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Chapter 600 Return to the main world

Chapter 600 Return to the main world

Shi Tian stretched out his fingers, but his whole body froze on the spot, and even his breathing stopped.

The whole person seemed to have fallen into a state where time had stopped.

No more thoughts.

"Shi Tian, ​​Shi Tian, ​​what's wrong with you?" Shi Yue saw the motionless Shi Tian and shouted several times quickly.

But there was no reaction at all.

Seeing this, Zhou He smiled, stretched out his hand, and gently pulled Shi Tian.

The latter's fingers immediately retracted, and his whole body recovered instantly.

"What happened to me just now? What?" Shi Tian wanted to express his feelings, but he couldn't find the words to describe it.

"Don't be so reckless in the future." Zhou He said.

"It's the Holy Lord." Shi Tian replied immediately.

Zhou He looked at the secret world of immortality, where there are countless 'immortal energy', which contain very strange abilities.

If you can collect a trace of silk and refine it into a treasure, you will have the ability to live forever and your life span will be extended for a long, long time.

These are absolutely extremely precious things to outsiders.

This kind of magical thing is also a good thing in Zhou He's opinion.

If Zhou He cooperates with his laws of time, he can refine a treasure that can truly make people live forever.

Immediately, Zhou He let the roots of the World Tree penetrate into this world.

Immediately, a large amount of longevity energy was absorbed crazily by the World Tree.

Almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, World Tree has grown in size.

Obviously, these immortal energy are a great tonic for World Tree.

This is an unimaginable miracle.

The World Tree can only grow if it absorbs the power of the world or absorbs the blood essence given by Zhou He every month.

But now, the immortal energy of the Yangshen World has actually caused the World Tree to grow.

And, not only that, after the World Tree absorbed a lot of immortality energy, a fruit grew.

"Well, is this the fruit of immortality? It's a waste, it's too lazy."

Zhou He frowned, waved his hand, and saw the Immortality Dao Fruit slowly shrinking back.

It's just the Taoist Fruit of Immortality. It takes so much immortality energy to produce it, so it's really not worth it.

Afterwards, Zhou He took the two boys and moved on.

Soon, Zhou He saw a strange scenery.

There is a towering tree not far away.

There is a strange fruit on the big tree.

Under the tree, there was a giant ape sitting.

This giant ape is none other than the legendary Sora, the ancestor of the demon ape Tomoe who was previously killed by him.

Kong's energy has not dissipated. It seems that he is still inside the giant ape and will wake up at any time.

It is waiting for resurrection in this secret world of immortality. As long as he swallows the immortality fruit, it is possible to directly break through and reach the point of shattering the vacuum.

Zhou He's eyes did not fall on the giant ape, but on the tree.

This is the legendary Whirling Treasure Tree, which looks somewhat similar to the World Tree.

The roots are thousands of feet long, deeply inserted into the longevity energy, constantly absorbing the nutrients of the longevity energy and turning it into its own strength.

However, because of Zhou He's World Tree, the Whirlpool Treasure Tree changed from being able to absorb unlimited amounts to only absorbing a small part.

And, as time goes by, eventually nothing can be absorbed.

If the World Tree had not appeared, this whirling treasure tree would probably have absorbed all the immortality energy that existed in the Secret World of Immortality after dozens or even millions of years.

Then it turned into a world tree, taking root in thousands of worlds and turning into a transcendent existence.

Unfortunately, it is obviously impossible now.

"Although it's a little short, I can still make up for it." Zhou He said calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a root emerged from the void and shot toward the Whirling Treasure Tree.

"court death!"

Kong's eyes opened instantly, emitting a mighty power that shook the entire world.

However, World Tree has absorbed the power from Zhou He's body over the years and has already reached the level of Daluo Jinxian.

Facing this emptiness, it is effortless at all.

It penetrated Kong's head directly, and then the trend continued unabated, piercing into the body of the Whirling Treasure Tree.

