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Chapter 697: Broken Boundary Mountain


With a scream, Yu Longzi lost half of his body.

It was only then that everyone suddenly realized something. The strength of this skull dragon beast was not equal to that of the other one.

It would have been suppressed before because Lu Zhong was too strong.

Now that he is replaced by Yu Longzi, he can truly show his strength.

Huang Paozi and others were not the only ones who were surprised. Even the ancient dragon beast was also surprised by this.

A fierce light flashed in its eyes, and it roared out again.


Yulongzi urged the dragon shadow and tried his best to block the beast's path, but it was torn into two halves with its claws, and then bit into Yulongzi with its huge mouth.

If successful, Yulongzi will die.

Fortunately, a yellow figure appeared and a high wall was erected out of thin air.

There was a loud noise, and the ancient dragon beast was blocked.

However, Zhuiyue took this opportunity and seriously injured Ma Yuan with one blow. If the latter had not reacted in time, he would have died on the spot.

With this series of changes, the situation suddenly became complicated.

The yellow-robed side, which originally seemed to have the upper hand, suddenly started to feel a little uneasy.

Lu Zhong, the instigator, had already anticipated this scene.

Just when Yu Longzi was injured, it was he who secretly sent a message to Chai Yue, and that was the reason for the subsequent successful sneak attack.

"Friend Daoist Chen, what a scheming idea!"

Huangpaozi sneered again and again.

At the same time, he was also worried about Lu Zhong's strength.

He also fought against the ancient dragon beast before he truly understood the strength of this beast. Even he himself was unable to defeat it.

But now the other party is able to suppress it.

"you flatter me."

Lu Zhong replied quietly.

I thought it was just a way to relax, but I didn't expect to be involved in an incident again.

Although it is interesting, it is also troublesome.

Now he wants to solve it as soon as possible to avoid long nights and endless dreams.

Without further ado, he raised his hand and formed the thunder spears. Then, with his thoughts, they shot towards the front as densely as rain.

The yellow robe held out the jade bowl in his hand and turned it into a light shield to protect the others.

This jade bowl has an extraordinary origin. It is his natal immortal treasure, refined from jade from the five mountains, and then refined through tens of thousands of years of spiritual fire sacrifices to become the "Wu Tu Cup".

Coupled with his earthly laws, it should be a first-class protective treasure.

But soon, Huangpaozi's expression changed.

The strength of Wutuzhan's spirit shield was decreasing at an alarming rate, which was even faster than when he used to fight against the enemy's five-level casual cultivator.

After taking a closer look, he discovered something strange inside the thunder gun.

"Did you find it?"

Lu Zhong saw the other party's expression and knew that he had discovered that he was mixed with the power of the void in the thunder gun.

The Way of the Void is known as "the strongest spear" for no reason.

The strongest shield is the same.

Compared with the space barrier, although the Wu Tu Zhan's protective power is strong, it is inferior, so it has no power to resist his methods.

In just a few breaths of time, the spiritual shield was already riddled with holes.

At this time, a black shadow rushed straight towards him.

After the loud noise, the spirit shield shattered into countless pieces, and the earthen cup was knocked away. Huangpaozi's face was filled with blood and blood. It was obvious that he was seriously injured by this.

Seeing another wave of thunder guns coming, he already wanted to retreat.

There was a golden talisman in Huangpaozi's hand, and the surrounding space rippled with its appearance.

When Lu Zhong saw it, his eyes narrowed.

"Immortal Talisman?"

He sensed a powerful force of law on that golden talisman.

In terms of strength, it is still superior to his own full-strength attack.

Only immortal talismans can explain it.

The yellow robe glanced at Lu Zhong, with fear flashing in his eyes. Although the "Wankong Escape Talisman" in his hand could escape from the Misty Cave, if it was interfered with in the middle, like if "Chen Dong" in front of him took action, there might be something wrong

Risk of failure.

His face darkened and he quickly made a decision.

"for you!"

The yellow robe shook the transformation bag, and two figures flew out.

One fell towards Yu Longzi, and the other flew towards the ancient dragon beast. The intention was very simple, that is, to take the opportunity to escape while Zhuiyue and the two were rescuing people.

As for the losses caused by the failure of the plan?

By seizing the treasures of Shi Zhongzi and Gao Wan, we have already made up for it.

Seeing Huang Paozi trying to escape, neither Lu Zhong nor Zhui Yue tried to stop him.

Compared with stopping this person, it is obviously more important to save him.

Lu Zhong trapped the ancient dragon beast with a thunder cage and snatched Gao Wan from the beast's mouth. However, her condition was not very good at this time. However, after being refined for several breaths by the transformation bag, her vitality had been severely damaged.

Fortunately, he was rescued in time.

If not, not even the dregs will be left.

When he turned around, he happened to see Yulongzi's spirit shattered.

It was Fairy Chaiyue who was angry at his betrayal and colluded with Huangpaozi, which ruined the good situation and killed this man with one sword.

