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Chapter 540 Warlock

"In the end what happened?"

Lu Zhong was suspended high in the sky, hiding his figure and overlooking the surface.

Looking from a distance, I saw huge cracks in the sky within a radius of thousands of miles. Monsters burning with black flames fell down and spread in all directions, one after another in countless numbers.

However, the monks here responded very quickly.

Not long after the heavenly change occurred, hundreds of escaping lights appeared at full speed, building foundations and forming pills. Further away, there were the auras of Nascent Soul monks. Although these monks could not stop the tide of monsters, they could still have a delaying effect.

Yeah, maybe I can persist until I transform into a god, even if the monks from the Void Refining Realm arrive.

After a few more glances, Lu Zhong turned into lightning and soared into the sky.

In less than half a month, he returned to Lingque Mountain Cave House.

The incarnation quickly arrived to report back. After Lu Zhong understood that there was no abnormality in the situation in Lingque Mountain after he left, he immediately entered the quiet room and began to work nervously.

When the sleeves and robes were swept away, several storage magic weapons were immediately released.

After a brief inspection, I got quite a harvest, among which there were four Guang Ling Bao, all of which were acquired Ling Bao.

The earth-forged armor and the golden-year gun were also among them. Lu Zhong planned to keep the earth-forged armor and the golden-year gun. Although they were damaged in the previous battle and their power would be greatly weakened, they could still be of great use.

As for the other two spiritual treasures, they are going to be sold at a good price. They are worth at least three to two thousand yuan crystals, which is a considerable profit.

After careful identification, there was nothing special about elixirs, elixirs, spiritual minerals, etc.

Adding them all up, the total is less than a hundred yuan crystals.

This is also normal.

After all, the owners of these stored magic treasures are all Void Refining cultivators who came from a big power. They have plenty of places to store treasures, and they don't have to keep all their wealth on them like casual cultivators.

Lu Zhong took a deep breath and touched the storage ring with his right hand. A piece of rays of light flew out, and then floated steadily in the palm of his hand, but it was a ball of green water the size of a fist.

It is Qingxiao Water.

According to the classics, this material does not need to be processed and can be directly refined.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhong flicked his fingers ten times, and the hazy mana light flashed slightly, and immediately pulled out several mana filaments, and used this to bind Qingxiao Water.

After a while, the Qingxiao water began to change.

In the Yuan Shen's vision, it first becomes illusory, and then reunites into droplets.

At the same time, it also radiates a brilliant light.

An amazing vision occurred!

As the Qingxiao water continued to change, an irresistible aroma originating from the depths of the soul slowly overflowed from the droplets, filling the entire quiet room in just a moment.

Without hesitation, Lu Zhong opened his mouth and immediately inhaled the aroma into his mouth and nose.

After refining, the aroma is restored to its essence, and immediately turns into a "clear stream" that travels through the meridians, limbs and bones, and finally merges into the sea of ​​consciousness.

During this process, Lu Zhong felt that his soul was clear and extremely relaxed.

Some extremely difficult to detect pollution from inadvertent external sources were also extracted at this time.

As a result, part of the power of Qingxiao Water was consumed.

More Qingxiao water acts on the soul, not only allowing it to continue to transform, but also enhancing its potential. The specific manifestation is the increase in the speed of transformation. From now on, when the same amount of Tianyuan is consumed, the efficiency will be higher.

It is slightly higher than before refining. Over time, it will save hundreds or even thousands of years of cultivation time.

"No wonder those big sects from aristocratic families have been clinging to Qingxiao Water!"

At this time, Lu Zhong suddenly felt something in his heart.

It is true that this thing has endless magical uses. As long as those big forces control Qingxiao Water, they will be much higher than other small and medium-sized forces or casual cultivators at the starting line of training monks in the integration stage.

Sometimes, just this difference can be the deciding factor.

Decide whether you can break through to the integration stage!

Putting aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, Lu Zhong concentrated on refining Qingxiao Water.


A hundred years later.

Lingque Mountain Cave Mansion.

In the pavilion, the fragrance overflows.

Lu Zhong, who had just come out of seclusion, simply packed up and came here. When he saw the table full of spiritual food in the pavilion, he was ready to feast on it to alleviate the side effects of this retreat.

Refining Qingxiao water has endless benefits.

Not only can the Yuanshen continue to transform, saving him from decades of hard work in refining Tianyuan, but it also greatly increases the potential of the Yuanshen. The disguise can also be regarded as increasing the success rate of integration, which can be said to have many benefits for the future.

But there are also disadvantages.

Just like now, Lu Zhong really has no emotion in his heart, not even the joy of refining Qingxiao Water.

