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Chapter 843 0838 [Very sinister]

Although the Jin Kingdom has always been short of food, there is definitely enough food in Shangjing, and the surrounding cultivated land is gradually being developed.

Take the Hulan River Basin as an example. The main stream is called Hula Mushui and the tributaries are called Suishui.

The fertile land on both sides of the river was either cultivated by the official government or given to Jurchen soldiers, and was cultivated by serfs - mostly captive Han Chinese or Bohai people.

From that large area alone, a huge amount of grain is harvested every year, and grain taxes cannot be levied at will.

Because those fertile farmland were either the land of the imperial court or the land of the nobles. The former went directly to Beijing as grain, while the latter had grain sold to Beijing by the nobles.

For example, in Hezha Mengan, even ordinary soldiers belonged to landlords, and the land they were granted was around Shangjing City.

The collection of military rations on the front line led to the decline of people's livelihood, but a large amount of grain was still used to make wine in the rear.

In order to welcome the Ming envoy, Wu Qimai held a banquet.

At noon.

Ma Kuo went to the banquet alone and was led to the palace by Wanyan Zonggu.

Walking on the streets of Nancheng, Ma Kuo looked around for a while and said: "Compared to the last time I came here, Shangjing City seems to be much more shabby."

Wanyan Zonggu smiled and said: "A remote town cannot be compared with Bianliang."

"How many people are left in the two cities in the north and south?" Ma Kuo asked casually.

Wanyan Zonggu really didn't know: "You have to check the household register for this."

Even if you check the household register, you still can't figure it out.

Serfs were not included in the household registration; they were the private property of the nobility.

In the early days of Wu Qimai's rule, he also worked hard. He wanted to clarify household registration and turn more slaves into free citizens, but after being ignored, the account became increasingly confusing.

Arriving at the gate of the imperial city, Ma Kuo observed the guards again.

All of them are very young and do not have the spirit of bravery that has been experienced in the battlefield. It is probably that Wu Qi bought the newly formed troops, and he was worried about using the previous guards.

If dozens of knights suddenly rush towards the palace, these guards may not be enough to see them.

After walking for more than ten minutes, we arrived at the main hall where the banquet was held.

Before Wu Qimai arrived, all the civil and military ministers were already seated.

The ministers of the Jurchen tribe mainly included the sons of Wu Qigong, as well as Po Luhuo and his relatives. Although Jin Wushu was killed, his son-in-law He Shiliezhining was promoted.

Both Wanyan Talan and Wanyan Sheng's father and son perished on the front line, but Wanyan Talan's other son was also promoted by Wu Qimai.

In addition, Wanyan Xiyin was a close confidant of Zong Han, and his family members who stayed in Shangjing were all executed!

Let’s talk about non-Jurchen civil servants.

Li Shi and Zhang Hao were of the highest rank, both of whom came from prominent Bohai families.

The third in line is Lu Yanlun, who was born as a Han official in the Liao Kingdom. He followed his superiors (Khitans) to pay gold to Linhuang Mansion, and then killed his superiors who rebelled against the gold, and massacred all the Khitan people in Linhuang Mansion City.

The capital city of the Jin Kingdom was built by Lu Yanlun.

This guy seems to be an expert in city building. Several large cities in the Jin Kingdom in history were all built by Lu Yanlun.

The person around Lu Yanlun is called Mao Zilian.

The two of them are mortal enemies!

Mao Zilian surrendered the gold first, but Lu Yanlun had not yet surrendered. So Lu Yanlun killed Mao Zilian's wife and children. Mao Zilian shot Lu Yanlun's confidant to death on the battlefield with his own hands.

Lu Yanlun is Wu Qimai's confidant.

Mao Zilian is Wanyan Zongqian's confidant. He was not implicated this time because Wu Qimai did not want to expand the case.

In addition, there were also Han officials such as Li Sanxi, Kong Jingzong, and Li Shikui.

When these Han officials were in the Liao Kingdom, they were all capable of leading troops. After surrendering to the Jin Kingdom, they were gradually stripped of their military power and became civilian officials.

