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Chapter 16 Magic Cultivation Invasion

After practicing the Qi Watching Technique a few times, the spiritual power in Lu Zhong's body quickly bottomed out.

The spiritual power of the second-level Qi refining monks is not much, which is why the talisman fighting method is often used in the early stage of Qi refining.

Every time this time comes, it is the happiest moment of his day.

"I bought new rice this afternoon, and a piece of bacon sent by my neighbor, which is just right for making a delicious pot of bacon rice."

Wash the rice and put it in the pot, then chop a piece of bacon into fine pieces, and add some fragrant red onions.

After covering the pot, Lu Zhong sat cross-legged on the bed and began to meditate to refine spiritual energy.

One small week after another passed by, and the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth was absorbed into his body for refining. The spiritual power in his Dantian gradually increased. The recovery speed of the spiritual power could not be said to be fast, but it could still be clearly detected.

After completing six small Zhoutian exercises, Lu Zhong stopped the movement of his body.

The number of times a monk can practice in a day is limited. He wants to practice after eating the spiritual rice, so as to maximize the efficiency of daily practice.

Soon, the bacon rice in the pot was cooked.

The aroma of bacon mixed with the fragrance of spiritual rice makes people twitch their fingers.

He picked up a little bit with chopsticks, put it in his mouth and tasted it, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"I didn't expect that just because the price is twice as expensive, the taste of golden rice is actually improved so much. It tastes almost the same as the spiritual food made by Lingchu. I just don't know what its spiritual energy content is?"

If it just tastes delicious, then Lu Zhong will only occasionally buy some golden silk rice to improve his food in the future.

The spiritual rice used daily to assist cultivation will still be the same Qinghe spiritual rice as before.

Qinghe Lingmi is unpalatable, but the price is cheap enough. Even if he eats Linghe rice for three meals a day, the cost of buying rice for a month is only three Lingshi. He can afford this with his income from making talismans.

an expense.

"Well, the golden silk spiritual rice with good taste has almost the same spiritual energy content as Qinghe spiritual rice."

Lu Zhong quickly came to a conclusion and couldn't help but sigh.

It seems that he will continue to eat Qinghe Lingmi for a long time in the future.

After eating, it's time to refine the spiritual rice and spiritual energy.

In a row of more than a dozen Little Zhoutians, all these spiritual rice were refined into spiritual power.

Continuing to practice the Zhanzhan Qi technique, Lu Zhong was lucky enough to successfully cast the spell again.

The vision became black and white again.

Comparing the raw Golden Silk Spirit Rice with the Green He Spirit Rice, it was indeed as he had judged before. Although the two kinds of Spirit Rice were very different in taste, the total amount of Spiritual Qi they contained was actually very similar.

Just when Lu Zhong was about to remove the spell's effect, he suddenly noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

If you move your eyes over, you can see a purple-black light.

"What is this?" Lu Zhong was confused for a while.

I couldn't help but start to recall the explanation about the Qi Watching Technique.

Suddenly, an entry flashed in his mind, his expression suddenly changed, and he almost screamed in shock.

"Demon energy, yes, this is definitely demonic energy!"

The so-called demonic energy refers to the spiritual energy in the demonic body after practicing demonic skills.

Theoretically, the full name of demonic energy is demonic spiritual energy.

In contrast, there is the fairy spirit energy in the monk's body, and the demon spirit energy in the monster beast.

Different auras have different effects and nourish the body in different directions.

Take the demon aura in the body of a demon beast as an example. The demon beast's body will become very strong under the nourishment of the demon aura, and it will usually change in the direction of enlargement. The effect of longevity is also very good, combined with the extremely strong recovery

The power can easily allow monsters to live for hundreds of years, but the effect of improving intelligence is very average.

This is also the reason why most monsters are not very smart.

Demonic energy will amplify people's negative emotions.

Extreme, irritable, impulsive...

"How did the demonic energy appear in Qingliu Ruins? Could it be that demonic cultivators came in?"

Lu Zhong's expression became surprised and uncertain.

It's no wonder he is like this. In fact, there are more and more rumors about demon cultivators in the market recently.

Either the Qingyang Sect’s disciples were killed and their souls were sucked into the soul-refining flag, or an entire village was slaughtered. It is said that even the rats in the holes were not spared.

The evil cultivators’ behavior is so appalling, how can people not be worried?

After thinking about it, Lu Zhong took out the fireball talisman.

This first-level mid-grade fireball talisman is very powerful, and I feel a lot more at ease holding it.

Lu Zhong huddled in the room with a horrified look on his face, holding the fireball talisman in his hand, listening intently for any slight movement outside.

Depression, fear, helplessness!

One negative emotion after another flooded my mind.


A shrill scream pierced the entire night sky.

Suddenly, Qingliu Ruins seemed to be boiling and became extremely noisy.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!" the alarm bell rang.

The alarm bell does not ring all year round. Once it rings, it means that a powerful enemy has invaded, and the entire city is facing a huge crisis.

Various rays of light flickered on and off, accompanied by thunderous explosions.

The dust on the eaves fell rustlingly, and the ground began to shake uncontrollably, all of which were sounds coming from far away.

Lu Zhong held the fireball talisman tightly and gave up the plan of going out to check.

There is no way, his strength is too weak.

The second level of Qi Refining is probably not much different from an ant in the eyes of demon cultivators.

As time passed, the noise outside became louder and louder, and even approached Lu Zhong at one point.

Fortunately, in the end, the killing cry was transferred to another place.

Quietly, the smell of blood began to fill the air.

The smell of blood stimulated his nerves, and even his breathing became heavy.

After an unknown amount of time, the movement outside finally became smaller.

Lu Zhong still didn't dare to go out and decided to wait until dawn.

It wasn't until dawn the next day, when the sun once again filled Qingliuxu, that he carefully opened the door of the house. He didn't dare to open it too much, and just looked at the surrounding situation through a crack in the door.

Maybe it's because the people living around are casual cultivators and don't have anything of value, so the chaos last night didn't spread to this place.

As far as Lu Zhong could see, he didn't see any signs of damage.

"To be cautious, let's wait for the law enforcement team to show up before going out."

What happened last night was still too exciting for him, and he thought he was going to die several times.

We waited like this until noon, when the Qingliuxu Law Enforcement Team finally appeared.

Although they patrol with their heads hanging down, looking like defeated roosters, they can still maintain order.

Only then did Lu Zhong dare to walk out of his residence.

There were many people as brave as him. After seeing that Qingliuxu was safe, they all came out of their hiding places.

When we were in the residential area, we still felt that the demonic cultivators did not regard this place as a target.

When I walked to the street, I found that the place was in a mess.

The shops on the street have more or less signs of damage. Among some piles of masonry and rubble, you can even see corpses in extremely miserable conditions, with hands that have been sucked out of all their essence and blood and curled up into the shape of chicken feet.

In some places, you can still see radial exploding blood stains.

Blood, flesh, bones and other debris covered a large area around it.

Needless to say, someone else must have died here.

Tragic, too tragic!

What Lu Zhong saw alone was over thirty corpses.

These corpses are still intact, and some even have broken bones and fingernails.

As expected, in the future Qingliu Ruins will have white silk hangings on every household.

This chapter has been completed!
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