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Chapter 878 0873 [Corrupt officials’ fun of counting money]

Chui Gong Hall.

Zhu Ming sat back in his chair and listened to Pan Lianggui's review report.

Pan Lianggui had a stack of files spread out in front of him:

"The commander-in-chief of the Military and Horse Division of the Five Cities in Luoyang, Yang Deyong, whose original name is Yang Wang, is from Daming Township, Xixiang County, Hanzhong Prefecture. The deputy commander-in-chief, Wu Yong, is also a native of Daming Township."

"Yang Deyong was not directly involved, but he accepted the filial piety money from his subordinates, and he did so when he was serving in Kaifeng. Wu Yong participated in several song and dance houses through his wife and brother Han Cheng, and also personally gave instructions to several commanders of the Army and Horses Division,

Don’t disturb the normal business of those singing and dancing buildings.”

"Of the five commanders under the Military and Horse Division, only two are clean, and the other three have all taken money."

"The owner of the Jinghong Gelou investigated this time is Wang Kedu. His ancestor is Zhao Kuangyin's son-in-law Wang Chengyan, who has lived in Luoyang for more than a hundred years. The Wang family's property outside the city has been confiscated, leaving only 800 acres. The Wang family

The clan was also dismantled and relocated, leaving only about twenty people in Luoyang. No one in the family was an official in this dynasty, but one in-law was the general judge of Daming Prefecture, and another in-law was the deputy envoy of Shaanxi Province."

"In the Jinghong Song Tower, five women were indeed trafficked. This happened after the founding of the Ming Dynasty. Mainly because the government divided the land and reduced taxes, and strictly investigated violations of employment contracts. There were very few families selling their daughters.

.Jinghonggelou took a desperate risk and purchased the deceived girl as a prostitute.”

"The remaining singing houses in Luoyang City are under investigation."

After hearing this, Zhu Ming felt a little sad.

The first and second leaders of the Luoyang police system are all from Daming Township, and they are all ministers of the Dragon who followed the father and son in the army.

That Wu Yong was even a poor mountaineer himself, and it was Zhang Guangdao who took his family out of the mountains. When they first arrived in Daming Village, the whole family didn't even have enough clothes to wear, and they were still using reeds and kudzu to make clothes to protect themselves from the cold.

The only good thing is that of the five commanders (branch directors) in Luoyang, two are still clean and not all are corrupted.

Ju Ming said: "These people are punished according to the law, so don't worry about anything. The Ministry of Punishment will issue orders to all provinces and counties across the country, asking them to strictly investigate singing and dancing houses and human trafficking. By the way, have those bastards who trafficked in human beings been caught now?"

Pan Lianggui said: "Only two people have been arrested for the time being, but they confessed to more than 20 people. After Kaifeng cleaned up the underground drainage channels, Luoyang also cleaned up. At that time, they were brutally beheaded and a group of people were exiled. The two people caught now

The traffickers were all accomplices who were exempted from heavy punishment at that time. Because the crime was relatively minor, they were only sentenced to three months of hard labor. Unexpectedly, it turned into a disaster again. "

"Intensify your efforts to investigate." Zhu Ming instructed.

"Yes!" Pan Lianggui accepted the order.

Half a month later.

Outside the city, Li's house.

The servant came from the city on a donkey, ran to the study and said, "Master, we have sentenced more than a dozen people."

"So fast?" Li Bangyan was surprised.

The servant took out the copied notice and said: "Yang Deyong, the commander of the Military and Horse Division of the Five Cities in Luoyang, during his tenure in Kaifeng and Luoyang, knew the law and violated the law, committed corruption and dereliction of duty, accepted bribes of more than 3,000 yuan, and accepted two young girls as maids.

All the family property was confiscated, the whole family was exiled to Hengshan to guard the border, and three generations of descendants were not allowed to take the imperial examination."

"Deputy Commander Wu Yong not only accepted bribes, but also took shares in many singing and dancing houses in Kaifeng and Luoyang. He took more than 20 girls as concubines and maids, six of whom were abducted. He also allowed his subordinates to extort merchants and disrupt the business.

Kaifeng, Luoyang Commercial. I will be executed and my family will be exiled to Hengshan."

"Wang Kedu, the owner of Jinghong Song Tower, illegally ran a skin and meat business, purchased abducted girls and forced them into prostitution, detained them for a long time, abused the women, and bribed officials to collude. One woman refused to obey and was abused and negligently killed by the employees of the singing house... I beheaded myself

The decision was made and the family members were exiled to Hengshan."

"There were also three commanders of the Army and Horses Division. One was sentenced to death and two were exiled to Hengshan, along with their families."

"Six of the bustards, thugs and Turtle Gong of Jinghong Song Tower were executed, and seventeen of them were exiled to Hengshan. Those with family members were also transferred there."

"Now all the singing and dancing buildings in the city are under strict investigation. I heard that all cities have started to investigate. I also found out that the Ministry of Punishment issued a death order. Every city must arrest people, otherwise they cannot report to the superiors. Also.

You can’t arrest people indiscriminately, they all need to be reviewed by the Ministry of Punishment, and people who are arrested indiscriminately in local areas will also be punished.”

Li Bangyan was so frightened that he felt cold all over: "Is the wind blowing again?"

"Not only that," the servant said, "all the singing and dancing houses in the city have closed down, and one by one they are being investigated. I heard that three more houses were investigated for serious crimes, and a shop owner committed suicide out of fear of crime."

Li Bangyan muttered: "How cruel. Romance has happened since ancient times, how can you make such a fuss about it?"

After sending the servant away, Li Bangyan sat in the study and thought quietly.

Then, he wrote down the charter as a guideline for future conduct.

First, we must operate in compliance with the law.

Second, domestic women are determined not to touch them and they only buy young girls from overseas.