Henhen took back his sword and Zhuiyue saluted Lu Zhong.

"Thanks to Fellow Daoist. If Fellow Daoist Chen hadn't been here, I'm afraid the three of us would have..." When she thought of the possible consequences, Fairy Chaiyue turned pale, and she didn't dare to think about it further.

"You're welcome, it's only natural to accept money to do things."

Lu Zhong didn't think so.

"No, fellow Taoist has contributed so much this time." Fairy Chaiyue glanced at Yulongzi on the ground, and then said: "Since the traitor is dead, then the share he should have...

. Let the slave decide and transfer it to fellow Taoists."

"Oh, you're welcome then!"

Lu Zhong did not refuse.

Afterwards, the two of them discussed how to deal with the ancient dragon beast.

Regarding Lu Zhong's proposal to kill them all, Fairy Chaiyue shook her head and refused: "Friend Taoist, you don't know. There is no possibility of killing the real beast in the Misty Cave. Keeping it has many benefits. After being a slave,

Set a seal and the Piaomiao Cave will be stable in the future."

In other words, Piaomiao Cave will become a stable source of resources from now on.

Just by strengthening the seal every once in a while, you can harvest a lot of resources.

For Lu Zhong, this was an unexpected surprise.

Sixty percent of Piaomiao Cave's income is roughly equivalent to five thousand immortal jade per sixty years, which is not a small amount in any case.

He glanced at Fairy Chaiyue, knowing that the other party had such benefits, and he might have the intention of making himself a member of Piaomiao Cave. After all, only those with immediate interests can be taken seriously and willing to protect him.

A few days later, the Piaomiao Cave output was completely looted.

The thing produced by this cave is a spiritual thing called "Piaomiao Sand".

It is said to be sand, but it is more like law crystallization.

Its appearance is like blue smoke, ethereal and ethereal, and it is difficult to collect it by ordinary means. Only the fairy wood bottle made of "Putong Fairy Wood" can contain it forever.

Lu Zhong took a ray and found that he had little use for it.

Perhaps this is also the reason why Corridor Palace abandoned this place.

"In the Taoist Palace of Eternal Life, people often use misty sand to understand the way of heaven. It is said that adding the other four kinds of immortal sand to make the Five Sand Pill is more effective."

"Five sand pills?"

Lu Zhong remembered the evaluation of this product in the Yinlou Dao Palace. The Five-Sha Pill is a treasure of immortality. It has a strong effect of assisting in understanding the laws, and it is also an addictive substance.

Because Corridor Palace’s comments like this are probably not groundless.

I'm afraid it's like five stones scattered in the fairyland?

Of course, this is just a conjecture. The actual side effects of Wusha Dan are probably that it makes people addicted to it and unable to extricate themselves.

To be precise, it should be Happy Pill.

With this thought in his mind, he couldn't help but stay away from this thing.


Over a barren mountain.

Suddenly, a figure appeared.

But it was Lu Zhong who tracked Huangpaozi's teleportation trajectory after calculating it. He relied on his attainments in the way of space to determine that there had been teleportation here.

"We should be here."

Lu Zhong murmured in his mouth, focusing his consciousness to the extreme, trying to find traces.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

Just when he was hesitating whether to use the Yuanshi Dao Ring, two rays of light suddenly flew from a distance, one in front and one in back. An old woman in blue appeared from them, plus a red-haired boy.

Both are not low, and they look like they have reached the stage of integration.

I don't know why, but they are all so angry.

As soon as the two of them saw Lu Zhong, they couldn't help but take action.

But in an instant, he was suppressed by Lu Zhong.

"You two are so brave, but you are just a merging, and you dare to attack someone without any explanation. Have you thought about how to be good now?"

When he spoke, he deliberately let out his breath.

Lest these two people be blind and not even know that they have offended the gods.

The old woman in blue and the red-haired boy had previously thought that they were being suppressed by the Mahayana. At this moment, they still felt a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts. However, when they sensed the aura in front of them, the ghosts of the dead suddenly emerged, and they almost fainted.

As soon as they woke up, they immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

At the same time, I also felt deeply wronged.

Senior, your efforts to save your breath are a bit too much, right?

Sensing the two people's thoughts, Lu Zhong just smiled coldly: "The death penalty is exempted. Let me ask you, have you seen anyone appearing here recently?"

"Senior, this is where I am waiting for the mountain gate. There are always people coming and going..." The old woman in blue said in a trembling tone, filled with fear. Halfway through, she suddenly realized: "Senior, what did you say?

Do you exist like this?"

"Half a day ago, this junior did notice a fluctuation and went to the Duanjie Mountain." The red-haired boy on the side suddenly said at this time.

Lest Lu Zhong wouldn't believe it, he specially created a water mirror technique.

Lu Zhong took a look and saw that it indeed smelled like a yellow robe.

