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Chapter 89 [Night Regime], Masks and Words

The red panda customer service slowly moved to the center of the field of view.

It raised its head, smiled innocently, and quickly blew out a string of text bubbles.

"Did you lose weight? This time you moved very quickly..."

Yan Anqing blinked and felt that the personality of this red panda, which was a top, seemed to have improved a bit compared to before.

After sighing for a while, he focused on the text bubble.

"Congratulations to the player for obtaining the achievement [Night Regime]."

"You transformed Vladimir, the supreme governor of the neighboring country, into a vampire. This truth has not yet been known to the world."

"The night is shrouded, when will the light of dawn come?"

"Tomorrow, or thousands of years from now?"

"The current main task completion progress is: 28/30."

Seeing this, Yan Anqing suddenly realized that the main mission of the third ring was almost completed.

"Only two achievements left..."

Holding his right elbow with his left hand, rubbing his chin with his index finger and thumb, a look of thought appeared on Yan An's green face.

The next moment, he pulled out a picture of a person from the consciousness database.

His eyebrows are all white, he is very old, and his face is covered with age spots. He is well-dressed and looks like a strong man in the shopping mall. He looks very energetic, but he cannot hide his weakness.

Next to the photo, there are four small words.

[Li Zhilun], [Hao].

Yan Anqing divided people in the consciousness database into six levels: saint, owl, hero, hero, mediocrity, and inferior.

Just like the characters in krypton gold mobile games, the higher the level, the rarer they are.

For now, there is no essential difference between those with golden eyes and those with silver eyes.

Why, except for the Vatican Archpope Phoenix, the man with silver eyes, do all the top leaders of the major forces vaguely believe that the man with golden eyes is of higher status?

The reason is simple.

Those with golden eyes are rarer than those with silver eyes!

Less is better and rare is precious. This is not a correct concept. It was forcefully instilled into the general public when capitalists from various countries joined forces to create a cake for the diamond industry chain.

Yan Anqing's evaluation of this person, although not as good as [Xiao] level Christian, Estrang, Ma Ran, Yu Hongyi, Shangshang Zhanyue and others, is still better than [English] level Kira Wal-Mart.


Compared with the countless "Mediocre" level candidates waiting to be transformed and the "Inferior" level LM1 Experimental Subject Guo Lei in the consciousness database, Li Zhilun has an almost crushing advantage.

This person's strengths and weaknesses are equally obvious.

If you are cruel, you will be cruel to others and even more cruel to yourself.

This makes Yan Anqing quite optimistic about this person's development.

But similarly, because he is getting older and his thinking mode has solidified, Li Zhilun will inevitably subconsciously bring the methods that made him famous in the old era into the new era.

Whether it is a blessing or a curse, it is difficult to say clearly.

Load images.

Body modification...


at the same time.

China Capital International Airport.

It is more than 20 kilometers away from the city center. It is a 4F civil airport and one of the three major gateway complex hubs in China.

As soon as Li Zhilun got off the plane, he felt dizzy.

His vision went dark, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Cui Shanghuan, who was next to him, immediately supported him and straightened him up, then took two steps back without leaving a trace, pretending that nothing happened.

Li Zhilun rubbed his temples hard and took a deep breath, just to prevent himself from passing out on the spot and making a fool of himself in front of others.

Physically weak and mentally exhausted, even a plane ride feels unbearable.

The dozen or so Sanxing Consortium employees who followed him quickly realized that Li Zhilun was in poor condition, and belatedly came over to ask for help.

"Get away!"

Li Zhilun glared coldly and said in a stern voice: "Do you think I am old and useless? I need help when I walk?"

A group of businessmen and women flattered the horse and quickly bowed to admit their mistake.

What's more, they even raised their hands and slapped themselves in the face to show their sincerity.

"Leave me alone!"

Li Zhilun sneered and his eyes fell on Cui Shanghuan.

