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Chapter 260 0255 [Second Base Jintan Village]

Chapter 260 0255 [Second Base·Jintan Village]

"This small piece of bamboo forest was cut down and a pond was dug from the ground below."

"Build some bamboo houses over there."

"The land by the river has been compacted, and I want to make a water mill to pound the bamboo."

"Dig a retting pond there..."

The management personnel of Daming Village have not yet arrived, so Zhu Guoxiang is temporarily directing the construction in person.

Mature bamboo paper manufacturing technology has dozens of processes and hundreds of procedures.

Zhu Guoxiang had two sets of bamboo paper technology, one from the papermaking method of the late Northern Song Dynasty provided by Fujian officials, and the other from the "Tiangong Kaiwu" papermaking method written silently by his son.

The former is extremely immature, while the latter is only approximate.

Comparing the two, it can be seen that bamboo paper in the Northern Song Dynasty was made of raw materials, the technique was extremely rough, and it could not be naturally bleached. In the Ming Dynasty, clinker pulp was used, which was naturally bleached, which increased fiber toughness, improved the quality of bamboo paper, and made bamboo paper more durable.

become more beautiful.

But even the mature technology of the Ming Dynasty has different details due to different production areas. According to different papermaking processes and different bamboo materials, the bamboo paper produced can be divided into five major categories: Lianshi paper, Gongchuan paper, rough edge paper,

Button paper, watch core paper.

However, "Tiangong Kaiwu" only has a general process and does not go into too many details. Zhu Guoxiang needs to explore by himself.

Zhu Guoxiang's advantage is that he can figure out the function of each process through text description. For example, adding lime water and plant ash, what chemical properties are used? The ancients knew this, but did not know why, and could only continue to observe and summarize


Before formal papermaking even started, Zhu Guoxiang already had ways to improve it.

For example, "Tiangong Kaiwu" said that before making clinker pulp, bamboo needs to be soaked for more than 100 days to cure it. Zhu Guoxiang thinks that there is no need to wait that long, put a layer of lime, then add a layer of bamboo, repeatedly add water and then pour in water.

It can be quickly cured with lime. (This method was not adopted until the Qing Dynasty.)

If the rapid curing method is used, the soaking pool must be constructed carefully to facilitate irrigation and drainage at any time, and the amount of sewage discharge will be greatly increased.

If high-grade bamboo paper is to be made, Zhu Guoxiang also thought of a way.

That is, adding starch water to the slurry increases the suspension of the fibers, making the paper texture more uniform, and the starch particles can remain in the fiber gaps as filler. This is not recorded in "Tiangong Kaiwu", even in the Ming Dynasty

It does not exist in the south either, but appeared in the Hanzhong area during the Qing Dynasty.

Starch water does not need to be specially made. You can set up a vermicelli workshop to make rice noodles or sweet potato noodles. Use the leftover materials from making vermicelli, filter them and add paper pulp, which is equivalent to recycling waste.

Agricultural science is also a science subject, and Zhu Guoxiang is a science student. He does not understand advanced chemical knowledge, but these basic ones are not difficult.

On the other hand, Zhu Ming, who studied history, had a hard time figuring it out.

In the open area of ​​the upper reaches of the valley, there is a small natural lake, which was once used for gold panning, so it is called "Jintan". The entire valley is called "Jintan Valley", and the mountains next to the lake are called "Jintan Ridge".

Now, the village in the river valley was named Jintan Village by Zhu Guoxiang, and its population is currently only one-fifth of Daming Village.

Except for some who are busy with farming, the rest of the villagers come to help build the paper mill. The young and strong do hard physical work for 30 cents a day; the old, weak, women and children help with miscellaneous tasks, and earn 15 cents a day. In the middle of the morning and half of the afternoon, they also provide

Two free meals.

The salary was not high, but the villagers were very happy and gave them money and food. They had never encountered such a good thing before.

Several women and children were sent to look for plants.

There are several kinds of hollyhocks, kiwi vines, etc. You can just find one. This is a necessary "paper medicine" when making paper. There are substitutes everywhere. Knead and mash it into a viscous liquid, which can make the slurry float.