Third, you cannot have any direct interest in dealings with officials, otherwise you will be implicated who knows what.

As for the management of "Alan Ruoyuan", Li Bangyan also has new ideas.

The top-notch foreign women who are trained are sold to the outside world as a brand, which is the so-called famous prostitute routine.

He mainly relies on performance fees, accommodation fees, and catering fees to make money. As for Bodhisattva Man not sleeping with guests, it is a free love between two people and has nothing to do with Li Bangyan himself.

In fact, there was a customer who wanted to redeem Bodhisattva Man, so Li Bangyan took the money to terminate the employment contract, but the redemption money must be enough.

Other lower-level foreign women sign private employment contracts, which are equivalent to singing and dancing girls raised at home. Private employment contracts can be resold to private individuals without going through Alanruoyuan's accounts. As long as the price is not ridiculously low, they are not afraid of being given away.

Beautiful woman suspected of bribing officials.

Li Bangyan’s ultimate business goal is to create a real Luoyang Fanlou.

When he had saved enough money, he would buy land and start construction projects.

And it must be done properly and in full compliance with the laws of the Ming Dynasty!

The official residence of the Minister of Industry.

The loyal servant came to the study, first observed that there was no one around, then closed the door and window and said: "My lord, this month's filial piety money has been sent."

He took out a handful of Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes, containing more than four thousand.

Qin Hui put the treasure banknotes in his sleeves and warned: "Let them restrain themselves recently. The emperor is in Daxing prison again, and someone might be implicated. Don't go to the Qinlou Chu Pavilion, and don't get involved with prostitutes!"


"Yes!" The loyal servant bent down and promised.

Qin Hui took out a few silver coins, rewarded his loyal servant and said: "Take it to buy wine, remember not to show it."

"I remember it." The loyal servant said happily.

Qin Hui has long been unable to trust the Wang family, and it is difficult for him to personally do many things, so he can only use the servants around him to do things.

This loyal servant was taken in when he was an official in Shandong. He was smart, steady and unassuming. The concubine who gave birth to Qin Hui's son was the niece of this loyal servant, and the two were very close relatives.

When the loyal servant left the study, Qin Hui immediately took out the treasure banknotes.

He slowly counted the money one by one. Although he didn't dare to take it out and spend it randomly, he still had a great sense of accomplishment hiding it at home.

When he retires one day, he does not plan to stay in Beijing. Instead, he will return to his hometown to buy land, build a house and build his ancestral tomb. He will also buy many books and build a large library so that his descendants can take the imperial examination and become officials.

Qin Hui lost his father when he was young, so he followed his mother to seek refuge with relatives, and had a hard time living under the influence of others.

He was short of money when he was studying, so in order to make ends meet, he had to work as a village school teacher.

After passing the Jinshi examination, he was still short of money. When he was in Kaifeng, prices in Tokyo were soaring. In particular, housing prices had risen so outrageously that his meager salary was not enough to rent a better courtyard. He was thrown to Shandong to be a principal.

He worked for several years, and the salary was not enough for him to make friends.

For money, he suffered all the grievances of his wife Wang.

But there was nothing he could do, because he still had to rely on the Wang family's dowry to live on.

Therefore, he has to make money, and he will not panic if he has money.

And he has to have power, he has to gain the respect of everyone!

From the capital to the local areas, during the first ten years of Qin Hui's official career, all his colleagues and friends praised him highly.

Why is this?

Because Qin Hui can handle things and knows how to handle them, if his friends have any troublesome things or if they have official affairs that are difficult to deal with, Qin Hui will help him to handle them. In the end, everything is done perfectly!

Friends praised Qin Hui's ability, but Qin Hui felt very humiliated.

He is not born to be like a dog to others, helping people solve problems all day long without getting any benefits.

In order to expand his network and reputation, he had to do this!

After counting thousands of Ming Dynasty treasure notes, Qin Hui counted them again for the second time.

Then, he disguised himself and went out, hiring a donkey cart on the way to the outside of the city.

Among the residential houses outside Beicheng, there is a small courtyard that even Qin Hui's loyal servant doesn't know about.

There is an outhouse in the courtyard, which has given birth to a daughter for Qin Hui. In addition, there are several maids and women to serve him.

There is also a study room here.

There is a stack of books next to the desk, and there is a book box under the books.

Qin Hui moved the book box and books away, and underneath was a stone slab with an iron ring.

He pulled the iron ring and moved the stone slab away, and a small pit about waist high appeared. The pit was filled with a lot of lime and charcoal to prevent moisture, and there was also a small locked box.

Open the small box and you will find two ledgers and many treasures!

Qin Hui fully supported the issuance of banknotes by the imperial court, and he could easily hide a large amount of money.

First, he took out his account book, and Qin Hui began to keep accounts.

He did everything in an orderly manner, including corruption and bribery. He clearly remembered who paid money and where it came from.

One account book has been filled up before the second account book is started.

Qin Huigang was very cautious at first. It was only six months after he was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Industry that he had the courage to make money secretly.

The catch was very little at first, but gradually it became more.

Nowadays, he can earn several thousand guan every month, but he began to feel that it was too little.

After digging out all the banknotes in the box, Qin Hui counted the money seriously. He had counted it countless times, but he had to count it again every time. He enjoyed the process of counting money very much.

A total of more than 83,000 strings.

Compared with the powerful officials of the former Song Dynasty, what is this little money?

Qin Hui even felt a little unbalanced in his heart. Former Song ministers could easily make more than this. But after he came to power, he was still cautious when making tens of thousands of gold. At first, he was even too scared to sleep.

This isn't fair!

Before putting the treasure banknotes back into the box, Qin Hui held them and took a deep breath. The smell of the ink made him feel relaxed and happy.

(End of chapter)

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