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Chapter 100: Make a plan and then move

After learning the location of the target, Lu Zhong did not act rashly.

Decide to act carefully to avoid falling into a trap carefully set by others and putting yourself in catastrophic situations.

At the same time, there is a prerequisite for taking action, which is to first find out the route to Yongling City.

In everything you do, you must first leave a way out. This is the foundation of your life.

The shop street at noon was still bustling as usual.

There was a buzz of hawking on the street, and there were constant transactions of various sizes. Perhaps due to the appearance of the Luoyun Sect's fleet, the prices of some spiritual objects increased, especially defensive shield talismans such as the Golden Light Talisman, which had risen to twelve in just one morning.

Spiritual Stones, and there are currently no signs of stopping.

Thinking that he was going to commit murder later, Lu Zhong decided to buy a batch of golden talismans even though he had a lot of them. After all, these talismans were not afraid of depreciation, so it was natural to have a lot of good intentions.

After some haggling, he spent a hundred spiritual stones to buy nine golden light talismans.

Turn around and come to the end of Shop Street. This place is similar to Tongfu Teahouse in Qingliufang. They are both good places to inquire about news.

Lu Zhong quickly stepped into an alley, and used his aura to make sure that no one was nearby. He changed into an inconspicuous gray preacher's robe, put on a black gauze curtain to hide his appearance, calmed down his breath, and walked out of another alley.

Get out.

Not long after, he chose a teahouse.

There were many monks sitting in the teahouse. It could be seen from their short-sleeved and long-trousers attire that they were probably casual monks looking for food in the wilderness. When they saw someone walking into the teahouse, they all targeted them, but soon they were all gone.

After all, a discerning person would know Lu Zhong’s purpose at a glance.

Walking straight to the shopkeeper, Lu Zhong expressed his intention.

"Are you coming to Yongling City at this time? Friend Taoist, I advise you to think twice. The road has not been very smooth recently." The bearded shopkeeper who was wiping the cups in his hands stopped and said.

"I know." Lu Zhong said calmly.

The bearded shopkeeper just reminded him out of habit. Seeing that the visitor had already made up his mind, he stopped saying anything and gestured to the stairs next to him: "Let's go, there are many people here, let's go up and talk."

Come to the private room on the third floor.

After Lu Zhong sat down, the bearded shopkeeper spread out a map.

As you can see from the map, the Yanling Mountain area is adjacent to the Yongling area, separated only by the extremely steep Hanshan Mountains. Juefeng Pass is a pass on the gentle mountain, and Qingsong Road is a caravan road that is often used by caravans.

If you want to go from Yanling Mountain to Yongling City, the best choices are naturally these two.

As long as the monks guarding the pass have some spiritual stones, they can easily climb over the extremely dangerous cold mountains.

"If it was half a month ago, Taoist friends would not have many choices to go to Yongling City, but there would be at least three or two safe routes. But now... anyone with a discerning eye can see that the war is about to begin, and the safe routes must pass through the Jifeng Pass and the

Qingsong Road has been blocked for a long time." The shopkeeper said with a pity look on his face.

After a pause, he pointed to a red line on the map and continued.

"Fellow Taoist, the only option now is to brave the Hanshan Trail. You only need to give twenty-five spirit stones for all the information about this route, and I can provide it all."

After hearing this, Lu Zhong thought deeply, discharged twenty-five spiritual stones, nodded and said:

"make a deal!"

After receiving the news, he started reading it on the spot.

After reading it, Lu Zhong finally understood what the shopkeeper just said about forceful entry meant.

As the name suggests, if you want to walk this cold mountain trail, you will encounter many dangers along the way, including challenges from the weather and dangers you may encounter along the way.

Dangerous areas are marked on the map and circled in red. There are as many as a dozen.

Monsters, ghosts, evil cultivators are entrenched... there are many sources of danger.

Fortunately, as long as he follows the route and does not actively provoke danger sources along the way, even a monk in the early stage of Qi refining can pass. As for his cultivation in the middle stage of Qi refining, the possibility of encountering fatal danger is even lower. At most,

Encountered some trouble.

After walking out of the teahouse, Lu Zhong looked at the scorching sun high in the sky, determination flashing in his eyes.

I’ve decided, let’s do it tonight!

At this time, the bright moon was in the sky and the night was dark.

Lu Zhong put on his gray Taoist robe, and after checking that there was no problem with the magic weapon on his body, he found an unoccupied space, opened a hole in the white cloud shield, and walked out of the bamboo forest quickly.

At this moment, there are still many monks on the streets at night, and from time to time there are gorgeous carriages carrying people passing by.

The houses on both sides are brightly lit, and occasionally you can hear laughter and laughter.

Avoiding all pedestrians along the way, Lu Zhong arrived at the target location - the Kang family villa.

