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Chapter 152: Tempering the Pulse

Finally, Lu Zhong did not forget to go to the big market.

The pulse-quenching prescription is for medicinal bathing, and medicinal bathing is very troublesome. Although it is not as good as alchemy, which involves the fusion and transformation of dozens or hundreds of medicinal auras, it is not something that just one person can complete.

You need to understand at least part of the medical science, as well as a simple method of harmonizing medicine and spiritual energy.

There are specialties in the art industry, and professional matters should be left to professionals.

Lu Zhong was busy with the talismans and formations, and had no time to distract him.

Therefore, he needs to hire a medicine boy.

Medicine boy is a kind of profession, somewhat similar to alchemy boy. He often learns some alchemy knowledge through self-study or following a master, and has the most basic ability to identify alchemy recipes.

I asked around and found that there are many types of drug boys.

There are those who can be used as concubines, and there are also professional medicine boys trained in medicine schools. The prices vary greatly depending on whether they are cultivated or not. It can be seen that the division is very detailed.

Lu Zhong's requirements are also simple. It is convenient if he can understand the prescriptions and rough elixirs.

After picking and choosing, he chose a mortal medicine boy with a moderate price and no cultivation. This would save nearly 70% of the spiritual stones compared to choosing a monk. The medicine boy looked pretty, and at least it would not be an eyesore.

, I’m not that old either, so I don’t think I have to worry too much about it, so I don’t have to worry too much about using it.

I asked the medicine boy named Xia Lan some questions and he was able to answer them very clearly.

"Seven-veined flower, this flower has different medicinal properties according to the different parts. The flowers and leaves must first be processed with realgar wine that has been stored for ten years to remove the cold medicinal properties in the flowers and leaves. At the same time, the rhizome must be sliced. If conditions permit, it can be placed in the aura

Dried in the shade in a rich place, the effect will be better..."

After asking seven questions in succession, Xia Lan made no mistakes in all of them.

Lu Zhong nodded with satisfaction and called the shopkeeper.

"Just her, bring her the body deed."

Buying the medicine boy directly will be much more expensive than renting it, but considering that you have a shop, even if you don't need it temporarily, you can still send it to the talisman shop to do work.

After paying fifty spiritual stones, Xia Lan is considered his.

He picked up the deed of betrayal and made sure that the aura left on it was indeed that of this woman.

This step is very important. In order to maintain order, the Lingyue Sect stipulates that human trafficking is a serious crime.

If this happens, even though Lu Zhong is already a true cultivator of Foundation Establishment, he will still have to be invited to the Law Enforcement Hall and pay at least four digits of spiritual stones before he can escape safely.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention.

Lu Zhong took her back to Xianyi Fang and bought a batch of tools and utensils on the way, which were all necessary for making medicine, such as barrels, mortars, earthen pots, and a dozen red clay stoves for decoction.

As for the firewood, he didn't want to make the yard smoky, so he planned to arrange a simple fire ban by himself and directly catalyze the spirit stone into a flame decoction. Moreover, it was easy to control the firepower in this way and could save a lot of manpower. After all, the medicine

Tong only bought this one.

After taking the people back, Lu Zhong gave instructions and returned to the backyard.

According to the Jade Vein Gong, this skill requires the movement of the method during the medicinal bath, so it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the movement route in advance. Fortunately, after practicing the Immortal Dao Kung Fu for so many years, Xiao Zhoutian has already memorized the eight meridians by heart.

, as long as you are familiar with the exercise method.

This realization comes directly to the middle of the month.

"Master, the liquid is ready!" Li Hejun shouted softly from outside.

After hearing this, Lu Zhong got up and came to a side room in the atrium. This place had been tidied up and decorated, and would become a place for him to take medicinal baths in the future. A tall wooden barrel for one person had been placed in the middle.

The room was filled with the pungent aroma of medicine.

Bai Ling was lucky enough to be a cultivator, but the others were choked to tears even though their mouths and noses were covered with silk scarves. One or two of them were blushing, which showed how powerful the medicinal solution was.

"Gudong Gudong..."

The pale green viscous liquid was bubbling constantly.

Lu Zhong used his hand to explore the liquid and found that it was hot and sticky, and he could pull out silk with his fingers.

"Master, can this really be soaked in?" Li Hejun looked at it, thinking that if it were really soaked in, it would stew people directly, and he couldn't help but worry.

"It doesn't matter, it's just right for a monk." Lu Zhong responded.

