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Chapter 101 Summer Fruit Ice Plate

 After hearing the name of the shop mentioned by Aunt Yu, Xiao Nianzhi guessed that they were either going to buy food, after all, it was a gingerbread shop.

Or just go visit friends.

However, such a coincidence made Xiao Nianzhi's heart beat two beats faster. Fortunately, she sorted out her emotions very quickly, and her expression did not appear abnormal at all.

The reason why Xiao Nianzhi’s heart beat faster when he heard Sanqiao Street.

It's because this piece involves something that makes Yao Wan uncomfortable, or rather...


Originally, the place where Xiao Nianzhi wanted to start was Sanqiao Street, but she had not yet figured out how to do it and still remove herself.

When she heard that they were going to this place, she was nervous and excited, but she still had to control herself.

Aunt Yu didn't think too much, she just smiled and said: "The gingerbread made by Ma Niangzi's gingerbread shop over there is delicious. You can buy some and send them to your brother."

Are you really going to buy food?

It seems that I have borrowed Xiao Qing’s favor?

After hearing this, Xiao Nianzhi nodded obediently: "Thank you, aunt."

Hearing that the little girl was being polite to him again, Aunt Yu smiled helplessly: "You."

He nodded her head as he spoke.

Sanqiao Street is not far from Chang'an Street, and with the carriage, it passed quickly.

Ma Niangzi’s Gingerbread Shop was doing pretty well. Xiao Nianzhi went there and waited in line for a while before buying it.

While waiting in line, Xiao Nianzhi was thinking about what happened on Sanqiao Street.

Yao Wan's father lives in this area...

Outer room.

Don’t look at the fact that Yao’s father’s backyard is clean now, and he and his wife are loving and affectionate, and are praised by many people as a loving couple.

However, Yao's father, Yao Cheng, who looked like an honest man, secretly kept an outhouse outside and hid it under his nose for the convenience of coming and going.

Most of the people living in Sanqiao Street are ordinary families with a relatively well-off level.

There are almost no powerful people, so even if Yao Cheng comes here occasionally, as long as he keeps a low profile, he is not afraid of being discovered.

If Mrs. Yao knew that in the eyes of outsiders, her model husband, who was a lifelong couple, not only raised an illegitimate wife, but also had a daughter from the estranged wife who was only two years younger than Yao Wan, I wonder what the reaction would be?<


However, coming to Sanqiao Street does not mean that Xiao Nianzhi will be able to meet Yao Cheng's outhouse.

When it happened, Xiao Nianzhi had no choice but to let the Yao family know about it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Nianzhi pursed his lips irritably.

There is nothing you can do against Lu Jingyuan, and there is nothing you can do against Yao Wan.

No other enemy has a higher level of hatred than these two people.

So, just watch two people struggling?

On the way back after buying the gingerbread, Xiao Nianzhi had already sorted out his mood.

She now has someone to rely on and is not in a hurry for the time being.

As long as you are willing, there is always an opportunity and you can always find a way.

After returning to the carriage and putting the gingerbread away, Xiao Nianzhi found that Aunt Yu seemed to be looking at the other side in a daze, so she whispered: "Auntie?"

Aunt Yu was brought back to reality by this sound. She was in a daze for a while, and then she said "Ah": "You're back, let's go back."

Xiao Nianzhi looked calmly in Aunt Yu's direction. After seeing nothing, he looked away to save Aunt Yu from worrying.

On the way back, Aunt Yu seemed a little absent-minded.

Twice, when Xiao Nianzhi talked to the other party, Aunt Yu was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "What's wrong?"

Is there something going on?

Xiao Nianzhi couldn't think of what it was for a moment, but she was so obedient that she didn't ask any questions and stayed as quiet as possible on the road.

After the two people left the city, they first went to Qingsong Academy.

Don't worry about Xiao Zhou's share. You can just take it with you when you return to the academy.

Qingsong Academy is not far away, but the students are all in class at the moment.

Therefore, Xiao Nianzhi could only ask the uncle at the door to help him.

Xiao Qing's reputation in the academy is quite good. When the uncle heard that it was for him, he smiled and agreed: "Don't worry, kid."

After the things were delivered, Xiao Nianzhi followed Aunt Yu back to Zhuangzi.

When Aunt Yu came back suddenly, the maids Qingxing and Qingtao were not prepared. At this moment, they had just picked apricots, melons and other fruits from the backyard.

When I saw the unfamiliar carriage approaching, I was stunned for a moment. Then I saw Aunt Yu getting out of the carriage and hurriedly greeted me.

When Aunt Yu came back, Zhuangzi soon became lively.

After coming back, Aunt Yu first asked Manager Hu and the others to get the saltpeter powder down.

On a hot day, it’s really uncomfortable without some ice.

Xiao Nianzhi followed him all the way to the kitchen in the backyard, with Qingxing helping behind him.

Seeing Xiao Nianzhi magically create ice, Qingxing's eyes widened in surprise.

But she was too smart to ask any more questions, let alone say more. She just wished that Aunt Yu could give her some mute medicine and make her mute now!

Ready-made melons, apricots, peaches, plums and other fruits can be used to make a summer fruit ice tray!

Aunt Yu bought a large amount of saltpeter powder, so Xiao Nianzhi also used it generously.

Afterwards, the water is drained out, and part of the saltpeter powder can be used again.

So, don’t be afraid of waste, get started!

There is a large amount of saltpeter powder to support it, so the ice crystals precipitated this time are more and stronger, and they are infinitely close to ice cubes.

While making ice cubes, Xiao Nianzhi also directed Qing Xing to peel the melon and cut it into small pieces for easy consumption. The apricots were washed, cut into two, and the core removed.

Peaches are a bit big, so after removing the pit, they need to be cut into small strips.

Qing Xing finished her work quickly, and Xiao Nianzhi was almost done.

Spread the prepared ice cubes on the bottom of the cleaned wooden basin.

After arranging the ice, put the cut fruits into thin plates, and then place the plates on the ice.

The plate is separated to ensure clean eating. At the same time, the cool air from the ice cubes will continue to penetrate through the thin plate and infect every part of the fruits, making them sweet and attractive, cool and delicious! Read a book


Aunt Yu is still digesting what she saw at that time.

By the time she reacted, Xiao Nianzhi had already served the summer fruit ice tray.

Aunt Yu glanced curiously, and then couldn't look away.

Bright yellow apricots, pink peaches, light purple plums, green melons, bright red watermelons, and purple and black wild fruits were washed cleanly and stacked neatly.

The ice cubes at the bottom of the plate are slowly melting. After all, the temperature is really high now.

When melting, the light mist that occasionally rises makes those fruits seem to be placed in a fairyland, turning into fairy fruits.

Those fruits, which originally looked fragrant and delicious, are now reflected by the mist and look even more attractive in color.

Aunt Yu was stunned after reading it. When she came to her senses, she clearly heard the sound of her own swallowing.


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