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Chapter 323 0318 [Song Jiang Recruits]

(I forgot to publish on time, only to find out...)


Song Jiang was sitting in the cabin taking a rest. He had a curly beard, a broad face, a tall figure, a dark and shiny complexion, and a fierce appearance that made strangers afraid to approach him.

Wu Jialiang came in and reported: "Brother, Brother Dai has found out that Haizhou's defense is empty and there are no officers and soldiers guarding the city."

Song Jiang asked: "Do you know the details of Zhizhou?"

Wu Jialiang said: "The name of the governor of Haizhou is Zhang Shuye. He is almost sixty years old. He is an old and faint official. I heard that he offended Cai Jing, so he was demoted to Haizhou. He spends his days feasting and having fun, drunk and dreaming, and ignores government affairs."


Song Jiang was overjoyed and clapped his legs, and asked again: "Is there really a sea ship there?"

Wu Jialiang nodded and said: "Yes. As long as we capture the ship, we can jump out and no longer be chased and intercepted by the army."

"Let Li Hai lead hundreds of people south, lead the officers and soldiers to Chuzhou (Huai'an), abandon the ship halfway and take the overland road to meet at Haizhou," Song Jiang made the decision, "The rest of the brothers, follow me to attack Haizhou!"

Haizhou is the Haizhou District of Lianyungang. As for the land further east, it was still a vast ocean in the Song Dynasty.

Li Hai is the prototype of the Hunjianglong Li Jun.

Over the past year, Song Jiang treated the officers and soldiers like dogs and traveled to more than ten state capitals. He was intercepted by officers and soldiers several times, but he was always able to survive by cutting off his tail and escape from the encirclement in advance.

However, the space available for movement is getting smaller and smaller, and many Linhe prefectures and counties have deployed heavy troops to continuously reduce Song Jiang's range of activities, forcing him to now only escape by sea.

However, it was said that Li Hai, a ruthless river dragon, led hundreds of elite troops southward, took away all the ships, bluffed, and swaggered along the river to plunder, and the officers and soldiers were indeed lured over.

Song Jiang took 3,000 people, abandoned the ship and headed north by land, and unexpectedly attacked Houqiu Town.

Houqiu Town is a salt transportation hub, with a large number of salt ships docked. Due to the activities of the Song River nearby, more and more salt ships have gathered, and it has been more than two months since there was no salt transportation to the west.

Song Jiang traveled day and night and was so elusive that he captured Houqiu Town in one fell swoop, snatched the ship and headed straight for Haizhou.

This time I didn't hide my whereabouts anymore, I focused on speed.

Based on Song Jiang's experience in the past few years, as long as he kills them by himself without giving the government time to gather troops, he can scare the Haizhou officials into abandoning the city and fleeing.

Zhang Shuye set up a sentinel a few miles away and drove a speedboat back to the city to report.

"Don't panic, close the city gate tightly." Zhang Shuye was confident.

He only sent some old and weak men to defend the city, making it appear that his troops were empty. However, hundreds of strong men were hiding in the salt field on the seaside in the southeast of the city, and they had been waiting for Song Jiang for almost a month.

"The Liangshan bandits are coming, the Liangshan bandits are coming!"

When Song Jiang's army was approaching the city, Dai Zong arranged for a detailed operation in Haizhou. He suddenly started to cause chaos and even sneaked into a remote street to set fire to the city.

Zhang Shuye's personal entourage rode out on horseback, followed by many government officials and salt troops, shouting along the street: "Go back to your respective quarters, and anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

The security chiefs of each wing in the city also received the order early and immediately implemented neighborhood martial law.

The chaos quickly subsided, and most of the city's residents were arrested.

By the time Song Jiang officially attacked the city, the government officials and the salt army had already rushed to the city to defend it.

One party was caught by surprise and did not bring any siege equipment.

One side showed weakness and did not prepare any supplies to defend the city.

Song Jiang ordered the demolition of the houses outside the city and made simple wooden ladders to attack the city. While doing so, he discovered that something was wrong. Why didn't the defenders in the city escape?

At this moment, hundreds of small boats came rushing from the seaside and immediately set firewood on fire as they approached.

All the ships that Song Jiang snatched in Houqiu Town were docked in the Salt River in the south of the city, and their food and baggage were also on board.

Wu Jialiang only took more than 200 people to guard the baggage, but he was overwhelmed by hundreds of fire ships.

The hundreds of warriors who were riding the fireboat were all salt workers from Haizhou. They had been generously rewarded by Zhang Shuye in advance, and now they all rushed to kill him with their swords.

Song Jiang's ships were set on fire one after another, and Wu Jialiang was also caught on the way to escape.

The rebels who were attacking the city were afraid of fighting anymore because they were attacked from both sides. They were so frightened that they turned and fled north.

