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Chapter 107 Returning to my hometown to carry the coffin

As for the missed calls, don't worry, most of them were made by the four of them, and there may be some harassing calls.

However, what surprised Zhou He the most was that his eldest sister’s WeChat messages were from this morning, and her phone calls were also from this morning, as well as a few at noon and a few at night.

"Ring ring ring..." Zhou He's cell phone rang.

At first glance, it was his eldest sister calling.

"Hey, eldest sister? Are you still up so late?"

"What have you been doing all day? Didn't you reply to messages or answer phone calls?" Zhou Li's tone was very unkind.

"My mobile phone fell into the water and has been in the water for a whole day." Zhou He said with a guilty conscience.

"You, don't be careful. It's true. By the way, I'm going out with your brother-in-law tomorrow, which will take about three days. You can take Sissy with you during these three days." Zhou Li said.

"Uh... why are you going out? It's going to take three days? Don't you want to take Sissy with you?" Zhou He looked confused.

You know, no matter where they go, his sister and brother-in-law will definitely take Sissy with them.

"Isn't this the third wedding anniversary of your brother-in-law and I? We just happen to go on a trip... Doesn't Sissi still want to study..." Zhou Li said.

"It's just kindergarten, just for fun. It doesn't take long to take a few days off. It's okay." Zhou He said.

"Uh... that..."

"To tell you the truth, mainly your brother-in-law and I are discussing having a second child this year... When we are at home, Sissi will sleep with us again..." Zhou Li said with some embarrassment.

These words were really hard for her to say.

"Good guy, okay, I understand. You and your brother-in-law have been to the World of Two. I will come over tomorrow morning." Zhou He said with a chuckle.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

The corners of Zhou He's mouth raised slightly, and his eldest sister and brother-in-law just fooled them.

But... Li Meng and Zhang Sheng are harder to fool.

After thinking about it, Zhou He sent a message back to Zhang Sheng: "Have you gone back to Yongcheng?"

After sending the message, Zhou He clicked on Li Meng's message dialog box.

Just when I was about to send a message, Zhang Sheng replied. It was already early in the morning, but he replied in seconds.

Zhang Sheng: "You boy, damn it, I almost reported you to the police. Tell me honestly, where have you been these past few days?"

"Buddha said: Don't say it, don't say it!" Zhou He said pretending to be mysterious.

Zhang Sheng: "Get out of here, don't tell me? Did you get caught for prostitution? Were you released today?"

"Buddha said: Don't say it, don't say it!" Zhou He repeated this sentence.

"I'll go, you really got caught, Niubi, Niubi!"

Zhang Sheng seemed to have concluded that Zhou He was a prostitute, so he was caught and educated for ten days before he was released.

Zhou He didn't explain it, and he couldn't explain it, so that was it.

Afterwards, he chatted with Zhang Shenggui for a few more words, said good night and closed the chat window.

Finally, Zhou He set his sights on Li Meng's profile picture.

Zhou He rubbed his temples, turned off his phone without sending a message, and drove the vehicle towards his home.

Among these people, Li Meng has the most news, 99+, and many phone calls, dozens.

The most important thing is that this girl actually reported the crime.

Zhou He knew this after reading her message, but the police station did not accept the case because an adult cannot determine that someone is missing just because you can't find her.

Maybe I didn’t want to see you or something like that, so I didn’t accept it.

Zhou He has a really big head.

Fortunately, Li Meng didn't know his sister's contact information. As for the address, she only knew which building it was in, but didn't know which floor it was on or which room number it was.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult for his sister to pass the test, and he would even have to take his family with him.

When Zhou He returned home, it was already past one in the morning.

The first thing Zhou He did when he got home was to go straight to the toilet.

He hadn't bathed in more than three months, and his whole body stunk.

He couldn't stand the sticky feeling on his body.

It took half an hour for Zhou He to finish washing up. Holding the sour and smelly clothes in his hands, Zhou He threw them directly into the trash can.

Zhou He glanced at the messy car, didn't bother to care, and walked directly into the house.

"Phew! Let's talk after some sleep!" Zhou He shook his head, fell on the bed, and fell asleep directly.

A night of silence.

At 8:30 the next morning, Zhou He was still fast asleep.

"Ding dong! Ding dong!..."

The doorbell at the front door was rang, and it was rang very quickly.

Zhou He turned over, ignored it, and continued to sleep soundly.

In the past three months, Zhou He had not slept well.

If it weren't for his strong physique, he would be sore and stiff all over.

Just like Mark, Mark has gained weight due to poor sleep for a long time, feels weak all over, and is listless all day long, so he eats to survive.

"Ding dong! Ding dong!..."

The ringtone became more urgent.

"Where did this guy Zhou He go? His car is still inside."

Li Meng pressed the doorbell desperately, but saw no response from inside.

Li Meng looked around and found no one, so he parked his vehicle under the fence. Then, Li Meng stepped on the car, climbed over the fence and entered the yard.

"Bang bang bang...Zhou He, Zhou He!" Li Meng's palm slapped on the iron door, making a huge sound.

In an instant, Zhou He was woken up.

"Zhou He, are you at home? Are you at home?" Li Meng's voice came from outside.

Zhou He immediately became excited and woke up instantly.

Not long after, the door was opened, revealing Zhou He inside.

Before Zhou He could speak, Li Meng's words were fired like a machine gun.

"Good guy, are you really at home? What have you been doing these ten days?"

"You didn't reply to your WeChat messages and your phone was turned off. I thought you were in an accident."

"I've already reported the crime. Where have you been? You've let me off so many times..."

There was an angry look on Li Meng's face, maybe with a hint of worry.

"Well...I went back to my hometown, Daozhou."

"My grandpa's house is in the mountains and there is no signal. Then my mobile phone accidentally fell into the water and has been useless since. I only got it back last night," Zhou He said.

"Go back to your grandpa's house? There's no signal in the mountains?" Li Meng said with a suspicious look on his face.

"Well, I went back to my hometown to carry the coffin. A relative of mine passed away and I have to carry the coffin. I've been quite busy these days. I'm sorry." Zhou He said apologetically.

"Send me away just because you're sorry? That's too easy." Although Li Meng still didn't quite believe it, she had no choice but to believe it.

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