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Chapter 794 Counterattack

Time is like water.

For mortals, a thousand years is equivalent to the replacement of more than ten generations. Low-level monks will also grow old because of this. Even for monks below Mahayana, it is not a short period of time. But for true immortals whose longevity is almost eternal,

Words are just a blink of an eye.

After a small conflict, Changchun Taoist Palace made no other moves.

It's not that the Dao Palace monks are magnanimous, but that the Golden Dao Palace has suddenly stepped up its offensive, making it clear that it intends to end the war between the two fronts, and is preparing to concentrate all its efforts on solving the Changchun Dao Palace, and then use its hands to deal with the threats from Yinlou and Dusk Dao Palace.

It is precisely because of this that Luofu was able to temporarily maintain peace.

However, these are all appearances, and the reality is that things are not peaceful secretly.

Just like here in Luofu Immortal City, assassins have sneaked into the retreat many times, all with the intention of assassinating the Lord of Luofu.

The result was, not surprisingly, all in vain.

Lu Zhong had been prepared for this for a long time. He was in seclusion in the spiritual world every day. He had the power of shifting stars and fighting at his side. He could not track it with ordinary means, so he was not worried about it.

This day.

Huzhong Dojo.

After the round of luck, Lu Zhong dropped the debris in his hand and slowly opened his eyes.

His ability to sense mana has improved even more than before.

"Not bad!" He showed a satisfied expression.

Since the end of the last war, Lu Zhong has been in retreat in Linghuan. Thanks to this, his cultivation has improved a lot. Although it cannot be said to have improved by leaps and bounds, considering that he is already a Golden Immortal in the Fourth Realm, he can achieve his current cultivation level.

The speed is not considered slow.

You know, if it were other Golden Immortal monks, they would be overjoyed if they could improve at such a speed.

After all, as far as he knew, normal Golden Immortal advancement almost relied on grinding.

It can be as fast as three to five million years, or as slow as one million years.

"That is, only with Fang Hu here, I can enter the country so quickly, otherwise... I would have to be like everyone else."

Lu Zhong finished adjusting his breath and came out of the Huzhong Dojo.

I looked up at the sky, and found that it was surrounded by vertical and horizontal trusses, which were part of the Rainbow Bridge. If I looked into the void at this time, I would find that it was pitch black, and the abyss had surrounded Linghuan.


In the direction of the abyss, areas such as the Ancient Void Realm and the Qinghe Realm have been completely swallowed up.

What is the result of being swallowed by the abyss?

About this, nothing is known yet.

Maybe it's just a return to chaos, maybe there's great terror.

As for the Spirit World, thanks to the Rainbow Bridge and the Shelter Project, it is still relatively safe. However, abyssal evil objects are constantly intruding from the outside and may spread to the interior of the Spirit World. Currently, the Luofu Guards are working hard to eliminate them.

Other than that, everything is normal in the Linghuan world.

Turn around and return to the fairyland.

As soon as Lu Zhong came back, he saw the avatars cleaning the scene.

After asking, he found out that it turned out that an assassin had just revealed his identity, and the assassin jumped over the wall in a panic, intending to self-destruct and destroy the Luofu Immortal City. Fortunately, he was stopped by the incarnation of Huang Quan.

"Three times, Luofu became their family."

Lu Zhong thought to himself about this, and couldn't help but feel a little angry.

At this moment, he remembered a piece of news delivered by his incarnation, and an imperceptible smile appeared on his face: "Just in time, a new inspector has arrived from Changchun Taoist Palace..."

Treat the person in his own way.

Lu Zhong sneered and disappeared.


Qingyuan City.

This city is located on the border of Luochang, opposite Linjixian City.

From a distance, it looks like a green forest.

In fact, when I got closer, I realized that those "giant trees" were actually Dao soldiers, standing in all directions. Each of them had a strength that was not weaker than that of a true immortal, and they were exuding a terrifying aura at this moment.

There is Qingyuan Pavilion in the city, with misty clouds, worthy of being a place of immortality.

It's just that the faces of the monks among them were a bit unhappy.

Now that the Shattered War is still pending, something happened to the Golden Tree. In addition, on the snowy plains to the north, the Natural Dao is not only resurrected, but is also suspected of colluding with the remnants of the Dao Court.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Immortal Court is already showing signs of turmoil.

In these troubled times, it is difficult for the Taoist palace to maintain its majesty.

The world thought that there was no suspense, but Changchun Road actually suffered a huge defeat.

What's even more embarrassing is that because the Golden Dao Palace is pressing every step of the way, Luofu, a small force that can be easily destroyed, has no time to spare to deal with it.

It's not that there is really no time, but Luofu's fighting ships are indispensable.

