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Chapter 597 Pudding Mochi

The Zhao sisters quickly ordered, and today's order was still two sweet soups and two desserts.

Two people said: They want it!

Make sure to try each one.

As for not being able to finish it?

Sorry, they brought food boxes today.

Not only that, the tableware that was packed away yesterday was also returned by the servant today.

Although I still feel a little reluctant to part with it.

Needless to say, not only are the desserts and sweet soup delicious, but the tableware is also beautiful!

It's a pity that it has the star wish-fulfillment symbol on it, so it's fine if you use it secretly at home, but it will be a bit embarrassing if someone sees it.

But some people may not mind this.

As long as the tableware looks good and you paid for it, don't worry about the rest.

The two sisters soon waited for the warm thick taro paste Bobo milk tea.

The refreshing and bouncy pop balls are rolled into small and cute shapes, and paired with thick taro paste, this texture, this taste...

An enhanced version of milk tea!

Zhao Yunshu had tasted different flavors of milk tea at the banquet he hosted for the envoys from the West Tower.

But there was no such thing at the banquet at that time!

Wow, think about it, I really have a lot of good things hidden in my hands.

Zhao Yunshu felt more and more that it was right for her to marry into the Xiao family.

Zhao Yunshu did not feel aggrieved by sacrificing himself for the long-term development of the family.

She only knew that marrying into the Xiao family would bring her one step closer to Xiao Nianzhi.

This means that you are one step closer to more and better food!

I can't even imagine such a life!

Zhao Yunshu didn't even know how happy he would be after marrying into the Xiao family?

Moreover, although the Xiao family has little financial background and no background, but...

The Xiao family is so dedicated.

Mr. Xiao's wife has been dead for many years, and she has not been seen remarrying.

Not only that, there is not even a concubine around, and the clean backyard makes people jealous!

Look at Xiao Nianzhi again. It is said that his mother died many years ago and his father never remarried!

what does that mean?

The probability of a love interest in the Xiao family is extremely high!

Therefore, Zhao Yunshu felt that the chance of encountering him was very high.

Anyway, who will you marry?

If you meet a good person, it is because you have worked hard in your previous life.

Zhao Yunli has always been curious about Egg Waffle.

When this thing actually came up, Zhao Yunli was a little disappointed and muttered in a low voice: "...It's really not a chicken."

Zhao Yunshu was listening and almost wanted to hit her on the head.

However, the two of them were soon overwhelmed by the delicious food.

The egg waffles are really as soft as clouds, and are mixed with the aroma of egg and sweetness. When you taste it carefully, there is also a rich milky aroma.

And this thing comes in one bite, who can live with it?

I always felt that before I even started to really enjoy it, the amount of this small plate was gone.

Zhao Yunli's martial arts training consumes a lot of money, and he always feels like it's over before it even begins.

Then, she asked for two more plates without hesitation!

As for not being able to finish it?

It's okay, she packed it up and took it back.

Not to mention my father and mother, there are also all the servants in my courtyard, all of them have green eyes!

You know, ordinary people don't come across much sweetness and milk all year round.

Therefore, pastries such as egg waffles are luxury goods in their eyes.

The master occasionally rewards them with a piece of cake, and they can't wait to eat it for a few days as a family.

Even though Zhao Yunli is young, a girl from a big family still has the skills to govern and the scheming to win over people.

By the time the pudding mochi came out, neither of them could roll their eyes.


This thing...

How can it still be made into a bowl?

how did you do that?


However, how much effort does it take to make it so thin? It can still be cooked. The question is, can it still stand?

“It’s really amazing!”

"How on earth is it done?"

This question was not only shared by the Zhao sisters, but also by the diners who came later.

However, no one was too embarrassed to ask.

The shell of pudding mochi is not quite the same as the egg tart crust.

The egg tart shell is wrapped with a layer of tool, so it can finally contain the egg tart liquid and then bake into a delicious egg tart.

The outermost layer of pudding mochi is mochi.

This requires some baking skills and technical difficulties, and you also need to consider the temperament of the baking cellar and so on.

All in all, there are many issues to consider.

In the learning attempts before opening, many masters fumbled for two or three days before finally succeeding.

If you want to make the mochi finally have a hollow center and a light and non-cracked skin, there are many things to consider from the very beginning of kneading the dough.

In fact, if you add black sesame seeds to the mochi skin and garnish it, the taste and aroma will be better.

But at the same time, the cracks will become more severe.

After experiencing many failures, the master chefs gave up putting sesame seeds.

After all, not everyone has Xiao Nianzhi's solid baking experience and can grasp the time and heat well.

Fortunately, removing the sesame seeds does not affect the taste too much.

Therefore, Xiao Nianzhi also agreed.

The freshly baked mochi skin is that crispy and fragrant.

However, because after injecting the pudding, it needs to be left in the cold air for a longer time, the outer layer of the mochi will have two textures. The layer close to the pudding will be softer and chewier, but the outer layer will have a softer texture.

It will still maintain a crispy texture.

In modern times, there are many pre-mixed flours, which are softer than today's tapioca starch. After all, there are various technologies added to them.

Therefore, the mochi baked like this will become soft and waxy after being left alone.

In comparison, those made from tapioca starch will have a harder texture.

Nowadays, the conditions are not enough, and Xiao Nianzhi prefers this kind of fragrance that is close to natural raw materials.

So, it's good to keep it that way.

If possible, Xiao Nianzhi still wants to enjoy pure natural ingredients instead of additives from various technologies and concepts.

After the diners admired the uniqueness of mochi skin for a while, they started to eat it one by one.

The tenderness of the pudding won everyone's praise.

"This is great, it's smoother than eggs!"

"I can tell, this definitely has eggs!"

"You can tell by looking at the color, you have no idea!"

The male guests are relatively louder.

It's not that the female guests didn't discuss it, it's just that their voices were not so loud in comparison.

Many people are amazed by the taste of mochi, and some are attracted by the tender and smooth taste of pudding.

After learning from yesterday's experience, they came back today with two more servants.

If Xiao Nianzhi hadn't been prepared in advance and issued number tags to everyone in line, the queue of servants would have been queued from the store to the end of the street!

The guy in charge of allocating numbers is a very clever young man.

Seizing a gap when no one was coming, he said to Xiao Nianzhi in a low voice and excitedly: "My boss, my boss, we have released two hundred and three numbers!"

Even more than yesterday!

This chapter has been completed!
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