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Chapter 233 No name and no appearance, the sun and the moon are shining together!

Grandma Dryad was punched through Zhou He's body. Although she was not killed, she also suffered some damage.

Yan Chixia, who was in mid-air in the distance, stared at this scene in confusion: "What a terrifying physical strength. How come I have never heard of this person before? Who is he?"

Zhou He's enlarged body slowly changed back to its original shape, but the light was still flowing around him, making him look so extraordinary.

"What a terrifying healing speed." Zhou He looked at the tree demon with a focused gaze.

I saw that the huge penetrating wound on the dryad's trunk was healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Thinking about it, it won't take more than a minute at most to recover.

"Jie Jie Jie... What a powerful body. If I eat you, I can definitely advance to the late stage of the Golden Core. After I eat you, Big Beard, I can advance to the peak of the Golden Core."

Grandma Dryad didn't have any panic or anger at this moment, but only the surging demonic energy and momentum, as if he regarded the two of them as food in his mouth.

"Want to eat me? Haha, if you weren't covered in wood, I would have eaten you." Zhou He said with a sneer.

Yan Chixia suddenly said: "Brother Taoist, this tree demon is not simple, he is full of treasures."

"Oh?" Zhou He suddenly became interested.

The body of Grandma Dryad is a locust tree, and her body is full of treasures.

In particular, the demon elixir of the tree demon's grandmother condenses the essence of the tree demon's body, and is more pure and precious than the demon elixirs of other demon tribes.

After acquiring gourmet cells, he has a strong desire to eat, because eating can make him stronger, and it seems that he can also eat demon pills!

Their battle had unknowingly moved far away from Lanruo Temple and more than ten kilometers away from Guobei County.

Because Zhou He is now the City God of Guobei County, he subconsciously moves the battlefield away from Guobei County to prevent Guobei County from being affected.

However, the place of fighting is already more than ten kilometers away.

The people in Guobei County can clearly hear the battle here, as if they are very close at hand.

The flames that dyed the sky red, the violent wind and rain that covered the sky, and the bloody thunder caused the earth to shake twice, like an earth dragon turning over.

This terrifying power caused all the people in the city to wake up from their sleep, standing tremblingly at the windows, looking in the direction of Lanruo Temple in fear.

However, when the people heard Zhou He's words, "I am the City God of Guobei County!", they became a little excited.

"City God, City God, is there really a City God?"

"Haha, the city god is killing demons, haha..."

"He is definitely the City God of our Guobei County. I have decided that I must go to the City God Temple to worship him tomorrow morning."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu My poor son, he died in Lanruo Temple..."

"Great, great. If the demons in Lanruo Temple are eliminated, we won't have to worry anymore."

For a time, the faces of the people in the city were filled with smiles.

Even the county magistrate was extremely happy: "Haha, when the demons in Lanruo Temple are eliminated, I will ask the people in the city to donate money and money to renovate the City God's Temple."

"This time I will donate a thousand taels without saying a word. I will take 80% and the remaining 20% ​​to repair the Chenghuang Temple. Hehe, I am so smart..."

"Hmph, a small foundation building, it's really loud, like an ant." Grandma Dryad snorted coldly, her demonic power surged wildly.

The next moment, the dull sound of clinking earthen jars was heard.

However, a large number of small tree roots were seen breaking out of the ground, and countless urns and bones were hung on them.

Along with the tree roots, there are also a large number of grasshoppers, earthworms and centipede-like millipedes.

They are all extremely large in size, the size of an ordinary domestic dog, and are extremely terrifying, giving people goosebumps.

"Go on, eat them for me!"

Grandma Dryad gave instructions to these subordinates.

Immediately, a rumbling sound sounded, and the tree demon grandma actually got into the soil again.

Because of Zhou He's terrifying power and the fact that Yan Chixia was still watching eagerly from the side, the tree demon grandma didn't dare to ask for help, so she had to hide again and wait for the opportunity.

At this moment, a fierce wind suddenly swept around, and the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, like a world of ice and snow.


This sound was condensed into one, and seemed to be transformed into a spiritual attack.

However, it could not affect Zhou He and Yan Chixia at all.

The next moment, countless female ghosts and evil spirits were seen emerging from the urns and bones.

