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Chapter 699 His Majesty’s mental state is very beautiful

It is an indisputable fact that Beizhou is bitterly cold.

Today's prefect was designed many years ago because he was too upright and upright, had no brains, and had low emotional intelligence.

So many years...

Staying in Beizhou, it seems as if he has been forgotten.

Your Majesty doesn't even need him to go back to Beijing to report on his duties.

It can be solved by just sending a few letters with the corresponding work report information.

Your Majesty doesn't mind.

The prefect of Beizhou is also used to it.

Originally, he thought that he would die of old age in Beizhou in this life.

At most, when he is too old to walk or talk, Your Majesty will think of it and appoint a prefect here, and then he can return to the capital to take care of his old age.


A group of natives came in.

Riding on an unknown horse or deer, we went all the way south, passing through the ice, snow and frost land in the middle, and rushed directly to Fucheng.

The prefect organized the government's troops and the people to stage a simple and hasty resistance.

As a result, there were numerous casualties.

In the end, the prefect was protected by his family and government officials, and then he fled south.

Retreating to the nearest Gyeongju, the manpower of the two states joined forces, and they were able to barely withstand the offensive of those powerful enemies.

If such a big thing happened, it must be reported to the court.

Moreover, we have to hurry up and report as soon as possible!

His Majesty had just approved Xiao Nianzhi's leave when he received the news.

When he received the news, His Majesty's head hurt suddenly.

He couldn't help but pressed his head and was in a daze for a while before he realized...

Ah, yes, yes, he is still in the northern land and there are several states left.

Although it’s cold, it’s your own territory after all.

Very convenient for exiling guilty officials.

Although it was cold and windy in that place, it was not popular.

However, that is also the territory of Dajin, and there is no way it can be given to others.

Moreover, he has been in a bad mood recently, so it is normal for him to have a fight, right?

Just, a group of indigenous people, what are they?

Look at the battle report jointly written by the prefects of these two states, it says something with white hair and green eyes...

All of them look like bears?

Are you riding an ox or a horse?

A cross between a cow and a horse?

Your Majesty first had a fuss with the two prefects, and then summoned the important courtiers into the palace to talk about the matter.

The generals naturally expressed their positive attitude: They can do it, and they want to do it!

All the civil servants were still hesitating.

Seeing this scene, His Majesty's anger suddenly rose.

"Why are you hesitating? Are you afraid that I will let you go to the battlefield?"

"Look at Wu Qing, he stood up immediately. What are you doing?"

"With my salary, you do embarrassing things every day. Are you worthy of me?"

"Is the Nine Clans safe?"

The courtiers naturally know that His Majesty has been quite angry recently.

Therefore, it is normal to be scolded.

They are not afraid of being scolded, but they are afraid that His Majesty will become dizzy in his later years and follow the example of the late Emperor.

What did the late emperor spend the most in his later years?

An upright and upright minister.

It's not as if he would just kill him.

But for many people, being demoted and exiled is already half of their lives.

The remaining half...

It just depends on how your life is going.

When the new emperor comes to power, if he can think of them, maybe they will still have the possibility to go back.

If you forget, your life will be over.

Your Majesty's appearance now resembles that of the late Emperor in his later years.

This is what the courtiers are really worried about.

Xiao Nianzhi was caught between the courtiers, shivering.

His Majesty used practical actions to show Xiao Nianzhi how crazy the late emperor was in his later years.

Although, Xiao Nianzhi didn't want to know.

However, it is obviously not a good idea to leave directly now.

So, just listen honestly.

What else can be done?

His Majesty didn't ask her to step down, so she just watched.

Your Majesty scolded the civil servants.

Wen Chen couldn't help it, so he started to talk about it in a different way, what should Beizhou do if he wants to fight back.

Because I have never fought before, and there are all kinds of cattle, horses, and green-eyed giants.

So, what should I do if I have no experience?

Then beat the old master to death with random punches, and directly lead the old to lead the new. The old will suppress it, and the new will charge.

Maybe it will work wonders!

These suggestions barely diluted His Majesty's anger.

Moreover, after His Majesty's attack, his mood became much smoother.

Therefore, I can calm down quickly and start to study, how to counterattack this?

Just because it’s cold in Beizhou, you don’t want it, right?

When the territory was conquered, it was very difficult.

Were you so happy when you were let out?


You think it’s too easy to get my kingdom, so you just give it up?

Your Majesty is so angry that he wishes he could conquer it himself.

Later, I thought about it and forgot about it.

He has been enjoying himself for many years, but he really can't go to the battlefield.

Moreover, he couldn't stand the environment in Beizhou, a bitter cold and windy place.

Maybe we might have caught a few cold winds before we even arrived.

What if another cold wind kills him...


Thinking of this possibility, His Majesty's face turned dark again.


No, isn't it already coaxed?

Why are you angry again?

Was the late Emperor so difficult to coax at that time?

Naturally, there are people among the courtiers who have experienced two dynasties, although it is not easy to discuss the affairs of the late emperor...

However, His Majesty's current mental state is really similar to that of the late Emperor in his later years!


Will they have to go through the same situation as the late emperor in his later years?

Go to court every day with your butt and your life between your legs.

This day...

Wow, when will it end?

Xiao Nianzhi didn't know when it was due.

Xiao Nianzhi only knew that it was already afternoon after all the necessary matters were discussed.

After the courtiers dispersed, she was left behind.

Xiao Nianzhi:......!

Don't be like this, she's scared!

She is not worried that His Majesty will do anything untoward to her.

After all, His Majesty's harem is full of fat, thin, beautiful and caring concubines.

They are all younger than Xiao Nianzhi.

So, picture her face?

For this reason, there is no need to turn against his brother, and it will also make the Queen Mother dissatisfied.

However, His Majesty's current mental state is really scary!

His Majesty left Xiao Nianzhi behind because he really didn't have any fancy thoughts.

Although His Majesty was also surprised when he first met Xiao Nianzhi.


Just as Xiao Nianzhi thought, he had so many beauties in his harem that he could even recruit more beauties from among the people to join the harem if he wanted to.

Therefore, Xiao Nianzhi, who is such a young bean sprout, is really not enough for him.

Moreover, compared to the harem, Xiao Nianzhi has a better place to go. Even if His Majesty is dizzy or loses his temper at most, he really will not waste his talent.

This time I left Xiao Nianzhi behind, just with a trace of expectation and a trace of apprehension in my heart.

After the courtiers left, His Majesty asked the palace servants to retire, leaving only the Grand Steward of Quande standing on one side.

The other party's presence was extremely low. Only when Xiao Nianzhi glanced at it from the corner of his eye did he notice a person standing there.

The other party seemed to have become one with the pillar.

Xiao Nianzhi thought that if someone could reach this status, he must have some unique skills.

The hall was empty, there was no one else.

His Majesty was silent for a long time, then he bent down and lowered his voice and asked: "Did you...that book you saw once contain a recipe for immortality?"

This chapter has been completed!
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