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Chapter 707 God doesn’t love me

Xiao Nianzhi felt that there were some things that you just got used to.

Therefore, she is very calm now.

Anyway, His Majesty has not been in a good mood recently, so he probably doesn’t have much thought to pay attention to her, right?

Sometimes, people may not be able to have such thoughts because...

The reality may be the opposite of what you think.

For example, Xiao Nianzhi thought that it was nothing to skip the morning court.

Anyway, when the time comes, she can go to the Yamen to clock in without delaying her shift and without delaying her work.

As a result, as soon as I arrived at the Yamen and my buttocks were still warm, I was announced to the palace by His Majesty.

Originally, Xiao Nianzhi thought that His Majesty had discovered that he did not attend the morning court?

However, she had asked His Majesty for permission before, and His Majesty also agreed.

Shouldn't we suddenly find a model and send her forward for criticism?

When entering the palace, Xiao Nianzhi was still a little uneasy.

Facing the supreme ruler with imperial power who can decide life and death, who can remain calm and act like a normal person?

However, when he arrived at the place and found that many courtiers had arrived, Xiao Nianzhi felt a little relieved.

It shouldn't be a matter of pigeon early morning.

In fact, it's really not.

Since His Majesty agreed, and Xiao Nianzhi had nothing major to report, it didn't matter whether she came or not.

After she came back from the disaster relief work in Linzhou, His Majesty also allowed her not to come to the morning court. If it was inconvenient for her, she could just ask her colleagues to bring a message and let the chamberlain who recorded it know.

Therefore, even if His Majesty was in a bad mood, he would not pay much attention to Xiao Nianzhi's failure to come to the morning court.

The reason why I summoned the courtiers here today is to deal with the border issues in the North.

One is for the autumn harvest summary.

Today’s autumn harvest summary is actually only for those near the capital.

After all, the situation in various parts of the country will not be reported until taxes and grains are paid and statistics are collected in various places.

It may have to wait until mid-November at the earliest and the Chinese New Year at the latest.

However, these data in the capital are enough for His Majesty to study for a while.

In other words, let the courtiers study it.

This year, Shanglinyuan performed well, and Si Agricultural Supervisor did even better.

Last year, many experimental fields were still being explored.

This year, everyone has more experience, and the data is much better than last year.

The main thing is that if you are familiar with it, the things you plant will grow well.

Especially after Xiao Nianzhi's guidance and the improvement of fertilizers in the experimental fields, although the yield per mu was not amazing, it did increase a lot.

This method is not easy to promote among the people.

Because the source of fertilizer is a problem.

However, fertilizers do play a role in increasing yields.

So, they also need to study how to improve and make full use of fertilizers.

To put it bluntly, coming here today is a commendation ceremony and a seminar.

However, the discussion took a long time.

Now that there are wars all over the world, Your Majesty must be concerned about fiscal revenue.

What can I do if I don’t have money?

The late emperor was so capable of fighting and fought for many years, why should he?

Isn’t it because the ancestors left a lot of money?

In the end, he had done enough harm and left a mess for His Majesty.

Thinking of this, His Majesty became angry.

He wanted to ride his horse to kill the enemy, but his father didn't give him a chance.

The other party spent all the money, let him make money!

Thinking of this, His Majesty became even more angry.

He thought, this can't be the case!

He can't fight, but he has to hint to the prince and give him a better posthumous title after a hundred years!

Your Majesty thinks that as an emperor, he has done a good job, and he deserves a beautiful posthumous title, right?

Just thinking about death...

In my heart, I started to feel awkward again.

So, is there really an elixir of immortality?

In fact, if you think about it rationally, there really isn't.

If it is true, those emperors will definitely find it, right?


God doesn't love him!

Thinking of this, His Majesty looked at Xiao Nianzhi.

Xiao Nianzhi was listening to Supervisor Yu reporting on his work.

After feeling the gaze from his superiors, he did not dare to make any big moves.

His Majesty's mental state has been very touching recently. If you can, you'd better not offend him.

We can't afford to offend him, but we can afford to hide him, right?

So, don’t look at it, she’s scared!

If you look at me like this again, I’ll get stressed out!

Your Majesty looked at Xiao Nianzhi until the hairs ran down his back, and then he slowly withdrew his gaze.

His Majesty thought to himself: Hey!

The mascots sent by God all said that the elixir was useless, so he had better not think about it.

But I don’t want to and I’m not willing to…

So, is it really impossible to live forever?

His Majesty worriedly persuaded himself to give up, but he was not willing to do so.

After walking away for a while, I forced myself to take it back and listen to the financial issues first.

Xiao Nianzhi thought: Hey!

You, old man, don’t watch it anymore. Don’t be like this. It’s really scary!

The monarch and his ministers had no tacit understanding at this time, and more than that, they might even dislike each other.

Just one more and one less.

When they studied until noon, Xiao Nianzhi and the others stayed in the palace to eat.

Of course, don’t even think about eating the same thing as His Majesty.

I am His Majesty, who are you?

It's just a simple work meal, as long as you can eat enough.

Xiao Nianzhi thought it was actually quite good, much better than the big pot rice served in the outfield.

After dinner, everyone continued reporting and studying.

Your Majesty means that the results of the experimental field are very good.

Don't worry about seeds, farm tools, or fertilizers.

It needs to be promoted to local areas next year.

Not far away, but the nearby head office, right?

This year it has been promoted around the capital, with good results.

Production has increased a lot compared to last year.

Especially when several southern states are hit by heavy rains, these increases in production seem to be very valuable.

Therefore, promotion must be promoted!

Of course, this does not mean that promotion has completed the task, they still need to continue research.

Is the yield per mu really that small for this kind of seed?

Is there a possibility that it will continue to rise?

"Agricultural supervisors should not just focus on farming every day. When appropriate, they should also visit some talented people in farming to summarize everyone's experience. There are also many books in the Hanlin Academy that should be browsed.

When watching, your legs and feet should be more diligent..."

"Shanglinyuan, don't think that this has nothing to do with you. Winter dishes are still too simple. You need to do some research to see if there are other cold-resistant varieties?"

"And the household department..."

Yes, Your Majesty has always been equally exposed to rain and dew, without any bias.

When it was time to praise, no one fell behind.

However, when it is time to educate, no one can be missing.

The top leaders of each department lowered their heads and listened to the instructions honestly.

Xiao Nianzhi was one of the leaders, and he bowed his head and listened honestly.

At this time, it is impossible to skip the number.

What if His Majesty suddenly asks a question and you can't answer it...

Then you and the Nine Clans may be one step closer to the underworld.

This chapter has been completed!
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