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Chapter 30 Basic Control Tips for Swords

After leaving the refinery that smelled of charcoal fire, Lu Zhong turned back to West Street.

West Street was the most prosperous place in Qingliu Market in the past, and there are still many shops open for business today.

Just because of the previous turmoil, there are not many magic weapon shops still operating today.

After taking a look, he chose a store that looked more capable.

Hongsheng Magical Artifact Shop is the name of this shop, which is written on the flag that serves as a signboard at the door.

The store door is carved from a single piece of ebony wood. Although this kind of wood is not a spiritual wood, its value is not low at all. It is equivalent to the same weight of gold, and it is a treasure coveted by all emperors in the world.

But now, it has become the shop door of immortal cultivators.

However, it is a pity that the gate was heavily damaged during the previous turmoil, and many repair marks can be seen.

Pushing the door open, you will find a well-decorated lobby inside. Not only is there a large plain carpet on the floor, but there are also many landscape paintings hanging on the walls. You can tell at a glance that they are all painted by famous masters.

There is a set of furniture on the right side of the lobby, including all kinds of tea sets, which should be designed to entertain guests.

At this moment, on the left side of the door, there was a gray-haired old man sitting behind the counter, his eyes lowered as if he was taking a nap.

Next to the old man stood a young boy, his eyes shining like morning stars, his lips red and white, his teeth very beautiful. When he saw a guest coming, he quickly tugged at the corner of the old man's clothes.

"Grandpa, there are guests coming to the door."

The old man then opened his eyes, looked at Lu Zhong with his cloudy eyes, and said apologetically: "People always lack energy when they get old, which makes fellow Taoists laugh. How about we go over there to drink tea and talk slowly?"

"No problem." Lu Zhong didn't care about this.

The two sat down separately, and the boy immediately ran into the back hall, brought a pot of hot water, and started making tea for the two of them.

The old man still seemed a little tired. He rubbed his forehead and then said, "I'm Wan Baoshan, the manager of Hongsheng Magic Artifact Shop. What should I call you?"

"Lv Zhong." Lu Zhong told the truth.

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Lu. I didn't expect that you, at such a young age, are already at the third level of Qi Refining. You are really young and promising!" Wan Baoshan spoke in a very kind tone, making people feel good about him.

Today's Lu Zhong can indeed be regarded as a young and promising person in Qingliufang, a gathering place for low-level casual cultivators.

It should be noted that the age of foundation building will affect future potential. As long as a monk can build a foundation within one period, that is, within sixty years, he can be regarded as a hidden dragon who is expected to form an elixir.

"It's an award, it's just a fluke." Lu Zhong waved his hands repeatedly and said modestly.

After the two chatted for a while, Wanbaoshan finally recovered.

Immediately getting to the point, Lu Zhong told the purpose of his visit.

"Fellow Taoist, you came just in time. A batch of new goods just arrived in the store today. I'll go get them right away."

After Wanbaoshan finished speaking, he put down the tea cup in his hand and walked towards the back hall.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Lu Zhong began to recall the memory of the magical artifact.

Magic weapon, as the name suggests, is the weapon of the magic circle.

First, you need to engrave a magic circle or restriction on the spiritual material, and then refine it.

According to the magic circle inscribed on the magic weapon, the number and strength of the restrictions, the magic weapon can be divided into lower, middle and upper grades.

Generally speaking, low-grade magic weapons only have one magical power, either fire breathing or frost condensation, which mainly depends on the embryo of the magic weapon.

There are two medium-grade magical instruments, and three high-grade magical instruments.

However, the number of magical powers possessed by a magical weapon does not strictly correspond to its grade, and there will be exceptions.

Occasionally, there will be a high-grade magic weapon with only one powerful magical power, but it rarely appears.

Nowadays, Lu Zhong only has about a hundred or so spiritual stones on his body, and he would never dare to think about keeping up with the middle-grade magic weapons and the high-grade magic weapons.

