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Chapter 662 Xinzhou appears

In May, spring flowers are blooming and the weather is getting warmer.

The gentlemen and ladies, who had been suffocated by the cold winter for several months, finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to tentatively take steps to enjoy their spring outings.

Xiao Nianzhi still wears mourning on his body now. Although the relationship is slightly distant, for such a banquet, he definitely needs to go to express his condolences.

But for more gatherings and happy events, people are sent to take care of them.

Those who are particularly close to each other and don't mind their current situation are naturally exceptions.

Because they went out for an outing in the city, more and more boys and girls were visiting.

Therefore, at the experimental field of Shanglinyuan outside the city, many carriages can always be seen passing by in the distance recently.

Some villages, villas, and places near the river outside the capital are often filled with young people.

Everyone enjoyed the spring time and got closer to each other through various social interactions.

About half a year is enough time for His Majesty and his ministers to make many decisions together.

For example, it is the issue of tribute from the southwest countries.

Another example is...

Gao Guo’s final result.

Should it continue to be a separate country, or should it be directly integrated into the Jin Dynasty and become a subordinate state capital?

Some court officials felt that it was difficult to change the indigenous people's education, and after they were incorporated into the Jin Dynasty, it was actually not that easy.

However, more people still feel that it is not easy for the frontline soldiers.

The place they finally conquered was returned just by talking?

If the wind blows in both directions, the ambitious small country will fall in both directions. Once it gains momentum, it will inevitably counterattack the Jin Dynasty.

So, let it stay alone?

That's not necessary.

It’s not like Jin can’t govern it!

Especially this year's No. 1 pick, etc., have already been announced.

We all ate the Qionglin banquet with great pleasure.

There are many talented people who should respond.

The talent pool of the Hanlin Academy has reached a new peak.

at this time……

For those who have been practicing in the Hanlin Academy for many years and have learned well from experience, and there are still talents who want to go abroad, you can try to let them go and let them go out and try it.

Of course, we can’t all send new people there.

If you have no experience, you will end up in a mess that will need to be dealt with by the elderly.

The old lead the new, the old accompany the old, and there are some old foxes in the middle, and a brand new prefecture can be governed clearly.

His Majesty was inclined to this suggestion, so after several months of research, discussion, and deliberation, he made the final decision.

As for the remaining remote royal families in Gao Kingdom...

After being frightened, it is normal for you to collapse accidentally, right?

The person who said this was Mr. Zhao, the minister of Dali Temple. At that time, his eyes were rounded with a matter-of-fact look on his face, which made many people secretly think: You are a living king of hell!

However, this can indeed reduce the possibility of Gaozhou rebellion in the later stage.

This is the same principle as destroying the previous dynasty by destroying its roots.

We no longer have roots, but look at those people, who should we support?

Therefore, if you live the King of Hell, live the King of Hell.

As long as we can connect Gaozhou!

So, who should the prefect of Gaozhou send?

The reason why this matter has been discussed for so long is because it is difficult to decide on the candidate for the prefect.

Pick something mediocre?

I'm afraid that after I go there, I won't be able to get things done, and I'll end up messing things up again.

Send someone particularly powerful?

Those who are particularly powerful are in high positions, so they can be transferred directly to them. No matter how beautiful they are, they can't change the reality of being demoted!

So, what to do?

His Majesty even brought all the prefects together.

There are a few who are particularly satisfied, but they are doing quite well in today's world.

Your Majesty still wants to see them continue to shine where they are.

If someone else were to go there, if he was not acclimatized, wouldn't it mean that many things that were done in the middle would be wasted?

His Majesty and the courtiers discussed and discussed, and finally selected a person.

This person was familiar to Xiao Nianzhi.

Yuchuan, Yujijiu.

The other party has actually been in the position of offering wine for many years.

His Majesty originally planned to make some adjustments to the other party this year.

Even if the other person likes teaching and educating people, it doesn't matter. He can be promoted to a part-time position and improve his status.

Your Majesty is never too stingy with meritorious ministers.

No, after some discussion, I asked Yu Chuan's opinion again.

The other party agreed, and His Majesty made a decision and made a series of personnel transfers.

Yu Chuan is about to be transferred to Gaozhou as the prefect, and the post of sacrificial wine is vacant. It must not be left unoccupied for a long time, right?

Therefore, His Majesty made a careful selection, and then transferred Zhang Chi from the Hanlin Academy and promoted him to the new position of Jijiu.

Zhang Chi is Zhang Hanshan’s father.

He has been in the Hanlin Academy for many years and is a rather elegant little old man.

The little old man is not easy to get along with, and he can suppress those thorny students with just one look.

Moreover, the little old man has many rules. What will happen if the students disobey?

Look at how many beatings his son has received over the years.

As soon as the news of his transfer to the Imperial College came out, countless students in the Imperial College began to cry in advance.

In response to this, Zhang Hanshan, who had just passed the annual examination and entered the Imperial College last year, already had a look of despair on his face.

So, why?

He has already passed the Imperial Academy, why can't he escape from his own father???

The reason why His Majesty singled out Zhang Chi was because Si Ye, who took office after Xiao Zhuo, was quite open-minded.

If there is another one like this, with a free and easy spirit, Your Majesty is afraid that the Imperial Academy will raise a group of dissolute talents!

Therefore, a little control is still needed.

In addition to the prefect, officials from Tongzhi and below also discussed together how to divide Gaozhou into counties.

Moreover, the corresponding magistrates have also finalized their candidates.

Except for those who were transferred from two places, the others were selected from the Hanlin Academy and were willing to go abroad.

Although there are many newcomers on the road, newcomers have stronger fighting spirit and are suitable to be placed in these places for land reclamation and education.

Moreover, there is Yu Chuan.

This person was originally engaged in education, and he was very suitable to go to these places to carry out enlightenment and enlightenment education for the indigenous people.

This matter was completely settled, and His Majesty breathed a long sigh of relief.

Yu Chuan had a good relationship with Xiao Zhuo in the past. The two had worked together for many years and knew each other very well.

When Xiao Zhuo was transferred to the Ministry of Rites, the two of them had had wine together.

After that, Xiao Zhuo moved to his current house, and not long after that, Yu Chuan also picked a house close to him and moved there, and they became close neighbors again.

Now, Yu Chuan is leaving for Gaozhou.

The mountains are high and the roads are far away, so transportation is inconvenient.

I don’t know when we will see each other next time.

Therefore, two people must eat this meal of practicing wine.

When Xiao Nianzhi was in the Imperial College, he also had to look after him a lot.

Therefore, when her uncle told her about this drink, Xiao Nianzhi said that she wanted to go too.

This chapter has been completed!
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