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Chapter 173 0168 [Giving an official, a title, a house, money, a car, and a servant]

 Doctors and Taoist priests kept coming, and the number increased, reaching two to three hundred people in a blink of an eye.

The location was also moved to Yeonbok Palace because it was close to the Secretariat Province, so many civil servants came to watch.

Song Huizong looked ugly and sat on the golden chair.

The waiter had already brought out the table, and the giant Ganoderma lucidum was placed on top. Doctors and Taoist priests took turns coming to check.

Seeing that everyone was speechless, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty said: "Call all the doctors from Hanlin Medical Academy!"

The eunuch agreed and hurriedly went to the Imperial Medical College to convey the order.

After struggling for most of the day, Song Huizong called out his name and said: "Yang Aiqing, last month I had diarrhea after eating ice, and you made me recover by decoction in ice water. Aiqing has superb medical skills, how much spiritual energy does this Ganoderma lucidum have?"

Imperial physician Yang Jilao stepped forward bravely: "The official family is rich, but I have only learned human medical skills, but this Ganoderma lucidum is a fairy. Human doctors...can't understand fairy medicine."

Song Huizong asked the priest again: "Mr. Tongmiao, you claim to be a disciple of Xu Zhenren (Xu Xun, the four great Taoist masters). Before Xu Zhenren ascended to immortality, he had superb medical skills. You also know how to make elixirs and medicines. Let's see if this sesame can be refined.

The elixir?"

Wang Zixi bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, this mushroom is indeed nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven years old as Mr. Zhu said. In three years, it will be a great success and it will become an immortal. But picking it in advance will destroy the spirit's way, and the spiritual energy will be picked by itself."

The medicine is still effective, but it is not as good as before. I really cannot guarantee that I can refine the elixir of death."

Not sure?

That means it’s still possible!

Song Huizong suddenly grasped a glimmer of hope and asked: "How sure are you?"

Wang Zaixi said: "Only one point."

Song Huizong was discouraged again and asked: "Does the spirit of Ganoderma lucidum reincarnate with a lot of spiritual energy?"

Wang Zixi didn't know the situation, and he didn't want to find any elf reincarnation, so he immediately replied: "The elf reincarnation is already a mortal body, and half of its spiritual energy has been exhausted a long time ago."

Song Huizong said: "Oh, forget it then."

However, Zhu Guoxiang's face was gloomy and he stared at the Dog Emperor. He vaguely heard some meaning.

Song Huizong looked at Lin Lingsu: "Does Mr. Yuanmiao have any ideas?"

Lin Lingsu said: "Although most of the spiritual energy of this mushroom has been exhausted, it is still stronger than ordinary medicines. I would like to serve as the ambassador of medicine refining and summon people who are proficient in medicine refining from all over the world to refine elixirs for longevity and longevity for the officials!"

This is taking the opportunity to ask for assignments and then expand one's own power.

Wang Zaixi immediately woke up and said: "I would like to serve as the ambassador of refining medicine and do my best for the officials and their families!"

Song Huizong looked at Xue Daoguang, Liu Hunkang and other Taoist priests again.

Xue Daoguang said: "I am good at inner elixirs, but not good at refining elixirs."

Liu Hunkang also said: "I am good at talismans and feng shui, but not good at refining elixirs."

The Taoist priests clearly saw the current situation. Wang Zai wanted to compete with Lin Lingsu for favor, and no one wanted to get involved.

Song Huizong thought carefully and felt that Wang Zaixi was more professional in refining medicine, while Lin Lingsu was good at rituals and talismans, so he said: "To promote Tongmiao Zhenren Wang Zaixi to be the ambassador of medicine refining, all pharmacies in the world must fully cooperate with him."


Wang Zixi was overjoyed: "I will definitely do my best!"

Lin Lingsu lowered her head with a sinister look on her face, determined to kill Wang Zaixi.

It was getting late, and Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty ordered the medical practitioners to retreat, leaving Zhu Guoxiang alone.

Faced with a table full of delicacies and countless talented people around him, Song Huizong still had no interest. He threw down his chopsticks and said to himself: "Fate has a way with people, and the road to immortality is twists and turns. What can I do?"

