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Chapter 788: The end of the tribulation

The so-called other courtyards are the place where Taoist palaces cultivate talents.

According to Lu Zhong's knowledge, the Wuwang Palace is just such a place to recruit talents. Countless heroes have been trained by Taoist masters. After selection, they have the opportunity to enter the Tianxing Taoist Palace.

But the lucky ones who can leap over the dragon gate are still those.

After all, monks in the immortal world are born with shackles.

"It's actually here."

Lu Zhong murmured in his heart and erased the map in his hand.

He didn't want to get involved in this matter.

If you think about it, you will know that this matter involves the secret treasure left by the last Buddha Lord, which will inevitably attract high-level monks. Neither Daluo nor Taiyi are enemies that he can deal with now.

"As soon as I got this method, I saw through its secrets. How could the immortals in the world not see through it?"

Shaking his head, Lu Zhong put the matter behind him.

Compared to the Western Taoist secrets, he is still more concerned about the secrets of the universe.

It is worthy of being written by a powerful being. This secret method indeed contains the principles of heaven and earth. The whole article is only ten thousand words long, but it contains many Western Taoist masters’ understanding of the laws of space, not to mention the most valuable secret method itself.

Huanyu means the world, and even a broader definition.

The name of the secret method shows the great ambition of the Western Taoist Master, and its function is just as its name suggests, which is to intercept the power of the universe, thereby blessing itself and thereby increasing its strength.

There are eighteen levels of the Secret Law of the Universe.

Depending on the number of layers, the increase provided will be more or less. And you only need to master the secret method, and you can learn it with subsequent layers of blessings without any need for enlightenment or practice. However, the more layers of blessings you have, the greater the burden you will bear.

, the specific how to use it must be determined according to the actual combat conditions.

After reading it carefully, Lu Zhong turned around and appeared in Fanghu Dojo.

Now that he has no shortage of immortal jade, he can finally practice at full speed.

As for the secret method of the universe?

According to Lu Zhong's usual practice habits, he would do it during meditation. By combining work and rest, both the speed of practice and the progress of understanding the secret method could reach a satisfactory level.

Don't forget to give the avatars good tasks.

After arranging the affairs one by one, he held two immortal jades in his hands, and the time clock slowly began to refine the immortal spiritual energy into mana.

His cultivation, which had been stagnant for a long time, finally grew at this time.


Just as Lu Zhong was in retreat.

Relying on the giant shadow of "Tiandao", because the Corridor Palace was invincible, and because of the nails planted in advance, after losing to the master of Tianxing Dao in a row, he actually directly captured a small half of the territory of Tianxing Dao Palace.

Affected by this, the strength of the Gold and Heavenly Punishment Alliances dropped sharply.

As a result, it was naturally unable to cope with the fierce offensive of the Pagoda and the Changchun Alliance.

Ever since, the situation in the fairy world has become confusing again.

Anyone can see that according to the current war pattern and the comparison of strength among the various palaces, the fairy world is far from deciding the winner of the Shattered War.

Southern Wilderness Mountain.

This mountain is located in the extreme south of the immortal world, where the immortal spiritual energy is thin, so it is inaccessible to people.

However, in order to open up a place for survival, Luofu expanded its territory here. After killing the wild beasts entrenched here, it began to build large and small settlements.

This day.

Suddenly there was a flash of silver light in the sky, and Lu Zhong's figure emerged. Sensing the rhythm of heaven and earth, a circle of treasure wheels slowly formed behind him in the bright silver light.

For a moment, the sky hung for two days.

The treasure wheel rotates in the void, and under its influence, the space cracks heal, and the dangerous wasteland that was originally covered becomes a paradise that can be developed.

Lu Zhong looked at the barren ground and muttered something.

Almost instantly, his aura began to surge, first exceeding the limit of this realm, then approaching the fifth realm...the sixth realm, and finally stopped at the seventh realm.

Feeling the powerful power in his body, Lu Zhong was a little dissatisfied with this: "For now, blessing the secret method of the world to the seventh level is already my limit. If I want to go further, I must have a deeper understanding of the way of space."

, otherwise, if you rush to support it, the result will only be backlash and death."

However, it was enough to achieve the purpose of his trip.

Activating the terrifying magic power, Lu Zhong started to make secrets with his hands.

In the void, a torrent of immortal spiritual energy surged in like a tidal wave. Like dew after a long drought, the originally barren world suddenly gained a bit more color.

He wanted to do more than that.

Immediately, his left and right hands were thrust forward again.


The rays of light bloomed wildly between the sky and the earth, and even more golden light gathered.