"I just said that the death penalty can be avoided, but the living penalty..."

Two rays of light popped up casually and penetrated into the two people's bodies, causing them to howl in agony that would last for ten breaths, occur once a day, and last for a thousand years.

This is thanks to the fact that Lu Zhong is not a murderous person.

If not, if he had offended other true immortals, being a slave for ten thousand years would be considered a light thing.


Broken Boundary Mountain.

From a distance, it looks like a pillar of heaven, sinking into the clouds for thousands of feet.

This mountain is located at the junction of Yinlou Dao Palace and Tianxing Dao Palace. It is also a chaotic place at the north end of Mingyue Land. It was originally controlled by the immortal power Yongming Palace, but later the sect was destroyed by the war, and now it has become a paradise for casual cultivators.


At the foot of the mountain, there is Zuofang City.

It's called "Duanjiefang City".

Lu Zhong came looking for traces.

When he stepped into Fangshi, he sensed the aura of Huangpao. He was probably still near Fangshi. It seemed that he didn't expect anyone to chase him.

Also, Huangpaozi himself is already a three-level loose immortal.

In terms of strength, he can be called a hegemon.

However, he did not expect that Lu Zhong was also in the third realm and was a heavenly immortal whose combat power was far superior to that of the Sanxian. There was no comparison in strength between the two.

This trip was made to solve hidden dangers.

After a brief inquiry, Lu Zhong determined the target location.

It was outside Duanjiefang City, in a dojo called Boyun Valley. It was expected that he had been injured in Piaomiao Cave before and was recovering in the dojo.

The real immortal was injured, except for simple injuries.

Slightly more serious injuries are extremely troublesome to heal. If there is no panacea available, it will take a long time to heal.

After learning the target's whereabouts, Lu Zhong was not impatient.

Huangpaozi was not bound to kill him, he was just being pursued because of his cautious habits.

Lu Zhong's attention at the moment was on the incarnation of Lord Qu. At this moment, the incarnation was on the battlefield again, and he seemed to be having bad luck. After the defeat of the monk Yinlou, he was actually targeted by a true immortal.

Fortunately, the master of Zhenyang Cave arrived in time.

After some efforts to force the real immortal back, Qu Jun was spared.

This situation has happened repeatedly in recent years.

He was already used to this.

After all, it is a battlefield, and it is at the level of Shattered War. It is strange that a monk who is only in the late stage of integration can survive until now.

You know, among the disciples who entered the school at the same time as Qu Jun, he is the only one left now.

The other two had already died in the war.

Walking to a roadside stall, Lu Zhong saw that it was selling wontons, and he couldn't help but feel a little interested: "Old man, how do you like the wontons at your stall? If you like it, give me a bowl."

"This wonton, I can't guarantee anything else about it, but it tastes absolutely extraordinary!"

The stall owner was an old man wearing a Taoist robe. Hearing this, he showed his good teeth and his words were full of pride.

Swallow a box of wontons and then boil them over spiritual fire until they boil.

Then sprinkle some garnishes on it, and a bowl of wontons is ready like this.

Lu Zhong tasted it while it was still hot and found that what the other party said was true. This bowl of Lingshi wontons was indeed worth the money.

Isn't that right? How can the taste of Sanxian be bad?

In fact, he could tell at a glance that the true identity of the old man setting up the stall was a first-level Sanxian who somehow became the owner of a wonton stall on the roadside.

It may be that the world of mortals refines one's mind, or it may be that one does it spontaneously.

Once you become an immortal, it doesn't matter how lazy you are.

However, the old man obviously failed to see through Lu Zhong's disguise, and still kept talking like a lonely old monk.

At this time, Lu Zhong remembered an interesting rumor he had heard while asking around.

He thought suddenly and said: "Old man, I heard that the secret realm of Yongming Palace is about to appear on the top of Duanjie Mountain recently. You are setting up a stall on the street, have you heard the news?"

"Haha, it's just a rumor."

The old man shook his head and wiped the stove clean.

However, Lu Zhong noticed a hint of information from the change in his eyes.

"Worry leads to chaos. The ruins of Yongming Palace seem to be real. This person appeared in Duanjiefang City probably for the sake of internal inheritance."

According to the information he learned, although Yongming Palace is a Celestial Immortal Sect, it was given many Taoist methods because it chose to follow the Dusk Dao Palace.

Since it was given by the Dusk Dao Palace, maybe there will be light vaginal method.

Lu Zhong has always been worried about the inability to improve the law of time, and the ruins of Yongming Palace gave him a glimmer of hope.

This is at least simpler than trying to enter the Dusk Taoist Palace and obtain the light vaginal method step by step. After all, this Taoist Palace is different from the Yinlou Taoist Palace in that it is very strict about recruiting disciples and often only recruits students from specific sect families.

If you want to sneak in as an incarnation, it is no less difficult than cultivating to become an immortal.

This chapter has been completed!
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