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Chapter 93 0088 [Bai Ers suggestion]

The afterglow of the sun reflected on the Heavenly King's Armor, glowing with streaks of golden-red light.

Ju Ming held down the front of his helmet and pulled down his visor.

The visor is also golden, with holes only for the eyes and mouth, and the surface is plated with copper as if it were made of gold.

Wearing this thing makes it even more... terrifying!

It's really scary. It was majestic before, but now it makes people feel frightened.

The smell of King Kong's angry glare was felt instantly, and the powerful deterrent force hit his face.

Bai Sheng, Tian Er and others only raised their heads for a glance, then suddenly lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly. It was as if there was really a heavenly king under the armor, who was about to kill the guilty person with his sword.

Zhang Guangdao's performance was slightly better, but he couldn't help but stand on end. At the same time, he was confused. Such armor was expensive. Where did Ju Ming get it? How did he hide it on the cliff?

It's very difficult to get it down. How much manpower did it take to get it up?

Could it be that the king of heaven really gave me the armor in a dream?

Just after thinking about it, Zhang Guangdao went from completely disbelieving to doubtful.

The armor is too heavy to wear back.

Ju Ming said: "Bai Sheng, come here and help me remove my armor!"

"Ah? Okay, okay!"

Bai Sheng finally came to his senses, and while helping, he said: "Brother Zhu, you scared me just now. It's okay if you don't cover your face, but if you cover your face, it's like trying to eat someone."

In fact, this is somewhat similar to the "uncanny valley effect", which is the mental impact brought by anthropomorphic vision.

If you don't feel it, you can go to the temple by yourself and stand under the statue of the King of Heaven to look at it for a few seconds.

Lu Wang helped put the armor back into the carton, and after putting it in, he couldn't help but touch it twice more. Tian San also came over to touch it, either out of curiosity or because he wanted to get more of the heavenly king's immortal energy.

Everything was carried onto the ship.

We also brought electronic products, but they seemed to be of little use, worse than the plastic lighters we found in the car.

A few bottles of Maotai can only be used for drinking, because they are all made of porcelain bottles.

Alas, it would be great if Moutai was bottled in glass!

Although glass could be made in the Song Dynasty, there were many impurities and it was colored. Transparent glass wine bottles would definitely sell for a lot of money.

Everyone rowed the boat back, but Ju Ming did not deliberately publicize it, nor did he ask everyone to keep it a secret.

Let nature take its course, and the story will gradually spread. The story of the King of Heaven bestowing a treasure armor in a dream will surely spread throughout the village within a month.

Ju Ming had Baojia moved to his bedroom, put it in a big box and locked it. After careful consideration, he put charcoal in the box to absorb water, and took it out every now and then to wipe it.

After finishing everything, I lay down to sleep. I have been exhausted these past few days.

Zhang Guangdao really couldn't figure it out, and the more he thought about it, the more entangled he became. Early the next morning, he couldn't help but come to Ju Ming and said, "Brother Zhu, is this piece of Heavenly King's Armor really not put up before?"

"It must have been put there." Zhu Ming smiled.

This answer made Zhang Guangdao even more unconvinced. He always felt that Ju Ming was deliberately hiding something.

Ju Ming brought a pair of bows and arrows and took Zhang Guangdao out: "Before I went down the mountain to get the treasure armor, I asked someone to make an archery target. I just wanted to ask Brother Zhang for archery advice."

Zhang Guangdao could only put away his doubts and said: "This is a yellow mulberry (Cumulus) bow. Yang Jun made it himself. It can't shoot very far and its accuracy is not good. There are no really good bows in the county or prefecture."

I have to sell it, I heard there is a bow and arrow shop over there in Xingyuan Mansion."

If you ignore the supplementary regulations of successive emperors, the Song Dynasty allowed private citizens to hold bows and arrows, but the manufacture and sale of bows and arrows required a special business license.

The wooden bow in Ju Ming's hand did not use composite materials, and the arrow shaft was extremely crude. It was a little fluttery after being shot.

The effective range is ten meters at most.

Zhu Ming thought in his mind that he should find a time to go to Xingyuan Mansion (Hanzhong) and spend money to buy a good bow and come back to practice.

The martial arts arena has also been restored. It was a place where bandit leaders took old bandits to practice martial arts.

There are no training equipment, just a few stone locks.

Bai Sheng is not very strong, and he can breathe heavily after lifting a five-pound stone lock a few times.

It's not as good as Tian Er. You can do it with one hand and pull it back and forth for a long time.

"Brother Zhang showed his skills!" Bai Sheng couldn't do it himself, but he was very active in watching the fun.

Zhang Guangdao moved his hands and feet, holding a large stone lock in each hand. Each stone lock weighed twenty kilograms.

It is not just a simple lifting, but also various movements to exercise the muscles and bones of the whole body.


Zhang Guangdao's performance attracted bursts of applause.

Zhu Ming's eyes grew hot: "Brother Zhang, teach me how to play."

Zhang Guangdao handed over the stone lock and said with a smile: "There is nothing to teach, you can play with it however you want."

Ju Ming's food has been getting better and better recently, especially during the days when he was studying with Lu Ti, he could eat meat every meal. His physique, which had been improved after time travel, had reached its peak at this time, and he was holding a twenty-pound stone lock in his hand.

, actually didn’t feel particularly heavy.

He imitated Zhang Guangdao and performed various moves with the stone lock, and then threw the stone lock away: "Tian Er, find someone to chisel a pair of heavier ones."

"It's even heavier?" Tian Er asked in surprise.

"Thirty pounds." Zhu Ming asked.

Everyone was speechless, and then thinking of the Heavenly King's Treasure Armor, more thoughts immediately came to mind.

After playing with the stone lock, I started to practice swordsmanship, and then horseback riding.

