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Chapter 11 Thesis irrigation, scientific research level

If the body shapes of many golden-eyed people hadn't undergone changes visible to the naked eye in a very short period of time, scientists would have given up research long ago.

How many elite scholars and genius scientists are there in various countries in the world?

How much manpower, financial and material resources have been invested by each major political system in related projects?

But their research results were zero.

Just Yan Anqing, even if he has exclusive experimental materials, what can he research?


Looking at the "Summary of Experimental Reports on Non-Human Golden Eye Lifeforms and Fuxi Cells" in front of her, Jiang Xinyue subconsciously covered her cheeks.

It felt like this tender face was almost swollen from being beaten by myself.

Now that things have happened, Jiang Xinyue finally understands why Academician Zhao Hongyun values ​​young people with good luck so much.

It makes so much sense!

Yan Anqing is not a person with golden eyes, and he does not have those exaggerated abnormalities on his body.

But his perseverance and luck are mainly the latter, and he can no longer be described as "strong".

He is the son of the plane in Jiang Xinyue's eyes, with unparalleled luck!

Jiang Xinyue felt that her vocabulary was too poor and she could not describe her current feelings in words.

However, one thing is certain!

After reading Yan Anqing's papers and attachments, she dared to pat her flat chest and assure herself that super cavities and Fuxi cells really exist!

"Senior, do you know..."

Seeing Yan Anqing's calm and calm look, Jiang Xinyue said in a faint tone: "In the future, you may be hailed as the 'Father of Super Powers' because of the discovery of Fuxi cells."

She's not stupid.

How flexible are young people’s minds?

Jiang Xinyue, who has been exposed to many animation novels, thought about it for a moment and realized the significance of this scientific discovery.

Fuxi cells mean...

Fifty times more energy storage efficiency, conversion speed and output power than fat cells!

Its existence can help living beings break through their original shackles and transcend their limits.

It is equivalent to inner strength! Chi! Chakra! Magic!

It is the cornerstone of excellence!

The beginning of great power attributed to the individual!

If Fuxi cells can be rationally modified and successfully implanted into the human body, while avoiding rejection reactions and expression of inhuman traits...

This world will be turned upside down!

"However, it would be a big loss for the senior to hand in this report directly."

Jiang Xinyue flipped through Yan Anqing's report, holding her cheek and saying: "There is too much useful information here, the senior is really an honest person..."

“The current content alone, with a little water, can be expanded into ten papers, which is more than enough!”

In Mojuke, researchers are also divided into different levels.

Level 7 is the lowest, and level 1 is the highest level in the numerical sequence.

Dongfang Zhi, who previously recommended Yan Anqing to Yaoguang Branch, was a Level 2 researcher.

Above the first-level researcher, there are two additional levels: "special grade" and "academician".

The higher the professional title, the better the benefits, the more sufficient scientific research funds, and the greater the prestige!

If Yan Anqing had submitted this paper directly according to his previous thoughts, no matter how much the superiors liked him and valued him, they would still be able to rate him as a seventh-level researcher.

There is no room for maneuver in this regard.

Mr. Yuan, who originally discovered high-yielding hybrid rice and has countless people alive, almost didn't get the title of "Academician" because he didn't have enough papers.

Jiang Xinyue's words awakened Yan Anqing.

As long as she takes action and turns this paper into ten, Yan Anqing can be promoted to a sixth-level researcher.

Judging from Jiang Xinyue's appearance, she seemed to be confident in this matter.

"We can't be shy and take away this second right of authorship without doing anything, right?"

"This is all my responsibility!"

Jiang Xinyue sat at Yan Anqing's desk, put on her glasses, took out her tablet, and started working as a coder.

While filling the paper with water, she said: "Although it can only be expanded to ten articles at most to help you get the title of sixth-level researcher, this report has a deeper impact!"

"You're going to be famous, you know?"

"I feel like the big bosses above may package you as a star in the scientific community! Ugh! You are so lucky!"

Jiang Xinyue was so excited that the seniors stopped shouting.

MoJuke is very efficient.

Early the next morning, Yan Anqing submitted the ten papers compiled by Jiang Xinyue according to the process, and received feedback on the results that afternoon.

These ten papers on "super energy cavities" and "Fuxi cells" were all rated "A".

After converting according to the inherent formula, Yan Anqing completed a gorgeous double jump with a professional title.

From an idler in Moju Branch, to a seventh-level researcher, and then to a sixth-level researcher.

Professional title, benefits, status, resource tilt, all-round improvement.

Yan Anqing looked at the brand new "Researcher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences" certificate in his hand, feeling very calm.

This is just the beginning, and he will gradually release more things that shock the world.

The earth will eventually be transformed into a more interesting shape by his demons.

Yan Anqing's name appeared along with ten papers. For a time, everyone in the secret base was discussing him and his findings.

As for the second signer Jiang Xinyue...

No one paid much attention to it.

Everyone in the circle knows that the second signer is not very valuable.

Unless a parentheses are added, specifically stating "ranked in no particular order, arranged by name strokes", when a scientific research result is released, 99% of the honors will fall on the first signer.

Colleagues of Yao Guangke and Mo Juke came to congratulate and express their congratulations. Some good-looking women and even gay men implicitly expressed that they could accept the unspoken rules.

Yan Anqing did not make any promises or make any statements. He just dealt with the swarming colleagues in a polite and appropriate manner.

Dong dong dong...

There was a knock on the door.

"Senior, I'm looking for you."

Jiang Xinyue opened the door, and three men and women wearing senior researcher nameplates on their chests entered the room one after another.

They are all old acquaintances.

Qu Li, a seemingly elegant and scheming low-ranking boy.

Introduced Yan Anqing to Dongfang Zhi of Yaoguang Branch.

Shang Yin, the mad scientist who predicted the end of the sun ten years later.

"Congratulations, you are so lucky."

The first one to speak was Qu Li.

He stared at Yan Anqing with a very complicated expression.

After a while, Qu Li said harshly: "Remember, now is the best time. If you slack off a little, you will be surpassed by me!"

It’s okay to lose to anyone.

The only thing I don’t want to lose is this guy who treats me like a monkey!

Qu Li's impression of Yan Anqing was constantly changing.

At first, Xie Zhe always referred to Yan Anqing as "Scientific God Protector", which made Qu Li unconsciously create the image of a brash man with a head full of muscles.

Later, when they actually met, Qu Li felt that Yan Anqing was a very lucky guy...

My parents gave me a good-looking face, good temperament, and above-average luck. Yao Guang was a capable official and could be won over.

At that time, Qu Li did not immediately associate "Yan Anqing" with the "Dharma Protector of Scientology".

When he realized the relationship between Yan Anqing and Xie Zhe...

When Yan Anqing shamelessly made a request to Zhao Hongyun...

Qu Li's mentality exploded!

Yan Anqing, this shameless guy, has surpassed Xie Zhe's ranking in Qu Li's little black book and quickly rushed to the rank of "number one enemy".

If a tree doesn't want its bark, it will surely die; if a person doesn't have any shame, it will be invincible.

This is often heard.

But in real life, this was the first time Qu Li met someone like Yan Anqing...

The methods he often used to deal with Xie Zhe and other colleagues would be useless if applied to Yan Anqing!

Qu Li rehearsed the tactics to plot against Yan Anqing hundreds of times in his mind, and finally came to a sad conclusion.

Yan Anqing, this shameless person...

There is no solution to Tamar!

If you want to deal with this kind of person, you can only use conspiracy.

Use the great momentum and epoch-making research results to crush it head-on!

This chapter has been completed!
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