Almost instantly, the whirling treasure tree emitting divine light turned dim, and its emerald green branches and leaves instantly withered.

After a while, the whirling treasure tree turned into a dead tree.

At the same time, the roots of the World Tree also retracted and continued to absorb the immortal energy.

"It's time to go back." Zhou He murmured.

He has almost visited this Yangshen world, and there are not many things he should get.

Bai Ziyue is still improving his cultivation level. At least, it will take six thunder tribulations before he can create the Wanjie Group.

According to Zhou He's estimation, at most half a year will be enough.

Zhou He was not in a hurry about this.

After communicating with his disciples, he sent several other disciples back to their own world.

Zhou He took the two boys and left this world.

Returning to his villa, Zhou He did not let the two children appear in the main world.

Instead, he let them stay in his storage space and help him take care of the medicine garden and pasture.

I checked the time and it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

At this moment, the door of the villa slowly opened.

But it was Liu Xiaoxue who came.

The yard was already covered with a thick layer of snow.

The vehicle ran over it, leaving a deep rut.

After a while, he entered the garage.

Liu Xiaoxue also got out of the car.

It was freezing cold, but Liu Xiaoxue did not wear a miniskirt and stockings like some other women.

Instead, she was wrapped up tightly, for fear of exposing a little skin and getting frozen.

The driver also got out of the car. He was a female bionic robot.

As soon as I got off the car, I immediately trotted to the door and started standing guard there.

"You're wearing so much, you're like a rice dumpling."

Zhou He, wearing a set of summer clothes, walked out of the villa, stood on the steps, and looked at Liu Xiaoxue with a smile.

"It's cold. It's snowing here. It's much colder than other places."

"It's really strange. In the whole Hunan, it's snowing only in this area."

"But it's so beautiful." Liu Xiaoxue looked at the snowy scene with a look of intoxication on her face.

She also hasn't seen the snow scene in several years.

"Hasn't our company already developed warm clothes? Why aren't you wearing them?" Zhou He said.

A set of warm clothes from all realms does not cost 9,980, but only 9,980.

Just like ordinary autumn clothes, it can automatically adjust the body surface temperature after putting it on.

Even at minus 30 degrees Celsius, it can keep the body warm without being eroded by the cold.

There are also summer jackets that can keep you cool even in an environment of 50 degrees.

"Is there any? Why don't I know?" Liu Xiaoxue looked confused.

Obviously, she didn't know about this.

"That's not right. After it was developed, I had people send several sets to your family. That shouldn't be the case." Zhou He was also a little confused.

"Hey, wait, I remembered. A few days ago, my mother seemed to have called me and told me that your company had sent me a few sets of clothes."

"My mother also said that she would send it by express delivery. However, I was busy at the time, so she said that I would pick it up myself next time when I get home." Liu Xiaoxue said.

"Oh, I see you're cold. Why don't you come in quickly and turn on the air conditioner to warm yourself up?" Zhou He said.

"No, no, I want to play in the snow, build snowmen, and have snowball fights." Liu Xiaoxue shook her head and refused.

"You won't have fun playing like this. Come back first. I still have a few sets of warm clothes here. You can wear them while building a snowman." Zhou He said.

"Okay, okay." Liu Xiaoxue nodded happily immediately and quickly entered the villa.

It wasn't until five o'clock in the afternoon that the two of them came from the villa to the yard.

During these two hours, they naturally did some things they loved.

If Zhou Li and Sissi hadn't arrived soon, I'm afraid we could have fought for a few more hours.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhou He and Liu Xiaoxue built a huge snowman in the yard, which was two meters high.

After a while, the courtyard door slowly opened and a car drove in.

It was the car driven by Zhou Li. Sissi was sitting in the back.

"Wow, big snowman, what a big snowman." Sissi, who was sitting in the back seat, looked at the snowman in the yard and shouted excitedly.