After everyone retreated, only Bai Ling was left to serve in the room. Under her service, he took off his clothes. Lu Zhong entered the medicine bucket without hesitation and couldn't help but groan.

Without him, it would be too exciting.

The Shen Yin Lotus has a neutralizing effect and can resolve the negative effects of the medicinal solution.

Lu Zhong originally thought about whether he could save money on the next medicinal material. After all, a Shen Yin Lotus plant is worth a lot of money, and due to the scarcity of its output, the medicine can be sold for a high price of three hundred spirit stones even if it is one hundred years old, accounting for one of the prescriptions.

Become a spiritual stone.

But now it seems that this spiritual stone cannot be saved.

"There is another important reason, that is, I still have the spirit fire in my body!" Lu Zhong secretly remembered this lesson, and at the same time, he used the Jade Vein Kung Fu method to transfer the medicinal power that penetrated into the body to the small Zhoutian meridians.

Immediately, a burning sensation came over me.

At this moment, his whole body was really as red as a cooked shrimp.

One small week after another, the meridians gradually began to change under the tempering and protection of the Quemai prescription. However, this change was not obvious. It would take at least a hundred medicinal baths to see obvious effects.

“I really hope I bought fake medicine!”

Lu Zhong gritted his teeth and still persisted.

The first medicinal bath has the best effect. If you can persist in it, it can even have some marrow-cleansing effect of the I Ching. This is specially noted in the exercise method, and it can play a subtle improvement in qualifications in disguise.

For the sake of long-term future plans, it is better to be patient.

It took half an hour for him to feel that the initial wave of physical improvement effects had passed.

"Huh!" Lu Zhong breathed a long sigh of relief. He looked at the dumbfounded Bai Ling beside him and directly stretched out his hand to take it into the bucket. Since the initial wave of drug effects had passed, there was no need to continue to hold back.

After quenching the pulse for half an hour each time and adding water seven times, the medicinal solution finally became as clear as water, which meant that the pulse-quenching formula had exhausted its potency.

Lu Zhong sat cross-legged in the bucket, closed his eyes and carefully experienced the benefits of his first medicinal bath.

After this tempering, the meridians had a crystal texture in some places. Although it was only a tiny bit, it still could not escape his spiritual observation.

Take a pill, and the cycle of a great cycle is completed.

Lu Zhong suddenly stopped his luck and opened his eyes with an ecstatic expression on his face.

“It works, it really works!”

Comparing before and after the medicinal bath, the cultivation speed has really changed. If we quantify this, it is roughly an increase of one thousandth.

"I expect the effect will be more obvious if I soak it a few more times."

Lu Zhong thought of this, glanced at the sleeping Bai Ling next to him, couldn't help but smile bitterly, and whispered in a low voice: "You must join Shen Yinlian next time, otherwise someone will really die."

Seeing that there was hope for cultivation, he was so excited that he could not sleep.

Just like this, I meditated and practiced my Qi all night, and soon it was dawn.

At this time, Lu Zhong was still in high spirits and not even a little tired.

Went to the atrium and had breakfast with Li Hejun.

While eating, we chatted about the management of the talisman shop.

"In recent days, the business in the store has become increasingly prosperous. Perhaps because we have seen the popularity of our place, three immortal masters have come to visit and want to sell the talismans they made in the store on consignment. What do you think, sir?


Li Hejun gave Lu Zhongsheng a bowl of wontons and said after handing it out.

"Have you ever appraised the quality of the talismans? The store... Chi Liu, from now on we will only take the high-quality route. Even if it is to improve the category, we can't buy all the talismans from cats and dogs!" Lu Zhong didn't care about the demeanor of a foundation-building true cultivator, and just took one bite at a time.

Wonton stuffed with fresh meat the size of chicken eggs, he said vaguely.

"Yes, I have asked an appraiser to appraise it, and the golden talisman of one of them can be said to be of good quality." Li Hejun took out a golden talisman from his sleeve and placed it on the table.

After Lu Zhong finished a bowl of wontons, he still had some unfinished thoughts.

After taking the time to take a look, I found that the quality was not unsatisfactory, and there were still some merits.

Although it is not as good as the golden talisman he painted, it will not look shabby when placed on the shelf.

"Okay, take the time to sign a spiritual contract with that person." Lu Zhong took the wontons handed by the maid and ate them one bite at a time.