Lu Zhong used great magic power to forcibly condense an eighth-grade immortal vein. The immortal spiritual energy pouring out from the void seemed to have found its target at this moment, and all rushed towards the immortal vein.

The long glow spreads farther and farther, and the quality of the immortal veins is also improving at the same time.

Eventually, it crossed the seventh-order boundary line.

Immortal veins of this level are enough to make this place prosperous.

Seeing this, Lu Zhong withdrew his magical power with satisfaction, and the brilliance on his body disappeared. After releasing the secret technique of the world, a strong feeling of discomfort followed.

"Hiss! The sequelae are so serious!"

At this moment, his whole body seemed to be out of strength, and his state had suffered a serious decline. Whether it was his spirit, or the speed at which he mobilized his magic power and communicated with the world, there was a huge gap compared to the past.

And this kind of sequelae will last for a very long time.

"It's not bad to pay such a price for a blow that spans several small realms." Thinking of this, Lu Zhong couldn't help but sigh at the power of the secret method created by the Taoist master.

In the realm of Golden Immortal, there is a saying that one level higher will crush people to death.

Although he was able to kill enemies across levels before, he only dealt with monks outside the Taoist palace. If he faced monks who came out of the Taoist palace, he would only be able to defeat the opponent at the same level, and draw at a higher level.

If you encounter an opponent who is two levels higher than yourself, you may have no choice but to run away.

But after the Secret Technique of World came into existence, the situation was completely different.

"Relying on it, I can kill opponents who are two realms higher than me. Even the Seventh Realm Golden Immortal has a chance to draw a tie." Lu Zhong looked forward with joy in his eyes.


Suddenly, a huge roar came from deep in the mountains below.

As the earth opened, a huge insect with a figure of ten thousand feet, with a head like a cow and a body like a dragon, flashing with colorful lights in the sun, and with thousands of legs under its belly, suddenly emerged from the ground.

Due to its appearance, the ground began to shake.

At the same time, countless white fog began to spread.

Lu Zhong could tell the origin of this insect at a glance, but it was a "demon fog insect". When it appeared, it was often covered with thick white mist. This was the insect's innate magical power, which had the effect of confusing the mind and giving birth to evil spirits.

According to records in classics.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Immortal Court, a demonic fog insect with amazing strength was born and appeared in the Changchun world. It caused great chaos because the demons spawned by the fog reflected the fear of people's hearts and finally condensed.

What came out was a terrifying demon with the power to devour the soul.

The record of this event in the classics is only about a hundred words long.

But between the lines, he could read the brutality of the war that year.

Maybe the fact that the Taoist Palace in Changchun has become so sluggish is inseparable from the bug back then.

Of course, the situation in front of him is not worthy of Lu Zhong's fear.

Even though he was suffering from sequelae, Lu Zhong only needed to make a fist, and the huge power of time and space surged out, and the treasure wheel of time and space also appeared, suppressing the born magic fog insect in front of him.

Under the pressure of the power of time and space, this insect could only scream incessantly, exuding a thick white mist from all over its body, and spawned various strange monsters.

However, Lu Zhong raised his hand to form a thunder marsh and killed them all in an instant.

Then, the True Star Immortal Sword appeared.

Without any effort, one sword struck at the origin of the insect, which was the core beneath its bull's head.

With the separation of the head and head, the origin of the magic fog insect also collapsed.


The huge headless corpse fell to the ground, triggering another major earthquake.

"I heard that the meat of the magic fog bug is extremely delicious, but I don't know if it is true or not..." Lu Zhong, who easily dealt with the magic fog bug, seemed to be in trouble at this moment, remembering a rumor.

He immediately wielded the fairy sword and selected the best positions to take a lot for himself.

After doing this, he disappeared.

Shortly after Lu Zhong left, fighting ships jumped to this position one after another.

The naval commander looked at the huge insect corpse lying on the ground and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Ah? The target has been eliminated?"

"It's Master Xu Kongzi!"

One of the monks reacted quickly and said enthusiastically.

In today's Luofu, as the powerful and invincible Lord of Luofu, the name of Xu Kongzi has long been admired by countless junior monks, and they regard it as their goal of progress. They must also be like senior Xu Kongzi

Generally, one starts from scratch and leads a small force to gain a foothold in the fairy world.


Return to Luofu Fairy City.

Lu Zhong immediately processed the magic fog insect meat.

After removing the blood and impurities, we got the white worm meat. They have an alluring aroma and contain a lot of essence. It is expected that both the taste and efficacy will be quite good.

Lightly roasted and sprinkled with simple seasonings.

