Soma said in a deep voice, and when he looked at his disciple, his eyes were filled with relief.
Miao Tianqing is dead, so his hope can only be pinned on the junior disciple who is second only to the eldest disciple.
After a pause, the middle-aged man asked again: "Master, what are your plans for revenge against my senior brother?"
But to the young disciple's surprise, Su Mo, who had always protected his shortcomings, shook his head and said: "With your senior brother's strength in the middle stage of the divine realm, coupled with the Gu technique, you should be able to advance to the peak of the divine realm."
"But even so, he still died in the secular world. It can be imagined that the strength of the person who killed him is probably beyond our imagination."
"Judging from our current situation, we cannot rush to avenge your senior brother, otherwise we will just lose our lives in vain."
When the middle-aged man heard Somo's words, he nodded and said seriously: "I will definitely work hard to practice and enter the divine realm as soon as possible!"
Only by improving your strength can you have the chance to avenge your senior brother.
When Somo heard this, he said with red eyes: "Good disciple!"
At this time, he is brewing a plan that has taken many years in his heart. If it succeeds, his strength will skyrocket.
By that time, he might have the strength to avenge his eldest disciple, and be able to kill the real culprit who killed his favorite disciple.
After the young disciple left, Sumo dialed a number and said in a deep voice: "Now you only have half a month to gather four powerful gods for me. Otherwise, our cooperation will end here!"
After leaving these words, Sumo hung up the phone directly.
To the people of Xi Miao, Somo is also an unpredictable weirdo, like a madman, no one can guess his purpose.
But his disciples all know that the master truly treats them as family members.
The death of Miao Tianqing made Sumo have a crazy idea of accelerating the realization of the divine blood poison.
Once he succeeds, his martial arts strength will surely reach the peak of the divine realm, or even surpass it.
At the same time, inside the Royal Alliance meeting room.
King Bai held a meeting with the royal family of this land again.
However, since King Cao is dead, there are only three heads of the royal family, including King Bai, in the conference room this time.
The convening of this meeting was based on the fact that King Cao died in what is now King Lin City, and the Lin family took his place and became the new royal family.
And without the power of the Cao royal family, the overall strength of the royal alliance has been greatly reduced by a quarter.
"Before the meeting, I just received a call from Sumo. He came to inform us that he only gave us half a month to find all four powerful gods."
King Bai said solemnly: "Otherwise, he will terminate cooperation with us."
Originally, Cao Xie's death was already bad news for the Royal Alliance.
However, sometimes, there is more than one bad news, which makes King Xue and King Ma look extremely gloomy.
"There is only half a month. If we want to recruit three more powerful gods from the royal family, we must use special means to speed up their journey to Beijing."
King Xue said.
As soon as he said this, both Bai Wang and Ma Wang looked at him.