Moreover, there are hundreds of terrifying mummies emerging from the ground.

These mummies are all people whose essence and blood were sucked by the Dryad Grandma, and there are also warriors and monks among them.

Now, they are dead, but they are still enslaved by the tree demon grandma.

Insect monsters, countless female ghosts and evil spirits, and hundreds of mummies, at this moment, this place became a paradise of horror, surrounding Zhou He and Yan Chixia.

The worst of these monsters are all in Qi training, and there are dozens of them in the foundation building stage, and among them, there are these two who are at the peak of foundation building.

One is a female ghost whose whole body exudes resentment, and the other is a millipede whose size has been enlarged tens of thousands of times.

The flaming talisman Zhou He had previously used had wiped out all the demons and ghosts in Lanruo Temple, but it was just the tip of the iceberg.

Now, Grandma Dryad has released all his family members and subordinates.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe is borrowed from the law!"

At this time, Yan Chixia's sharp shout came from above.

Boom boom boom

A series of explosions came from below, and almost instantly, all the demons and ghosts in this area were cleared away.

However, within a few seconds, it was filled with monsters and alien-like insects.

"There are so many of them that it's difficult to deal with them." Yan Chixia looked a little solemn.

Although he is a monk at the Golden Core stage, he has just used the Xuanyuan Divine Sword and struck palm thunder many times, which depleted his mana very quickly. Now, only 50% is left.

He can also deal with these monsters below, but at that time, neither spiritual energy nor spiritual power will be much left.

At that time, how to fight with the tree demon grandma?

"Dryad, don't you just want to consume our mana? You may be disappointed."

"Brother Yan, leave it to me." Zhou He smiled and said.

Zhou He didn't see any movement, but he took out a huge tripod bell.

Zhou He found this tripod bell in a corner when he entered Lanruo Temple, and put it into a storage box.

Now, just in time, it comes in handy.

Zhou He waved his hand and saw that the top of the tripod bell was cut open and turned into a huge trumpet.

"Haha, let me, the city god, save you and wait!"

Placing the giant clock in front of him, Zhou He took a deep breath, and all his magic power gathered on his chest.

I directly used the Lion's Roar Kung Fu to recite the Rebirth Mantra.

"The Supreme Lord has issued an order to transcend your lonely soul, all ghosts and ghosts, and be blessed by all the four beings. Those with heads will be transcended, those without heads will be promoted, kill with spears and swords, dive into the water and hang on ropes... I am here to rescue everyone, and be rescued urgently!"

Almost at the moment when the Rebirth Curse came out, the figures of the charging ghosts suddenly stopped, and immediately, a faint light was seen emanating from their souls.

In just a few seconds, a large number of evil ghosts with low cultivation levels disappeared.

Before they disappeared, the ferocious look on their faces disappeared, and instead there was a smile of relief.

The eyes that looked at Zhou He were filled with gratitude.

They have been enslaved for too long, and they never want to escape from the control of the dryad grandma.

Now, he was sent to the underworld by the rebirth curse and gained liberation...

Although no one is in control of the underworld now, the six paths of reincarnation still run independently.

Some ghosts with stronger grievances persisted for a longer period of time, but they could only linger and eventually could not escape the result of being sent to the underworld.

Different from the evil spirits, there are long, alien-like insects.

They were not affected by the Rebirth Spell, because they could be said to be spirits. They made weird noises from their mouths and rushed toward Zhou He in unison.

Seeing this, Zhou He immediately increased the volume of the rebirth mantra several times, and in an instant, an invisible sound wave power swept across all directions.

Wherever it passed, the ground cracked, and those alien-like insects suddenly exploded.

"Bang...bang...!" Just like popcorn, the juice splashed.

To be honest, if we talk about group fighting, who can compete with him once he roars like a lion?

In just a moment, all the demons and ghosts were wiped out.

Only a dozen little demons in the foundation-building stage were left.

Even the terrifying fierce ghost who was at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage was forcibly saved by his Rebirth Curse.

There was no soul body in the field, including the female ghost in this world, Nie Xiaoqian, who was also saved by him.

"I'm sorry, Ning Caichen, your wife is no longer your wife."

