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Chapter 251 The rain is coming

Shui Ni chatted for a long time, and then suddenly remembered that he was eating, and said apologetically: "Eat, eat, eat, the food will be cold if you don't eat it. Today is a rare good day, so just forget about those words just now, so as not to ruin the atmosphere.

.Come, my disciples and daughters-in-law, let me toast you to my master!"

As she spoke, she raised the jade cup in front of her.

"Honored Master!" Lu Zhong and Yu Feng'er toasted together.

Drink it all in one gulp.

"Hiss, this spirit wine has a lot of stamina!" Shui Ni drank a glass of spirit wine and felt a huge amount of spiritual energy dissolving in her belly. A trace of blush appeared on her fair face, but she was a little drunk from the spiritual energy.

The phenomenon of drunken spiritual energy occurs when excessive amounts of spiritual energy are consumed in a short period of time and cannot be digested in time.

This is a common problem with spiritual wine. Drinking too much will make you intoxicated.

Shui Ni used his energy to dissolve the alcohol, and then he felt a little better. He couldn't help but be curious about this spiritual wine, and asked: "My dear disciple, where does this wine come from, and why is it so intoxicating?"

Lu Zhong clearly remembered that he had never seen this wine before, so he couldn't help but look at Yu Feng'er.

"Back to Master, this is the 'Royal Wine', which is brewed using third-level spiritual honey and insect royal jelly." After saying this, Yu Feng'er paused and said in a low voice: "Maybe it's a new brew.

Because of this, the miscellaneous spiritual energy of this spiritual wine has not yet dissipated, so it is not conducive to absorption..."

I still wanted to show off.

But the result...

She messed up.

Seeing this, Lu Zhong didn't understand what was going on, so he quickly came to the rescue and said:

"Master, please forgive me! It's all me..."

"Excuse me? That's not right. How can a family use such words?" Shui Ni looked at Lu Zhong angrily, took Yu Feng'er's hand and said, "Also, I'm just curious about this wine.

, you don’t want to blame my good wife! Am I like that kind of evil mother-in-law? "

After hearing this, Yu Feng'er turned from crying to laughing and shook her head. Shui Ni was certainly not an evil mother-in-law. Then she buried her head in Lu Zhong's arms in embarrassment.

The whole thing was caused by me being too nervous, and it almost caused a huge misunderstanding.

The storm passed.

The three of them continued chatting about homely matters.

The tea was changed round after round, and the fruits and pastries were also circulated.

But like all conversations between monks, the topic inevitably fell on practice in the end. Shui Ni spoke about her practice experience without reservation. After listening to it, Lu Zhong suddenly became enlightened in many aspects.

Yu Feng'er has also absorbed a lot, which will surely shorten the time to advance to the middle stage of pill formation.

After eating a piece of preserved dragon meat, Shui Ni took another sip of royal wine, and her whole person became more charming before the blush on her cheeks became more intense.

Then the topic changed and she talked about the current situation of Lingyue Territory.

If you want to describe it, there is only one word "chaos". The original order suddenly collapsed. With the intervention of external forces, the chaos did not stop at the Lingyue Sect industry, but also began to spread.

"From this, I saw an opportunity."

Lu Zhong nodded, he understood what Shui Ni meant.

In the past, the Heling Sect was forced by the power of the Lingyue Sect and had to choose to split into separate sects as soon as it won the battle between the three sects. When I think back to this day, I still feel very angry.

"Master, do you want to reunite the three spirits?"

"No, it should be the Four Spirits!" Shui Ni smiled, and a seal formed in his jade hand. It was not the Flying Star, Xuanyue, and Tuoyang Spirit Seals on the Three Spirits Integration Seal. It was white and shaped like wings.

"This is the Haokong Spiritual Seal. The complete inheritance should actually be the stars, moon, sun and sky."

"..." Lu Zhong felt embarrassed again.

Master, it’s so hard for you to hide this from me!

In the past, he had never known why Shui Ni had such a transcendent status in the Heling Sect. There had been many speculations about this, but who would have expected that this was the reason.

Seeing Lu Zhong's expression, Shui Ni couldn't help but laugh. It took a long time to barely stop, but her shoulders were still shaking, and she said: "If you had asked me about this at the beginning, although Haokong is said to be a secret lineage inheritance,

My master will not hide anything from you, my good disciple. If you want to blame me, you have to blame yourself."

She took another sip of royal wine, placed the jade cup gently on the table, and showed an unprecedented confidence: "So, I want to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to conquer the three former Heling Sects in one fell swoop and form the Haokong One."

Pulse, the three spirits of the Heling Sect unite into one seal, and is officially presented as the Four Spirits Guizhen Seal.

At that time, Heling Sect will also be renamed as ‘Zhenling Sect’!”