"The emperor has arrived!"

After shouting several times in succession, all the ministers stood up quickly.

Ma Kuo also stood up with a sneer.

Wu Qimai walked into the hall with his head held high. After accepting everyone's greetings, he smiled and waved and said: "Sit down, everyone. I am hosting a banquet for the Ming Dynasty envoy today. I have brought out all the fine wines in my collection. Mr. Ma, come and have a drink with me."


Ma Kuo didn't see anyone outside and strode to the guest seat.

Wine and delicacies were served one after another, and bands and dancers also performed.

Wu Qimai raised his glass and said, "Mr. Ma, I haven't seen you for several years, but you are more energetic now."

Ma Kuo said: "To each other."

Wu Qimai said: "Because of you, I meet again after a long separation, so let's drink this cup."

Ma Kuo raised his glass toward the southwest: "Congratulations to the Emperor of Heaven!"

Wu Qimai was stunned for a moment, his expression changed slightly, and then he laughed loudly: "Congratulations to the great emperor of tomorrow!"

"Congratulations to the great emperor of tomorrow!"

The civil and military ministers of the Jin Kingdom, no matter what they thought in their hearts, they all shouted together.

There was no diplomatic dispute at this banquet today.

The Han and Bohai civil servants did not dare to speak nonsense, and the Jurchen nobles were also frightened, and no one stood up to stand up for the Jin Kingdom.

It was as if they were drinking to celebrate, each and every one of them drank to their heart's content, quite a bit like being in a state of intoxication.

Officials from various ethnic groups, including the Jurchen nobles, came to propose a toast one after another, and Ma Kuo was drunk until he was drunk.

Until dusk, the banquet is over.

Ma Kuo was helped out of the palace and returned to the palace in a carriage.

Yang Zaixing helped Ma Kuo to the bedroom, sent the servant away, and asked in a low voice: "Is Mr. Ma really drunk?"

"I'm so... so drunk..."

Ma Kuo couldn't speak clearly, but he took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and said with all his strength, "You read it...I'll listen."

Yang Zaixing read it carefully and said happily: "I have eighteen strong men in my family who can help you plan for great things. Who wrote this?"

Ma Kuo didn't answer immediately. He lay there for a while and then rubbed his face and said, "Mao Zilian. He took advantage of the toast, pretended to be drunk and couldn't stand, and thrust this note into my hand."

"What does this person do?" Yang Zaixing asked.

Ma Kuo recounted his treasures: "He was originally from Linhuang Prefecture in the Liao Kingdom and lived in Han'er, the northern part of the grassland. At the end of the Liao Dynasty, bandits arose, so he was recruited to serve as a soldier. After his meritorious service, he was summoned by the Lord of the Liao Dynasty and given armor and good horses. Because

For the money, his wife and children were killed by Lu Yanlun."

"This man is extremely brave. He was surrounded by two thousand Liao cavalry, shot and killed a Liao general with his own hands, and then captured a Liao general alive, turning the situation around and defeating the Liao army."

Yang Zaixing commented: "Although he is brave, he is a person who betrays his master and surrenders to the enemy."

Ma Kuo said: "At that time, in the Liao Kingdom, a weak king was in power, traitors were in power, and they were corrupt and incompetent. His payment of money was nothing. This man was bought by Wu Qiu to remove his military power, and Wanyan Zongqian lured him over."

"Wanyan Zongqian was executed by the whole family. Although Wu Qimai did not implicate the Han officials, it still made Mao Zilian panic. What's more, Lu Yanlun, who killed his wife and children, was recently promoted by Wu Qimai. How could Mao Zilian not be afraid?


"He quietly handed over this note, perhaps guessing that I wanted to use force in Beijing. Even if he didn't guess correctly, it still showed his intention to submit to the Ming Dynasty."

Yang Zaixing said: "We have been under surveillance. Even when we go to the streets, we are followed by officials. The war horses brought into the city are still being raised elsewhere. It is difficult to lead the cavalry to the imperial city for a while."