"Haha, Brother Tao, your move is too strong." Yan Chixia rubbed her ears and then laughed loudly.

"The shape and spirit are like swords, swift!"

The next second, Yan Chixia squeezed her sword and moved away with one finger.

The sword control technique was activated, and with a flash of red light, the heads of the remaining little demons in the Foundation Establishment stage exploded into pieces.

Under Yan Chixia's sword, she didn't react at all and didn't have the slightest resistance.

"Ah... you... you are going too far! Grandma and I will definitely extract your souls and refine your souls today, and you will never be reincarnated." An angry roar from the tree demon grandma came from the underground.


The entire ground began to tremble violently, and a huge demonic force emerged from the ground.

"It's not good that the dragon roars for nine days and flies with the sword."

In an instant, a pair of true flying swords emerged, carrying Zhou He and Yan Chixia into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Just when the two of them thought that the Dryad Granny was going to use all her strength, the ground gradually returned to calm.

After a while, there was no movement.

"Uh, did you run away?"

"Damn old witch, she actually ran away!" Yan Chixia said angrily.

Zhou He opened his mouth slightly, but he didn't expect the tree demon grandma to feint a shot and run away.

"Cut the weeds without eradicating the roots, but the spring breeze will bring new growth. Today, we must eradicate this old witch." Zhou He said word by word.

"Yes, we must eradicate that old witch today!" Yan Chixia nodded and said.

"However, now the old witch has escaped. Although he cannot move in his body, he can go thousands of meters underground. We cannot find him at all." Yan Chixia frowned and said.

"Brother Dao, I see how terrifying your power is. I wonder if you can shake the ground and find the old witch." Yan Chixia asked.

Zhou He heard this and said: "Although my power can crack the ground, I cannot control it. This place is not too far from Guobei County. By then, I am afraid that Guobei County will also be affected."

"Then what should we do?" Yan Chixia frowned again.

If we don't kill this tree demon here today, we will definitely suffer crazy revenge from this old witch in the future.

"Don't worry, I have a way. If this guy doesn't come out, then force him to come out."

Zhou He gave Yan Chixia a reassuring look, then turned his palm over and a stack of talismans appeared.

These talismans were created by Zhou He after he made the mechanical arm, and he worked there all night long to draw the talismans.

When Zhou He went home, he put all these into the storage box.

After calculation, tens of thousands of talismans were produced.

Except for some commonly used talismans, the remaining 90% are explosive talismans.

Once activated, the power is even more terrifying than that of a rocket launcher.

"There are so many talismans." Yan Chixia's pupils shrank when she saw the talismans in Zhou He's hand.

He can also refine talismans himself, but it takes a lot of energy. He doesn't refine them often, and he only has dozens or hundreds of them at most.

Now, seeing so many talismans is really shocking.

Moreover, those talismans were obviously not ordinary talismans. There was a faint halo of light emitting from them, which was obviously very extraordinary.

"This time, I've wiped out all my money." Zhou He smiled faintly and threw the tens of thousands of explosive talismans into the air.

"Brother Yan, be prepared. As soon as the tree demon appears, you will use your strongest attack."

After Zhou He finished speaking, he suddenly touched the magic weapon with both hands, and then pointed at the talismans that filled the sky.

In an instant, one could see that those talismans were covered with a layer of mana, and they immediately flew towards the ground.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the entire ground within several kilometers was penetrated by talismans.

"Don't worry, we'll just wait for the tree demon to show up." Yan Chixia's face turned pale after hearing this, and she patted her chest and promised. At the same time, she immediately mobilized all her magic power and was ready to go.

About ten seconds later, Zhou He's face straightened and he shouted: "Explode!"

Just as Zhou He finished speaking.

Terrifying explosions came from the ground.

This is the moment when the earth dragon turns over.

The ground could not shake, and the ground that had been beaten to an extremely solid level instantly collapsed again.

Zhou He did not dare to fall to the ground, but jumped up high and used his own magic power to hold himself up in the air.

There are tens of thousands of explosive talismans. Even though they are deep underground, the effect is undoubtedly terrifying.

The violent explosion underground had its effect, and a shrill scream came from somewhere underground.

"Found it, there!"