This state is quite close to "forgetting one's feelings".

For Lu Zhong, who had always rejected the Supreme Being and was unwilling to give up his seven emotions and six desires, and still wanted to retain his human heart, this state was too dangerous.

Fortunately, the solution is very simple.

After all, the state of forgetfulness is a side effect caused by refining Qingxiao Water. It can be resolved well by counteracting it with strong emotions, and there is no need to worry about the sequelae afterwards.

Ever since, there was this big meal in front of me.

A gust of wind swept through the clouds, and Lu Zhong burped in satisfaction.

At this time, his eyes suddenly moved down the mountain. Through the heavy clouds, he could see a spiritual light coming from that direction. After more than a hundred breaths, it fell into the pavilion, where it danced like a butterfly.

"Hey, hello?"

Lu Zhong was curious as to who sent this invitation.

When I opened it, I found that it was a monk from Tiangongyuan. This person claimed to be a Sanren of Wujing. This person mentioned that there was something that needed to be discussed in detail with him face to face.

"Well, let's just meet."

Lu Zhong thought that idleness was nothing but idleness, so he refused to let the avatar handle it for him.

After a while, the maid led a young man over.

Obviously, this is the Five Mirrors Sanren.

This person's cultivation level is not high, and he is in the late stage of spiritual transformation. His appearance is ordinary, and he is wearing a red-colored Tiangongyuan robe. Like other Tiangongyuan monks, he also has the aura of earth fire, but it is slightly lighter.


"Junior Wu Jing has met Senior Chen!"

As soon as Wujingsan came in, he bowed his hands respectfully and saluted.

A strict look makes it impossible for anyone to find fault.

"Well, you don't have to be so polite." Lu Zhong waved him to sit down. After the maid poured Wujing Sanren a cup of spiritual tea, he casually said, "Tell me, why did you come to Lingque Mountain?"

"To be honest, this junior is here..."

When Wujing Sanren said this, he couldn't help but paused, "To be honest, senior, I came here this time to ask senior to take action."

"Keep talking." Lu Zhong said expressionlessly.

After being in seclusion for hundreds of years, Lu Zhong has been sending avatars outside to collect information. Not only is the information not blocked, but it is also far more informed than ordinary Void Refining monks. Through this, he guessed the purpose of the Five Mirrors Sanren, which was most likely related to the wave of resentful beasts.

The so-called tide of resentful beasts refers to the group of monsters that appeared when the sky split a hundred years ago.

When the change occurred, the monks from the Mingsha Region all mobilized.

After a bloody battle, most of the monsters that emerged from the crack in the sky were eliminated.

However, this battle was not completely successful.

This laid a huge hidden danger for the future.

For example, the current wave of resentment beasts is spreading and causing evil in various places. This is the result of some of the resentment beasts escaping, and the pollution transformed other monsters, gradually spreading into disasters.

For low-level monks, encountering a tide of resentful beasts is almost a life-or-death experience.

As expected, the purpose of the request stated by the Wujing Sanren was to get Lu Zhong to take action and use the powerful strength of the Void Refining Monk to eliminate a group of resentful beasts in the Fire Soup Domain next to the Molten Iron Domain.

And he is the representative elected by Huotangyu.

As a small area, the Huotang Area is famous for its products and poor spiritual energy. It is equivalent to a backwater among the backwoods in the Linghuan world. Therefore, the cultivation level of the local monks is extremely low. If it were not for the Tiangongyuan, they would not be able to borrow

Refining and processing spiritual materials and obtaining some additional resources may make the situation even more difficult.

"It's just a move, I don't mind it."

Lu Zhong spoke slowly, expressing his attitude towards this matter, but then his words changed: "But, what price can you or the Huotang Territory you represent pay for this?"

Hearing this, Wujingsan people felt happy, and then they became worried.

Fortunately, the low-key master of Lingque Mountain in front of him is indeed a powerful monk as reported by the outside world.

Before coming to Lingque Mountain, it was not that he had never visited other Void Refining monks, but every time those seniors heard that they were going to take action against the tide of resentful beasts, their expressions all changed slightly.

Without even asking for a reward, he immediately served tea to the guests.

The reason why he is worried is because Wujing Sanren can feel that the senior Chen in front of him is a person who has no profit and cannot afford to be early. If the price he offers cannot impress this person.

So this trip to Lingque Mountain ended in failure.

Thinking of the wave of resentful beasts that were still raging in the Huotang Domain, Wujing Sanren made up his mind. So he thought about it and said, "Senior, have you ever heard of Tiangong Forging Hammer?"

"Tiangong forged hammer?"

