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Chapter 773 Dark Harbor

"What do they want to do?"

A look of inquiry appeared on Lu Zhong's face.

For the existence of a series like Dao Palace, no matter what it plans, it will inevitably have a decisive impact on the fairy world, and even cause changes or disasters.

At this moment, under the pull of the light bridge, countless hotbed monsters were sucked out.

All of them were strange and strange, and their auras reached the level of true immortals. However, in front of the Changchun tree, they were all unable to fight back. In an instant, they turned into spots of light all over the sky and became the nourishment of the immortal tree.

As time goes by, the evergreen fairy tree grows taller and taller.

Gradually, an inexplicable aura began to spread.

"It is the mother of hotbeds..."

Lu Zhong was thoughtful at this moment.

"Could it be that... the purpose of Dao Palace is to capture this existence?" He was thinking in his mind when he suddenly noticed a shadow sneaking over not far ahead.

Looking up carefully, I realized it was a group of monks.

Perhaps because the distance was too close, I could sense a strong spatial fluctuation, originating from an ordinary ancient bronze mirror. The latter was now covered with suppressing talismans, and there were countless seals and restrictions, but even if

After achieving this level, it still cannot completely suppress the power of this mirror.

"Yun Mi Jing!"

Lu Zhong's heart skipped a beat and he thought, isn't this the treasure that the Corridor Palace is looking for?

"This mirror..."

After he sensed it carefully, a look of surprise slowly appeared on his face.

However, there is a wisp of void spirit ring hidden on this cloud mirror. Although it is very weak and almost undetectable, it does indeed exist.

No wonder Lu Zhong thought, no wonder the Taoist palace was so anxious.

For immortal monks, this is a supreme treasure, which can be regarded as the golden finger of the protagonist in the novel. No matter who gets it, they can reach the sky in one step, and at least they will have a future as a great golden immortal in the future.

At the thought of this, even he couldn't help but be moved.

"That's not right. The situation at hand is not clear yet. How can there be any reason to get involved?" Lu Zhong thought of this, and his figure gradually disappeared, but he avoided the direction of the group of monks.

It was obvious that they wanted to go to the ancient pagoda mine.

"Go to the Mother of Hotbeds?"

In Lu Zhong's view, this group of people was clearly looking for death.

at the same time.

Under the influence of the Taoist monks, the smuggling monks appeared from various secret places like frightened birds. No one wanted to stand under the dangerous wall, and they dispersed in all directions.

However, there are always brave people everywhere.

At this moment, Lu Zhong saw a flying boat suddenly appear. It was the group of smuggling monks he had been following before. It was dragging a long trail and flashing into the mine like a swimming fish.

Obviously, the other party is preparing to fish in troubled waters.

Lu Zhong's heart moved and he followed him.

Although he is not as familiar with the internal conditions of the mine as these smuggling monks, he can still avoid most dangers by relying on scene retrieval. If this group of people attracts attention in front, the possibility of encountering danger will be reduced.

To the lowest level, there will be a great chance to resist through the ancient pagoda mine.

Sneak all the way and soon reach the entrance of the mine.

Through this, Lu Zhong was able to see clearly the true face of the light bridge, which was actually a powerful Eternal Spring Immortal Treasure.

Judging from the fluctuations in its aura, there is no doubt that it has been cultivated for thousands of years, indicating that the real owner of this treasure must be Daluo or Taiyi. No wonder it can directly crush the son of the hotbed.

However, this does not mean that the situation is one-sided in favor of the Taoist Palace.

As the number of hotbed sons increased, the Taoist monks gradually began to feel the pressure and had to start killing monsters to reduce the pressure on the Evergreen Immortal Tree.

At this time, Lu Zhong had entered the mine.

As soon as I arrived here, I felt like I was in a different world.

Everywhere you look, there is dark purple connective tissue. It looks like a carpet of living flesh, and raised blood vessels can be seen everywhere. They come from one source, which is the mother of hotbeds.

Every once in a while, you can see a hotbed child sliding out of it.

In just breathing time, they are almost fully grown.

Then, they were all sucked away by the light bridge.

At the same time, it can be seen that with the death of a large number of sons of the hotbed, the carpet of flesh that originally spread throughout the ancient mine began to shrink, retreating toward the bottomless mine like an ebbing tide.

"good chance!"

No matter what Daogong wants to do, it has nothing to do with Lu Zhong now.

He immediately dodged and headed straight towards the depths of the mine.

According to the information collected at hand, the interior of the ancient mine is intricate, with large and small tunnels spreading in all directions like tree roots, making the road conditions extremely complicated.

