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Chapter 99 Three Fresh Noodles

 There is a teahouse on the other side. It is hot now, and it is the time of day when the teahouse’s business is at its best. The second floor is also full of people with their windows open to enjoy the cool breeze.

Lu Jingyuan took a look from afar and found that he didn't recognize the people near the window.

Is Aunt Yu looking at them?

Lu Jingyuan was thinking uncertainly, and the friend next to him happened to bump into him: "Hey? Brother Lu, let's go into the tea bar. It's so hot today, my mouth is dry!"

Lu Jingyuan originally wanted to enter Shuiyun Pavilion, after all, the meal replacement he wanted was there.

He hasn't succeeded yet, but now he can take a closer look and maybe say hello through Aunt Yu's identity. How could he be willing to go to the teahouse?

However, while the friend was talking, he had already stepped into the lobby of the teahouse. Although the waiter was busy, he still saw the other person with great discernment: "Oh, Second Young Master Zhao, come in quickly, come in quickly."

The other party had already entered first. Lu Jingyuan had no choice but to turn his head, take a deep look in Xiao Nianzhi's direction, and then quicken his pace to keep up with his friend.

It is not easy to make this friend today. He has to deal with it carefully. It is better not to do the opposite at this time.

As for Xiao Nianzhi...

There is always a chance.

He remembered that the death anniversary of Princess Qing was coming soon, and Aunt Yu should go to White Horse Temple to pray for her.

When the time comes, Xiao Nianzhi will either accompany him or stay in the Imperial College.

No matter which one, it is an opportunity for Lu Jingyuan!

Lu Jingyuan's eyes were dark and deep, like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark.

Just one glance makes people feel extremely disgusting!

He thought he hid it very well, but now that he is young, he is far from able to do it. As mentioned in the plot, after going through countless hardships, he is scheming and has no expression of joy and anger.

Therefore, the glance he gave back just now was filled with ill-hidden malice and a determination to win.

This made Xiao Nianzhi couldn't help but roll his eyes in his heart.

In fact, if you look closely, Xiao Nianzhi should not have much in common with her counterpart Bai Yueguang Yao Wan.

The original owner is weak and can be bullied, has a soft temper, and can be kicked by humans or dogs.

Xiao Nianzhi only looks well-behaved on the outside, but inside he hides a heart that can kill anyone at any time!

Even so, Lu Jingyuan seems to have some bad thoughts towards him?

Xiao Nianzhi is also convinced by this.


Is your career going smoothly?

Made friends?

Already getting a promotion and salary increase, have you reached the pinnacle of your life?

Why do you want to eat shit here every day?

Xiao Nianzhi felt that the other party was simply too idle now.

She is going to find something for Lu Jingyuan to do.

Xiao Nianzhi is unwilling to go along with his stepmother who talks a lot but has a cruel heart.

However, the population of Lu Jingyuan's house is actually very simple. Apart from this, there seems to be no other way to start.

Although it is said that Chang Dingbo's mansion is in decline, he is still a prince after all, so at work, his superiors will look after him a little bit. As long as he doesn't make mistakes, there is nothing to do with him.

I can’t find anything wrong with my work.

There seems to be no shortcomings here at home.

The other party's official rank is now low and he is still in the initial stage. He has not officially worked for the third prince, so he wants to report it to the prince's faction, but he can't find any tangible evidence.

Moreover, Xiao Nianzhi was not prepared to involve himself in the prince's fight.

So, what should we do?

When the elbow came up, Xiao Nianzhi was still thinking about this issue.

She thought maybe she could try to deflect the damage?

For example, if he creates some trouble for Yao Wan, in that case, Lu Jingyuan only wants to solve problems for Bai Yueguang, and he probably won't be able to care about himself, right?

Moreover, doing so will make it easier to reveal whose dog Lu Jingyuan is.

Of course, Xiao Nianzhi didn't feel any guilt at all for attacking Yao Wan.

After all, the other party is not innocent.

The original owner’s first child was aborted by the other party.

What the plot says is that Yao Wan is afraid that Lu Jingyuan will feel pity for the child and have true feelings for the original owner again. In the future, he will be out of control and will not be able to become an obedient and useful dog.

Therefore, she secretly aborted the original owner's child.

Xiao Nianzhi:.

You can't think about these plots, your blood pressure will skyrocket whenever you think about it!

Since Yao Wan is not innocent, let’s find something for her to do first.

In the plot, after the fall of the third prince, Yao Wan's ending was not much better.

Moreover, the other party’s family has more troubles than the third prince’s house!

So, which loophole should you poke first?

The aroma of the elbow quickly attracted Xiao Nianzhi.

Aunt Yu is not particularly good at meat, but she can eat some.

After the waiter brought the elbow up, he asked thoughtfully if it needed to be refined.

It really doesn't look good to just hold the elbow and chew on it. Aunt Yu glanced at Xiao Nianzhi and saw the little girl nodding. She nodded and signaled to the waiter: "Then go ahead."

After the elbow is processed, it is served together with sugar shortbread and three fresh noodles.

Sugar cake is the ancient version of slag cake.

The noodle soup of Sanxian Noodles is meat-based, but the noodles are vegetarian. There is only a layer of shredded bamboo shoots, carrots, enoki mushrooms and green vegetables on top.

The ingredients are neatly stacked and the soup is mellow and fragrant.

As soon as the bowl was placed in front of Xiao Nianzhi, her face was filled with fragrance.

The soup base of the three fresh noodles is soup stock, and a lot of good ingredients should be added to it. Xiao Nianzhi smelled it carefully and smelled the smell of seafood.

It is more likely to be sea cucumber or abalone that can be used as a soup base.

Therefore, there is a reason why this restaurant is delicious.

The soup base is full of heavy ingredients!

Although Beijing is not close to the sea, it does have sea goods.

You can ask Manager Qiu if you can buy seafood later.

Although most of them may be dry goods, Xiao Nianzhi is not picky.

She mainly wanted to make some fresh seasonings. The dry ingredients were just right, and she ground them into powder together with dried mushrooms and dried chicken. A family version of healthy and delicious chicken essence is now available!

Aunt Yu saw Xiao Nianzhi just looking at it without moving her chopsticks, and urged her: "Try it quickly, this noodle is good, I have always eaten it before, but I got tired of it, so today I will change it to sugar cakes."

In fact, Aunt Yu tastes sweeter. If three fresh noodles and sugar cakes were placed in front of her at the same time, she would probably choose the sugar cakes without hesitation.

Noodles are also hot when the weather is hot, but they don’t taste good when they are cold, and they tend to become lumpy.

Therefore, Xiao Nianzhi asked the store for a small bowl and divided a portion out so that it could cool down faster.

After the temperature was suitable for the mouth, Xiao Nian held a chopstick and slowly sucked it into his mouth.

The soup is delicious, the noodles are chewy, the soup base has many ingredients and seasonings, and the aroma is strong enough, but it cannot block the distant wheat aroma in the noodles.

After taking a bite of the noodles, the delicious aroma still lingers between your lips and teeth, making you unable to stop recalling it.

The freshness that can make people salivate and the aroma that can make people have endless aftertaste are all in this bowl of noodles!

After eating, Xiao Nianzhi nodded to Aunt Yu with clear eyes: "Aunt, this noodles is indeed delicious!"

Seeing the little girl's flying eyebrows, Aunt Yu's expression softened unconsciously: "Really? Really? I used to like eating this. Eat it while it's hot. The taste won't be good when it's cold. In fact,

It’s best to eat it in winter. After a bowl of noodles, it’s warm and delicious. After eating, you won’t want to leave at all!”

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