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Chapter 514: Entranced

When you enter the furnace, the only feeling you feel is heat.

Heat is not real, but comes from the projection of the power of the virtual world.

Acts directly on the soul.

In fact, Lu Zhong was sitting cross-legged in the center of the furnace without any physical discomfort.

He guessed that this situation was most likely related to the refining of the Immortal Machine, which involved some extremely profound secrets, but he did not yet know the specific principles and detailed processes.

It took a while to get used to it.

At this time, a voice came from above.

"If you are ready, sacrifice the spiritual treasure you want to refine. Remember, once you start to enter the soul, you must complete it in one go and never stop in the middle!"

"Thank you, Senior Feng, for reminding me!"

After Lu Zhong said this, he took out the Star Mirror.

This is his natal spiritual treasure.

Since the elixir was refined, it has been with you for thousands of years.

Today, it will usher in a new life.

As if aware of this, the Star Mirror trembled slightly, and the spiritual light emerged like waves, turning into a ball of light and rising slowly, but it was the instrument spirit that actively responded.

Uneasy and full of expectations at the same time.

"Senior, please take action!"

Lu Zhong shouted loudly.

Almost at the same time, a beam of light fell from above.

He covered his face with his head and face covering the Xingchenjian.

Then, a tornado of flames ignited around them, bright red like blood, illusory but intensely hot.

Under the burning of these flames, in the star mirror that Lu Zhong seemed to be pure and flawless, in a special place like the virtual world, black matter continued to seep out.

They stick to the surface like mud and are burned before slipping and falling.

Occasionally, if debris is scattered, it will turn into irregular lenses.

Through the lens, you can see sections of the picture.

Qingding Zhenren, Black Jiao, Huo Yaozi... the figures of the former enemies flashed like a marquee. When Lu Zhongyu sent Xingchen Jian to kill them, the information about the existence of these people

, and at the same time polluted the star mirror.

But at this moment, before Lingbao entered his soul, they were all forced out.

"Hoo ho ho!"

Suddenly, a gust of black wind came out of the plains.

Not long after, silhouettes appeared one after another, but the first of the five calamities arrived. The extracted information was transformed into miscellaneous elements through this special place in the virtual world.

Lu Zhong's expression was stern when he saw this, but he didn't dare to be careless.

He drew the purple thunder with his hand, and there was a sudden and indiscriminate bombardment.

This happened so suddenly that the impurities began to fall in pieces before they had time to react. Or they exploded into fly ash, or they turned into light spots and were annihilated.

At the same time, the moonlight in front of Lu Zhong was like a spring, and countless sword shadows were shooting.

But he did not hesitate to use the moonlight Taoist technique.

The sword energy spread vertically and horizontally, weaving into a large net in the blink of an eye, covering Xiang Zasu's group with a roar.

In just ten breaths, the first wave of impurities was successfully dealt with by Lu Zhong.

However, this is just the beginning.

The real first calamity needs to be persisted until the information purification is completed, only then can it be considered successful.

Next, Lu Zhong kept taking action.

How many creatures have been killed, how much pollution will be on the natal spiritual treasure.

In other words, it can also be called "disaster".

It is precisely because of their existence that they will hinder the spiritual treasures from moving forward. Only by completely getting rid of them can we achieve a pure state that is free from cause and effect and reincarnation, and have a broader future.

In fact, the cultivation process of immortal cultivation is very similar to this.

The only difference from Lingbao is the order in which the gods are fused.

Monks first form a body and then go through the tribulation in the Mahayana.

After a while, the black mud that fell on the star mirror began to decrease, but the pressure Lu Zhong felt did not decrease at all. On the contrary, it suddenly doubled.

The most deeply rooted disasters are often the most powerful.

For example, at this moment, an old figure appeared.


It once brought a shadow to Lu Zhong, a terrifying existence that he could not defeat for a time.

The mark he left behind was transformed into a majestic giant shadow through the transformation of the virtual world. Whether it was a thunder spell or a moonlight sword, it would cause effective damage to it.

All of these are manifestations of the shadows in my heart.

Deal with this impurity.

There is only hard grinding, little by little grinding.

Even though Lu Zhongdao's heart was as firm as iron, this battle was fought in a dark way.

It finally ended, and decades had passed.

Even the soul felt a bit tired.

But it's all worth it.

After purification, Lu Zhong found that the Star Mirror had indeed become more pure, unprecedentedly pure, and its properties were difficult to accurately describe in words.

Once you get here, you can start the next step.