He tried to take a bite.

The insect flesh itself is poisonous and quite powerful, even a heavenly immortal would find it difficult to defuse it. However, it essentially involves laws, so it is ineffective for golden immortals who have a more profound understanding of the laws.

"It's a pity that this delicious food can only be enjoyed by one person."

Lu Zhong shook his head and tasted the magic fog insect meat carefully.

In terms of texture and taste, it was just like shrimp meat, crisp and refreshing, and because of its insect poison, it tasted extremely delicious, far superior to other spiritual foods he had eaten before.

"It's indeed a good thing!"

Another person grilled and ate a few skewers before handing over the remaining worm meat to the immortal chef in the cave.

Next, Lu Zhong took turns to taste the delicacies cooked with insect meat one by one.

Unknowingly, my cultivation has improved slightly.

"Is there such an unexpected surprise?"

Now, Lu Zhong was even more satisfied with the magic fog insect meat.

After indulging his appetite for a little while, Lu Zhong was already satisfied. He thought of the rare opportunity to get out of seclusion, so he did not forget to accompany the people close to him, and then returned to Fanghu Dojo.


Time flies by.

Just as things are changing in the fairy world, it's hard to know who will win the prize for a while.

Lu Zhong is still in seclusion in the dojo.

Thanks to enough immortal jade, his cultivation speed has been pushed to the highest level, which can be said to be a thousand miles a day, which is completely different from his previous state.

Thousands of years have passed, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the three realms.

On this day, Lu Zhong suddenly felt something in his heart.

"The Tribulation of Four Symbols is coming!"

He did not hesitate and immediately took the initiative to cause this disaster.

Almost the next moment I had this thought, a force came from somewhere.

This power could not be resisted, and Lu Zhong's cultivation suddenly fell into three realms. If he hadn't known that this was caused by the Four Symbols Tribulation and was not a real fall in realm, he would have been extremely panicked at this time.

After all, falling from Jinxian to Mahayana is unbearable for anyone.

"The Tribulation of Four Symbols? It really deserves its reputation!"

Lu Zhong carefully sensed his current state. After falling below the level of a true immortal, he could be said to be extremely weak. Any true immortal could beat him up.

However, the benefits are not without them.

After his realm fell, he found that his ability to understand the world had greatly improved.

"It's true that every loss has its own gain."

After Lu Zhong discovered this, he immediately stopped thinking.

Immediately devote yourself wholeheartedly and focus on getting through this disaster.

According to the information he collected, the key to surviving the Four Symbols Tribulation is to master the changes in the reality and emptiness of Yin and Yang. Only in this way can the calamity be eliminated and one's cultivation level be pushed to a higher level.

But not everyone can do this.

Not to mention the changes of yin and yang, even the reality and reality can stop many monks. Lu Zhong does not think that he can pass the test easily. Fortunately, with the help of Fang Hu, he is far more generous than other monks of the same level, at least in terms of time.

Much more. There is another advantage to practicing in a dojo, that is, you will encounter less unnecessary troubles.

Of course, Lu Zhong also knew something better.

That is, no matter how you escape, disaster will come to your door.


Just as Lu Zhong was in seclusion, hoping to survive the Four Symbols Tribulation, a major event suddenly occurred in the immortal world. However, Buddhism suddenly took action and attacked Wuwang Palace, the other courtyard of Tianxing Dao Palace, and kidnapped a Tao Palace treasure from there.

As soon as this news came out, many monks were shocked.

One thing you need to know is that Buddhism's move is tantamount to provoking Tianxing Dao Palace. Even if the two families break out into a war, it is not a strange thing.

What makes the immortals even more puzzled is why Buddhism, which has always been low-key, now becomes bold and dares to challenge a being countless times more powerful than itself.

It wasn't until rumors spread among the public that the immortals suddenly realized this.

It’s because of the secret treasure left behind by the Taoist Master of the West!

Putting themselves underground, the immortals felt that this was extremely normal. After all, the target was the Taoist master's lifelong secret. Even if it cost a lot, it was acceptable.

Once you successfully obtain it, your future path to immortality can be said to be completely prosperous.

Affected by this, and because of the secret rumors of Western Taoist masters, Buddhism, which had faded out of the world's attention and was relatively unknown, once again became a prominent presence on the stage.

When Lu Zhong learned this, he just smiled lightly.

"Fortunately, I chose to give up at the beginning. Otherwise, I would be like the Buddhists now, facing troubles that I don't know where they come from, and I don't know when they came."

After thinking this, he closed his eyes and continued to retreat.

This chapter has been completed!
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