In fact, it is precisely because of these "iron boxes" that the monks on the front line can persist under the fierce offensive from the opposite side. Otherwise, according to the previous head-on confrontation tactics, I am afraid that one more person will be killed every day.

No matter how much manpower there is, it can't sustain a few battles, and it will be completely defeated.

For something so important, it should be in your hands.

But the Dao Palace still doesn't understand how Luofu produced so many battleships. After one weapon refiner after another, they only know that Luofu's battleships are exquisite, but they don't know how to make them.

It's not that I haven't tried to deduce it by means, but the source points to Dao Huan.


Any knowledgeable monk knows what this thing represents.

Therefore, every monk who deduced the technology of fighting ship manufacturing died under the backlash of the Taoist Ring.

But the results were not without success.

That is, based on the effect of backlash, it is inferred that it should be related to the "Law of the Sun".

But this has no effect.

Looking at today's fairy world, due to historical reasons, apart from Wangri City on the snowy fields in the north, there are very few Sun Law practitioners who can be found in the six realms.

In addition, the Dao Palace itself stands.

"Alas... I was controlled by ants."

In Qingyuan Pavilion, a kneeling figure sighed.

"And that Xukongzi... I'm afraid this person's strength is not higher than the real one."

Thinking that he was facing this kind of monster, Bi Yuanzi frowned. Although he and Xu Kongzi were both Golden Immortals of the Fourth Realm, they knew their own affairs well. In terms of strength alone, he could be said to be completely defeated.

But the sect's mission must be completed.

The huge Changchun Taoist Palace has been passed down for such a long time. The interior is already full of hills and has formed a set of rules of struggle. If he wants to go further, he will inevitably have to secure his position first.

Otherwise, you will be overthrown by your opponent immediately.

"It seems...that's all it can do."

A cold light flashed in Bi Yuanzi's eyes, and he thought of a poisonous plan.

But at this moment, his expression suddenly changed.

But a few feet in front of him, a figure in black suddenly appeared.

"Who are you--!"

Before Bi Yuanzi could scream in surprise, he saw a silver-gray light blooming in front of him, and a fairy sword shot out, stabbing his shoulder instantly with lightning speed, leaving a bloody hole in front and back.

There was no chance to breathe as the next wave of attacks arrived.

Bi Yuanzi sacrificed his natal immortal treasure, which was a jade seal, and resolutely blocked it in front of him.

Without the stimulation of mana, the power of the immortal treasure is less than 11%.

What's worse is that the fairy treasure in this state is extremely vulnerable to damage. After all, the place where the enemy hits directly is the fairy treasure material with no protective buffer.

One sword, two swords, three swords...

Lu Zhong had no expression on his face and waved his sword again and again.

Gradually, cracks began to appear on the Immortal Treasure Seal, which made Bi Yuanzi feel distressed. However, he still gritted his teeth and persisted, even though the sword was getting heavier and heavier, and one blow was more powerful than the other.

Just to hold on until reinforcements arrive.

Time goes by like this, minute by minute.

Suddenly, Bi Yuanzi woke up as if from a dream, a mysterious light flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly looked around.

Only then did he realize that he was no longer in Qingyuan City.

At this moment.

There is already a huge black hole in the sky above the huge Qingyuan City.

There is a forest of Taoist soldiers around, constantly launching attacks like raindrops. However, it has little effect on the black hole, which is essentially a spatial method. After all, the methods they use are still in the category of mana.

Only the Tao Palace True Immortals join forces can shake the black hole with the power of law.

In the absence of the Golden Immortal to preside over, the three Jade Immortals who were supposed to assist Bi Yuanzi could only stare anxiously from the sidelines at this moment, wondering when the black hole would be broken and when would they be put to use.


At this moment, the expression of a Taoist monk in the team changed drastically. He looked at the jade scraps in his hands and said with disbelief:


"What do you mean it's broken!"

The three sons of Qiongshan gathered together, and the leader, Jade Immortal, grabbed the man by the collar and hurriedly asked him.

"The life card, the life card is broken."

The Taoist monk raised his hand and said with an ashen face.

Hearing this, the three Qiongshan sons looked at each other, and then a deep surprise emerged in their hearts. If we talk about Bi Yuanzi's specific strength, the three of them know it very well. It is easy to crush the so-called "Qiongshan three sons".

Now, less than ten breaths have passed since the incident happened.

Ten breaths later, Bi Yuanzi fell?

Just as the three of them were shocked, the black hole in the sky suddenly disappeared.

Then a headless corpse fell, and after the fairy blood was restored to fairy aura, a colorful scroll was splashed on the sky, which looked extremely beautiful and cruel at the same time.

Taking a closer look, it was the fallen Bi Yuanzi.

Looking at this scene, Qiongshan Sanzi was shocked in his heart and felt a chill in his back.

