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Chapter 640 Double Layer Cake

The Guo sisters also came.

Guo Siyue has put on some muscle recently as she recuperates from her injuries, and feels that her muscles are not that obvious anymore.

The imperial doctor only allowed her to move and did not allow her to resume training.

Guo Siyue wanted to practice quietly, but Guo Sixue was watching.

Aunt Guo has recently been busy arranging a visit for Guo Yinghui.

In fact, several targets have been selected. Guo Yinghui's situation is understood by everyone.

If you are willing, we can arrange to see each other. We also need to refer to each other's family backgrounds and see what the corresponding conditions are.

Of course, in addition to those in the capital, there are also those in local areas.

Guo Yinghui has a lot to choose from. In the end, it depends on each other's opinions and various factors before making a decision.

After what happened to Guo Siyue, Guo Yinghui was very eager to go to the battlefield.

Therefore, he wanted to get married as soon as possible.

It was a rare moment of relaxation today. Guo Yinghui and Yan Nanrong were already walking around the suckling pigs.

Sister Guo Siyue sat with Xiao Nianzhi and talked about daily life.

After Guo Siyue recovered from her injury recently, she went to the candy shop.

After tasting all kinds of sweetness, Guo Siyue truly felt...

Beijing is so nice!

However, first of all, peace is so good!

If the border is stable, the capital side will be better off, and everyone will be more at ease.

It's a pity that he can no longer go to the battlefield. Thinking of this, Guo Siyue still feels a little regretful.

The dinner was very rich, and Xiao Nianzhi also prepared a double-layered cake.

Of course, once the servants get started and everyone whips the cream together, the speed is still very fast.

For Xiao Nianzhi, many of the materials in the Tang Shui Shop are ready-made and he can use them normally, which is much more convenient than when he was in the Imperial College.

Therefore, the efficiency is higher.

The cream was whipped and all the tools were ready. Xiao Nianzhi quickly carried out the decoration and various embellishments in the later stage.

Yan Changxia watched with her own eyes the birth of the double-layered cake, and she was so excited: "Ahhhh, mine!"

Yes, a double-layered cake that belongs exclusively to her.

Although, compared to Uncle Wang's seventh floor, it still lacks a lot of feeling and appearance.

But enough!

Hers is big enough!

Moreover, Yan Changxia also understands Uncle Wang's possessiveness.

After all, if it were Lou Shen, Yan Changxia felt that he would be the same.

Lou Chen can do this or that for other relatives, but if it goes beyond her, she will get a little jealous.

So, I am very satisfied with my current double-layer!

For dinner, there are roasted mutton, steamed venison, roasted suckling pig, and other dishes.

The dishes are very rich, and there is also a double-layered cake.

The drink is also fruit tea with a light taste and relieves greasiness.

Because there were so many people, everyone shared the meal.

It is rare for Yan Changxia and Yan Baochun, the birthday girls, to sit harmoniously at a small square table and eat together.

After all, there is only one double-layered cake and there are two birthday cakes, so it would not be suitable to put on anyone's table.

So, two brothers and sisters share a table.

Yan Baosui had his own table.

Xiao Nianzhi and Feng Ning were at a table, and Yan Xingxuan was at a table by himself.

The royal brothers were at a table, the Guo sisters were at a table, and Guo Yinghui was at a table for herself.

Except for the birthday girl, everyone didn't arrange their seats according to their status. They just picked the seats they liked.

Then, the corresponding dishes began to be served.

Because it is a private banquet, there is no need to make a scene. The most important thing is that everyone enjoys the meal.

However, before the food was served, they cut the cake first.

Yan Changxia shouted there: "No, I have to eat this first and think about what to do!"

Yan Baochun, who was at the same table, nodded in agreement.

No one had any objections, so we made the cake together.

After it was cut, everyone divided it among themselves.

I tasted it happily first.

Then, I don’t know who learned the skill of spreading cakes without any teacher, and then they started playing around.

However, everyone didn’t bother too much, it was just as simple as you click on me and I click on him.

After struggling for a while, it was time to serve the food, and everyone returned to their respective seats.

The first dish is, of course, the braised lamb.

The braised mutton cooked under Xiao Nianzhi's guidance is fragrant and delicious, and tastes great.

The taste of the mutton is fresh and tender, and when you take a bite, the soup absorbed inside will burst out slightly. Together with the deliciousness of the mutton itself and the taste of the seasoning, it slowly travels in every corner of the mouth, and again

It leaves a trace of fresh fragrance casually, making people unforgettable for a long time.

Xiao Nianzhi feels that everyone’s understanding and practical abilities are very strong.

She actually only gave a little guidance, but the final product tasted great.

Whether it is the braised sauce or the processing of the mutton itself, it not only retains the tenderness but also removes the smell.

Xiao Nianzhi thought it was very good, and Guo Siyue also thought it was good.

She is still taking medicine recently, but finally she no longer needs to eat too much.

Moreover, the imperial doctor said that she still needs to slowly replenish her qi and blood.

Not only do you need to pay attention to your diet, but you also need to bask in the sun to replenish your yang energy, and you also need to...

In short, there are many things to pay attention to.

He just didn't let her box for an hour every day in an effort to increase her physical fitness.

However, Guo Siyue can't say that he is a quack doctor.

Hey, it’s really difficult if you can’t exercise and carry out high-intensity training!

This little bit of muscle on her body is going to be lost at some point.

Feng Ning may have been a lot more lively recently because he was always staying at the Tai Hospital.

I still have some social fears when facing strangers, but getting along with familiar people is much better than before.

Just like this, she would get close to Xiao Nianzhi and whisper: "Cousin, this mutton is delicious."

Feng Ning's eating habits are different from those of the rest of the Feng family.

The Feng family likes to have a heavy tongue, but because of Xiao Nianzhi, they have changed it a lot recently.

But it’s tasteless and I’m really not used to it.

Therefore, the daily diet still tends to be heavy.

However, the family is full of heavy food, and Fengning has a light taste.

She usually cooks something for herself in the small kitchen.

She is not partial to meat and can only have meat or vegetables in one meal a day.

However, this braised mutton dish now has tender meat, fresh flavor and good texture. Feng Ning likes it very much and can't help but eat an extra piece.

They all serve small plates, with five or six pieces of meat in one plate.

If you feel it tastes good but you haven’t eaten enough, you can add more later.

Because they have so many dishes, it is impossible to have too many dishes in one dish. If you are full with one dish, you will not be able to taste the delicious food that follows.

In the past, Fengning might have ordered a dish like this out of politeness, but he might not be able to eat it even if he ordered it with chopsticks.

However, now I ate three pieces in one go.

This shows that this dish tastes really good when cooked.

Xiao Nianzhi nodded while eating: "It's indeed very good, and the roasted suckling pig afterwards is also very good. I just looked at it and the corners were all burnt and crispy."

This chapter has been completed!
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