Now divided together...

The two of them knelt down and shivered together, their heads bowed and they didn't dare to say a word.

Yan Xingxuan had no intention of talking to them.

He is annoyed by the sight of unfilial sons and nephews. It just so happens that they are not happy to look at him either, so just pretend they don't exist!

At this time, Yan Xingxuan actually felt quite uncomfortable.

He was raised by the Queen Mother, and also received many years of care and love from his concubine Sun.

Now that the person who loves him is gone, why isn't he sad?

This chapter has been completed!
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