"Go out of the city to chase the thief!"

Zhang Shuye gave an order, and the government officials and salt troops in the city chased and killed them with high morale. The strong men who set fire outside the city also pursued and attacked from the west.

The soldiers under Song Jiang's command were defeated as they fled.

"Surrender and avoid death, surrender and avoid death!"

Haizhou Tuanlian led the officers and soldiers to shout along the way, and the rebel soldiers knelt down and begged for mercy.

Song Jiang led his troops to flee for a while, when gongs and drums were suddenly beaten in the northwest, and countless flags were erected out of thin air.

In fact, there were not many ambushes, it was just a bluff.

But Song Jiang's troops were frightened, thinking that they were surrounded by heavy troops, and fled towards the seaside in panic.

In this way, Song Jiang led hundreds of remaining soldiers and was blocked by Zhang Shuye at the seaside.

Zhang Shuye, who was already in his fifties, came on horseback to lead the troops.

He did not have many troops, and he did not dare to force Song Jiang to fight, so he said to Wu Jialiang: "Go and persuade Song Jiang to surrender. Tell Song Jiang that surrendering at this time can still attract peace. Now is the time to employ people. Not only did I protect him from death, but I also asked the court

Recommend him to be an official."

Wu Jialiang regained his freedom and ran to Song Jiang and said: "Brother, there are not many officers and soldiers, so we can fight our way out. But the brothers must have suffered heavy losses, and I don't know how many of them can escape."

Shi Bin (the prototype of Shi Jin) said: "Brother, it's better to pretend to be a good man and wait until you escape to start your righteousness again."

Gongsun Sheng also said: "A good man will not suffer immediate losses, but first save his life."

When it comes to recruitment, the Song Dynasty court is still very trustworthy and will never go back on its promise, and has established a complete system.

Of course, once you choose to recruit people, you have to be a dog for the court, and you will have to be bullied by civilian officials, even by military attachés.

In history, Song Jiang couldn't stand the cowardice, so he rebelled again after being recruited. It was really not that the imperial court wanted to kill him intentionally.

"That's it!"

Song Jiang threw away his weapons, had himself tied up, walked to Zhang Shuye's horse, knelt down and surrendered.

While kowtowing, his head touched the ground, and Song Jiang's eyes flashed fiercely.

After Zhang Shuye collected the weapons, he finally smiled and said kindly: "Since it is a recruitment, there is no need to tie him up, just follow me back to the city and wait for the imperial court to appoint you."

For Zhang Shuye, Song Jiang is really just a small fight, and he has seen many big scenes.

He liked to read military books since he was a child, and his first official position was to serve as a military official in Lanzhou and join the army, where he planned to capture strategic locations and build defensive cities.

The city he built was Xi'an Prefecture City (near Haiyuan County). From then on, Lanzhou was free of Qiang troubles.

"What a Zhang Jizhong, he is truly extraordinary!"

When Wang Fu received the battle report, he was overjoyed.

There are only a few remnants of Fang La's army left, and now Song Jiang has also recruited troops. The internal troubles of the Song Dynasty have basically been eliminated, and he can freely plan the great cause of conquering the Liao Dynasty.

I wonder if I can win over this Zhang Shuye.

Zhang Shuye's brother, Zhang Kegong, used to help Cai Jing impeach Zhang Shangying, and also helped Zheng Juzhong impeach Cai Jing. Strictly speaking, Zhang Shuye belonged to Zheng Juzhong's faction.

But Zhang Kegong is dead, so Zhang Shuye and Zheng Juzhong are not deeply involved.

Wang Fu thought about it and finally made up his mind. He went to the palace in person and recommended Zhang Shuye as the prefect of Qingzhou.

Compared with Zhang Shuye's qualifications and achievements, this position is neither high nor low, and it is equivalent to releasing a little goodwill.

If Zhang Shuye is sensible, he can send someone to give him a small gift or even write a private letter. Wang Fu will immediately recruit him back to the court as a high official. If Zhang Shuye is not sensible, Wang Fu will definitely suppress him and wait for a prefect.

Do it to death.

After learning that Song Jiang was being recruited, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty was also in a great mood. He felt that there was peace at home again, so he summoned painters to create a picture of Hai Qing He Yan.

A painter named Liu Yi took the opportunity to meet the saint.

Song Huizong asked with a smile: "It has only been two or three days, and you have finished the painting?"

Liu Yi presented a stack of mathematics manuscripts: "Your Majesty, I used the calculus contained in "Zhu's Calculation Classic" to find a new way to calculate pi to fifty decimal places. It can also be calculated more, which is much more convenient than the sect of a circle.


"Oh? Let's take a look." Song Huizong became interested.