As a foundation-building family, the Kang family has a lot of business in Yanlingshanfang City. In order to facilitate welcome and drop-offs, they specially rented this mansion covering an area of ​​more than ten acres. Basically, the Kang family came to Yanlingshan

In every city, everyone will choose to live there.

What he has to do now is to sneak in.

Through the qi-gazing technique, it can be known that the Kang family villa is currently not protected by a shield.

This is normal. After all, the operation of the array consumes spiritual stones. The array that can protect more than ten acres of land is at least a medium-sized array. Without the spiritual veins to supply spiritual energy, once it is turned on, the spiritual stones burned every day will be at least

Double digits, the price is so high that even the Foundation Establishment family cannot afford it.

Lu Zhong walked around and found that the Kang family mainly used strict patrols and various light and dark sentries to form a multi-layered defense line to prevent outsiders from invading.

It has to be said that if there are enough manpower to patrol, this will indeed save spiritual stones.

With the help of scene retrieval, Lu Zhong easily ascertained the patrol's action pattern and the light and dark sentries hidden everywhere. Using the stealth method he learned from the Thousand-faced Old Man, Lu Zhong quietly sneaked into the Kang family villa and began to

Find the specific location of the target.

Soon, he discovered something.

In the backyard of the annex, there is a well-defended private courtyard.

At this moment, a group of people were drinking and having fun in the courtyard. The beauty in his arms was in disheveled clothes, and they were happily mingling with each other.

"Congratulations, third brother, for finding such a treasure!"

"Yes, yes, when this treasure is given to the head of the family, the third brother's status in the clan will be higher than that of the second family. By then, even the Foundation Establishment Pill may have a chance to taste it!"

"Hahaha, I accept your good advice. When I become prosperous in the future, I will definitely not forget your contribution to the seventh brother and the fifth sister. You are welcome to come and drink. We will not be drunk tonight!"

The horse-faced monk laughed and said, this person is Kang Shaoqing that Lu Zhong is looking for.

Seeing that there were many people on the other side, Lu Zhong patiently lurked down and decided to collect more information.

Every once in a while, scene retrospective will be used.

Gradually, Lu Zhong determined the cultivation level of several people in the courtyard.

Kang Shaoqing's cultivation level is naturally the highest, and his whole body is filled with aura in the vision of Qi Wangshu. He is at least the sixth level of Qi refining, and his aura is obviously higher than that of him who just broke through.

As for the sixteen guards surrounding the outside, they all basically looked like they were on the second or third level of Qi Refining. Only one big man with a scar face was on the fourth level of Qi Refining. For a small private courtyard, this configuration was not shabby.

Soon, the moon passed its zenith.

The clear moonlight scattered, making the ground silvery.

At this time, everyone in the court began to disperse.

Kang Shaoqing thought about it alone for a while, then quickly got up and walked to a room in the courtyard.

By reviewing the scene, Lu Zhong knew the situation in the room.

It is a quiet room for practicing Qigong.

Kang Shaoqing was sitting cross-legged in the quiet room at this time, with bursts of spiritual light appearing on his body, and his breathing was moving rhythmically, as if he was concentrating on practicing his martial arts and refining the spiritual wine.

Seeing him focusing on practicing, Lu Zhong had an idea in his mind.

Walking quietly behind a wall, the distance between the two of them in a straight line was less than one foot. With the help of accurate positioning through scene retrieval, he could directly hit Kang Shaoqing's vital part with a single stab of the golden sword.

But just as he was about to use the Golden Sword to make a sneak attack, Kang Shaoqing's eyes suddenly widened.

Lu Zhong was startled by his actions and thought he had been discovered, but soon he saw Kang Shaoqing's head fall to the ground, and a subtle light flashed away.

"This... this technique is a bit familiar!"

The next moment he was surprised to see a figure appear out of thin air in the room.

It’s Bai Xiaohan!

She held a blue talisman in her hand, which was emitting a little spiritual light at the moment.

Behind the wall, Lu Zhong's eyes widened in shock.

"Invisibility charm!"

Unexpectedly, Bai Xiaohan even had such a talisman.

Lu Zhong became more and more confused about the origin of this girl.

In previous contacts, Bai Xiaohan gave people a very pure feeling, but she was just a female cultivator with the halo of an alchemist. Later, she accidentally bumped into her killing people and grabbing treasures, and she was labeled as an evil cultivator.

But now, she actually attacked and killed Kang Shaoqing.

Why is this?

Holding back his breath that quickened due to shock, Lu Zhong used the scene retrieval to carefully observe Bai Xiaohan, and then saw the other party search him up skillfully, and quickly plundered all the belongings on Kang Shaoqing's body and all the valuables in the quiet room.

, not even letting go of the small bag of spiritual stones hidden in a secret compartment on the floor.


After doing this, Bai Xiaohan activated the invisibility charm again and disappeared.