Ma Kuo seemed confident and said with a smile: "The imperial guards of the Jin Kingdom have never been on the battlefield. Wu Qimai's former soldiers had long been taken to the battlefield by powerful ministers and died. He did not dare to let those who escaped come back

We can only recruit Jurchen nobles from the capital to defend the palace. Even without war horses, we can defeat those dandy guards!"

"That's true." Yang Zaixing nodded.

Ma Kuo continued: "What's more, the Bohai and Han people here, instead of helping Wu beg to buy and fight, are very likely to turn to us immediately. The defeated soldiers brought back by Wanyan Zongxian and Jin Wushu were killed by Wu Shu.

If they were killed unjustly, they would probably have been separated from their moral compatriots for a long time. They were frightened by the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. Once the imperial city was attacked, they might not come to rescue them, but would choose to scatter and flee."

"But we must choose the right time to take action. Spring is getting warmer. It is the best time. Otherwise, heavy snow blocks the road. How can we let the Jin soldiers escape? They will definitely freeze to death and starve to death when they escape to the wilderness. Only when the snow melts, can we let them escape."

Only if they have a way out can they escape back to their respective tribes."

Yang Zaixing suddenly realized that the civil servant in front of him was so insidious!

"Mr. Ma really thought of everything." Yang Zaixing admired sincerely.

Ma Kuo said: "In fact, we can persuade him to surrender, but the variables are too great."

Yang Zaixing suddenly came up with an idea: "It's better to keep buying peace talks with Wu Qiu. When the snow melts in spring, we lie and say that we want to go back and recover. By then, the cavalry will be able to gather with their horses, and even put on armor. It is reasonable. And peace talks

Having succeeded, Wu Qimai's vigilance was greatly reduced, and we rushed towards the imperial city unexpectedly!"

"Your plan is very clever!" Ma Kuo immediately looked at Yang Zaixing in a different light. He had always thought that Yang Zaixing was a brainless and brave general.

In the next period of time, Ma Kuo negotiated very seriously.

He even revealed the imperial court's idea of ​​setting up the Andong Protectorate in front of Wu Qimai.

He also said that he would report to the Ming Dynasty and ask Wu Qimai to be appointed as the commander of Huli Gai, and also give Wu Qimai the territory of Tunhe Meng'an.

Then, the matter of slaves was discussed in detail.

Ma Kuo said that slaves everywhere must be freed and then settled into households. But Wu Qimai could take away a thousand slaves, and he also wanted to keep the eunuchs, and no more eunuchs were allowed to be used in the future.

He also asked how much the annual tribute would be from now on, and even bargained with Wu Beggar.

It was really a serious negotiation, with many details being discussed, and Wu Qimai was convinced as they talked.

Once the negotiations are reached, Wu Qimai can become the Tu Emperor.

He was able to acquire the areas around Huli Gai City (Yilan County) and Tunhe Meng'an (Tangyuan County). They are all fertile land next to the river, and the population is relatively sufficient. After ten years of operation, he can bring in two or three people.

Thousands of soldiers.

Wu Qimai continued to bargain, hoping to take away one hundred craftsmen and their wives and children.

Ma Kuo felt very embarrassed, and finally the two sides compromised and allowed Wu Qimai to take away fifty craftsmen.

Then came the armor. After a heated debate, they agreed that Wu Qibuy would take away a thousand pairs of armor. All the remaining armor must be handed over.

As time passed, the snow began to melt.

Ma Kuo said that he was leaving and reported the peace talks plan to the court.

This result made everyone very happy, especially the Bohai and Han civil servants. They could integrate into the Ming Dynasty and did not have to follow Wu to beg for money and move.

Po Luhuo and other Jurchen nobles were also relatively satisfied, because they could return to their tribes individually, and the Ming court promised to appoint the leaders of each tribe as commanders.

On the day of departure, Ma Kuo asked all the cavalry to put on armor and ride their horses through the city of Shangjing.

Wu Qimai didn't think much about this. He felt that Ma Kuo was showing off his force.

(End of chapter)

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