Liu Yi said: "I made equations at home a few days ago, and listed the first power, second power to tenth power of '1+A'. I accidentally discovered that the number on the right side of the equal sign is exactly the same as Jia Xian's power.

The pictures are the same..."

Jia Xian's square diagram is also called Jia Xian's triangle, Yang Hui's triangle, and Pascal's triangle.

Liu Yi added: "I suddenly had an idea and used algebra to express the power diagram and came up with a new theorem..."

Well, Liu Yi discovered the binomial theorem.

Liu Yi continued: "I took it to discuss with Fu Xie (also a painter). Fu Xie joked that he didn't know whether the power of the theorem could be a negative number. Chen and Fu Xie immediately tried it and soon found that it could be a negative number, and the value obtained

It can also fill in Jia Xian's power diagram. After Chen returned home, he tried to change the power of the theorem into a fraction, and found that any fraction can also be calculated. When the fraction is one-half, it can use calculus to

Calculate pi!”

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty carefully looked at those mathematical manuscripts. When there were only various calculation formulas, they seemed boring, but when they were arranged into power diagrams, they instantly felt infinite beauty.

Calculating pi to fifty decimal places, did this have any use in ancient times?

If it had been another emperor, he would have criticized Liu Yi for not doing his job properly, but Song Huizong praised it highly: "Your method is amazing. A batch of Taihu stones have arrived in Beijing recently. Please pick one as a reward. Then I will promote you to the throne."

PhD in arithmetic."

The official title of doctor of mathematics was invented by Song Huizong three years ago.

Although the arithmetic school was abolished, the doctorate in arithmetic was retained, and it belonged to the title of professor in Taixue.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Liu Yi shouted happily.

Song Huizong began to study pi personally. It took him half a month to calculate pi to sixty decimal places according to the method given by Liu Yi.

When the result was obtained, the emperor jumped with joy.

There are two cypress trees in Anguo Temple in Haining, Zhejiang. They were planted by the eminent monk Wukong of the Tang Dynasty. They have grown into giant trees. Zhu Meng dug them all, and the big one was transported by sea and the small one by river. The big one sank at sea.

The smaller one was shipped to Tokyo.

Another huge stone was brought, but because it was too big, the city gate had to be demolished.

The big tree was successfully planted and the boulder was placed next to it.

Jade plaques are hung on the trees for decoration, and the jade plaques are engraved and filled with gold.

The huge stone was named "Zhao Gong Fu Qing Shen Lun Stone" because it could suppress the national movement. The more Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty saw it, the more he liked it and he named the stone "Pangu Hou".

Song Huizong finally emerged from the dark clouds and no longer worried about internal troubles. The Song Dynasty seemed to be rich and powerful again.

But you still have to act like a wise king and let the ministers discuss the pros and cons of governance.

Officials wrote letters one after another, saying that the current official system must be rectified. Corrupt officials have made the local people miserable, so Fang La and Song Jiang rebelled.

Wang Fu actually pretended to be so, suggesting that corrupt officials sentenced to death should not pay fines to atone for their crimes.

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty then issued an edict: "From now on, the prison tools of corrupt officials shall not be loaned." (Corrupt officials here specifically refer to corrupt officials, not subordinate officials.)

It’s okay to kill scholar-bureaucrats for corruption!

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty resumed his great cause of cultivating immortals, visited Shenxiao Palace in person, and gave Wang Fu two immortal teaching materials: "The Secret of Yuanyi and Six-Yang Immortals" and "The Secret of Preserving Immortals".

Immediately afterwards, Cai Jing and Lin Lingsu had not completed the "History of Taoism", and Song Huizong summoned Taoist priests to continue compiling it.

He also issued imperial instructions that there was no need to compile the "Biao" and that the "Chronicles" started from the beginning of the division of heaven and earth, headed by the Three Qing Dynasties. After the Three Emperors, the emperors of the past dynasties who achieved enlightenment and became immortals must be included in the "Chronicles" and "Zhi"...

Zhang Bangchang, Wang Anzhong and Li Bangyan were promoted to deputy prime ministers.

Among them, Wang Anzhong was a student of Su Shi. He was a poet in Dasheng. He had no fame or political achievements and was promoted purely by flattering the emperor by writing lyrics for him.

In late winter, astronomical officials reported the appearance of sunspots.

The Kingdom of Jin once again sent an envoy to convey a message, saying that the Kingdom of Song would not determine the time to send troops, and the Kingdom of Jin would go to conquer the Liao Dynasty on its own.

Wang Fu, Tong Guan, and Cai You began to frequently incite Song Huizong to fight, and described the Liao Kingdom as being in such dire straits that they could defeat it with just a few soldiers.

Song Huizong was finally moved.

This chapter has been completed!
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