Yan Chixia's eyes narrowed and she made a decisive decision. She immediately activated the sword technique and shouted loudly: "The sword transforms into thousands!"

In an instant, countless flying swords of true essence transformed.

They were so densely packed that they occupied the entire sky.

The sword transforms into thousands, the sword transforms into thousands, this is the real sword transforming into thousands!

Zhou He watched this scene and swallowed. He felt that this move was so cool: "Ma De, no, I must get this move from Yan Chixia."

Zhou He secretly made up his mind.


As Yan Chixia's sword command moved, countless flying swords of true essence were shot towards the direction of the tree demon's grandmother.

This time, Yan Chixia has mobilized all her magic power and sprayed out a mouthful of blood. This move can be said to be his most powerful move.

"Ah... you damn smelly Taoist priests, I'm going to extract your souls and refine your souls!" The angry roar of the Dryad Grandma came from underground.

Obviously, this was Yan Chixia's flying sword, which hit the tree demon grandma.

"Haha, we're not done yet. Nameless and formless, the sun and the moon are shining brightly! Blow it up!" Yan Chixia shouted and hurriedly moved the sword technique.


Violent roars came from the ground again.

The earth trembled and the mountains shook, and the sky collapsed, as if it was the end of the world.

The ground with a radius of one kilometer actually exploded again.

Yan Chixia actually detonated all the flying swords that were shot into the ground.

The explosion of this True Essence Flying Sword was not inferior to Zhou He's talisman at all, and it was not as scattered as the talisman. Instead, it was only concentrated in a range of less than a hundred meters.

It is conceivable that this explosion will be even more terrifying, and the damage to the tree demon will be more violent, far exceeding the power of the talisman by dozens or hundreds of times.

Zhou He, who was in mid-air, was also watching this scene in confusion.

This Yan Chixia, this move is not only handsome, but also so fucking terrifying.

This also made Zhou He even more determined to learn this skill of sword control.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, this move of yours is really terrifying." After Zhou He was shocked, he looked at Yan Chixia and praised him.

"This move of mine consumed all the mana in my body. This tree demon must be dead." Yan Chixia fell to the ground with a look of exhaustion on her face.

Now that he had run out of mana, he could no longer even maintain suspension and had to fall to the ground.

"It should be dead. Let me go and check." Upon hearing this, Zhou He immediately turned into a stream of light and plunged into the ground.

About half a minute later, Zhou He dragged a green and gray-brown tree several meters long with a happy face, flew out of the ground and landed on the ground.

On his left hand, he holds a fist-sized demon elixir with a green halo.

Waves of alluring fragrance and powerful vitality hit your face.

[Thousand-year-old Locust Tree Heart]: The main material for refining top magic weapons or spiritual weapons, which can warm up the power of the soul and help the cultivation of the soul.

[Millennium Tree Demon Demon Pill]: It contains the essence of the Millennium Tree Demon. After refining, it can improve your cultivation, strengthen your body, and enhance your body's self-healing ability.

Whether it's the thousand-year-old locust tree heart or this demon pill, they are both rare treasures. This trip is truly worth it.

"Haha, big profit, this is the demon pill and the heart of the locust tree." Zhou He said with a big smile.

"I didn't expect that the demon elixir of this tree demon would have such strong vitality." Yan Chixia also smiled.

"Let's share half of these two things each of us," Zhou He said.

"Okay!" Yan Chixia was not polite. He would definitely ask for what he wanted.

Moreover, he also put in a lot of effort.

Immediately, Zhou He split the demon pill and the locust tree heart into two parts and threw them to Yan Chixia.

"I'm going to retreat to break through the golden elixir. When your magic power is restored, you can come to the Chenghuang Temple to find me. I have something to discuss with you." After Zhou He finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Holding this demon pill, his body unconsciously absorbed the essence inside, making his magic power ready to activate, and he couldn't wait to rush back to the City God's Temple to make a breakthrough.

Inside the Chenghuang Temple.

Wang Ergou and his family were in the main hall, holding incense and kneeling before the statue.

They also noticed the huge movement over there.

I even heard Zhou He's words, "I am the City God of Guobei County!"

The three of them knew that the City God was going to Lanruo Temple to slay demons.

So after the three of them woke up, they immediately came to the statue and kowtowed.