Young, handsome, very lucky, with golden eyes, and good at being a good person...

In Cui Sanghuan, he saw the shadow of his youth.

The more this happened, the more jealous he felt.

Now every day, Li Zhilun's life is suffering.

A weak body and a decadent spirit are reducing the brilliance of his life all the time.

Sometimes, Li Zhilun wonders, if he went into the grave in glory when he was in his forties or fifties, would he be better off than he is now?

This kind of thought is always killed by him immediately.

Having studied nutrition on his own, he will not use various supplements to stimulate the aging body and accelerate the end of life.

He eats at regular times every day, sleeps at regular times, wakes up at regular times, and exercises at fixed times, as regularly as an ascetic.

Li Zhilun, who has a strong desire to survive, now wakes up every day. The first thing he does now is not to brush his teeth and wash his face, but to widen his eyes, growl with a ferocious face, and tell himself one sentence repeatedly.

"I won't die of old age today!"

A hundred times.

Every day when he wakes up, Li Zhilun will hypnotize himself a hundred times, using this method to awaken his desire to survive and life potential.

But what about Choi Sang-hwan?

This guy has already started preparing for the Earth Ranking Tournament.

China’s Jeet Kune Do, South Korea’s Taekwondo, Japan’s Kyokushin Do...

Cui Shanghuan invited martial arts masters from various countries to learn their fighting skills.

There are still six months left before the opening ceremony of the Earth Qualifying Tournament!

"What a luxury..."

Li Zhilun sighed, feeling extremely jealous, "I'm actually thinking about what will happen in half a year..."

What about yourself?

Every day I have to worry about whether I will wake up the next day or whether I will fall into an eternal sleep in my dream.

He was mumbling to himself, and the silent followers did not dare to interrupt at will.

Cui Shanghuan, who had always behaved honestly, suddenly said: "I am an ambitious person, which really makes you laugh."

Choi Sang-hwan's temperament, from being reserved and restrained at the beginning, suddenly became extremely invasive.

As if he had taken off his mask, he unceremoniously and bloodyly uncovered Li Zhilun's scars: "People are going to die eventually. You don't have to care too much. Why don't you want to be famous in the annals of history and gain eternal life in another form?" Woolen cloth?"

A trace of irresistible anger condensed in Li Zhilun's turbid eyes.

Who wouldn’t say sarcastic remarks?

Who would want to hear such nonsense when they are old and about to die?

Who doesn’t want to live a few more years?

Li Zhilun was about to have an attack, but suddenly realized something.

He quickly suppressed this emotion and did not choose to explode immediately, but continued to listen.

"I have been practicing martial arts recently, and when I feel too tired, I read Chinese online novels."

"A few days ago, I discovered an interesting theme called 'President Articles', which gave me inspiration and inspiration."

At this moment, Choi Sang-hwan has no trace of the smoothness he showed in the past. He has a stupid and upright attitude: "You can definitely find a poor woman with a low social status to play a topical drama of a domineering president."

"Then let the best writer write a script, adapt your love story into a TV series, and invite the best, most handsome, and most famous male star to play your role."

"In this way, you can use another way to achieve spiritual immortality and let everyone remember your name."

If there was a button and if pressed, humankind would become extinct...

Li Zhilun, who is almost going crazy, will definitely press the button without hesitation now!

Damn little fox!

Underneath the mask, there is still a mask!

He finally knew what Cui Sanghuan wanted to express...

The most famous male star in Korea right now is Choi Sang-hwan!

Cui Sanghuan wanted to induce Li Zhilun step by step to regard him as his emotional sustenance and entrust him with all his connections, wealth, power, and power!

The ambition of a wolf is obvious!

Use words to induce others to have certain thoughts, mistaking them for your own intentions...

Li Zhilun stopped using this method twenty years ago!

Furious, he was about to show his majesty and scold Cui Shanghuan, but suddenly he felt that everyone around him had become much shorter...

This chapter has been completed!
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