Fortunately, there is a scene review.

In this way, Lu Zhong followed the group of smuggling monks in front of him.

However, the good times did not last long, and after less than ten thousand miles of progress, a situation suddenly appeared in the rear. Along with a wave of unknown fluctuations, the entire mine space changed drastically.

All of a sudden, it became colorful.

As a monk of the Way of the Void, Lu Zhong had no idea what was going on.

"This is someone who forcibly shifted the phase of the entire space!"

At this moment, he raised his eyes and looked forward.

I saw a huge figure suddenly appearing in front of me. Her figure was graceful and graceful, and her arms were wrapped with jade belts. She looked like a flying fairy.

However, where her head should have been, it was now replaced by a wriggling mass of maggots. Pieces of flesh continued to break apart and fall, and then turned into human figures, large and small, one by one, becoming the source of the children of the hotbed.

Based on the aura that filled the mine before, it is not difficult to guess the true identity of this being.

The mother of hotbeds!

And what caused all this was the Immortal Treasure Cloud Silence Mirror.

It is it that leads to the shift of spatial phase.

The emergence of the mother of hotbeds is like throwing a huge stone into a calm pond.


Lu Zhong just looked directly and felt countless murmurs ringing in his ears, and then it became like an ensemble, intertwined and gathered together, constantly attacking the soul.

"What kind of existence is this?"

He was extremely surprised, but he discovered that after analyzing those murmurs and revealing their true colors, they turned out to be insights and insights into the law.

Although most of them are rubbish, and a small part is useless, a little essence that appears occasionally is an opportunity that thousands of monks strive for, which can be worth thousands of years of enlightenment and hard work.

Even so, Lu Zhong was still not prepared to stay any longer.

A gray light flashed across his body, and his entire body immediately shifted phase and returned to the real world.

I saw a huge shadow in the ancient mine at this time. It was so huge that just by sticking to the cliff of the mine, it looked like a mountain hanging upside down. However, it looked different from the fairy I had seen before.

Yes, all that can be seen now is just a ball of rotting and festering rotten flesh.

It is not difficult for Lu Zhong to understand this.

The mass of rotten flesh in front of you is a projection of the true form of the mother of hotbeds.

The two images should be consistent.

The reason is obviously that distortions and errors occurred during the information transmission process.

Usually, there is only one possibility.

"It seems that the mother of the hotbed was sealed here, and Yun Mijing most likely liberated this existence, which led to the scene I saw in front of me." While Lu Zhong was thinking about it, there was suddenly a green light in front of him.

As it fell, the shield of a flying boat shattered, and it could no longer hide its figure.

Almost at the same time, I was influenced by the mother of hotbeds.

The monks who were not in the realm of true immortals aboard the flying boat first let out shrill screams, then turned into balls of flesh, and then exploded into maggots all over the sky with a bang.

Apparently they were not blessed with the knowledge instilled by the Mother Seed.

After only a hundred breaths, the two leading monks could no longer bear it. Even if they quickly restored their formation, blood still overflowed from the seven orifices. They hurriedly used an immortal talisman and disappeared.

Lu Zhong was no better at this time. The whispering in his ears became clearer and clearer. The information that was forcibly poured in was almost reaching the processing limit of his soul.

Not caring about hiding it, he raised his hand and tore open a door.

call out!

The figure submerged into it and disappeared.



A flash of silver light shot out.

Lu Zhong fell into the snow and barely regained consciousness.

When I touched my nose, blood started to flow.

After resting there for a while, I felt much better.

"What a terrifying existence. No wonder the Immortal Court failed to deal with him even when it was prosperous. God knows what it is?" When he thought of Yinlou, Changchun's Two Avenues Palace, it was based on this hotbed of amazing strength.

My mother seemed to be planning something, and her heart was suddenly shrouded in haze.

"It seems that Luofu needs to take precautions early."

After thinking about this, Lu Zhong informed the incarnation of this matter in Luofu.

Immediately, he looked at the vast snowfield in front of him.

"If I remember correctly, this should be the second half of the ancient pagoda road. Perhaps it was the power of the Yun Mi Mirror that allowed me to escape directly from the scope of the ancient mine."

For Lu Zhong now, this is undoubtedly a good thing.

From here on, the hidden dangers on the road will gradually decrease, and it won't be long before he reaches the end of the ancient pagoda road, a place called the "Black Harbor" by the smuggling monks.

It was a prosperous fairy city drifting on the snowy plains, moving erratically.

