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Chapter 701 Preparations before hot pot

Suddenly, Xiao Nianzhi asked for leave to rest.

During the day, Xiao Qing was still studying and attending class, and Xiao Nianzhi was not going to disturb him.

It's about preparing the necessary ingredients, doing work, etc.

Xiao Nianzhi sent someone to ask Xiao Qing yesterday what he wanted to eat?

I don't know if it was because the weather was getting colder, or if Xiao Qing didn't want to bother herself and was afraid of getting tired, so she ordered hot pot.

Since you are eating hot pot, there are a lot of things you need to pay attention to.

For example, how many people did they eat together in the end?

Is it one pot or separate?

The best one is of course the Jiugongge, with various flavors, you can eat whatever you want.

Moreover, when I was in the Imperial College, although there were not many people waiting on me, the dining habits made everyone subconsciously use serving chopsticks.

Unless the relationship is particularly good, it is rare for one person to grab the food from another person's bowl.

Therefore, a nine-square grid is enough, and there is no need for small hotpots.

Moreover, today's conditions are limited. If you really prepare a single small hot pot, fuel is also a problem.

Even though the charcoal fire is sufficient, it is troublesome to cook.

Moreover, the small pot still needs to be customized.

Xiao Nianzhi has it in hand now, but the quantity is not large. It is really not enough when the number of people is uncertain.

After thinking about it, Xiao Nianzhi decided to take Jiugongge with her, just in case, she planned to take two of them.

Xiao Nianzhi felt that if it was just their family eating, plus a few familiar classmates, there would probably be no more than eight people.

Xiao Qing was young, and birthdays like this were originally meant for the family to gather together to have a meal, so there was no need to make a big deal out of it.

Therefore, he did not make a big show of inviting many people to join him.

Xiao Nianzhi was also afraid that there would be too many people at the moment and he would not be prepared enough.

Like what Xiao Zhou did last time was...

In the end, there were more people eating than Xiao Nianzhi expected.

Fortunately, she prepared more dishes at that time, which was enough for everyone.

However, this time it was hot pot, and the allure of the food was actually not bad.

Didn't taste like it, barely had much flavor.

However, when the charcoal fire is lit, various flavors in the pot will rise.

While Xiao Nianzhi was mentally calculating the possible number of people, he took the people to buy ingredients.

Yan Liangxuan followed.

After the winter came, the Queen Mother's health was indeed not very good again.

However, it has been good and bad, but it has never failed.

It's not like the queen, who got sick silently and then declined rapidly.

Yan Xingxuan went to the palace several times to attend to his illness, but the Queen Mother thought he was in the way. In addition, the Queen Mother also wanted to rest and not be disturbed by others.

Therefore, Yan Xingxuan entered the palace later and after saying hello, he was driven away by the Queen Mother.

He went to greet the Queen Mother yesterday and did not go there today.

Two people, one on horseback and one in a carriage, were walking on the streets of the capital in late autumn. Feeling the cold winter, Xiao Nianzhi opened the curtains uneasily and asked, "Is it cold? Do you want to come in?"

Yan Dexuan wears a lot of clothes. Although he is very concerned about food, he is also relatively strict in managing his body.

Probably because he didn't want to follow in the footsteps of the previous emperor, the emperor and King Kang and become a fat man.

Therefore, even though he is greedy, Yan Xingxuan is always in control.

My figure has always been quite slim, and even if I pack a lot of bags, I don't look bloated.

At this time, when he heard Xiao Nianzhi asking him, he quickly shook his head: "It's not cold. Close it quickly. There is wind outside and it hurts your face."

Winter in Beijing seems to have arrived earlier this year.

We are now at the junction of late autumn and early winter, but the streets of the capital already have a cold feeling.

It feels like when the wind blows, it gives people the illusion that they need to put on more clothes.

Hearing that Yan Xingxuan said it was not cold, Xiao Nianzhi could only calm down his thoughts temporarily.

The two of them went shopping together. There were many things that could not be bought fresh in the city.

It's better to go outside the city.

Yan Xingxuan had already asked Zhuangzi to kill pigs. Hearing that today's meal was hot pot, he had another sheep killed.

Aunt Yu also prepared a lot of rabbits.

In the summer, Aunt Yu had a sudden idea and raised a lot of them.

As a result, the reproduction speed of this thing shocked Aunt Yu.

In the past, she would let people raise her, but she had never observed it so closely.

Then, Aunt Yu was frightened!

Because there were so many of them, Aunt Yu didn’t know many people.

Therefore, in addition to sending some to Xiao Nianzhi, she sent the rest to the Imperial College.

She was doing a good job here. After all, the quantity was too much and she wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible and turn it into a dish.

Otherwise, it would be too edible and too raw!

Help, when I go back to Zhuangzi, I feel like there are white, gray and brown rabbits everywhere in Zhuangzi.

It felt like I was surrounded by an army of rabbits.

So, sell and eat!

Today, Aunt Yu also asked people to prepare four more.

After Xiao Nianzhi heard about it, he repeatedly expressed that he couldn't finish the meal.

As a result, Aunt Yu said: I won’t listen, I won’t listen!

Four have already given face.

This is also his apprentice. If someone else comes over, Aunt Yu can kill forty of them directly.

Just looking at this number, you can tell how amazing the number of rabbits in her Zhuangzi is!

For simple shopping in the city, the main thing is to buy some seasonings.

Most of the shopping is done outside the city.

All kinds of meat are fresh, and they are freshly slaughtered here, so there is no need to worry.

I went outside the city to buy some fresh milk and some mushrooms. Then I went to Shanglin Garden and bought some vegetables inside.

Seeing that the purchase quantity was almost there, Xiao Nianzhi returned to the city.

On the way back, I stopped by a candy shop and ordered a customized cake.

When I was the second brother, I always had a double layer.

When he came to Xiao Zhou, he was his younger brother after all, so he had to be pampered no matter what.

So, it’s also a double layer.

Fortunately, the craftsmanship of the masters nowadays is quite good.

Various design inspirations emerge in endlessly.

They have even developed various powered egg beaters.

There are foot-operated ones, hand-cranked ones, and even bellows-driven ones.

Because of these aids, whipping cream and egg whites is no longer difficult.

Therefore, the sugar shop can handle a lot of cake business in a day.

However, compared to electric ones, it is actually quite labor-intensive.

Therefore, if you want to take a particularly large number of orders, that is definitely not possible.

Moreover, making cakes also requires creativity, time and thought.

If you do too much in one day, the master will be too busy.

However, Xiao Nianzhi said hello in advance.

When she passed by, the masters were already preparing.

Scholars like all kinds of things with noble character.

Or bamboo, or pine or cypress, or winter plum, or something like that.

Xiao Zhou was given bamboo before, so Xiao Nianzhi thought of his third brother...

No exception.

The pattern is still bamboo, but has been slightly improved to give it a playful touch.

Xiao Qing is still young and can be a little more lively.

This chapter has been completed!
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