Zhou He's figure appeared in the Chenghuang Temple. Seeing this scene, he nodded with satisfaction. Then, with a thought, he entered a special space.

Sitting down cross-legged, Zhou He put the locust tree heart aside, then took out half of the demon pill and threw it into his mouth without hesitation.

"Huh? This tastes a bit like sugar cane." A sweet taste emerged from the mouth.

Immediately afterwards, a huge amount of spiritual energy burst out from the mouth.

Immediately after Zhou He, he started to run his exercises and began to absorb these spiritual energy.

At the same time, the statue of the City God actually began to emit golden light at this moment, looking extremely magical.

Wang Ergou also discovered this change, and immediately his face showed a look of joy.

"Grandpa, grandpa, look, the statue is shining, it is shining."

"The City God must have won, haha, the City God must have won."

The old man cried with joy. Finally, finally, the ghost temple that killed countless people was eliminated.

"Son, daughter-in-law, your souls in heaven should be able to rest in peace." The old man's tears flowed down, and then he kowtowed to the statue crazily.

"Father and mother" Wang Ergou also kowtowed immediately.

When the daughter-in-law saw this, she naturally kowtowed accordingly.

The second morning.

When the sun went down, under the order of the county magistrate, some brave officials rode horses and walked towards Lanruo Temple.

The county magistrate, who never got up until noon, was already waiting at the city gate for the first time.

Moreover, there are a large number of people gathered here, seemingly waiting for the government officials to come.

About a quarter of an hour later, three government servants came back on horseback.

Everyone's face still showed a look of shock.

"How's it going? How's it going over there?" Before the county magistrate could speak, Master Zhao quickly asked loudly.

"Report to your lord, over there, over there"

Several officials pulled the reins and stopped, stammering but not saying anything.

"What's going on? Tell me quickly, or your food will be deducted." The county magistrate yelled loudly.

"It's gone, it's all gone. It's such a big hole. Lanruo Temple has been razed to the ground." A government official swallowed his saliva and said.

"Razed to the ground? Really?" The county magistrate's face showed joy.

You know, because of the existence of Lanruo Temple, people from other counties rarely come, causing him to miss out on a large amount of income.

If Lanruo Temple is really razed to the ground, then their county will be more prosperous, and the money he will earn will naturally be more.

"Quickly, take me there. This county magistrate wants to check it out personally." The county magistrate said.

"Prepare the sedan, prepare the sedan!" Master Zhao quickly greeted his subordinates.

After a while, a sedan was carried over. Master Zhao opened the sedan curtain for him and helped the county magistrate get in.

Immediately, four government servants carried the sedan towards the direction of Lanruo Temple.

The common people at the city gate also followed the county magistrate.

Lanruo Temple can be said to be a taboo in Guobei County.

Now, when they heard from the government officials that they had been eradicated, and the county magistrate was taking the lead, they naturally wanted to follow him and take a look.

In just two quarters of an hour, everyone arrived at their destination.

When they saw the scene in front of them, their eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Did the immortal take action?"

A commoner swallowed his saliva and said in disbelief.

In the meantime, in front of them, there was a huge crater with an area of ​​several kilometers and a depth of more than a thousand meters. It was simply too shocking.

"Look, look, is there a person in that pothole?" Suddenly, a sharp-eyed government official pointed down and shouted.

When everyone heard this, they looked around and found, as expected, there was a person on top of a huge rock below.

At the same time, they seemed to have discovered that this person was still faintly emitting a halo. If it had not been covered by the sun, he would have been discovered immediately.

"Is that Yan Captou? Could it be that it was Yan Captou who made the move last night?" Master Zhao suddenly recognized the person on the boulder.

The boulder was very high, so Master Zhao's sharp eyes actually recognized him.

"Yan arrests the head? That's not right. I remember I heard it yesterday. It's the City God." The county magistrate was also shocked by this scene at this moment.

"Yes, I heard it yesterday too, Guobei County City God."

"I heard it too, it was so loud."

"I feel like everyone in the city must have heard it."

All of a sudden, the whole crowd started talking.

"Haha, Dad, your sorrow is finally avenged!" At this time, a young man knelt on the ground and laughed with tears in his eyes.

