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Chapter 720 Future Planning

In the evening, scattered light snow began to drift again.

After Xiao Nianzhi paid his dues, he simply tidied up and went back home to change his clothes.

The gifts I brought to Zhang's Mansion were prepared early.

Now I changed my clothes and checked again before going out.

Yan Xingxuan is not going today.

The status of the Zhang family is still somewhat inferior after all.

If it weren't for Mr. Zhang's promotion to the Imperial Academy, there might actually be fewer people attending the wedding banquet today.

However, people got promoted, so more people came.

Although my network of contacts has expanded a lot, compared to the previous wedding of the Meng family, it was still a lot less grand.

After Mr. Zhang was promoted to Jijiu, he actually moved and no longer lived in his previous location.

The yard is bigger and the space is spacious.

In order to host the wedding banquet, the house was specially tidied up.

We received a lot of visitors today, but I can actually pretend.

Rich and powerful people like Yan Xingxuan or Yan Changxia would not come without any special friendship.

His Majesty, for the sake of the married daughter of the Zhou family, will send someone to give a gift to show that he knows about it and to show his grace.

In addition, there are not many high-level dignitaries who can come, most of them are looking at the Zhou family's face.

When Xiao Nianzhi arrived, Zhou Libai had been waiting at the new house for a long time and would not show up.

It was Mrs. Zhang who welcomed and escorted the female guests in the backyard.

In addition to Mrs. Zhang, there is also Zhang Hanshan’s biological sister.

Xiao Nianzhi has met each other a few times, but does not have a deep friendship with him.

The other person is somewhat similar to Feng Ning, a little shy about society, a little homebody, and doesn't like to go out.

Therefore, interpersonal relationships are handled generally.

At this time, he obediently followed his mother, socializing with her.

It looks a little unfamiliar.

But people will always grow.

After Xiao Nianzhi saw it, he found a place to sit down, and from time to time he said a few words to the ladies and ladies he knew.

We are not all very familiar with each other, but we all know each other.

After all, the capital is so big, and these are the only people in their circle.

They came and went, and after several banquets, everyone became familiar with each other.

It doesn't look good if you don't speak when you meet someone.

Moreover, many people still want to cling to Xiao Nianzhi.

Therefore, many people came to talk to them, but Xiao Nianzhi always ignored them.

I talked too much and my throat inevitably became dry.

Fortunately, the banquet started soon, which saved Xiao Nianzhi.

If there were no special circumstances, Xiao Nianzhi would not have thought of drinking too much water or going to the toilet frequently.

Although this is a normal physiological reaction, it is not very good-looking.

The Zhang family's banquet was quite good.

The usual dishes at wedding banquets are also prepared, and the dishes are quite exquisite.

Perhaps due to the influence of other banquets before, the drinks they prepared for the female guests also used low-alcohol fruit wine, as well as milk tea and fruit tea.

Sugar water shops often receive large orders like this recently, which is normal.

After the initial enthusiasm subsided, the sales volume of the candy shop has almost stabilized.

There must be imitators, that's normal.

However, there are not many that are made with care, taste delicious, and use solid ingredients, which can make the brand famous and at the same time allow the candy shop to operate stably.

As far as Xiao Nianzhi knows, at least five similar types of candy shops have closed down on that street in the past year.

This business looks easy to do, but it's actually a bit troublesome.

For many materials, Xiao Nianzhi still needs help from Yan Xingxuan to meet his daily needs.

Sometimes it is difficult for ordinary people to obtain corresponding items.

Things like coconut powder, shredded coconut, and water chestnuts are really not easy to get without any tricks.

However, this year is a little better. Because of the wind blowing in the sugar water shop, the sales of horse hooves in the capital are good, so merchants are willing to boldly transport some to the capital.

However, the number is still small.

After all, that stuff needs to be kept fresh.

The cost of this journey is not low, and it really arrived...

Sales volume is actually not very impressive.

After all, many sugar water shops are still in the process of experimenting.

They are not very accepting of things that cost too much.

As time went by, it was discovered that the north-south transportation of horseshoes could not make much money, so merchants were too lazy to bother with it anymore.

Not to mention other things.


further away from them.

The transportation costs are unbelievable!

At the end of the year, there are more and more banquets in various families, and the candy shop is even busier.

Accepting some such banquet customization, contracting, etc. can be regarded as a boost to this year's performance.

Xiao Nianzhi was thinking about next year's plans while tasting the delicious food.

It's the end of the year, and what I plan to do is not only work, but also life.

After the first lunar month, she officially made her filial piety.

At that time, you will inevitably have to face a problem.

That was the marriage between her and Yan Xingxuan.

To be honest, having someone who is willing to wait for you is actually a very warm thing.

If Xiao Nianzhi had no intention of doing so, he would naturally not get along with Yan Xingxuan like this all the time.

If you don't mean it, don't hang on.

Xiao Nianzhi is not that kind of person by nature.

Therefore, she is seriously thinking about her and Yan Xingxuan's next year, or even the future and the rest of their lives.

After the filial piety period, it’s time to discuss marriage.

The wedding date is probably not set too soon, but according to Xiao Nianzhi's guess, it won't be too far away either.

One is that Yan Xingxuan is not young after all, and the relationship between him and Xiao Nianzhi is also stable.

The two of them have been together for so long, mainly because they have to wait for Xiao Nianzhi's filial piety period to pass.

Therefore, even if the wedding date is set in a hurry, others can't say anything.

The other reason is because of the Queen Mother's body.

After the other party entered winter, it was good and bad again.

Looking at the state, I think I can survive until the Chinese New Year.

However, no one can say for sure about this.

Therefore, the Queen Mother most likely still hopes to get married as soon as possible so that she has no regrets.

I guess His Majesty thinks the same way.

As for what will happen to her official position after marriage?

Regarding this matter, Yan Xingxuan had already said that the identity of the princess would not affect Xiao Nianzhi in any way.

As long as Xiao Nianzhi thinks about it, she can still live and work as she does now.

Yan Xingxuan said that he hoped that the identity of the princess would be the icing on the cake for Xiao Nian, instead of becoming a cage that imprisoned her.

However, Xiao Nianzhi thought, she was given enough freedom, and she also needed to give Yan Xingxuan a sense of security and respect.

Some things also require special attention.

To put it bluntly, you need to be clearer about your sense of proportion and boundaries.

There is always a line of self-restraint between being unmarried and married to express one's identity and attitude.

As I thought about it, I couldn't help but think too much.

Then Xiao Nianzhi made a mistake and took a sip of low-alcohol fruit wine.

Don't say...

It's quite delicious.

It has a bit of sweetness from plums and is slightly astringent, but it tastes just right, neutralizing the spiciness of the low-alcohol alcohol and adding a softer taste.

This chapter has been completed!
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