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Chapter 852 Return to Minglei Gorge

Time passes by, and a thousand years pass in the blink of an eye.

This day is an important day for Luofu.

This is all because earlier, the Luofu Academy of Sciences announced a formal breakthrough, and for the first time mentioned the completion time of the Tongtian Immortal Bridge before the end of the world.

As soon as this news came out, everyone celebrated!

Over the years, with the arrival of the "Two Ceremonies", the world has become increasingly difficult.

The fighting on the frontline is becoming more intense every year, and the number of casualties remains high. Proposals to transform into a wartime system have been put forward more than once.

In this situation, everyone is nervous.

Worried that one day I will be submerged in the abyss.

Fortunately, the hard days are finally over.

Patriarch Taiyin was standing on the high platform of Yujingtian, with a grand banquet behind her. Not only her, but also all the high-level monks of Luofu were gathered here happily.

Laugh to your heart's content and feast to your heart's content.

Everyone has been depressed for too long and needs a chance to relax.

However, the protagonist of this banquet has not yet appeared.

"Oh, a living legend?"

Patriarch Taiyin chewed the spiritual fruit in his mouth and cast his gaze into the depths of Jade Sky. There was an aura pulsating there. It was the living legend who created Luofu today.

She had a hunch in her heart that Lu Zhong would not stop here.

"I'm really curious, how far can he go?"

"And should I..."

As soon as this idea came into Taiyin Patriarch's mind, he immediately put it to death completely, "It's so dangerous, I almost got tempted! I actually want to return to the fairy world?"

Even if she won't be burned as firewood if she ascends this time, she doesn't want to go back.

The Taiyin Patriarch already had a general understanding of the current situation of the Immortal World and the progress of the Shattered War through Lu Zhong's incarnation, and knew that it was not a good place.

She had no idea about the fairy world in her heart.

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard footsteps running towards me.

"Chairman, something serious has happened!"

"What's the matter?"

Patriarch Taiyin frowned, and when he took the jade slip from the opponent's hand, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

As soon as she read the jade slip, her expression changed.

"Is this observation sure to be true?"

"It's absolutely true. It has been confirmed three times and is still being confirmed." The visitor couldn't believe the result. Even after confirmation, it was still the same.

According to the observation results of Guantianjian, the third wave of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth.

The signs of the Three Talents Tribulation have begun to appear.

At this rate, we will reach Linghuan in less than a thousand years.

"I know, you can go down."

Patriarch Taiyin waved his hands expressionlessly, and then looked at the sky above his head. The sky there had now changed, and had been replaced by a film of light.

The subsequent construction work of Tongtian Fairy Bridge will all revolve around this layer of light film.

At the same time, it will also be the focus of abyss monster attacks.

At this moment, the battle in the void has begun.

The monsters of the abyss never stop, and continue to pour out of the tide. Their shapes can be described as all kinds of strange. They gather into a torrent and rush towards Luofuwei.


The flames on the entire battlefield undulated like pulses. This was the Origin Ship firing in an orderly manner to block the incoming monsters.

It is both a tactic and a desperate response.

Because the battle is so fierce, the life of the Origin ship's gun barrels often lasts less than an hour before being scrapped, and replacement will undoubtedly take time.

Furthermore, ships also need maintenance.

When the battle was fierce, the Luofu Immortal Pillar finally lit up.

In just the blink of an eye, the monsters on the battlefield were completely eliminated, but before the Luofu Guards could cheer, one light spot after another lit up in front of them.

More monsters from the abyss appear.

Immediately afterwards, a heart-stopping aura filled the battlefield, and in the darkness that was so dense that it could not be dissolved, a giant creature that had never been seen before slowly emerged.

It looks human but not human, symbolizing the embodiment of fear.

It just showed up.

Before any movement could be made, a Luofu Immortal Pillar struck the giant object.

However, in front of this giant creature, the seemingly powerful combined attack is actually just a "toothpick" and cannot shake it at all.

But in the next moment, the huge thing collapsed.

"Fortunately, I arrived in time, otherwise I was afraid I would suffer this time. Unexpectedly, when the abyss tide comes, even these existences cannot be avoided."

"If my guess is correct, it should be the nest master."

In the void, Lu Zhong slowly sheathed his sword and murmured in his heart.

Then he cast his gaze into the distance, looking into the depths of the void that was completely shrouded in darkness, "Unconsciously, the Tribulation of Three Talents has arrived..."

It can be clearly felt that the current Linghuan world is like a small boat in the angry sea, fluctuating with the violent waves, and may capsize at any time.

Immediately raise your hand.

As a ray of purple light fell into it, the sword energy sky in the sky seemed to come alive, and countless restrictions flickered on and off, forming a huge eye mark.

Lu Zhong transformed it a lot.

The original Sword Qi Cangqiong was a passively activated "big formation" that would only react passively to monsters in the abyss. Now that the Thunder Penalty Eye has been added, the effect is very different from before, and it has the ability to actively attack.

Just this is not enough.

Lu Zhong's mind changed and he quickly thought of something.

Linghuan Mountains, Minglei Gorge.

He turned around and came here.

Even if thousands of years have passed, the Thunder Sea here is still there. Because of its spectacular scenery, it has long been developed into a tourist attraction.

As the tide of the abyss approaches, there are still many tourists here.

Lu Zhong dodged and came to somewhere in Minglei Gorge.

In the main hall, a white-haired monk seemed to have realized something and opened his eyes. When he saw someone standing in front of him, he almost jumped in fright.

But when he saw the person clearly, he bowed deeply again.

"Junior Yu..."

"There is no need for false etiquette." Lu Zhong waved his hand and handed out a golden book: "Send my order to evacuate the Linghuan Mountains immediately."

"Yes, Alliance Leader, but..."

Ming Lei Guard subconsciously agreed, but immediately hesitated.

After years of development, the Linghuan Mountains have become an important source of resources. Not only the Luofu Alliance has benefited, but also the sects and families below. It can be said that it has already become the consciousness of millions of monks.

According to the alliance leader's intention, I'm afraid that all of them...

Lu Zhong glanced at him lightly, thinking that there must be darkness under the sun, and distance could easily make people subconsciously ignore certain facts.

It seems necessary to let the world see the strength of Jinxian.

With this thought in his mind, he raised his left hand lightly.

Before everyone in the Linghuan Mountains could react, everyone was enveloped in a silver light. They felt that the scene in front of them was distorted and had been transported to the desert.

"Just now...what is this!"

Everyone didn't know why, and looked confused.

Only Yu Qingyun was shaking like chaff at the moment, and his expression was even more difficult to see.

He knew that he was completely finished.

This chapter has been completed!
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