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Chapter 592 Happy Lottery

Soon, one of the servants queuing up there was the first to settle the bill. As the master, Yan Nanrong proudly strode over to win the lottery.

Unfortunately, his luck can only be considered average, and he drew the number 18.

However, Yan Nanrong was not discouraged and said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad, at least the top twenty are still okay."

A lot of people came today, and there were 66 small balls in the first ball box.

Therefore, Yan Nanrong felt that his position was quite forward, which was very good.

He comforted himself so much that everyone laughed along with him

Yu Moyue had quick eyesight and quick hands just now, but now the servant is second in line.

As soon as she saw herself, Yu Moyue hurriedly picked up the hem of her skirt and walked over.

Before reaching into the glass box, Yu Moyue bowed carefully in her heart.

Then reach out...

After taking out the ball, she even didn't dare to look at it.

However, it’s not possible to watch it. There’s still a queue at the back.

Sun Shujing was right behind her, ready to draw the prize.

Yu Moyue lowered her head and looked: "Huh?"

The exclamation was followed by surprise. Yu Moyue smiled with crooked eyebrows: "Hey! No. 2! I am No. 2!"

Although it’s not the first one, number 2 is already pretty good!

Sun Shujing watched from behind, very envious.

The other ladies also cast envious looks.


Sun Shujing drew number 1.

Yu Moyue:.

She always felt that happiness seemed very short-lived. Before she even started to laugh, it ended with a "pop".

Yu Moyue tried her best to show a nonchalant and strong smile, but she was already crying in her heart.


She smokes very well too!

However, if you can’t stand the comparison, it will be harmful!

After Yu Moyue went back, she cried and acted coquettishly with her sister. Yu Moyao coaxed her for a while, and then went to draw the lottery too.

The first two spots are gone, and no matter how good the next ones are, they can't beat these.

Therefore, Yu Moyao has looked away and it doesn't matter what he draws.

Then, she drew 20.

Yu Moyao:.

It doesn’t have to be so indifferent!

There are more than sixty numbers. Judging from the momentum, they are probably not enough.

But Xiao Nianzhi has a spare ball.

Serves 66 balls each.

When this one is used up, take the next one.

There has to be a first-come, first-served basis to make people feel comfortable.

Therefore, after the first 66 have been drawn, the next one will be drawn, as long as you are not afraid that the membership number is not enough.

After drawing the prizes, everyone still has to apply for membership cards.

Membership cards require simple identity registration to prove whose card it is.

This procedure also takes a lot of time.

But for many people, this step can be done by servants.

The master also wants to enjoy some desserts.

I heard that the next sweet soup is coming!

Colorful dumplings served with thick brown sugar sauce.

Sweet, delicious, soft and glutinous!

"Well, I like this too!" Yu Moyue had long forgotten what happened when she drew the membership card. At this time, she was already immersed in the delicious food and couldn't extricate herself.

Horseshoe is delicious!

Xiaoyuanzi is also delicious!

Yu Moyue felt that she had never found brown sugar water to be so delicious before.

But why is it different in Xiao Nianzhi’s hands?

Today’s early adopters are two snacks and two desserts.

Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, even if you are still unfinished, after enjoying these four courses and sitting for a while, it is almost time to leave.

I heard there's still a queue outside.

The cold weather is not easy for everyone.

Of course, when the nobles lined up, they were all served by servants. The masters were very comfortable holding hand stoves in the car.

Princess Qiuyang is actually here, but her health is not very good, especially after winter, if she inhales a little bit of cold air, her cough will be endless, and sometimes the cough will last until the beginning of spring.

Princess Qiuyang didn't want to trouble anyone, nor did she want to bother the imperial doctor and always go to her palace.

Therefore, when she came out to congratulate Xiao Nianzhi today, she sat in the car and did not get out.

As the representative, the eldest maid had already told Xiao Nianzhi about the situation and also sent a congratulatory gift for the opening.

Of course, in return, Xiao Nianzhi prepared sweet water chestnut soup and puffs for the other party.

Brown sugar colorful dumplings are not easy to digest because they contain glutinous rice, while honey buns are high in oil and sugar and are not suitable for people with poor health like Princess Qiuyang, so Xiao Nianzhi didn't bring them.

However, Princess Qiuyang's situation did provide Xiao Nianzhi with some ideas.

The daily supply should not only focus on delicious food without distinguishing between tastes.

It can be sweet and delicious, or it can be elegant and delicious.

However, let’s finish our current affairs first.

Although there are clerks and accountants who are busy working, we specially invited some more people here today.

However, Xiao Nianzhi also had no time to spare.

Yan Changxia didn't say much and also helped.

Not to mention Yan Xingxuan, who is busy with his store if he is not busy?

On the male side, he and Yan Nanrong were helping.

After Yan Nanrong tasted it for a while and drew his membership card, he started to help.

Zhou Yuxing takes a look?

That won't work, I can't be left behind, and I can't not show off either!

After all, he had a pretty good impression of Feng Ning.

The little girl is soft and like a kitten, so she is quite cute.

Thinking of Feng Ning, Zhou Yuxing's ears turned red uncontrollably, and he glanced around, but did not see Feng Ning.

Fengning at this time...

Well, I help arrange the dishes in the back kitchen.

Feng Ning said: I would rather be in the smoky back kitchen than go to the front and face so many people!

It's terrible, it's terrible!

How come there are so many people?

Moreover, many of them are familiar faces and need to be greeted.

Forget it, forget it, the kitchen is pretty good.

Moreover, their kitchen is not smoky at all, but has a sweet and alluring taste.

Feng Ning endured it, but still couldn't, so he ate a puff and then a honey bun.

After that, I drank sweet soup and milk tea snacks leftover from yesterday’s experiment.

This one tastes good, that one tastes good too!

Xiao Nianzhi, who was busy at this time, did not forget to think about things like store operations.

Thinking about all the ingredients involved when experimenting with the taste of milk tea yesterday, Xiao Nianzhi whispered to Yan Xingxuan: "It's a pity that we don't have sago. This thing is very useful!"

Sago is not like rice or millet. It is grown directly from plants.

Sago is a palm plant. After various processing, the sago starch is produced, and finally processed again to obtain a special kind of rice.

In the dessert world, sago’s status is quite high.

Whether it's milk tea, sweet soup, or even some Western pastries, it's there.

But the reality is...

Da Jin does not.

Even the southernmost location of Jin Dynasty is temporarily unavailable due to climate reasons.

Because the palm plant that is most suitable for producing sago and has the best taste is the sago palm.

And its distribution is not within the scope of Dajin.

In modern times, domestic cultivation began only after it was slowly introduced.

This chapter has been completed!
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