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Chapter 692 Internal Food Team Building

Xiao Nianzhi saw the person and rushed to greet him.

Supervisor Yu looked at it and quickly raised his hand: "Sit, sit, sit, I don't have anything else to do lately. I've already finished all the necessary matters here. You don't have to work too hard."

Seeing that Xiao Nianzhi had lost weight and had a sharp chin, Yu Jianzheng still felt a little distressed.

He is about the same age as his own child, and in his eyes, he is just a child.

This disaster relief trip to Linzhou was really not easy.

He was in the capital and listened to reports coming from there from time to time. Either the disaster was getting worse or the plague was breaking out.

This heart never lets go for a moment.

Now that everyone has returned safely, no one is missing, I finally feel more at ease.

His wife heard the news about Xiao Nianzhi's return yesterday, and asked the buyer to go out and buy a big elbow, saying that she wanted to darn it for Xiao Nian.

The marriage between the two families has been decided. Sun Shujing will marry into the Xiao Mansion next year. From now on, the two families will be truly related by marriage.

Mrs. Yu also really loved Xiao Nianzhi.

The main thing is that Sun Shujing has a good impression of Xiao Nianzhi, and Mrs. Yu naturally feels distressed after hearing about it too much.

Looking at the big elbow that Yu Jianzheng brought over, Xiao Nianzhi was a little bit dumbfounded.

In fact, she is just busy and stressed out. When she returns to her daily routine and resumes her routine, she will gain weight again.

Although it is said that it needs to be replenished, it is not necessary to replenish it so heavily, right?


Too fatty.

However, it was the other party's kindness after all. Xiao Nianzhi nodded and agreed: "Okay, let's clean up and stew it first. This thing is thick and the time is short. Not to mention the taste, it is not yet cooked.


Xiao Nianzhi was right.

Supervisor Yu brought over two particularly thick elbows. He was very unfamiliar with them in such a short time.

So, the two of them got busy immediately.

Deputy Supervisor Li came to deliver something, some fresh dried fruits.

Seeing two people busy, I also joined them.

Then two people become three people, then four people...

Xiao Nianzhi's office was packed with people and piled with food, all of which were fed by his colleagues.

Two big elbows were not enough to eat, so someone quickly went to catch the fish.

The fish was caught from the outfield and kept here. I originally planned to take it back and eat it myself.

But now everyone comes together.

And they didn’t get enough of the boiled fish fillets they ordered last time.

There are two people who have some cooking skills and have already started to learn.

After trying it a few times at home, I now dare to try it.

So, come together.

Going on duty well has directly turned into team building within the yamen.

Xiao Nianzhi didn't understand either. At first, she just wanted to come back and hand over the work and make up for what she had missed during this period.

Why does the scene directly turn into a food processing scene?

After the elbow was processed, I asked everyone for their opinions and found that braised in braised pork was the most delicious, so Xiao Nianzhi went to prepare it.

The elbows must be blanched first to remove the fishy smell and blood, so that they will taste better when they finally come out.

Otherwise, there will always be a pig smell.

If it is braised, it will inevitably turn into a brown sugar color.

If you want to taste good, sugar color is indispensable.

However, for Xiao Nianzhi, it can be operated with his eyes closed.

Compare the proportion of seasonings according to the size of the elbow.

Wait until the sugar color is cooked, then put the elbow into the pot, fry both sides briefly, and then heat the water.

The rest is left to heat and time.

Moreover, this time cannot be too short, at least an hour is the starting point.

This time is actually not bad. You can start eating at noon.

At that time, the soft and tender braised pork elbow is ready to be deboned and eaten!

After being separated for more than two months, everyone in Shanglinyuan has become more versatile.

Like boiled fish in the past, now two colleagues can make it very well.

Look at the fish fillets, they are very thin and look very similar.

In addition to these two hard dishes, there are also other stir-fries.

Although we have now entered the autumn harvest stage, many green vegetables have also entered the end of their annual growth.

However, there are still a lot of autumn vegetables here in Shanglinyuan, and there are greenhouses where you can store some winter vegetables.

Therefore, there is definitely no shortage of vegetables.

Moreover, because of Xiao Nianzhi’s previous guidance and preference, people now especially like mushroom buns.

The result is……

Nowadays, there are so many kinds of mushrooms in Shanglin Garden that we can’t eat them all.

Xiao Nianzhi decided to have a multi-flavored mushroom soup, which tasted delicious.

This morning, everyone's work efficiency was extremely low.

But the efficiency of processing food is excellent.

By the time noon arrived, Xiao Nianzhi's elbow was already smelling of a mellow and fragrant smell.

The rich aroma, wrapped in the aroma of meat, directly kills the taste of other ingredients!

The younger people were swallowing uncontrollably at this time.

Two colleagues who have almost mastered their skills are making boiled fish.

When the chili peppers were put into the pot, the two of them choked and took a step back skillfully, but they did not stop stir-frying with their hands.

When the hot water was added to the pot, the delicious white mist dissipated, and the two of them quickly began to cook the fish bones and heads.

Looking at their movements, Xiao Nianzhi had the illusion that the apprentices had left and the masters could sit back and wait for their meal.

However, when Supervisor Yu was calling him to make mushroom soup with a smile, Xiao Nianzhi knew...

Well, illusion, everything is an illusion.

For lunch, there are rich and delicious braised pork elbows and spicy boiled fish fillets. The other side dishes are not important anymore, these two are the special ones to go with the meal.

In particular, the braised pork elbow is tender but not greasy. As long as it is not too crunchy, it is actually quite comfortable to eat.

Xiao Nianzhi's food has been relatively vegetarian recently.

Therefore, she only tasted a few bites of the side dishes of the boiled fish, and did not dare to eat more. Most of the time, she drank mushroom soup and ate steamed buns.

While eating, I couldn't help but think about the current situation in Linzhou.

She sighed softly in her heart, she was not going to show it and affect everyone's appetite.

After enjoying the delicious lunch, Xiao Nianzhi didn't need to do anything anymore, the others had already cleaned up the place.

I can be lazy for a while in the afternoon.

Although, I didn’t do any work in the morning.

However, it feels different.

Dried fruits, fruit wine, and various candies were sent by colleagues.

Xiao Nianzhi still needs to sort it out and then simply keep an account.

Although it is everyone's best intention, it is also a matter of personal favor.

Don't worry about whether the etiquette is light or heavy. When someone else's family has something to do, you have to be kind to yourself.

If you come and go, you will come and go more often in the future.

Therefore, there must be no shortage of accounts that should be kept.

The accounts have been recorded, and the things have been sorted out, putting them in one place as much as possible, so that they can be easily taken back to the house after paying the bills.

You can also keep some dried fruits and the like that can be stored for a while, so that you can satisfy your cravings at the Yamen when you have free time in the office.

This chapter has been completed!
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