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Chapter 758: The Power of the Immortal Pillar

"What's this?"

Yun Shao, the admiral of the Hundred Immortals Alliance, stared blankly in front of him.

No wonder he was so surprised, it was the first time he had seen such a scene after practicing immortality for so many years.

In front of me, I saw a silver-gray cylindrical giant composed of countless Luofu fighting ships. It was gathering huge energy at this moment, and the direction the mouth of the tube faced was exactly where the Hundred Immortals Alliance's spaceship fleet was located.

At this moment, the light in the cylinder is gathering, and the energy is increasing every minute.

"No matter what Luofu wants to do, stop it at any cost!"

After all, he was a qualified fleet admiral. Yun Shao quickly reacted and ordered with a dark expression.

With an order, the monks in the flying boat behind the fleet shot out like raindrops. This was originally a hidden force prepared by the Hundred Immortals Alliance to ambush Luofu.

Unfortunately, plans can't change as quickly as they do, so now we can only attack in advance.

As a team, they cooperated with each other tacitly, and formed a faint formation, like locusts, like a wave, they swooped into the Luofu Dou fleet, and the skills they had practiced hard for many years were put to use today.

This is the trump card prepared by the Hundred Immortals Alliance.

As soon as they entered the battlefield, the Luo Fu Dou fleet suddenly fell to the ground like a heavy rain.

If you look at it from a high-altitude perspective, you can even see that the Hundred Immortals Alliance fleet is in the shape of an arrow, cutting into the Luofu battle line, and it is likely that one of the generals will penetrate to the bottom and be cut in half.

However, at this moment, the sun seemed to be rising in the distance.

The next moment, a destructive stream of light swept across.

In front of it, neither the monks nor the flying boat can withstand it in an instant.

Even a true immortal monk cannot escape death.

Wherever light flows, everything is destroyed.

This is the Luofu Immortal Pillar!


Luofu Fairy City.


Lu Zhong watched this scene from the perspective of his avatar, feeling very satisfied.

Before this, he did not expect that the Luofu monks had such bold ideas. They actually proposed the plan of the Luofu Immortal Pillar based on the divine light of destruction of the five elements, assisted by the mass-energy conversion of the Sun Law.

What he didn't expect was that this plan was actually very practical.

This means that even the most useless fighting ships in Luofu can possess the power of killing immortals as long as they are mass-produced through maternal and fetal factories and gathered in sufficient numbers.

Of course.

It sounds simple, but it is not easy to do.

Fighting ships may seem cheap, but they are actually the product of numerous technologies.

The huge number of this type of ship comes from the mother-fetus factory, which requires the transformation of mass and energy from the law of the sun, and is based on the will of breeding, so that this mass production technology can appear.

On this basis, there are also technologies such as wide-area energy synchronization, ship-borne high-intelligence equipment, etc.

The above technologies are all from the hands of monks from Luofu.

"If I wasn't careful, they actually made something good." Lu Zhong thought to himself.

Just now, the damage effect assessment of the Luofu Immortal Pillar has been released.

The one shot just now killed at least nearly 100,000 Hundreds of Immortal Alliance monks, including even three true immortals.

In the past, after an extremely brutal battle, both sides would lose at most fifty-six-tenths of their troops. But now, the entire Hundred Immortals Alliance fleet was almost completely wiped out.

After this battle, Lu Zhong seemed to have seen it.

The form of future war will change as a result.

True immortals are not fools, otherwise they would not be able to reach this level of cultivation. After seeing a powerful weapon like the Luofu Immortal Pillar, even if they cannot analyze its principles, they will try to imitate it.

The consequence of this will definitely be an increase in the number of war casualties.

However, this will be a long time coming.

At the same time, Lu Zhong also clearly understood where the limits of the Luofu Immortal Pillar were.

In other words, it's just about dealing with heavenly immortals and loose immortals.

If you meet a Golden Immortal, especially one who has constructed a Tao Realm like him, your prototype will be revealed immediately. You will not have time to form a formation, and you will be abruptly interrupted by the Dao Realm Golden Immortal.

Just now, it was him, and the moment he opened the Dao Domain, he could compress the Luofu Immortal Pillar through space into the size of a toothpick, and turn it into a collectible in the collection.

In the face of absolutely powerful strength, no matter how many ants there are, they are just ants.

The next moment, Lu Zhong disappeared into the palace.


Luofu border.

The ground was filled with smoke, and the wreckage of the airship that had just been destroyed by the Luofu Immortal Pillar was still glowing with flames. Occasionally, screams and wails could be heard coming from the broken wreckage.

At this moment, the Hundred Immortals Alliance sent a team, flying a white flag, and with Luofu's tacit approval, began to collect the corpses of the monks who had just fallen.

Seeing the tragic scene, many monks had the intention of retreating. It was not until an immortal treasure was sent from the rear to bless everyone's minds that the work of restraint could be carried out.

At the same time, the two armies were confronting each other in the air.

On one side is the Luofu battleship group that dispersed after the launch.

On the other side is the Hundred Immortals Alliance fleet arriving.

The two sides were facing each other quietly, thousands of miles apart.

At this moment, with a twist in the void, a figure in black appeared out of thin air.

Lu Zhong came across space and arrived at the Luofu border battlefield.

Glancing at the messy battlefield, he looked towards the Hundred Immortals Alliance fleet on the opposite side, and at a glance he saw three figures suspended in mid-air. They were the three giants of the Hundred Immortals Alliance who had re-allied.

At this moment, the faces of the three of them were ugly to the naked eye.

"It's all your own fault."

Lu Zhong thought coldly.

He had no intention of taking action against the Hundred Immortals Alliance from the beginning to the end, and the targets of the Luofu Immortal Pillar at the beginning were not those innocent Hundred Immortals Alliance monks.

As things have developed to this day, the blame can all be placed on these three giants.

If it weren't for them, the lands outside the territory would be as prosperous as ever.

"What! Are the three of you still going to fight?"

Thousands of miles apart, Lu Zhong said via voice transmission.

"It's just a defeat. Don't be proud of me, Xu Kongzi!" Fairy Wuxia clenched her silver teeth and looked at Lu Zhong with anger. In the massacre-like battle just now, she lost nearly a thousand of her disciples and disciples.

Among them there are many beloved disciples and favorite faces.

Turning around, she looked at Old Man Duanfeng and Yu Qingzi.

"Luofu's move just now seems to be extremely powerful, but in fact the process is full of flaws, and he is definitely no match for the Golden Immortal monk. We have invited the Dao Palace Golden Immortal on the way, so this battle may not be without a chance of winning."

Unexpectedly, the old man Duanfeng on the side did not agree.

"Wuxia, I think what Fellow Daoist Void said is right. There is no need to fight this battle. Continuing to fight will only increase casualties."

"You!" Fairy Wuxia was so angry that her eyebrows stood up.

She didn't expect that Old Man Duanfeng would say this.

Thinking back to recent times, Feng Ruizong and Luofu have been doing a lot of business and making a lot of money.

At this thought, Fairy Wuxia looked at the old man Duanfeng and couldn't help but sneered, "You are not willing to start another war because you are greedy for the benefits of trade, right?"

When Old Man Duanfeng heard this, he couldn't help but feel angry in his heart.

"I'm too lazy to explain to you the words of a woman!"

Hearing the quarrel between the two, Yu Qingzi sighed silently in his heart, seeing signs that it was getting worse.


In desperation, he had no choice but to stop him with a loud shout.

This chapter has been completed!
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