"Husband..." Yu Feng'er pulled Lu Zhong's clothes with a faint smile on her face and cast an encouraging look. She was showing her support.

"I understand!" Lu Zhongchuan replied.

Thoughts are swirling in my mind at this moment, but I already have a plan.

Yu Qing, he is Shui Ni's only disciple.

When Master is in need, it is natural to provide help.

Logically, this can bring huge benefits.

Regardless of supporting this "Battle of Hezong", the resources expected to be invested will be massive, at least nearly ten million spirit stones. But once the integration is really completed by Shui Ni, with the strength of the Zhenling Sect,

It is almost destined to be one of the seven Nanman sects in the future.

At that time, there will be Zhenling Sect as assistance.

Then there will no longer be any worries about the development of Bihai Sect.

Spiritual items that bring a lot of money like Shengling Liquor can be sold freely without having to be restrained like now, or even actively "stigmatized".

"Master has given orders, how dare disciples disobey!"

"Okay, okay! Master, you really saw the right person. He is indeed my good disciple!" Shui Ni said three good words in succession. She seemed to be in an extremely comfortable mood. She actually reached out to grab the wine bottle on the table. Gu Dongdong will

Drink all the royal wine in one gulp.


You can't drink royal wine like this.

Lu Zhongcai reacted, but it was too late to stop him. He could only watch Shui Ni drunkenly fall on him. The latter seemed to have lost consciousness, Han Hu said:

"Good, good disciple, help me to rest."

"Uh, okay." Lu Zhong saw that Shui Ni was like this, and he couldn't let Yu Feng'er take over, so he had to take on the task, supported her and walked towards the specially prepared guest room.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that Shui Ni's body was trembling slightly.

But when I took a closer look, I found that everything was normal.

"It's strange, I didn't drink much either..."

He couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it and concentrated on helping Shui Ni up, so as not to accidentally bump her somewhere later. Then when Shui Ni wakes up from the alcohol, it will be a lot of fun.

The waterside pavilion is not far from the guest room, and Lu Zhong has prepared nine places, just for this situation.

After helping Shui Ni to bed, he turned over his hand and took out a white jade pill.

It's the Awakening Pill.

This is the best antidote for monks who are in a drunken state.

Lu Zhong was thinking about how to feed Shui Ni when he suddenly felt a rush of hot breath on his cheeks. He turned around and saw Shui Ni waking up at some point and not even half drunk.

The distance is so close that their hairs are touching.

Before he could react, the other side came up to him.

The room was filled with the joyful atmosphere just now.

Looking at herself in the water mirror with her face full of spring and her hair disheveled, Shui Ni's red face suddenly had a large sunset glow, but it was quickly suppressed by her.

"Humph, I finally got it!" Shui Ni hummed softly.

But soon she had a headache again.

"Should the things left inside be forced out with magic, or..."

Although the chance is not high, once she hits the three yuan, Shui Ni should learn earth escape, otherwise she will not know how to meet people in the future.

Soon, she had a plan in mind.

Arrange your appearance and clothes and return to your usual state.

When I opened the door and went out, it was dinner time.

Compared to lunch, this dinner is obviously much lighter. It mostly consists of various authentic dishes, all cooked with elixirs. Although the effect of eating it is not as good as dragon meat, the taste is not that bad.

Shui Ni sat down gracefully, but did not dare to look at Lu Zhong.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time!"

After a meal, Lu Zhong was in a particularly complicated mood, and the previous scene could not help but resurface in his mind. Yu Feng'er, who was on the side, didn't realize it at all. She was secretly glad that Shui Ni was concentrating on eating and no longer chatting about family matters.

After dinner, the three of them admired the moon together.

It was inevitable to have another conversation.

The hot summer is like fire.

After the Lantern Festival, Shui Ni embarked on her return journey.

After Yu Feng'er and Lu Zhong sent Shui Ni away, they noticed something was wrong with their husband's expression, and asked: "Husband, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Or is it that my husband doesn't want to leave Master and leave..."

"What's wrong?" Lu Zhongqian said with a smile.

Looking back on what happened between me and Shui Ni, Shui Ni took the initiative at first, but later on it was him who took the initiative even more.

In this world, three wives and four concubines or three husbands and four heads are commonplace for monks. As long as they have the ability, there is no problem in marrying them. But things like this, especially between masters and disciples... may not be possible.

Accepted by all.

Alas, how can I explain this!

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Yu Feng'er looking at him with a smile.

My heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Damn it, this woman is so smart!

After repeated squeezes, it’s already a new year before I go out.

In the waterside pavilion, Lu Zhong was lying down a little weak. Even when he drank tea, he had to be fed by the maid.

Although his vitality was greatly damaged, he finally got over the incident.