If the other party is not targeting Bi Yuanzi this time, but the three of them...

The three Qiongshan sons looked at each other, but they didn't dare to think about it further.


Soon, the news about Qingyuan City spread.

A Golden Immortal died quietly, and he was also a Four Realm Golden Immortal who had mastered the Tao Domain. This was a heavy loss to any force in the Immortal Realm.

Soon after, Changchun Daogong's defense line retreated millions of miles.

When Lu Zhong learned about this, he was not complacent.

Luofu seems to be winning a small victory at the moment, but in fact it is just a tiger that cannot draw away its claws. Once the opponent is free, all that awaits Luofu is destruction.

"Presumably the Taoist Palace Master didn't expect it, right?"

He couldn't help but smile when he thought of this.

Although Luofu is an ant, he bit off a piece of meat and caused the Taoist palace to lose face.

"However, it's great now, and it's not a big deal to cause trouble."

Lu Zhong suppressed his smile and thought about his subsequent response.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the situation of the broken war is still unclear.

Because of the giant shadow of the "Tiandao" in the Corridor Palace, after its initial great power, and after the Golden Dao Palace found a way to deal with it, its subsequent performance began to weaken. At present, every time it takes a shot, in addition to creating a large black rain restricted area, it can

Very few results have been achieved, and the deterrent effect is greater than the actual effect.

At the same time, the Changchun Taoist Palace is facing the offensive of the Golden Taoist Palace, and the only thing it can do now is to resist.

Speaking of which, this is all thanks to Luofu's fighting ships.

"If we take advantage of this in the future, we may be able to achieve a delicate balance." Lu Zhong thought to himself.

Of course.

Maybe in the eyes of the Taoist palace, Luofu is just an ant that can bite people. Although he is a powerful individual among ants, he is still in the category of ants.

"In the final analysis, Luofu is still too weak."

Lu Zhong has always known that weak people have no right to speak.

If the Taoist palace still regards Luofu as an ant, according to the behavior of those Taoist monks, I am afraid that the subsequent development of the matter will run in the worst direction that he least wants to see.

"If this is the case, we really have to consider the worst-case scenario."

He secretly thought about sending this possible outcome to the staff department so that they could make a plan.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

After handling the matter, Lu Zhong turned over and took out a storage bag. This was Bi Yuanzi's belongings. It must be that this person likes retro, so he made the storage bag look like a storage bag.

As soon as he opened it, his face suddenly showed a deep joy.

"Immortal jade, there are still so many immortal jade!"

A rough estimate puts the number at least in the millions.

This astonishing amount of fairy jade is also the most valuable in Bi Yuanzi's storage bag.

In addition, items such as elixirs and immortal talismans may appear to be numerous in number, but in fact, their combined value is less than one-tenth of a million immortal jade.

"This is......"

Lu Zhong fixed his gaze on somewhere and found a document.

It is a delivery slip.

After reading it, he realized that only 10% of this astonishing amount of immortal jade was going to Qingyuan Immortal City, and the rest was to be transported to the front line to supplement the energy of the battleships.

Although the Luofu Fighting Ship is strong, it is also a big player in eating immortal jade.

Therefore, a sufficient amount of fairy jade is needed.

As a result, an accident happened, and before Bi Yuanzi could send the things away, he had already died.

"What a coincidence."

Lu Zhong smiled faintly and accepted the millions of immortal jade without any courtesy. He couldn't help but maliciously guessed: "Now that there is no immortal jade on the front line, I'm afraid something will go wrong."

"My thoughts are really similar to a child's grudge."

But so what?

It is enough if you can make your thoughts clear.

A few days later, news came indeed.

The battle line between Changchun and Huanghuang Dao Palace, close to the location of the First Black Rain Restricted Area, has been breached by Huanghuang Dao Palace. According to subsequent gossip, this failure was related to insufficient supply of fairy jade.

When Lu Zhong learned about this, he couldn't help but feel a little happy.

Problems arise again.

With the Changchun Taoist Palace's front line being broken through, it won't be long before Luofu will begin to border the Golden Taoist Palace, and judging from past situations, the power of this Taoist Palace is far more exclusive than that of the Changchun Taoist Palace.

More importantly, the Golden Dao Palace is more powerful.

Lu Zhong did not regret what he had done before.

He knew very well that this day would come sooner or later.

Even if he did not kill Bi Yuanzi and the defense line of Changchun Dao Palace was breached in advance, under the fierce offensive of Huang Dao Palace, Luofu would have to face this problem sooner or later as the two fronts retreated and I advanced.

In fact, from the staff's point of view.

Bordering the Golden Road Palace in advance is actually beneficial to Luofu.

This chapter has been completed!
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