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Chapter 838 The end is coming

Seeing such a scene, Lu Zhong's heart suddenly tightened.

As a high-level Golden Immortal, he could clearly sense at this moment that those monks who were swallowed up, regardless of their level of cultivation, were instantly transformed and completely reduced to a part of the abyss.

More than that...


In the midst of his thoughts, a black light blade flashed.

Due to the long distance, Lu Zhong easily dodged the blow, but his face gradually became serious, and four flashing figures suddenly appeared in front of him. They were so fast that they couldn't see their appearance clearly, but he could only see the words from his eyes.

The intense red light is proof of being eroded and transformed by the abyss.

"Originally, it was only one or two realms, but after being transformed into the abyss, it can be compared with the three or four realms. It is no less than the application of the secret method of the universe."

I could only hear a "boom" explosion next to me.

In the other direction, the speeding Ling Duan Laodao was unlucky. Three abyss monks joined forces and hit him with a heavy blow. His whole body was shot to the ground like a cannonball, smashing through the thick mountain rocks.


The pile of rubble exploded with a bang, turning into countless flying rocks. Duan Laodao reappeared, but he looked more embarrassed. The sapphire hair crown on his head was broken, and his hair was scattered down. He looked at the three people who were shot.

The figure, with an expression on his face as if he had seen a ghost, did not fight back, turned around and swept away into the distance.

Lu Zhong looked at it and thought deeply in his heart.

In his opinion, Ling Duanlaodao was not as powerful as the three abyss-oriented monks, but could easily repel them. However, he had no idea of ​​taking action.

There must be some reason for it.

With this thought, Lu Zhong gave up the idea of ​​contacting the Abyss monks.

Let someone else taste this crab.

Immediately he raised his hand, and a silver light suddenly fell from the sky.

When he was watching the show just now, he was not idle. He had already secretly built a teleportation channel to connect himself to the far distance. When he opened it, a luminous vortex suddenly appeared in front of him.

Lu Zhong rushed in without hesitation.

When he appears again, Qiongmu Fairy Square is already in sight.

At this moment, the sky and the earth are divided into two colors. One side is still blue sky, white clouds, green mountains and green water. A large number of monks are not aware of it and are still immersed in their past lives. The other side is the darkness advancing like a wall.

Finally, someone discovered something unusual in the distance.

"Clang clang clang!"

The next moment, the alarm bell rang quickly like a reminder.

The peaceful life was suddenly shattered like a mirror. Just when most people were still at a loss, black smoke was already billowing from the distance, falling into the fairy place like meteors.

Cries of killing immediately floated in the wind, and the Qiongmu Fairy Square suddenly burst into flames everywhere.

"It seems that there is big trouble in the fairy world."

Just now, Lu Zhong received the news from the incarnation.

Not only Wanlingting, but also the snowfields in the far north, and even Yinlou, Changchun and other realms, an abyssal disaster suddenly appeared, and it was spreading at an alarming rate.

Currently, almost all those places are in chaos.

If there is still a glimmer of hope for life under the Broken War, as the tide of the abyss spreads, everything in its path will surely return to the abyss.

"Is the immortal world finally facing a great catastrophe?"

Lu Zhong murmured to himself, looking far away.

Next, it depends on whether anyone can save everything when the sky falls.

If not, I'm afraid the end will come.

"As for me......"

Lu Zhong withdrew his gaze, and there was a small mirror in his hand, which was his treasure, the Immortal Mirror of the Heavens. After a slight movement, the whole person disappeared in an instant.


Returning to Linghuan, Lu Zhong let out a light sigh.


I saw a flash of light suddenly flying out of his sleeve, shooting toward the sword-qi sky above his head. When I raised my head, I could see that there were already dots of stars there.

Every bloom of fire means a volley of Luofu Immortal Pillars.

At this moment, similar lights flashed one after another.

"It seems that the tide of the abyss on Linghuan's side has also changed." Lu Zhong looked at the void battlefield above, without the slightest intention of taking action.

Currently, there are two incarnations of him guarding this side of Linghuan Realm.

With the current strength displayed by the abyss tide, it is still difficult to break through the guard of the two golden immortals.

Coupled with the mass production of the Origin Ships, after a large number of Origin Ships are added to the Luofu Guard, the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved, which is far from comparable to the previous state.

Furthermore, there are other forces from Linghuan joining in.

Under the influence of various factors, the battle in the Void Battlefield was fierce, but the Linghuan Realm did not show signs of decline.

Compared with the stable void battlefield, Lu Zhong felt that refining Yuan Chensha and completing the "sword sharpening" process of Dao Bing Luofu was the most important thing at the moment.

Turning around, he came to the Time Pond.

Although the refining has ended, there is still a huge power of time entrenched here.

This is exactly what you need to sharpen your sword.

What Lu Zhong has to do now is to use time as the thrust, yuan chensha as the millstone, and his own magic power to mediate, so that the Taoist soldier Luofu can transform.

This process is destined to be extremely difficult.

Fortunately, it is not impossible to practice during the process.

All it takes is one or two distractions.

"Just think of it as a retreat to practice penance."

Shaking his head, Lu Zhong clicked his fingers together, and streams of light flew out from his fingers, but they were arranging relevant restrictions. As the restrictions that seemed to be substantial appeared, a luminous hall was quickly outlined above the Time Pool, which was extremely powerful.

The spiritual energy fluctuations even caused astonishing spiritual tides and celestial phenomena.

The purpose is not only to facilitate cultivation in the future, but also to prevent any eventuality.

No one can guarantee whether the tide of the abyss outside will change, new and difficult monsters will emerge, and whether the currently seemingly stable void front will suddenly collapse.

Instead of panicking after an accident, it's better to take precautions before they happen.

It’s not that far behind from left to right.

After all the arrangements were made, half a year passed.

For Lu Zhong now, this time has passed by in a daze. He is now looking at his masterpiece with satisfaction, which is a grand palace standing on the pool of time and protected by three towers.

In each high tower, there is a fairy sword guarding it.

At the same time, each has a power of law hidden within it.

This is the great formation he created with a burst of spiritual light by referring to the Zhuxian Formation.

Regardless of whether it is practical or not, at least it can make people feel happy.

After arranging everything, Lu Zhong took one last look at the void battlefield in the sky. The Luofu Guards were still holding the battle line, and what they and their allies had to face were still endless abyss monsters.

"When will this hellish life end?"

Lu Zhong cursed in his heart and walked into the hall without looking back.

After a breath, a silver-gray light pillar shot into the sky.

At this moment, anyone who is in Linghuan can sense that there is a powerful aura brewing at the center of the light pillar. If it waits until the day it is actually born, it will definitely shock everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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