Soon, Wanbaoshan turned back, holding three wooden boxes in his hands.

The wooden box was opened and covered with a layer of brocade cloth. When the brocade cloth was opened, three magical instruments were revealed.

They are two swords and a long sword.

"A low-grade magical weapon, the Qingshuang Sword, was produced at the Shengyi Refining Workshop in Qingliufang City. It is currently 95% worn. It is forged with a hundred kilograms of Qingling iron and three coins of Haoshuang stone. It comes with the magical power of Qingshuang's cold energy.

, when activated, the Green Frost Sword can be coated with green frost cold air, which can slow down the target's movements, and as the cold air continues to erode, it can also have the effect of freezing the movement of spiritual power."

"As for the price of this sword, fellow Taoists have also seen it. The wear and tear is only 95%, and it has not been repaired once. Therefore, our store sells it for 105 spirit stones, which is a good price!"

Seeing that Lu Zhong was silent, Wanbaoshan picked up another sword, but it was a long sword of red fire.

"A low-grade magical weapon, the Fiery Sword, whose origin is unknown. It is currently 80% worn. The sword body is made of fire iron, and the blade is made of extremely strong blue flame steel. Both materials can play the role of

The effect of amplifying flames can greatly enhance the power of the lower-level magical power of this sword to condense fire, not to mention molten gold and fossils."

"The price of the Fiery Sword is higher, priced at 140 spirit stones." Wanbaoshan introduced.

After hearing the prices of the two magical artifacts he wanted to buy most, Lu Zhong not only felt a toothache.

I thought that the basic exercises were expensive enough, but I never thought that the price of the equipment was also not low.

To buy a low-grade magic weapon, he would have to go without food or drink for a year to save enough money.

"It feels similar to buying big things in the previous life, and it's the same year's income." Lu Zhong thought silently.

It's just that the magic weapon is expensive, but it is actually very durable. If you are not a monk who often ventures into the wilderness, as long as you do the usual maintenance, it can even be passed down as a family heirloom.

Thinking of this, he had no intention of listening to Wanbaoshan's introduction to the third magical weapon.

As a monk who practices sword arts, there is no reason not to use a sword.

Regarding the choice between Qingshuang Sword and Fiery Sword, Lu Zhong chose Qingshuang Sword without hesitation.

The reason why I didn't choose the Fiery Sword was naturally because I only had so many spiritual stones and I really couldn't afford the Fiery Sword.

Although, the power of the Fire Sword seems to be significantly higher.

When Wanbaoshan heard Lu Zhong's choice, his face suddenly burst into laughter.

"Fellow Taoist is really happy, it seems that the old man also wants to show off."

With that said, he took out a pamphlet from his sleeve and handed it to Lu Zhong.

"What is this?" Lu Zhong took the pamphlet.

"It's just a set of control tips for the magical weapon. Although it is not specially compiled for the Qingshuang Sword, it still sells a few spiritual stones outside. I will make the decision here and give it to fellow Taoists." Wanbaoshan explained with a smile on his face.


The key to controlling the magic weapon?

Hearing this, Lu Zhong's heart skipped a beat.

Isn’t it? No!

When I opened this book, I saw how to use sword techniques to control swords, as well as how to implement basic sword moves, so that you can use your mind to control swords and achieve the effect of fighting from a distance.

Split, chop, cut, tease, pick, hook, stab.

Wear, wipe, sweep, point, collapse, hang, cloud.

According to the book, the combination of these moves is swordsmanship.

Different sword techniques are theoretically different combinations of basic sword moves.

What Lu Zhong has to do is to practice these sword moves to perfection, so that he can control the Qingshuang Sword well.

In this way, you can draw the sword as you please, and your sword moves will be smooth and flowing.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will only be able to use these three earth-handling techniques: chopping, cutting, and stabbing.

This chapter has been completed!
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