Evenly and avoid sticking when separating paper.

In ancient papermaking workshops, all techniques could be passed on, but "paper medicine" was an exclusive secret recipe.

Zhu Guoxiang didn't know much about this. He only knew the raw materials and had to slowly explore the details.

Anyway, there is plenty of time. To make bamboo paper normally, you have to wait until the turn of spring and summer to cut down young bamboo for greening. Zhu Guoxiang prepares to cut down old bamboo in autumn and winter, so that workers can familiarize themselves with the process in advance and practice their skills with old bamboo. If the paper is made

The quality is too low, and it will probably be used to wipe your butt.

Anyway, no matter what, the quality is better than the bamboo paper of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Bamboo paper in the Northern Song Dynasty was the same as straw paper. Most of it was fire paper, which was used to burn paper money for the dead. It was not easy to wipe your buttocks, and it broke when you poked it with your fingers.

The papermaking mill was almost completed, and Zhu Guoxiang went to visit Min Wenwei again.

"Xiangong Zhu wants to make paper?" Min Wenwei asked in surprise.

Zhu Guoxiang smiled and said: "I will not compete with the Min family for business. I only make bamboo paper, not leather paper or rattan paper."

Min Wenwei felt reassured instantly, and even pretended to remind: "Bamboo paper is not easy to use, it is easy to soak in ink, and it is easy to break."

Zhu Guoxiang said: "I also know about this. Maybe the technology can be improved. We just need a few paper fishermen. Can Min's papermaking workshop borrow a few?"

Most of the entire papermaking process can be used by novices, but the papermaking process must be done by experienced hands.

Min Wenwei asked: "How much do you want?"

"Five, only borrowed for one year." Zhu Guoxiang said.

"Papermaking can benefit education, but five paper workers are nothing." Min Wenwei readily agreed.

I only borrowed five papermakers for one year, and of course I let them take care of their apprentices. If I gave them a little more salary, I could let them teach each other from their own pockets. Anyway, if we were not in the same workshop in the future, we wouldn't be afraid of teaching the apprentices to starve to death.

Wen Luan and his sister came to visit the construction site and asked, "I know bamboo paper can be used, but can it really be produced in large quantities?"

"It should be okay." Zhu Guoxiang said.

Of course, there was bamboo paper used for writing in the Northern Song Dynasty. For example, Mi Fu's "Coral Tie" was written on bamboo paper. However, because the technology was immature, the materials used were very harsh, and many bamboo tendons could be seen on the paper, so the quality was too low.

And cannot be mass produced.

Miss Wen said: "If you can turn bamboo paper into leather paper, you will be respected by scholars all over the world."

"It will take decades for it to spread," Zhu Guoxiang said with a smile.

Ju Ming improved printing technology in Tokyo. Today, the new ink has spread, and it spreads very quickly.

But movable lead type still stayed in Tokyo, and it had not even reached Luoyang. The initial investment for this thing was too high, and only a few merchants were willing to try it, and it also took a long time to make a set of movable type.

However, the officials are very helpful.

Under the leadership of Cai Jing, Wang Anshi's works were re-edited, using punctuation marks to break sentences, and several volumes have been printed in batches.

This is to occupy the commanding heights. Cai Jing controls the interpretation rights of Wang Anshi's works to consolidate his position as the leader of the new law.

Next, Cai Jing will compile the Analects of Confucius, Mencius and other classics. Completely according to Wang Anshi's understanding, he will punctuate and break sentences for these Confucian classics, and then control the interpretation of all Confucian classics.

Luoyang was closely watched, and the Jiangnan scholars did not dare to make any mistakes.

However, some great Confucians have already started from remote places. They cooperated secretly, fragmented the Confucian classics, and then went to Sichuan and Fujian to make movable type. It is expected that they will be printed next year. This behavior is illegal because it conflicts with the new study of fragmentation, and only

It can be done quietly in the local area.

Once reported, many people are likely to be implicated. The bookseller responsible for printing will at least be exiled!