After refining the body, the appetite will increase greatly after a period of time. Fortunately, he had the foresight to order it in advance, otherwise he would have to chew spiritual rice to relieve the hunger like a black hole in his belly.

"Is there anything else?"

"Yes, yes..." Li Hejun hesitated for a while, and then said: "Sir, there is an immortal master who has fallen in love with Man Qi and wants to redeem her and marry her. Man Qi... I think I am willing."

"What?" Lu Zhong suddenly stopped moving, thinking who kind of hero is this?

If you don't raise them, you don't know how talented the barbarians are.

Man Qi, who has been eating and drinking well for several months, has been growing rapidly and is now 1.5 feet tall.

Drive a big car?

It's no longer enough to describe.

Seeing the panic on Li Hejun's face, he knew that the other party had misunderstood what he meant, so he patiently explained: "Don't worry too much, I'm just a little shocked. Please tell me carefully about the origin of that person. If they are really in love,

There’s no harm in letting Man Qi redeem himself.”

"Well..." Li Hejun nodded and elaborated.

It turns out that it was a young love affair that happened by chance.

On one side is a young apprentice from the weapon refining workshop, and on the other is a barbarian maid from the Jiji Zhenxiu family.

After Lu Zhong heard this, he thought that he was really fucking stupid, this could happen to him!

Well, since even Li Hejun thinks that there is nothing wrong with that person, then there is nothing wrong with his beauty.

But in this case, no one in the family can lift heavy objects.

"Forget it, I'll just go to the big market when I have time." Lu Zhong thought to himself, swallowed another bowl of wontons, then picked up another large bowl and continued eating.

Halfway through, I didn't forget to ask about Bai Ling's condition.

There is nothing wrong with the person, he is just a little exhausted and needs to practice for a few months to recover.

So Lu Zhong thought about it and asked Li Hejun to withdraw some spiritual stones from his account and go out to buy some spiritual objects that could strengthen his foundation and strengthen his body. He would give Bai Ling a good health.

After eating and going out, Lu Zhong hailed a beast cart and quickly drove towards the inner ring.

After getting the piece of silver, he began to inquire about the relevant information, and soon found out that there was an old cultivator in the city who specialized in teaching the silver script to outsiders. He only needed to pay five hundred spirit stones to learn it.

I have already paid the tuition fee earlier, so today I will officially study.

Lu Zhong chose to learn the silver script not just to prevent the secrets of the silver pieces from being leaked, but also to prepare for his subsequent trip to Shen Yuan Palace. It has been confirmed by the exploring monks of the past generations that there are indeed a large number of silver coins in this ancient secret realm.

There are traces of the use of Ben script, so it is very necessary to master this kind of script.

There are still six years left until the secret realm of Shen Yuan Palace is opened, enough time for him to learn Yin Bangwen.

Soon he came to a cave mansion and Lu Zhong handed the invitation to the doorman.

Outside the door, there were other monks waiting, who like Lu Zhong came to learn how to read.

Many of them were acquaintances that Lu Zhong had met some time ago, so he greeted them one by one.

"I'm Liu Yuhe of the Liu family in Zhishengfang. What do you call me?" A middle-aged man wearing a blue robe and a long beard leaned over and took the initiative to chat.

It turned out to be a family monk.

"Xianyifang Lu Zhong." Lu Zhong replied politely.

"It turns out that fellow Taoist is Lu Zhong!" Hearing this, Liu Yuhe looked at Lu Zhong in surprise and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I've heard Mr. Xu mention the dual skills of fellow Taoist Talisman Array, but I didn't expect to see him today!"

When Lu Zhong heard this, he secretly thought in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Xu Tianqing, after accepting the benefits he gave, would work so hard in promoting it!

The double magic of the talisman array makes me feel embarrassed when I hear it.

Looking at Liu Yuhe's appearance, I'm afraid he really thinks so from the bottom of his heart.

It's no wonder that the sales of flying charms in the store are getting better and better. Xu Tianqing is probably behind the scenes.

"That's right. I'll take the time to visit a few more times in the future. With him helping to promote it outside, the talisman shop's reputation will grow faster. It doesn't hurt to give him more benefits!"

With this thought in his mind, he had a humble expression on his face, waved his hand and said, "Where is this, Liu Daoyou is too modest."

After a while, everyone was taken in.

