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Chapter 315 Qiyao Order

There was a loud "boom" sound.

The giant crimson peak swayed, and immediately began to collapse and shatter, turning into pieces of varying sizes, and then billowing smoke and dust rose into the sky, accompanied by an angry roar.

Lu Zhong, who had retreated to a distance, smiled faintly when he saw this scene.

When he left just now, he deliberately left the avatar in the lava lake. He never thought that it would actually come in handy. Even if it could not hurt Qingding, it would still make the two of them suffer.

As for whether they can be allowed to perish?

At this point, Lu Zhong felt that there was not much possibility. After all, he was an old monster who had been practicing for hundreds of years. It was impossible that he could not handle such a trivial matter.

In fact, even the flowers swallowed by the ancient rock python are very likely to survive.

His real purpose is to gradually weaken the target's strength.

Although the Nascent Soul cultivator is strong, the speed of recovery is not unlimited. It is limited by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and elixirs. Simply restoring mana can easily take several months. If you are accidentally injured somewhere, it will take a few months for the healing to start.

Three to five years.

Soon, two figures escaped from the underground, looking particularly embarrassed.

In order to avoid being noticed by the two people, Lu Zhong did not look directly, but used the gray fog space to observe. At this time, he was surprised to find that there were blood stains on Qingding's left arm, and he was unable to hang it down at the moment.

"Is there such a gain?" Lu Zhong looked surprised.

After Qingding and Huolongzi came out, they immediately turned into a rainbow and fled into the distance in a panic. Shortly after they left, a fire scorpion with a colorful tail came out of the ground angrily, and roared up to the sky for a long time.

Then he burrowed back into the ground unwillingly.

After everything calmed down, he finally showed his body.

Looking at the direction Qingding was leaving, Lu Zhong hesitated for a moment and gave up his plan to catch up.

If Huo Longzi and Qing Ding faced one of them, he would have a good chance of winning, and might even destroy the opponent's body. But if the two of them joined forces, they would have no choice but to run away.

"The time has not come yet." Lu Zhongmo thought.

To kill a Nascent Soul is by no means a simple matter, especially when the cultivation levels are equal, it is even more difficult, and often requires careful planning.

First destroy the physical body, then kill the Nascent Soul.

Only in this way can the purpose be achieved.

A few more days passed.

As the safe route of the passage was discovered, a large number of monks began to pour in from outside, especially the large-scale arrival of monks from the sect, which caused the originally peaceful outer hall of Wanwu Temple to boil like boiling water.

Carrying out the will of high-level monks, a large number of monks began to fight against the monsters guarding the elixir in order to obtain the elixir.

For a time, there were flames of war and smoke everywhere.

At this moment, Lu Zhong was looking at Sensing Yujue.

Since yesterday, this jade, which had been silent, made a trembling sound and pointed out a vague direction. But what surprised him was that the pointer pointing to Shui Ni's direction had always stopped at a certain place without changing at all.

"You must be in trouble." Lu Zhong thought to himself.

Thinking of this, he turned into a rainbow and flew towards Shui Ni's direction.

Following Yu Jue's guidance, after flying for half a day, Lu Zhong came to a deserted land, where there were jagged and strange rocks everywhere, covered with tiny holes.

As soon as I entered this place, there was a buzzing sound from all around.

After a while, countless small flying insects flew out of those holes. The number was roughly estimated to be close to ten thousand, converging into black torrents, and then turned into a ferocious giant insect, with a deafening sound of flapping wings, viciously.

He rushed towards Lu Zhong.

Without thinking, Lu Zhong raised his hand and struck a lightning strike.

Countless thunder and lightning emerged from the void and struck the giant insect's path. The latter was unable to dodge, and insect corpses immediately fell like raindrops, and soon covered the ground with a layer of black.

But there are endless flying insects. Even if nearly ten thousand of them are instantly wiped out by Thunder Swamp, black insects are still crawling out of the holes in those jagged rocks. They flutter their wings and fly into the air, turning into arrows in an instant.

, shooting through the air without any fear.

"What kind of insect is this?" Lu Zhong frowned slightly.

Seeing that the insects are endless, he simply raised his hand and released an incarnation.

Then he retreated quickly.

After a while, a burst of bright light appeared, followed by a violent shock wave, and then a dazzling mushroom cloud rose.

"The self-destruction of the incarnation is indeed very powerful, but it is too expensive..." Lu Zhong looked at the smoke and dust gradually dissipating in the distance, and calculated the cost of refining the incarnation in the Nascent Soul stage. Each one was much higher than that in the pill formation stage.

, converted into spiritual stones, it is millions.

Suddenly, he felt a deep physical pain.

Fortunately it's worth the money.

The power of self-destruction surpasses that of a pill-forming monk, and is enough to sweep away everything within a range of more than a thousand feet.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, a pit a hundred feet deep appeared on the spot.

As for those flying insects, of course they were completely gone. Not to mention the insect corpses, even the jagged and strange rocks they were on were all lifted up by Lu Zhong.

Continuing to fly forward, there are still many jagged and strange rocks, but the number is significantly sparser than before. It is worth mentioning that it seems that Lu Zhong’s ruthless moves have had an effect, even though those flying insects crawled to the entrance of the cave

, but none of them flew out.

"Bullying the weak and fearing the strong?" This word came to Lu Zhong's mind, and he suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

But this is not surprising.

After all, survival is the instinct of living beings.

The journey was like entering a deserted land.

After flying for half a day, I felt that Yujue was no longer trembling, but vibrating violently. A layer of blood appeared on the surface, and the direction became very clear.

When flying to a flat sandy area, Yujue suddenly pointed downward.

"Underground?" Lu Zhong thought thoughtfully.

At this moment, a slightly hoarse voice came.

"Why are you here!" Shui Ni's voice was full of surprise, but she quickly added: "Strange, why don't those black sandworms come after me?"

After a while, there was a flash of light.

Shui Ni escaped from the ground and saw that there were really no black sandworms around, and her beautiful eyes were filled with surprise.

She accidentally entered this place in order to obtain the witchcraft order, but she suffered a lot from these black sandworms. They killed them without mercy and could spit out extremely corrosive black wind.

Seeing that it would be difficult to get out for a while, Shui Ni decided to recover his magic power underground.

But he never thought that Lu Zhong would come in unscathed.

After Shui Ni listened to Lu Zhong's explanation, the shock on his face slowly faded away, and she couldn't help but sigh with emotion at his "generousness". After all, these were millions of spiritual stones.

"Thank you for the rescue, otherwise if I want to go out later, I'm afraid I will have to go through a lot of trouble." Shui Ni held Lu Zhong's hand and smiled.

Then she handed over another silver token.

Astonishingly, it was the second-highest Qiyao Order, two levels higher than the Wuyang Order that Lu Zhong had seen before, and only below the highest level of the Nine Witches Order.

"I got two Qiyao Tokens in total, just enough for you and me to get one each," Shui Ni said.

Lu Zhong was surprised.

But he didn't refuse, he nodded and accepted.

Immediately afterwards, Shui Ni revealed another news.

This chapter has been completed!
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