The soul is condensed from Tianyuan, and it is said that Tianyuan comes from the virtual world on the other side.

Therefore, when the divine soul enters the spiritual treasure, it can induce all kinds of incredible things.

It is said that it is difficult to get through this level, and it is just a dream to say it is easy. What blessings can be obtained from it depends on the luck of the person who crosses it.

According to records in the classics, there was a man who cultivated a sword to obtain the treasure of soul, and then gained the ability to travel through space.

A single thought can span hundreds of millions of miles.

Therefore, it became possible to take a person's head with a flying sword from an extremely long distance.

What's more, you can practice the inextinguishable divine fire.

From now on, nothing will be burned, and everything will be burned.

However, there are also soul treasures that do not gain any special features. On the contrary, their power has significantly diminished compared to the beginning.

"What can I gain?"

Lu Zhong couldn't help but become nervous when he thought of this.

"Are you ready?"

Feng Yannian's voice came from above again.

"Senior, please take action!"

Lu Zhong's expression straightened and he said respectfully.

At this point, it is impossible to retreat, the only option is to move forward bravely.

At this moment, above the furnace, Feng Yannian received a response, his expression became solemn, he pinched out a spell with his jade fingers, and then punched it into the void in front of him one after another, causing the place to tremble one after another.

Then, a phantom of a spiritual phoenix flew out of her body, and she began to exhale.

This Feng Ying's true body is Feng Yannian's soul treasure.

It is called "Lingfeng Zhan".

With the combined efforts of one person and one treasure, a response quickly came from the void.

Suddenly, a small golden furnace appeared.

It's not big, just enough to be held in one's hand, and its surface is covered with spiritual tree patterns, indicating its origin.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The gold liquid inside is rippling, they contain great power, and have the effect of ghostly axe. In fact, they are the essence of Tianyuan collected by the forging fairy workshop from the virtual world for a long time, and they are also monks

The word "spirit" is often spoken of.

Seeing Xiaolu appear, Feng Yannian gritted his teeth and opened his mouth to spit out a drop of bright red blood.

At the same time, the spirit phoenix lamp also exhaled more wisps of clear air.

The two are combined into one, mixed into silver light, and sprayed onto the small furnace.

Then, she put in the Tiangong Order together.

After gathering the two conditions, the small furnace seemed to have passed the verification. At this moment, it tilted forward slightly, the furnace cover slid open, and a drop of gold liquid fell from the inside, falling from mid-air to the star mirror.

In an instant, it was brilliant!

In the eternal and chaotic virtual world, such a bright light means exposing one's position.

Almost immediately, a massive amount of impurities swarmed in.

However, this was done deliberately.

Originally, the refining of spiritual treasures required monks to spend thousands of years and go through numerous catastrophes. Now, with the help of the Immortal Forging Workshop, if you want to avoid these catastrophes, you will naturally have to do extraordinary things.

And these massive amounts of impurities are necessary nutrients.

Only by watering it can it bear fruit.

Almost immediately, a huge amount of information poured in.

Whether it can survive this wave and whether it can gain from it will determine the future of Xingchenjian.

Lu Zhong knew this very well.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed.

The surroundings look normal to the naked eye, but in fact, in the Yuan Shen's vision, we are already in the center of the eye of the storm, and streams of strange lights are constantly falling. They seem to come from the other side of the virtual world, but they are not without them.

At this moment, consciousness started to squirm one after another and tried to stick to the star mirror.

The latter was wrapped in golden light, like an unformed fetus in pregnancy.

These strange lights are the source of the birth of miracles.

Different ones are adhered to each other, and when a sufficient number is collected, it will be considered complete.

The future is in Lu Zhong's hands.

"What can I get? To be precise, what do I need?" Lu Zhong has a feeling that with his current strength, it is an easy task to make the Xingchen Jian magically appear.

But the easier it is, the more careful you have to be.

But the answer actually already existed in his mind.

In order to become the only true immortal, Lu Zhong must first return to the world line.

Ordinary monks, even those who have reached the stage of transcending tribulation, cannot do this. Only the treasure of the soul that first fuses and then transcends can allow him to obtain this ability after the birth of a supernatural being.

"So, it's you!"

Lu Zhong suddenly opened his eyes and pointed his sword a little further forward.

Where the target was clicked, there were wisps of gray light.

They gave Lu Zhong the most familiar feeling, and they had been with him since he entered Taoism.

That's right, it's the same light as the gray fog space!

"Buzz buzz!"

A low humming sound began to ripple and echo in the virtual world.