Zhu Ming brought the mare over and said to Zhang Guangdao: "Brother Zhang has worked hard to recruit fugitives. If we can recruit another 300 people within this year, this horse will be given to Brother Zhang."

"Really?" Zhang Guangdao's eyes became hot.

Ju Ming smiled and said, "When have I ever cheated?"

Zhang Guangdao stopped practicing martial arts, threw down his weapons and said, "I'm going down the mountain right now!"

Tian Er, Tian San and others can only express their envy. They are not familiar with the fugitives. No matter how many benefits they promise, none of the fugitives will believe them. It is estimated that they will not be able to recruit any of them.

Bai Sheng's eyes rolled around and he offered advice: "Zhu Da... village chief, I have a way to recruit people."

Ju Ming became more energetic: "Speak quickly!"

Bai Sheng said: "I have a few brothers in Baishitou, and they are willing to bring their families over."

Zhu Ming shook his head: "These people are all scoundrels, what use do I need from them? Don't ruin the atmosphere of Daming Village!"

Bai Sheng was speechless, thinking: This place used to be full of bandits, but the atmosphere was much worse than that of rogues.

Bai Sheng explained: "Those brothers of mine usually have to do things. The Bai market is so small, and there are only two shops with white members. They have starved to death just by extortion. None of their families have any land, so Xiang Tian

The main tenant farmed some of the land and had to do part-time labor to make a living."

"That's okay," Zhu Ming said, "Tell them that when they come to Daming Village, they are not allowed to cause trouble again, otherwise they will be driven out!"

Bai Sheng said: "That's how it should be."

Ju Ming asked again: "How many people are there in your family among your brothers?"

Bai Sheng calculated in his mind: "Including the children, there are a total of eighteen people. They were still in debt before and couldn't leave casually. Old Bai Yuanwai burned the IOU. Now they have nothing to fear."

Zhu Ming couldn't help but laugh after hearing this. Bai Zongwang burned the IOU in order to win people's hearts quickly.

Unexpectedly, it was given to Zhu Ming's eighteen family members for nothing.

Bai Sheng added: "Mr. Zhao's apprentices, as well as my brothers, can only come here after the autumn harvest."

"This is what it should be." Zhu Ming expressed understanding.

Those people all farmed the land, and even the medical apprentice's family had a few acres of thin land. The food had been planted, and it would definitely have to wait for the harvest in the fall. It was impossible to drop everything and go there.

Ju Ming asked: "Is this the way you recruit people?"

Bai Sheng chuckled and said: "The village chief still remembers that we went to the city to serve as archers, and there were many dilapidated thatched houses outside the city."

At that time, Ju Ming was only thinking about how to attack the city. At this moment, he was reminded by Bai Shengyi, and he immediately reacted: "You have a good idea, and you have achieved great success this time!"

The county seat of Xixiang County is extremely small, and there are large shantytowns outside the city.

Most of the people there are landless farmers who work in the cities to make a living, and some of them have been reproducing for several generations.

Zhu Ming ordered: "Go outside the county town and tell the poor people there that too many people died in Heifeng Village during the officers and soldiers' suppression of bandits the day before yesterday. Zhu Dutou plans to resume production, but there are not enough farmers to cultivate the land. As long as they are willing

Come, give the land and seeds immediately, don’t lend it to them, just give it to them for free.”

"There must be someone willing to come." Bai Sheng said.

Ju Ming promised: "If you recruit one, I will give you a reward of fifty cents. Every time I recruit thirty, I will give you an extra acre of land. Remember, you cannot rob people, they have to be willing."

Hearing that land could be rewarded, Bai Sheng felt very happy and said happily: "How can I dare to go to the county town to rob people?"

Zhang Guangdao and Bai Sheng both went down the mountain to do their tasks.

Ju Ming was really bored staying in the mountains. After two days, he decided to go back to Shangbaicun to see his father, and took a piece of Chinese food with him.

Walking in the village, I found that the villagers were busy.

The mountainous areas far away from the river bank are almost exclusively planted with corn, with occasional patches of sorghum mixed in.

In the late Northern Song Dynasty, the temperature was so low that it was impossible to plant two crops of corn a year. At this time, the corn was about to ear and needed water for irrigation. Almost the whole family of the villagers went out to carry water, even the children.

Buckets after buckets are transported all the way to the mountainside, and the production efficiency is too low.

Due to the terrain, the canals cannot be repaired.

Zhu Ming didn't understand this at all, so he decided to ask his father how to build water conservancy facilities.

Returning to Shangbai Village, the villagers I met along the way still greeted me warmly.

When I walked outside Shen Yourong's yard, I found it was quite lively inside.

The little fat man Zheng Hong's personal entourage was also there, probably here to pay the final payment for the lake pen.

There is another young man, dressed as a scholar, who looks somewhat similar to Shen Yourong. He may be the stepmother's brother or something.

When outsiders were present, Zhu Ming called daddy honestly and raised the Chinese cigarette in his hand.

As an old smoker, Zhu Guoxiang's eyes glowed green the moment he saw China, like a wild wolf that had been hungry for three days.

The lighter in my arms is already ready to move!

Zhu Guoxiang swallowed hard, suppressed the raging craving for cigarettes, and introduced with a smile: "Shengli, come here quickly, this is your uncle."

Well, there were a lot of uncles before time travel, and now there is another one.

Seeing that his son was a little reluctant, Zhu Guoxiang continued: "In your uncle's village, there are scholars who have sold out all their land and can't find any other livelihood. We were discussing just now and asked your uncle to invite people to Daming Village."

Can we get scholars?

Zhu Ming stepped forward quickly and said shamelessly: "Uncle, please accept my nephew's bow!"

This chapter has been completed!
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