The old cultivator who taught the class was a real person named Jindan. Outsiders no longer knew his real name, and they all called him "Senior Yun." Although this man's lifespan was on the verge of being exhausted, he was not something that they, the foundation-building cultivators, could mess with. It was said that

Even the contemporary Lingyue Sect's True Lord once worshiped him as his master to study Yin Bangwen.

Therefore, both of them are as well-behaved as little white rabbits, very much like the ignorant boys in school.

Three full hours of teaching were spent teaching the nine basic characters.

According to the explanation given by the old cultivator, although the Yin Bang script has many meanings, the beginning must be these nine basic characters. Mastering their meanings will be extremely helpful for learning the Yin Bang script.

Unlike the others who looked confused, Lu Zhong looked relaxed.

Anyway, there are scenes to review, so I don’t have to worry about not being able to review them after class.

"After half a month, I will test my mastery of the more basic characters. If you can't master it, you don't need to come again!" The old monk said to the monks in the hall with a straight face.

No one dares to refute, even if he fails the test, it means that five hundred spiritual stones have been wasted.

After all, in name, the old cultivator is the master of the True Lord Yuanying. No one can guarantee whether offending him will arouse the anger of Yuanying. Even the slightest hint of the power of the True Lord is not something they can afford.


Coming out of the cave, Liu Yuhe couldn't help but sigh.

"Brother Lu, I'm afraid these five hundred spirit stones will really be wasted!"

In the class just now, he had been listening carefully. However, Yin Bang Wen was so difficult to learn that he had not even mastered the first basic character. He would definitely not be able to pass the exam in half a month.

Lu Zhong listened and wondered why this man was so childish and spoke like a fool.

Just after walking a short distance, two figures walked towards me.

But it was Su Xuer and a pure girl she had never seen before.

After taking a closer look, he realized that this plain girl was clearly Liu Piao Niang. She had restrained her cultivation for some reason and was holding hands with Su Xu'er, giving the impression that they were a pair of sisters going shopping.

Su Xuer is the elder sister and Liu Piaoniang is the younger sister.

After thinking about it, Lu Zhong still raised his hands and prepared to salute.

But as soon as he made a move, a female voice came into his ears.

"You, junior, don't have to be so polite! Just call me my concubine, Fellow Daoist Liu."

He looked up and saw Liu Piao Niang winking at him.

Oh, Master Jie Dan is pretending to be young and shopping.

This is not surprising. After all, according to ancient records, there are many stories of Yuanying monks pulling carts and punting boats in order to refine their hearts in the world of mortals.

Since Liu Piao Niang asked so, Lu Zhong of course complied directly, just cupping his hands and saying: "I have met fellow Taoist Liu and fellow Taoist Su."

Liu Piao Niang smiled and nodded, her expression a little shy, like an innocent girl.

Next to her, Su Xuer was holding a small beast and responded with a smile.

At this time, Liu Yuhe looked at Liu Piao Niang, with an expression of being fascinated by her pure and refined appearance.

Thinking that the friendship between the two of them was due to the spirit stone, Lu Zhong tugged on Liu Yuhe's clothes as a reminder to prevent potential customers from dying.

"Ahem, I haven't seen you for a long time. Fellow Daoist Liu has become more and more beautiful!"

I also gave a few compliments along the way.

Although I don’t know Liu Piao Niang’s purpose of doing this, a few words of compliment are definitely right.

As expected, this woman was really happy.

"Yes, please take this jade slip, fellow Taoist," Liu Piao Niang said with a smile on her face, as if she had thought of something, she took out a jade slip from her fragrant sleeve and handed it to Lu Zhong.

Without asking any nonsense, Lu Zhong accepted it directly.

During the process, I scanned it with my spiritual consciousness and discovered that it was information about Shen Yuan Palace.

In comparison, it was several times more detailed than the one he had received from Hua Lingshi before, and it was simply not comparable to the badly copied information on the market.

"Fortunately, I thought of it on the spur of the moment and complimented her a few words..."

Lu Zhong happily accepted it, as it would be of great help to the trip to Shen Yuan Palace.

Watching the two women walking away from each other, he suddenly saw Liu Yuhe sighing and couldn't help but curiously asked: "Friend Liu Dao, why are you sighing?"

"There is no hope for a beautiful woman, so I naturally sigh!" Liu Yuhe looked sad.

Seeing that Lu Zhong was puzzled, he explained: "The place they are going to, if nothing unexpected happens, is Alchemy Square. The 'Alchemy Conference' is being held there today, and there will be many talents who master the alchemy method.