Zhu Guoxiang showed his earnestness in dealing with the inspections of senior leaders and said comfortingly: "What you lose is what you gain, and this may be God's test for Your Majesty. If the official family fails to recover, God may be disappointed. If the official family perseveres, it will be a success."

A heart that is devoted to the Tao can feel the movement of heaven and earth, even if an immortal comes down to earth and personally delivers the elixir."

"By the way, there are immortals too!"

Song Huizong finally regained his energy and asked: "Sir, have you ever met an immortal overseas?"

Zhu Guoxiang said: "When I meet a strange person, I don't know whether he has become an immortal."

Song Huizong said eagerly: "Please tell me in detail."

Zhu Guoxiang said: "At that time, I encountered a strong storm at sea and wandered for several months without knowing anything from east to west. When I arrived at a small island, there was a man with gray hair and a childlike face who invited me to the island for a banquet. The wine was sweet and clear, and I didn't know what kind of grain it was brewed from.

There is no meat in the dishes, only seasonal vegetables and fruits. Before leaving, a foreigner presented corn and sweet potato seeds, saying that these two things will benefit the world."

Song Huizong asked: "Since you are returning by boat, can you remember the journey on the sea?"

Zhu Guoxiang shook his head: "Perhaps he was drunk and fell unconscious after boarding the ship. When he opened his eyes again, he had arrived at the coast. Even the appearance of the strange man could not be remembered clearly, and he could only vaguely remember his white-haired childish face."

"With great power, he is a true immortal," Song Huizong asked again, "Has the immortal ever taught the immortal method?"

Zhu Guoxiang said: "I do have something in my mind. It's not about cultivation, but about farming, arithmetic, physics and the like. Sometimes I remember some Taoist poems, but I don't understand their meaning and I often forget them."

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty lamented: "It is indeed difficult to find immortal magic, and even if you meet an immortal, you will find nothing."

Zhu Guoxiang said: "I let the officials down."

"If you are destined to be like this, you should still strive to seek immortality," Song Huizong asked, "Your concubine has just been born, does she have a name?"

Zhu Guoxiang said: "The day after my daughter was born, I went on the road with the emperor's mission, and I didn't even have time to name her."

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty said: "Since he is the reincarnation of an elf, he should be named Zhuo."

Zhu Guoxiang said: "I have little talent and little knowledge. I don't know how to write the character xiú."

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty dipped his finger in wine, wrote the word "苬", and said: "苋 is Ganoderma lucidum."

Zhu Guoxiang felt that it was really unpleasant, and it didn't have any good meaning, so he decided to call his daughter Zhu Yin with a horizontal line: "Thank you to the official for the name."

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty said: "Since you have met a fairy, you must be a member of our Taoist sect, and you should be named Mr. Six Characters."

At this time, the Taoist rank was twenty-sixth, and Mr. Liuzi was already the highest level, equivalent to a senior official from the fourth rank.

For example, Xue Daoguang is a six-character gentleman, with the title "Zixian Yuanming Zhenren". He is from the fourth grade, while Ju Ming is only from the eighth grade, so there is a huge difference in salary and benefits.

Zhu Guoxiang politely refused: "In the official family, the dog is the third person to pass the imperial examination. According to the laws of the Song Dynasty, sons of monks and Taoists cannot take the imperial examination to become officials. Even if the imperial court is open to the public, it only allows industrial and commercial imperial examinations. I became a Taoist official,

A dog cannot become a sergeant."

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty said: "Everything can be made an exception. Moreover, the sons of monks and Taoists cannot take the imperial examination, which really hid many talents. I will issue an order the next day so that the descendants of Taoist priests can also take the imperial examination."

Are the rules so casually broken?

Zhu Guoxiang lamented in his heart that the emperor's death was not unjust when his country was overthrown.

Zhu Guoxiang said: "But I don't understand Taoism, and I have never studied Taoism."

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty said: "I will grant you the title of 'Master Tongshu Mingdao' and promote Huiling Guan's official duties. Also add 'Doctor of Arithmetic' to teach you the arithmetic given by the immortal."

Huiling Temple is a Taoist temple in the south of Tokyo. Not everyone can recommend this temple.