Lu Zhong thought about it and quickly remembered the information about this object.

It comes from the Dao Alliance classics and materials given to him by Ye Panyan, which contains a very detailed description of the "Tiangong Forging Hammer". It was researched and created by the Eleventh Cardinal Academy, independent of the Forging Immortal Workshop.

The means of forging treasures.

Although it is called "forging hammer", this "Tiangong hammer forging" is actually a secret technique.

According to the description in the classics, this secret technique has the ability to forge immortal machines.

At first glance, the "Tiangong Forging Hammer" looks like a treasure.

But in fact, this secret technique ended up being sealed away by the Taoist Alliance. Because of the process of its execution, the mana requirements were too stringent, and the results were full of uncertainty.

Therefore, there are few successful cases in the records.

The secret technique that the Taoist League chose to give up back then was now mentioned again by the monks from the Huotang Domain. Perhaps they had found some solution. When Lu Zhong thought of this, he couldn't help but feel interested.

"Tiangong Forging Hammer, I remember this secret technique, the success rate is less than 1 in 100. Now that you dare to trade it, could you have made some breakthrough in it?"

"Senior's guess is right. After more than ten thousand years of hard work in the Fire Soup Domain, countless monks have worked hard and exhausted their efforts on this. We have indeed found a special method that can greatly increase the success rate of this secret technique. Even if we gather the corresponding materials

, and can lock the success rate at 100%!" Wujing Sanren said with confidence.

"Interesting!" Lu Zhong smiled lightly.

If what this person said is true, then his long-cherished wish, which is to restore the Shocking Bell, will become possible.

If you have a magical opportunity by your side, your strength will be even more powerful.

However, all the prerequisites are based on the truth of what Wujing Sanren said.

For the sake of safety, Lu Zhong used the gray fog space to conduct some research on this person. The results were very satisfactory. The monks from the Huotang Domain did have a way to greatly increase the success rate of the secret technique of "Tiangong Forging Hammer".

It's interesting to say that even the monks of the Eleventh Cardinal Academy would not be able to guess the solution to this secret technique in the Fire Soup Domain.

It's very simple, just cultivate a specialized bloodline.

After generations of selection, a physique suitable for performing this secret technique has been developed.

Although this method is clumsy, it is possible to implement it due to the special secret technique of "Tiangong Forging Hammer", that is, the special requirements for mana.

Within the Fire Soup Domain, this kind of monk is called "Forging Hammer Spirit Body".

It sounds ordinary, but it is the carrier for the realization of secret techniques.

The secret technique of "Tiangong Hammer Forging" performed by the hammer forging spirit monks has a success rate of 70% in refining treasures. And if several rare spiritual materials can be collected, the success rate can be increased by one.


It’s just that.

As soon as Lu Zhong remembered the names of those rare spiritual materials, he decisively gave up the idea of ​​collecting them.

For no other reason than it is just too difficult.

"There is a 70% chance, but I can give it a try." Lu Zhong thought to himself.

Under the current situation, it is not possible to repair the Shocking Bell by other means in the short term. Furthermore, the Shocking Bell is approaching its collapse limit and can no longer be maintained with mana.

In this case, it's better to give it a try, and no matter how bad the outcome is, it won't be much worse.

Lu Zhong made a decision in his heart and readily agreed to Wujing Sanren.

But at the same time, the warnings that should have been given were not forgotten.

"As for the group of resentful beasts that are raging in the Fire Soup Domain, it is not difficult for me to clean up. It can take as little as three to five days, but as long as one month, and the results will be available soon. I hope that after I solve the disaster, you have already done a good job.

Get ready." Lu Zhong looked at Wujing Sanren meaningfully, with a hint of warning.

"Senior, please rest assured!" Wujing Sanren replied hurriedly: "To tell you the truth, the weapon refiner with the hammer forging spirit body was already in place long before the trip, along with the basic materials needed to refine the treasure.

We are ready. As soon as the wave of resentful beasts is resolved, senior can immediately activate the secret technique of 'Tiangong Forging Hammer'!"

Afterwards, the two discussed some details.

After sending Wu Jing San people away, Lu Zhong didn't leave the pavilion for a long time.

As soon as he turned his hand, a golden glow suddenly flew out, and it was a broken golden bell.

It's the magic clock that shocks the world.

"I never imagined that it would be possible to repair you!"

Then, Lu Zhong stood up.

According to the information provided by Wujing Sanren, although the swarm of resentful beasts has spread in all directions, its center point has never changed. It is located in a secret realm called "Ancient Minghuo Realm" in the Huotang Domain.

After thinking for a while, he decided to go and see the situation first.

This chapter has been completed!
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