Didn't Fellow Daoist Lu notice that many young female cultivators were walking that way on the road?"

Lu Zhong thought about it carefully and found that it was indeed the case.

No wonder Su Xuer was so well-behaved just now, so different from her usual appearance. It turned out to be this purpose.

There is also Liu Piao Niang, I’m afraid her motives are not pure.

"Although we are already true cultivators, even if we are admired by female cultivators, it is just to obtain resources and support. How can we compare with those alchemists with deep family backgrounds who can be sincerely admired by many female cultivators." Liu Yuhe sighed.

Qi Dao, spoke what was in his heart.

"Alas..." After Lu Zhong heard this, he felt suddenly uncomfortable for some reason.

I have worked hard to cultivate, but I have never received such treatment.

Suddenly I felt that pursuing immortality was meaningless.

This is not so much the pursuit of immortality due to a firm Taoist heart, but rather a subconscious goal set for oneself. After all, he now has at least two hundred years to live, and it is not the time to worry about death at the end of his lifespan.

Monks are all striving for immortality, but they have been busy all their lives for this purpose. How many people have been able to achieve it through the ages?

I have always been cautious, fearing that one day I would be plotted by others, and I had to be decisive in doing things to avoid leaving behind troubles and causing trouble for myself, so that I had to wander around like the protagonist in the story.

Lu Zhong has been thinking about why he couldn't wait to welcome his concubine as soon as he arrived in Lingyue Fairy City.

Now that I think about it, maybe I really think that instead of pursuing the illusory immortality, it is better to keep working hard to improve my cultivation in order to live a better life and see a wider world, right?

In addition to the Son of Destiny, there are several people in the world whose initial goal of cultivation is to ascend to immortality.

Thinking about it more carefully, when I met Liu Piao Niang that day, my Taoist heart that I had strengthened was really not for any reason.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The two stood on the street for a long time.

"Brother Lu, how about we... go find the fairy from Changlefang to comfort our injured soul?" Liu Yuhe suddenly looked around and suggested in a low voice.

This guy can handle it!

Lu Zhong thought to himself, this is how it should be.

In the courtyard.

"Master, why did you bring back another one?" Li Hejun said with a sad look on his face.

Lu Zhong just came back and brought back a female cultivator.

Different from Bai Ling, who looked silly and innocent, this charming female cultivator with a pair of "big water bags" hanging on her chest was completely foxy. Her charming eyes could kill people even if they killed her. At first glance, she was not a fuel-saving lamp.

She didn't have any objections to Lu Zhong bringing people back, but she was afraid that Hu Meizi would delay her master's cultivation.

"Don't worry, just use it once." Lu Zhong comforted.

This person can't even be called a concubine. At best, she is just a tool for practicing martial arts.

The practice of Jade Vein Gong can be divided into many stages. Once you start each stage, you cannot stop, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted. Fortunately, each stage lasts for seven days. If you encounter an unexpected stop along the way, you will lose up to six days of hard work.


The purpose of bringing back the tool man is not purely for desire.

After all, Jade Vein Gong is a physical training method that is suitable for both men and women. The side effects can be endured, but since there are ways to resolve them without side effects, why not use them?

After all, he doesn't lack some spiritual stones either.

"Lan'er, are you ready for today's pulse quenching medicine?"

"Sir, I'm ready!" the medicine boy Xia Lan replied obediently, holding a piece of white cloth in her small hands and wiping the sweat from her face.

There was no help from Man Qi today, so she was very tired, and her little mouth was panting heavily.

"As promised, it's your turn to serve tonight." After saying something behind him, Lu Zhong walked into the room without looking back, where the aroma of medicine rolled out, but it was less hot than the day before.

"Yes, senior!" The charming female cultivator's thoughts were rolling in her mind and she quickly followed.

When she entered the room, at first she was thinking about how to win Lu Zhong's favor so that she could change her status from a concubine to a Taoist monk who could get as much resources as she wanted, but she soon lost her mind.

Gradually, I began to regret it again.

Before the pulse-quenching medicine became as clear as water, his eyes turned white and he kept begging for mercy.

Seeing this, Lu Zhong had no choice but to withdraw the true energy from her body to avoid killing anyone.

Sitting cross-legged in the wooden barrel, running the Jade Vein Kung Fu method, he continued to absorb the remaining medicinal power, so as not to waste the hard-earned spiritual stones.

This chapter has been completed!
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