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Chapter 882 The Road to Transcendence

It doesn't stop there!

Lu Zhong can feel it even more, because the corridor master's next resurgence will be more violent, and each resurgence will be more difficult to suppress than the previous one.

"Is this the price of power?"

He murmured, not surprised by this.

The Dao Ring is transformed from Dao Domain and Dao Weapon. It is essentially a fusion of part of its master. Unsurprisingly, it should host part of the will of the Dao Master, so it is not impossible to use it to obtain recovery.


Lu Zhong waved his hand, and four great avenue rings suddenly appeared in front of him, namely the Yuanshi, the Sun, the Life and Expiration, and the Space Ring.

At this moment, they were rising and falling in mid-air, showing no signs of any strange phenomena.

"The space rings are like this, and other... I'm afraid they are no exception." He looked past the rings, and finally landed on the life-giving ring.

Among the many rings, the space ring has the greatest possibility of recovery, followed by the life-producing ring.

As for the Sun Dao Ring, its owner is still there.

"Yuanshi Daohuan..."

The origin of this ring is magical, and it appeared together with him through time.

What puzzles Lu Zhong is that he still doesn't understand the law of "Yuanshi", and he has never seen such a orthodoxy.

Can't help but worry.

If it revives one day, how should it be suppressed?

"In the final analysis, we still have to truly condense the Dao Ring."

Lu Zhong deeply understands that only the power gained in this way truly belongs to him.

Otherwise, no matter how many Taoist rings you have, how powerful you are, or even how you can rival the real Taoist Master, all you will gain is just the moon in the mirror. It looks powerful on the surface, but in fact it is like scattered sand forming a tower.


"And it has to be a space-time ring."

He had a hunch that if he could condense this Dao Ring, all hidden dangers would cease to exist.

"So, where should the road to Da Luo go?"

The problem is back to the starting point.

Lu Zhong closed his eyes and thought about it, and quickly made a decision in his mind.

I'm going to take the third path.

In his eyes, no matter what the outcome of the journey of the Three Corpses of Da Luo is, the purpose is to abandon the shackles of birth, so as to get closer to the ideal way of heaven, and go further in the grand state of the unity of heaven and man.

As far as the current results are concerned, this path seems to be wrong.

Whether it is killing three corpses or fusing three corpses, future achievements are already determined.

It's better to take a gamble. No matter whether you succeed or fail in the end, no matter how bad the result is, it will not be worse than the first two.

If you can succeed, you might be able to achieve true transcendence.

"Since I am seeking transcendence, I call it the road to transcendence. But this road is unprecedented, and there are endless thorns ahead. I am on the road alone, and the future is destined to be difficult."

Lu Zhong didn't hesitate at all and decided to set foot.

The direction of the road to transcendence is to choose not to strip away the three corpses, that is, the last part of humanity, but to continue to regard them as one's own body, and acceptance is not rejection.

"I don't know if this is right or wrong."

Lu Zhong smiled bitterly, and when he raised his five fingers, his fingertips shot out silver-gray light, which contained the principles of heaven and earth and emitted extremely powerful law fluctuations.

He muttered words in his mouth and built a luminous cocoon on his body. Four Dao rings flew out from the sea of ​​consciousness. After spinning for a few times, the fluctuations in the aura emitted suddenly increased several times, and then they turned into gold.

The four colors of silver, white and green are integrated into the cocoon.

Following Lu Zhong's movement, the space also trembled.

Countless beings sensed this, and felt unprecedented fear in their hearts, so they opened their eyes one after another, but they were still unable to find the source.

The place where there is a gap in time and space at this moment.

Affected by Lu Zhong's retreat, the light rolled like an ocean, but it was only limited to a place thousands of miles away, and other places remained as usual.

Finally, a shadow slowly condensed out of the endless bright light.

His image is close to Lu Zhong, but he has a different temperament.

It can be called "evil corpse", or it can be called "evil thought". There is actually no difference between the two, but they are just called differently.

Lu Zhong slowly stretched out his hand, and the shadow opposite him did the same.

The two become one.

But nothing happened.

Lu Zhong seemed to have expected this.

After all, this move is not a fusion, but rather a reconciliation, a reconciliation with the evil thoughts that come with being a human being, that is, the other self.

Lu Zhong does not need to be a heavenly being.

He is still him.

Therefore, no visions appeared, but there were no expected changes in cultivation.


Lu Zhong thought about this, and his eyes suddenly fell into darkness.

Standing on a land filled with gray mist, everything around us is the eternity that all souls long for but cannot obtain. They have always existed like this and will continue to be like this.

Until a ray of light is born.

Lu Zhong walked into a tree hole and once again saw a pool of flames piercing the darkness in the depths. But compared with last time, there was nothing else in front of the fire pool.

Subconsciously, he tried to touch the flame.

Unexpectedly, an unprecedented burning sensation came over me.

It followed the limbs and bones, wandered all over the body, and poured into the soul. No matter how Lu Zhong tried to stop it, it could not delay it in the slightest.

I could only watch helplessly as the flames burned all over my body.

The fire became even more fierce. It was no longer satisfied with the small tree hole. It crossed the dividing line between light and darkness and rushed out into the outside world.


Loud sounds like thunder rang in my ears.

Lu Zhong suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the golden flames igniting on his body, and realized that what just happened was not a dream, but something that was really happening.

At this moment, his body was ignited with flames.

But compared with the tree hole, the fire was pitifully weak.

At best it can only be called "Mars".

Even so, even a single spark can start a prairie fire. Lu Zhong still sensed an extremely powerful force from it. This power was unprecedented. Compared with Daluo Jinxian who killed the evil corpse, it was more than a star and a half stronger.

And extremely familiar.

He was suddenly surprised to find that if Yuanshi Daohuan took off his gauze, it would be like this.

"Is this the essence of Yuanshi?"

This discovery surprised Lu Zhong.

At the same time, I feel very happy.

Receiving such feedback shows that the path he has chosen does have the possibility of transcendence. Even if it is just a hint, it is better than repeating it in endless reincarnations.

With a thought, the flames on the body disappeared.

"Since this fire is the original essence, let's call it the original fire."

Lu Zhong murmured, then waved.

The four rings fell into his hands immediately. The space rings were still the same, because the will of the corridor master was about to move, and there was a possibility of recovery in a short time; the life-producing rings were similar to them, and there was indeed a weak will hidden in them. I don't know.

future development.

There was no response from the Sun Dao Ring.

Yuanshi Dao Ring......

This chapter has been completed!
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