The first person to receive this assignment was Li Ruogu. At that time, Li Ruogu's position was Bachelor of Zizhengdian (this official position was usually awarded to dismissed prime ministers or important ministers)!

After thinking about it, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty added: "My concubine should also be given an official title and should be called the 'Psychic Chixia Zhenren'."

Although Zhu Guoxiang was well-informed, he was still dumbfounded at this moment. His newborn daughter actually became a fourth-grade Taoist official.

Before Song Huizong finished speaking, he added another sentence: "When my concubine reaches the age of hairpin, I would like to adopt her as an adopted daughter and canonize her as clan concubine (county head)."

This emperor is really crazy!

Zhu Guoxiang didn't even dare to refuse. Who knew that the already crazy emperor would do something out of nowhere, so he immediately bowed and thanked him: "This is a gift from the official family, and I am grateful to him."

Zhu Guoxiang was a little scared to find a chance to leave the capital. He didn't like this feeling of floating in the clouds.

You can't step on the ground, it's all hollow, and you will die miserably if you fall.

That night, Zhu Guoxiang was stayed at Yanfu Palace and held a candle-lit night talk with Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty.

The next day, Song Huizong took Zhu Guoxiang to visit Yanfu Palace and asked for some tips on grafting flowers and trees.

Zhu Guoxiang pointed out that some plants were grown illegally and taught Song Huizong how to identify soil properties and the classification and functions of various flower fertilizers.

After some conversation, Song Huizong was so convinced that he ordered Zhu Meng to transport all kinds of soil from the south.

Therefore, Zhu Guoxiang was continued to stay in the palace and exchanged knowledge about flowers and trees with the emperor every day.

On the fifth day, Song Huizong was very happy and said to Zhu Guoxiang: "My husband does not have a mansion in Tokyo yet. I have sent people to find a good place and demolish the residences to build a big house for my husband."

Zhu Guoxiang was so frightened that he lost all regard for his dignity and immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "Please take back the official's order. If you demolish private houses and build houses for me, how can I have the dignity to live in the capital? Your Majesty really wants to give me a house. Choose a house in the suburbs."

Just build a house on the land.”

Song Huizong said with emotion: "Sir is really kind and righteous, and I will not make things difficult for you. Taixue was building a school building in the southern suburbs, and there was still some open space left. Some more land was allocated, five hectares (500 acres) were collected, and the Ministry of Industry was ordered to build a

Mansion. Sir, I will temporarily stay in the city. I will ask the officials to clear a garden and wait until the mansion in the southern suburbs is completed before moving there."

This time, instead of forcibly demolishing houses, hundreds of acres of farmland will be enclosed.

Most of the cultivated land around Bianliang is owned by established dignitaries.

It is estimated that they will attack a certain insignificant noble. Not only will they allocate 500 acres to Zhu Guoxiang to build a house, but they will also reward the tenants living there, as well as the surrounding land and tenants, to Zhu Guoxiang.

Dean Zhu instantly achieved his ambition at the beginning of time travel, and he was about to become a big landowner!

But the more the emperor behaved like this, the more dangerous Zhu Guoxiang felt, and he couldn't wait to escape Tokyo.

Zhu Guoxiang was left in Yanfu Palace for half a month.

The news spread outside the palace, and the civil and military officials were shocked.

Cai Jing, Zheng Juzhong, Wang Fu, Xue Daoguang, Wang Zaixi, Lin Lingsu and others, even if they were favored again, would not stay in the palace for more than five days.

What a great grace!

On the day Zhu Guoxiang left Yanfu Palace, he was given a purple robe and purple ribbon, a luxurious carriage, eight maids, twelve male servants, and gold and silver worth a thousand guan.

"Zhenzhen Zhu, please get in the car." A eunuch knelt down to please.

Not only did the eunuchs lead him away, he was also allowed to ride in a carriage in the palace, and a team of golden melon guards were allowed to clear the way.

Zhu Guoxiang looked at the luxurious carriage and then at the eight palace maids beside the carriage, and he had no idea what to say.

The eight maids given by the emperor are all palace maids!

Twelve male servants were waiting outside the palace, selected from the imperial army.

This chapter has been completed!
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