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Chapter 751 Donghuang Immortal Rice

Lu Zhong didn't reply immediately, but glanced left and right.

Right now, he was in a hall.

There are many monks gathered here, but most of them are chatting with each other, and they don't take it seriously when someone comes in.

Obviously, this is not a place for transactions.

"Where is the swap meet?"

"Back to seniors, there are three places in the venue. The second to fourth floors are suitable for heavenly immortals or loose immortals, the fifth to seventh floors are suitable for golden immortals or jade immortals, and the seventh floor and above are for Daluo and Taiyi seniors. Of course, the highest

The second floor is only open in name, and there are currently no seniors of that level coming here."

"Yes." Lu Zhong nodded and picked up an immortal jade.

"Take me to the fifth floor and have a look."

"Many, many thanks, senior!"

The female cultivator took the immortal jade and couldn't help but have a happy look on her face. She could see that the intellectuals in the distance were filled with jealousy. For the combined body, a single immortal jade is enough to support the improvement of a small realm, and its value is not small.


The other true immortals in the hall also cast their gazes at this moment.

Of course there is envy.

Immortal jade is valuable, both to heavenly immortals and loose immortals.

However, when they thought that this person was going to the fifth floor, they immediately felt relieved. After all, that was where the Jade Immortal or the Golden Immortal only went. The Heavenly Immortal or the San Immortal was just bringing humiliation to himself. Beings like this kind of realm,

Most of them have achieved immortal jade freedom.

Lu Zhong followed the female cultivator and soon arrived at a meeting venue.

As soon as you enter here, you feel like you are in a vegetable market.

It was noisy and there was the sound of bargaining everywhere. In order to get what they wanted, each cultivator had picked up their previous trading skills.

Lu Zhong walked around with interest and found that there were quite a few high-level true immortals here.

After a full attack, there were more than a hundred people.

If so many high-level true immortals could really unite, they would definitely be a force that cannot be ignored in the immortal world.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but become more interested in joining.

However, let’s first see if there are any suitable spiritual objects.

Lu Zhong immediately started shopping, ignoring things that had nothing to do with his cultivation. Soon his eyes lit up, but he spotted something.

"Xianmi spiritual species?"

Since entering the True Immortal Realm, he rarely cultivates spiritual plants.

Firstly, it is difficult to obtain spiritual seeds and plant them on a large scale; secondly, the effectiveness of spiritual plants is mediocre and has little effect on monks who are in the realm of true immortals and above. It is not even as efficient as the cultivation efficiency of absorbing fairy jade.

But Xianmi is different.

This thing is not a real spiritual rice. It is just shaped into the appearance of a spiritual plant when it is cultivated. If the cultivation has other ideas, it is also possible to turn it into an animal or even other forms.

Fairy rice should be said to be the condensation of the origin of heaven and earth.

Although it is difficult to cultivate, obeying it will be of great help to your cultivation.

"Fellow Taoist, are you interested in this Donghuang spiritual seed?"

The speaker was a burly male cultivator. There were stars around him, and he looked very much like the legendary ancient body-refining immortals. It was said that they used starlight to refine their bodies, so they had extremely terrifying physiques, which could be called walking protective immortals.


"I don't know what to call my friend?" Lu Zhong bowed his hands.

"You can just call me Xing Mou." The male cultivator replied in a buzzing voice.

"It turns out to be fellow Taoist Xing Mou. I am really interested in this spiritual seed. I wonder how many crops can be cultivated and whether I am willing to teach the breeding method."

For this rare spiritual seed, Lu Zhong naturally hopes to have it in his hands. It is best to obtain the breeding method, so that he can continuously grow immortal rice, not only to meet the needs of one person, but also to meet the needs of people around him.

Even the Luofu monks can benefit from this.

"To be honest, the breeding conditions for this Donghuang Immortal Rice are very harsh. I have tried it no less than ten thousand times, but I can still only meet the conditions in a secret place. Regarding its breeding method, there is no problem in giving it to fellow Taoists. I just hope

After failure, don’t take your anger out on me.”

Xing Mou shook his head and continued: "Since fellow Taoist needs spiritual seeds and breeding methods, then this price..."

"I'm so shy in my pocket, so I ask my Taoist friends to show me your kindness." Lu Zhong said hurriedly.

In fact, he is not short of immortal jade, but no one wants to be brutally slaughtered.

"How about... half a million immortal jade?" Xing Mou asked tentatively.

Five hundred thousand immortal jade, if used on a monk, can almost cultivate a golden immortal or jade immortal. The price is not cheap.

"Fellow Daoist, I'm joking. I'm afraid the price is too high."

Lu Zhong shook his head, as if he refused to be taken advantage of, and counter-offered: "As far as I know, the market price of this kind of fairy seed should be around 250,000 yuan. In addition, Taoist friends said that it is difficult to cultivate this Donghuang fairy rice. Even if

Even if you get the breeding method, you may not be able to breed successfully."

Having said this, he held out two fingers.

"Two hundred thousand immortal jade!"

"And the breeding method is worth at most one hundred thousand immortal jade, and the rest must be made up with spiritual seeds. I wonder what your friendship is like?"

"You, you are cutting it in half!"

Xing Mou knew that what Lu Zhong said was the real price, but he couldn't resist the fact that the immortal seed in his hands was indeed rare.

I immediately responded with another price.

The two started bargaining over the price.

After a lot of talking, the deal was finally sold for 240,000 yuan.

Regarding this transaction, Lu Zhong looked bitter on the surface, but in fact he was happy in his heart. It was only 240,000 immortal jade, which was only the production capacity of the maternal and fetal factory for one year.

As long as the battleship is sold, these fairy jade can be earned back.

After saying goodbye to Xing Mou, he continued to search for his target.

Anyone who can help improve their cultivation level will try to negotiate with the seller. There will be successes and failures in the process. Generally speaking, the latter is the majority.

Just because you have reached the realm of Golden Immortal, Immortal Jade is no longer hard currency.

For many of the things Lu Zhong was interested in, the sellers required barter, and they had to use equivalent spiritual objects before they were willing to exchange.

Fortunately, there are a small number of people who are willing to settle with battleships.

In this way, he is not without gain.

Rare immortal elixirs, spiritual water that can improve the speed of cultivation, etc. were all acquired one by one.

As time went by, the number of monks in the venue gradually increased. Compared with when Lu Zhong first arrived, there were thirty or fifty more people, and the scene became more and more lively.

Naturally, more and more good things appear.

Occasionally, something good will appear that shocks everyone.

Of course, the exchange conditions are also very harsh.

At this time, Lu Zhong couldn't help but sigh. It's not that there are no good things in the immortal world. It's just that after a long time, it has already gathered in the hands of major forces, both overt and covert, and is controlled by them in every possible way. This gives people the illusion that true immortals

There are not many spiritual items available above.

"In other words, this is the foundation."

The Luofu he controls also has a lot of background.

For example, Shirahoshi's maternal and fetal factory is undoubtedly one of them. With its amazing production capacity, it must also make the outside world covet it.

This chapter has been completed!
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