"Go, let a few people go down and ask Yan Captou what's going on." The county magistrate said to the government officials.

"Ah, Master, this is too deep, we can't go down."

"If this goes on, people will die."

All the government officials shook their heads and refused.

"I don't care. Anyway, you have to ask the head Yan to find out." The county magistrate did not care.

At this moment, Yan Chixia on the boulder below suddenly opened her eyes, and a golden light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, there was a roar from Yan Chixia, and a terrifying aura suddenly rose up.

"The sword transforms into thousands, and the sword returns in a moment!"

Yan Chixia's body suddenly jumped into the air, she used her sword skills, and then she let out a loud shout.

In an instant, the sharp sword in his hand suddenly turned into countless flying swords of true essence, and then gathered together again to form a huge sword body about a hundred meters long.


As Yan Chixia's sword command moved, the huge sword was seen slashing forward.


The earth shook and the mountains shook, and a huge crack was slashed by the giant sword.

The entire giant pit was actually split into two by this giant sword, which was really terrifying.

"Haha, the power of the middle stage of the golden elixir is actually so strong." Yan Chixia laughed, floating in the air.

The demon elixir of half a tree demon has promoted his cultivation from the early stage of the golden elixir to the middle stage of the golden elixir, and his strength has also been greatly improved.

"Huh? Why are there so many people?" At this time, Yan Chixia discovered that at least hundreds of people had gathered at the edge of the giant pit.

"Yan Baotou, Yan Baotou, I am Master Zhao! I am Master Zhao!" Master Zhao jumped up high and waved his hands repeatedly.

Yan Chixia immediately flew down and landed next to them.

"Yan Baotou, you are really a fairy who has come to this world. You have eradicated all the monsters in Lanruo Temple." After the shock, the county magistrate immediately reacted and hurriedly came forward and said complimentarily.

"I don't want to be an immortal, I'm just a little monk."

"Also, the monster in Lanruo Temple is not my fault alone, but also the newly appointed City God of this county."

"Last night I responded to the City God's request and killed the monster with him." Yan Chixia didn't take any credit either.

"City God? Is there really a City God?"

"Haha, the City God has appeared. I will go to visit the City God Temple later."

"But I remember that the City God's Temple is about to collapse."

"Even if it collapses, I will build it for him!" Liu Yuanwai said loudly in the crowd.

As the richest man in the county, it was his duty to repair the Chenghuang Temple.

"That Yan Captou, where is the City God now?" said the county magistrate.

"He killed the monsters and gained a new understanding of his cultivation. He has returned to the City God's Temple. It's time to go back to the City God's Temple now," Yan Chixia said.

It just so happens that what he said can also help these people add a little incense to the Chenghuang Temple, which can be regarded as a little effort.

"Okay, I'm going to go to the City God's Temple. The City God has something to ask me for, so I'll go."

As soon as the words fell, Yan Chixia disappeared in front of everyone with her flying sword on her feet.

"Immortal, this is the Immortal!"

"Thank you, Immortal, for eradicating the monsters for us!"

A large circle of people cheered and knelt down.

"Quickly, go to the City God's Temple. Let's go and worship, so that the City God can bless our Guobei County with good weather and safety." The county magistrate immediately shouted.

Immediately, he got on the sedan and headed towards the City God Temple.

"Quick, let's go to the City God's Temple to pay homage to the City God."

"I still have some incense at home. I will go home and get some incense to worship."

"Yes, if I want some incense, I'll go to the incense and candle shop to buy more now."

Immediately, all the people rushed towards the city.

I recommended a book by a friend. It is similar to the plot of losing money and becoming a rich man. It starts from the perspective of the editor of an online novel. It is quite interesting. If you are interested, you can read it.

"The Richest Man Started as an Online Article Editor"


A media conference.

Reporter: "Mr. Mo, how did you step from an ordinary worker to the high position you are today? Can you share your successful experience with everyone?"

Mo Yu sighed: "At the beginning, I just wanted to be fired from the company."

Reporter: "Oh, I understand. What Mr. Mo means is that no matter what you do, you must have the mentality of putting yourself to death and surviving! Only in this way can you unleash your amazing potential! Make the impossible possible!"

Mo Yu: "???"

There is a portal below.

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