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Chapter fifty-eight of the worldly mortals

After passing through the swamp, the road behind is almost all downhill.

The original deciduous trees along the road have gradually been replaced by various evergreen trees.

This also means that the team has entered the Yanling Mountains.

Everyone only needs to travel for two more days to reach Yanlingshanfang City.

Yanlingshanfang City is owned by the Jinhong Sect. Lu Zhong only found out about this after asking the monks at Baofanghao. The Jinhong Sect is a large sect that occupies a place thousands of miles away and is dominated by the Jindan Patriarch.

The Jinhong Sect is a rare sword cultivation sect, so there are only a few hundred disciples in the sect.

Probably because of the small number of people, the Jinhong Sect's management of Yanlingshanfang City was very extensive. Except for regularly sending disciples down the mountain to collect money, they almost never interfered with the affairs of Yanlingshanfang City.

Therefore, the power of the market has fallen into the hands of the current management.

The reason is also very simple, that is, they can pay the taxes stipulated by the Jinhong Sect on time and in accordance with the amount every time.

It is precisely this kind of management that has created the abnormal prosperity of Yanlingshanfang City today.

There is no law prohibiting it, as long as you have money, you can do it.

You can buy anything and sell anything.

If you can't sell it, then you definitely didn't give the tax collector enough spiritual stones.

It's evening again.

This time the team did not plan to find a campsite to spend the night as they had done before. Instead, they hung up moon beads on the carriage, as if they planned to travel all night.

After asking the monks at Baofanghao, they found out that it was actually because this section of the road was notorious for evil cultivators. There was no safe place to stay in the rest of the journey, and evil cultivators might be attacked at any time.

The mortal villages I encountered along the way were not very good.

In the disorderly Yanling Mountain area, in order to survive in such a harsh environment, mortal villages usually seek protection from a powerful monk, or they help the evil cultivator to become the eyes and ears of evil cultivators. Some large villages are both.


Under such circumstances, traveling overnight became a helpless choice.

We continued walking for most of the night, and it was almost dawn.

Perhaps out of fear of the Baofanghao's strength, the expected attack by evil cultivators did not appear.

In the distance, the horizon is already covered with a hint of fish belly white.

After the darkness dissipated, large fields began to appear on both sides of the road.

The half-human-high rice seedlings in the fields are lush and lush. Farmers in ragged clothes can be seen busy in the fields. Not far away, there is a farmer's woman with her child walking on the ridge of the field carrying two buckets of fertilizer and water.

Judging from their yellowish faces and tangled hair, their lives were not going well.

Especially the children brought by peasant women, even though they have developed an Adam's apple, are only over three feet tall and have obvious edema on their faces. It is obvious at a glance that they are severely malnourished.

She was naked and had a round belly.

Seeing the Baofanghao approaching, they showed awe expressions and knelt on the ground one after another, keeping their trembling bodies as low as possible to avoid accidentally offending the immortal master in the team.

But Lu Zhong knew that despite the docility of these people on the surface, deep down they were full of resentment towards the immortal cultivators. They just hid it very well and did not dare to show it at all.

This resentment comes from the yearning to become an immortal master, but because he does not have spiritual roots and is unable to practice, it turns into an extremely distorted desire for destruction amidst the day after day of terror and oppression.

If given the opportunity, these villagers will definitely let the aloof immortal master fall into this yellow muddy ground.

Is this a mortal in the world of cultivation?

Lu Zhong was filled with emotion and couldn't help but feel lucky that he had spiritual roots.

Even the ordinary four spiritual roots represent a glimmer of hope.

After walking through the farmland and turning a mountain bend, a small mortal village appeared in the distance. It was surrounded by a long rammed earth wall, and inside were all low thatched huts, stretching out in disorder.

The film tells outsiders everywhere about the filth and poverty here.

How unfortunate it is to be born in a place like this!

As we continue to move forward, the situation is quietly changing.

First, the farmland became more and more dense, and the mortal villages that appeared became larger and larger.

Gradually, bluestone roads replaced dirt roads, and brick and tile houses began to appear in villages.

However, large-scale mortal settlements have never appeared. This may be related to the fact that the Jinhong Sect does not care about worldly affairs. Without the strong protection of the sect, the meager strength of mortals simply cannot survive among the cruel Southern Barbarians.

The earth lives.

As dusk approached, we encountered a slightly larger market town.

But at this time, Yanlingshanfang City was already in sight.

This is a giant city built on a hillside. Except for the gentler slope on the south side, the other three sides are steep rock walls. A large number of buildings are stacked one on top of another and are located on the gentle slope.

The only access to the interior of Yanlingshanfang City is a haphazardly built city tower.

At this moment, the city tower was brightly lit, and several large and small motorcades were queuing up in front of the gate to enter. From time to time, there were several shouts of curses and quarrels, and the scene was chaotic.

Once here, Lu Zhong will leave the team. The caravan is not responsible for bringing people into Fang City.

Arriving in front of the city tower, he did not choose to approach rashly as he was unfamiliar with the place. Instead, he used the concealment technique to reduce his sense of presence and prepared to observe for a while.

It can be seen that there are many monks like him who are preparing to enter Yanlingshanfang City.

Different from the main gate used by caravans, there is a small door specially opened for monks to enter and exit.

Encounters can be divided into two types. One is those who show black iron or jade tokens. Such people only need to pay a small amount of talisman money to the tax collector at the door to enter the market.

The other type of people does not have tokens and will be led to a small house nearby.

When they came out again, everyone had a look of pain on their face, and they were all holding a tattered hoe in their hands, which didn't match their neat clothes at all, making them look particularly weird.

When you pay the tax collector, you have to take out a spiritual stone before you are allowed to enter.

"Isn't this too outrageous?" Lu Zhong didn't expect that the gap between the treatment of the two types of people was so huge.

After asking later, I found out that it was actually because of a rule set by the Jinhong Sect.

According to the requirements of this group of sword cultivators, there is a threshold for entering Yanlingshanfang City. You must master one of the hundreds of cultivation arts before you are qualified to enter the city.

It stands to reason that monks who have not mastered their craft cannot enter the market.

The secret is in that small house. As long as you pay a slightly painful spirit stone, you can become a spirit planter certified by the management, and then have the qualifications to enter Yanlingshanfang City.

"No wonder they strictly enforce it... They really take the rules of Jinhong Sect as an orderly weapon!"

Lu Zhong understood clearly and couldn't help but admire him.

I have to say that these people are really good at making money, and they can actually come up with such a way to make money.

This chapter has been completed!
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