After resting for several months, until his condition was almost restored, Lu Zhong continued to refine the magic weapon.

After such a long delay, it was inevitable that the power of the magic weapon would be damaged. Seeing this, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and refine the real bones of the blue beast that he had kept.

But I never thought that it would be a blessing in disguise.

When the final product comes out, it will be a five-level forbidden magic weapon.

Due to the limitations of the materials, the made robe is not black, but an ink blue that is close to black, and the pattern on the surface is no longer a star pattern, but replaced by a commensurate water dragon pattern.

Therefore, the name of this treasure is "Dragon Pattern Dharma Robe".

Maybe he added too much water dragon material, and the dragon pattern robe inherited some of the water dragon's magical powers. In addition to the "Surging Star Seal" it should have, it also has an additional "water control magical power."

The magical power of water control is a subordinate magical power of the magical power of controlling water.

It is impossible to directly move mountains and seas with magical power like the original water dragon. At best, you can simply control some water flow, which can probably simulate the effects of first- and second-level water spells.

In addition, you can also gain certain abilities in water activities.

"Using it flexibly is a good skill." After some practice, Lu Zhong put on the dragon pattern robe in front of the water mirror and returned to his former sanctimonious image.

Pushing the door open and going out, he saw that Yu Feng'er was not outside.

Inexplicably relieved.

Soaring into the sky.

"It is related to the supernatural power of external incarnation. It is necessary to complete the study of golden seal script as soon as possible..." Lu Zhong decided to stay in Changchun Fairy City for a while and come back after learning it.

Immediately, it accelerated rapidly and turned into a rainbow of light.

In the days that followed, Lu Zhong immersed himself in the study of golden seal script.

Completely different from the silver script, the golden seal script is a type of hieroglyphics. It is essentially the same type as the runes. They are both simplified summaries of the true form of the great road. The characters themselves have their own power.

There are three thousand true texts, each with various variations.

According to Kuang Youwen, this is the result of extreme simplification. After some changes by the sages, only one point of the power contained in the golden seal script was left, and the difficulty of learning was greatly reduced.

But even so, it was still very difficult for Lu Zhong to learn.

Fortunately, he is already a pill-forming monk, and the strength of his soul is not comparable to that of the same level, so it is hard work, and the speed is not too slow when he concentrates all his strength.

Finally, he deciphered the four characters on the cover of the album.

It is indeed an incarnation outside the body.

After getting this result, Lu Zhong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

While he was concentrating on his studies, major events were happening in the Southern Barbarians outside. First of all, the Lingyue Sect was in turmoil. After a long period of power consumption, the first fallen elder of Dan appeared.

This is definitely a landmark event!

In the eyes of many people, this symbolizes the beginning of the collapse of Lingyue Sect.

Sure enough, half a month later this incident happened.

Shui Ni sent a secret letter, requesting Lu Zhong to start mobilizing the power of Bihaizong and Chengde Chamber of Commerce, and to raise sufficient war preparation materials to prepare for the upcoming "Battle of Hezong".

The rain is coming and the wind is blowing!

During this period, many forces also began to act on their own.

The formation of the seven sects of the Southern Barbarians was not accidental.

In fact, this is the result of a long-term game in this world of immortality, and finally this relatively stable pattern was formed. Any attempt to break this pattern will be blocked by hostile forces.

According to the news received by Lu Zhong, the Taoist sect, namely Huayiguan and Yanzhen sect, has begun to cultivate its power in the Lingyue domain, with the intention of making it a new Yuanying sect.

Maybe that's why.

Recently, there have been frequent frictions between Changchun Valley and Daomen.

At other times, Changchun Valley, which has been a dual Yuanying sect for a long time, is enough to contain the Dao sect alone, preventing the forces it cultivates from rising in the Lingyue domain.

But now, the situation is very different.

Changchun Valley coincides with the time of weakness.

There are already rumors in the market that they are already in contact with Xuanyang Sect, and the two seem to have reached a preliminary intention to jointly form an alliance to fight against the expansion of Dao Sect.

At the same time, the Taoist sect began to frequently send envoys to the Heavenly Sword Territory.

Its purpose is obvious.

Based on the current situation, Lu Zhong feels that the future situation of the Southern Barbarians may be different from what he expected.

He needs to do something more.

Immediately, the entire Nanman map was projected in the form of a water mirror. The mountains, rivers and rivers on it were extremely clear. It was processed from an overhead view and could be rotated and zoomed at will.

"One east and one west, maybe I should seek the support of Changchun Valley."

Considering the possibility that Changchun Valley might also support vassal forces in Lingyue Domain, Lu Zhong lowered his goal and changed it to not being hostile to Changchun Valley.

This chapter has been completed!
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