It was not only the existence of the virtual world that was alarmed. One by one, the earth was awakened from eternal slumber. Even the spiritual world in reality had shocking visions appearing at the same time.

In an instant, brilliance swept across the sky.

Countless fragments of long-gone time are projected out by inexplicable power, and the memories that the evil spirits are most afraid of and buried deep in their hearts are evoked at this moment.

The scene presented in front of us is clearly from the past when the Taoist Alliance was prosperous.

Countless immortal cultivators shed tears as they recalled their past glory.

Lu Zhong knew nothing about all this.

At this moment, he was going through a disaster.

The choice made by Lu Zhong seemed to have triggered the true power of the gray mist space, and any trace of it that spilled over caused astonishing phenomena in the Linghuan world. At the same time, he himself was not immune and was also involved.


In the dim room, the screen flickered.

Lu Zhong woke up in a daze, looked at the computer screen in front of him, and saw everything in the room that was both familiar and yet extremely unfamiliar. His eyes were first shocked, then dull, and then turned into shock again.

"I, am I back?"

He couldn't believe it.

"But why..."

Lu Zhong raised his left hand and easily formed a thunder ball.

Everything I acquired in the other world seemed to have been brought here with me.

Here, he can also use lightning techniques.

"Is it a dream or an illusion?"

"No, no, no, all of this is real!"

At this time, Lu Zhong was sure that he had indeed returned to his original place, the place of his original birth. At the same time, he also brought back his cultivation skills, which were proof of his thousands of years of practice.

After confirming this, his eyes became firm.

"If nothing unexpected happens, this is one of the world lines."

What Lu Zhong has to do is very simple, which is to cut it off and unify it.

How to cut it off?

The answer is self-evident.

As soon as he thought about it, a small mirror appeared.

There was a flash of light, and before Lu Zhong could see clearly what was happening, everything in front of him collapsed and turned into gray light, then gathered together and disappeared into the small mirror.

Losing a world line is equivalent to cutting off a self.

The only thing Lu Zhong felt about this was that he in the Yuan Shen's vision was more real.

Other than that, there is no change in strength.


Another burst of brilliance bloomed.

When Lu Zhong came to his senses, he was back to where he was.

He was still sitting cross-legged in the center of the furnace.

Everything that just happened seemed like a dream.

The impurities above the head are whistling, and they are still being attracted and rushing in. There are endless amounts, but they are all torn apart by the golden magic chain, and are transformed into information flows that pour down and wash away the star mirror below.

At this moment, the Star Mirror has been washed away and is no longer covered by the golden light of the spirit.

At the same time, a consciousness that was closely connected with Lu Zhong and almost had the same origin, emitted a new wave of joy. After a burst of brilliance, the star mirror changed slightly and turned into a few bright stars.

Extremely illusory, but also real.

Lu Zhong knew clearly that he had passed the soul barrier!

But before he could take a deep breath, the stars transformed by the Star Mirror suddenly turned pitch black, and then the aura of miscellaneous elements appeared, turning into twisted monsters and falling, but the second calamity came quietly.

The source of this calamity is the attachment of those strange lights just now.

Although they have incredible functions, they are also a kind of external pollution.

Only by eradicating them all can the essence of the treasure of the soul be restored.

This is a difficult process.

Also, in the process of refining the treasure of the soul, the big troubles that should have been spread out over a span of thousands of years are suddenly triggered and solved. How can we not make people feel numb?

No one can help Lu Zhong, everything must depend on his own strength.

Another hard fight!

This scene lasted for a full hundred years.

The beating was until Lu Zhong's soul was tired and his magic power was sluggish, and then it finally ended.

And this is only the past two tribulations and one pass.

Lu Zhong was full of doubts about this.

"Senior Feng, is it as difficult for others to refine the Soul Treasure as it is for me?"

"No, you are the first one I have seen." Feng Yannian replied calmly, but on the surface she seemed calm, but in her heart she was extremely surprised by this.

These two tribulations and one level are so terrifying that if it were any other practice, I would have died in them long ago.

But now, Chen Xia is still alive and kicking.

"Is this the strength of Chief Taiyin?"

"Also, what abilities did this person's natal spiritual treasure gain through entering the soul?"

Feng Yannian was very curious about this, but when he thought of dealing with Yue Yinzi, he immediately gave up the thought. He had to remove the memory after the matter was over. So what if he knew it now?

I will still forget it.

Thinking of this, she continued to close her eyes and rest.

Until Lu Zhong proposed the next step.

This chapter has been completed!
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