It is no exaggeration to say that this city is home to almost one-tenth of the monks in the Pagoda Snowfield.

However, this city does not belong to the Taoist Temple of Pagoda, nor is it even under the jurisdiction of the Taoist Palace.

It is precisely for this reason that it has become a treasure land in the eyes of the smuggling monks. There is no Taoist palace to exploit it. As long as they bring the things from the Golden Land, they will definitely be able to exchange them for the treasures on the snowfield.

By going back and forth like this, the smuggling monks made a lot of money.

But the pagoda monks didn't suffer either.

The snowy plains are rich in products, but due to the blockade of the Golden Dao Palace, they cannot be transported to the outside world. Therefore, let alone exchanging elixirs or immortal treasures, even immortal jade and spiritual stones are difficult to obtain.

Smuggling trade can be said to be a win-win situation.

The only one who is dissatisfied with this is probably the Pagoda Temple.

After all, in the astonishingly profitable smuggling trade, the Taoist monks gained almost nothing, let alone exploited it to earn a large share of the entire trade chain.

Therefore, Lu Zhong should pay a little more attention when going to Heigang.

You may encounter some trouble.


This day.

First there was a whine above the snowfield.

Then, a huge black shadow appeared.

Lu Zhong was suspended in mid-air and had a clear view of Black Harbor.

Black Harbor is a city built on the back of a giant beast. It is carried by a golden-haired giant beast that is far larger than the mountain. It is slowly moving forward on the snowy field step by step.

As for this giant golden-haired beast, he remembered its origin.

"True spirit, Kingo!"

I have to say that Black Harbor is really generous and can even capture true spirits.

Jinwu, also known as the beast that bears the mountain.

As the name suggests, it carries a huge amount of power, capable of carrying even mountains and mountains on its shoulders.

It's just an immortal city now, so it's no big deal.

Lu Zhong took a few more glances and then disappeared into the protective shield in front.

After simply clearing the customs, you can enter the city.

As Lu Zhong walked on Heigang Street, he no longer saw the freezing ice and snow outside. The smell of market fireworks was everywhere, whether it was the sounds of vendors selling goods or being inside, which made people feel more comfortable.

Turn around and walk into a teahouse.

According to his observations, this should be a place where news is sold.

Behind the counter is a pretty female nun.

When she saw Lu Zhong come in, she was a little unconcerned at first, until she realized that even if she tried her best, she couldn't see through the person's cultivation. Her expression changed slightly, and she turned to smile:

"I didn't know that senior is here, so please forgive me!"

"It doesn't matter. Those who don't know are not guilty."

Lu Zhong waved his hand, ignoring the change in the female cultivator's expression, and said: "I want new news on the snowfield. The more detailed it is, and the higher the realm involved, the better."

Soon, a jade slip was delivered to him.

After a brief look, Lu Zhong had a theoretical understanding of the current situation of the Pagoda Snowfield.

After the defeat of the Natural Dao, the Buddha Palace was once again the dominant one. This was supposed to be a great development opportunity, but then first the Daozi was mysteriously abducted, and then the sacred tree began to have problems.

Coupled with the failure of foreign wars.

As a result, the Pagoda Palace almost collapsed.

After reading it, Lu Zhong left the reward.

After that, he changed his body slightly and entered a shop owned by an intelligence broker.

After walking down several houses in a row, he had basically grasped the current situation of the snowfield, and learned that the control of the Futu Taoist Palace over the snowfield had dropped to an unprecedented level.

"No wonder the God King came here, he clearly saw an opportunity."

Lu Zhong had no doubt that if the other party could kill the Taoist master of Futu and fundamentally dismantle the Taoist palace, he might really be able to use this snowy field as the foundation to re-establish the foundation for the rise of the Taoist palace.

However, there was one thing that concerned him very much.

As a monk in the ancient pagoda mine, I witnessed the entire process with my own eyes.

Lu Zhong was very sure that even though a big event happened in the ancient Futu mine, the kidnapped Futu Daozi never appeared there, which meant that his whereabouts were still a mystery.

"Maybe it has something to do with the Daoting Divine King."

He couldn't help but think of this possibility.

Later, Lu Zhong originally wanted to use the help of a broker to find the whereabouts of the God King of Daoting. However, the broker in the Black Harbor was weak and his cultivation level was only at the True Immortal level. How could he find out the information about the God King?

Occasionally, there are a few places, but they are just catching on.

Knowing that this matter could not be urgent, he rented a cave in Black Harbor.

Then he dispersed his avatars and asked them to start asking for news.

This chapter has been completed!
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