Anyway, it's so nonsense. Even Ju Ming didn't expect that his improved movable type printing technology would actually accelerate the spread of it through party struggle.

And in the next few decades, academic disputes will intensify.

In the past, there was no punctuation and sentence fragmentation, and all Confucian classics looked the same. With punctuation and sentence fragmentation, different schools of thought had to think hard, and they would all say that there was something wrong with the other party's book.

"Ms. sir, we are here!"

Several villagers from Daming Village dragged their families to Jintan Village.

Zhu Guoxiang nodded and said: "It came very quickly. I have organized Jintan Village into a Baojia and selected four Baojia chiefs from among the local villagers. Tian San came to be the village chief. He usually resolves disputes among the villagers, but he should not be too strict.

, after all, you are here outside, please listen to the opinions of several security guards."

"Yes, I have written it down." Tian San said hurriedly.

Zhu Guoxiang continued the arrangement: "Yu Kan will serve as a scribe, manage the money and food account books, and also set up a village school to teach the children in the village to read."


Yu Kan was recruited into Daming Village by Meng Zhao. He has always been Meng Zhao's deputy, but now he can finally take charge of his own role.

Zhu Guoxiang added: "Liu Shidao manages the papermaking factory."

Liu Shidao is the elder brother of Liu Shiren, and Liu Shiren is now working with Ju Ming as a secretary. The Liu family is the most literate family in Daming Village, so of course they must make good use of it. If the Zhu family and his son can become bigger in the future, the Liu family will definitely prosper.

Zhu Guoxiang said: "Deng Xia, you are responsible for training the village warriors in Jintan Village. There is not a large population here, so you can train two Yuanyang teams, and they are relatively busy. Don't compare their training time with Daming Village. Wait until Zhang Guangdao can get some people over.

, just slowly increase the number of village heroes."

"I listen to my husband!" Deng Xia was extremely excited.

After the disaster ended, Hanzhong gradually recovered, and a small number of victims fled into the mountains to become bandits.

The land east of Shaanxi Province is full of thieves.

It's so miserable there. We have been fighting with Xixia for several years, and the people are already in difficulties. This year, there was a drought first, then a flood, and then there were major earthquakes one after another, which made it difficult for many people to survive.

Even though the imperial court frantically recruited young men and women to serve as the Xiang army to supplement the losses in the war against Xixia, there were always some young men who were not recruited, and there were also young men who became the Xiang army, but could not bear the oppression and fled. They robbed in small groups.

They looted the place and many of them fled into the mountains.

Zhang Guangdao could bring back at least hundreds of Shaanxi refugees during one smuggling trip.

It’s not that we can’t bring back more, it’s that we can’t sustain the food supply, and we have to slowly resettle the people!

The real chaos was in Hebei. The Yellow River burst and millions of people were affected by the disaster. A large number of people died, and those who survived lost their livelihoods. The government had no control at all and could only watch bandits wreaking havoc everywhere.

Let me tell you a little trivia: Liangshan heroes grew up in Hebei...

Most of the leaders of Song Jiang's gang, no matter where they were originally from, started out as thieves in Hebei. Song Jiang had already started small-time gangsters, and his initial entrepreneurial environment was Hebei after the Yellow River flooded. He met entrepreneurial partners by traveling around to commit crimes.

There is a giant bandit named Liu Wu in Anhui. He started looting the area last year and has not yet been quelled. The imperial court is deploying troops to suppress it.

There were also a large number of refugees from Hebei who gathered in the Taihang Mountains to become bandits.

There is Liu Huasan in southern Jiangxi, and he is still making a small fuss at the moment. In two years, it will become a big fuss. His area of ​​activity is in the junction area of ​​Jiangxi, Guangdong, and Fujian in later generations, which is an old revolutionary area.

Historically, the imperial court mobilized several Xiang armies to encircle and suppress Liu Hua for two or three years before finally pacifying him, and he was destroyed even later than Fang La. The imperial court offered a reward of 13,000 guan, plus the status of a seventh-grade military attaché, just to capture Liu Hua.


The Sichuan barbarians are about to rebel again.

This chapter has been completed!
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