Seeing this, Lu Zhong retreated quietly and deliberately chose the opposite route to hers. Having already become familiar with the patrol route and the locations of the light and dark sentries, he left the Kang family annex without anyone noticing.

There was no one on the quiet streets at night, except for the distant footsteps of patrolling law enforcement teams.

Various thoughts were rolling in Lu Zhong's heart, and he repeatedly thought about the reason for Bai Xiaohan's appearance just now.

When he returned to Zhulin Duyuan, he thought of a possibility.

"Could she be here just for the Wutu Ruimu Spirit Ring?"

At this time, there was a "buzzing" sound coming from the token on the waist, but someone touched the white cloud shield.

Lu Zhong walked outside and dispersed some of the clouds.

A slender figure stood outside the shield. After the other party removed the veil on his face, a face that Lu Zhong had seen not long ago in the Kang family villa was revealed. It was Bai Xiaohan who had just assassinated Kang Shaoqing.

Lu Zhong was shocked and couldn't help but guess the purpose of the other party's visit.

Not knowing whether it was good or bad, he did not dare to open the white cloud shield immediately, for fear of accidentally following in Kang Shaoqing's footsteps, so he asked without changing his expression:

"Fellow Daoist Bai, you came here so late, what are you doing?"

"Giggle..." Bai Xiaohan covered his mouth and chuckled charmingly: "Of course it is to return the spiritual ring to fellow Taoist. Didn't you see it at the Kang family annex just now? Unexpectedly, fellow Taoist Lu is not as simple as it seems.

Well, if I hadn't taken the initiative just now, I guess Kang Shaoqing would have died in the hands of fellow Taoists, right?"

This woman discovered me?

Lu Zhong thought of the opponent's invisibility talisman, and thought that it was very possible. Bai Xiaohan had a way to hide his breath, and coupled with the invisibility effect of the invisibility talisman, it just happened to be the three necessary spell effects for an assassin.

In this case, it is not impossible for the other party to discover himself who is consciously hiding himself well.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhong felt very depressed.

He punched a few spells into the formation card, opened a small hole in the white cloud shield, and signaled the other party to come in and talk.

He is not afraid that Bai Xiaohan will be disadvantageous to him. After all, the filament magic weapon is only powerful for sneak attacks. It can only work when the target is unprepared. If you are more vigilant, you will not be able to cause trouble.

Lu Zhong had a vague guess that the other party's intention was not as simple as returning the spiritual ring.

"Oh my, Fellow Daoist Lu is so courageous. Aren't you afraid that I will do something bad to you?" Bai Xiaohan said with a joking smile, and raised his left hand Bai Jie, looking back and forth at Lu Zhong.

Seeing that Lu Zhong didn't reply, she suddenly felt very bored and whispered: "I'm just kidding, how can I be harmful to fellow Taoist? I'll give you the spiritual ring, let's continue."

As he spoke, Bai Xiaohan slowly threw an object.

Lu Zhong took it cautiously and found that it was the Wutu Ruimu Spirit Ring.

"Tell me, what does Fellow Daoist Bai want Lu to do?"

Bai Xiaohan wanted to say something, but he hesitated. He squinted his eyes and said with a smile on his face: "I discovered a hidden spiritual vein in Youyun Valley a while ago. There is a rare spiritual object in it that is not easy to get. I want to

Fellow Taoist, go there with me to take away this spiritual object."

It turns out there really is a hidden spiritual vein!

Combining the words of the other party, Lu Zhong couldn't help but think of the wood spirit he killed earlier. It might not really be a wandering monster, but probably came from this hidden spiritual vein.

Unexpectedly, she was discovered?

"No problem! When will we leave?"

"Immediately!" Bai Xiaohan continued to squint and smile: "Do you, Fellow Daoist Lu... think that if you didn't do it, the Kang family wouldn't suspect you? The Xiuxian family has always been domineering, unless the target is other sects or families.

Monk, otherwise they are more likely to catch the suspect and then torture him or her to extract a confession until the results come to light."

Lu Zhong felt suffocated, thinking that this was indeed a possibility.

Fortunately, after he decided to take action tonight, he decided to leave at night.

Everything in the bamboo forest courtyard has been put into storage bags, except for the White Cloud Array that has not yet been collected.

It doesn't take much time to collect the formation, and it won't be as troublesome as setting up the formation. Lu Zhong only needs to pull out the formation flags one by one, and finally take away the central formation beads of the formation.

After doing this, he followed Bai Xiaohan out of the workshop.

Of course, this situation will inevitably bring to mind one person, and that is the array master Fang Yunjing who has turned into ashes.

Lu Zhong was secretly vigilant all the way to avoid following in this man's footsteps accidentally.

The two of them traveled all night and soon arrived at Youyun Valley.

Chapter 100: Make a decision and then act

This chapter has been completed!
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