The car drove into the garage, and soon the two of them got out of the car and entered the yard in addition to the garage.

"Xiaoxue, look at the snowman your aunt and I built, is it powerful?" Zhou He hugged Sissi who was running towards her.

"Awesome, so awesome. I also want to build a snowman. I want to build a Pleasant Goat and a Lazy Goat." Sissi shouted loudly.

"Okay, okay, then uncle is waiting to see your Pleasant Goat."

Zhou He smiled and put Qian Qian down.

"You guys are playing here now, I'm going to prepare the ingredients for the hot pot tonight." Zhou He said.

"Well, remember to make the mandarin duck pot. Sissy and I don't like spicy food," Zhou Li said.

"No problem." Zhou He smiled and immediately entered the villa alone.

After a while, I came to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, several robot butlers are methodically preparing the ingredients and hot pot soup base for dinner.

Zhou He thought for a while and added Taikoo Bazhen to the ingredients.

However, because the ingredients themselves were too eye-catching, Zhou He asked the butler to cut them so that they would not be visible.

Zhou He changed some ingredients, added some juice, drinks, wine, etc., and then returned to the yard with satisfaction.

At this time, there were not many snowmen in the yard, but the sounds of laughing and playing could be heard.

The three of them were having a snowball fight in the courtyard.

At this moment, a fluffy blood ball hit Zhou He's face.

Zhou He could naturally avoid it, but he pretended not to react and was hit directly on the head.

"Ouch, who is it? It hurts so much." Zhou He covered his forehead and screamed.

"Ah, uncle, uncle, are you okay?" Sissi's face turned pale with fright when she heard Zhou He's scream.

"I didn't squeeze it tightly, it won't hurt, sir." Sissi ran over, still defending.

"Hehe, I lied to you, it doesn't hurt at all." Zhou He suddenly changed his face.

"Oh, you scared me to death. Uncle, you are such a big man and you still lie to a child. It's so shameless, shameless, huh!"

Sissi immediately snorted coldly, turned her head, and ignored Zhou He.

"Hey, who asked you to sneak attack on your uncle? However, you did a good job. When you have a snowball fight, be sure not to squeeze the snowball too tightly, otherwise you will be injured if you hit someone."

Zhou He said with a smile.

If you just pinch the snowball lightly and it hits someone, it will fall apart and there won't be much pain at all.

However, once you squeeze it very tightly, it is almost like hitting someone with a stone.

Zhou Heke still remembers that when he was having a snowball fight with someone when he was a child, he would squeeze the snowball gently.

However, his hit rate was high, and the person opposite him was hit so many times that his brain was on fire and he squeezed the snowball hard.

After hitting four or five bullets, he finally succeeded in hitting Zhou He's forehead.

This time, a big bump swelled up on his forehead, making him extremely painful.

From now on, Zhou He never played with that person again and broke off the relationship directly.

After another hour, the sky became dark, but Sissi still had a great time playing in the snow.

It was at this time that a red light flashed in the sky.

But it was my brother-in-law Wang Lin who came.

"Sorry, sorry, I was a little late for the meeting today, so I came here at this time."

As soon as Wang Lin landed on the ground, the energy spurting from his feet melted all the snow within a one-meter radius.

Fortunately, the place where he landed was on the floor tiles, otherwise, he would have burned all the grass.

"Yeah, Dad, you melted the snow." Sissi immediately came up and accused her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's dad's fault. I'll buy you a doll tomorrow as an apology."

Wang Lin, who had taken off his armor, was wearing autumn clothes and didn't look bulky at all.

Obviously, this outfit is also thermal underwear developed by Wanjie Group.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's open it up, the hot pot is almost ready."

"I'll heat up the water in the swimming pool first. After dinner, we can also take a bath in the hot spring." Zhou He said.

"The relationship is so good. Let's go, let's go. In this winter, it's all about eating hot pot."

The group of people immediately walked into the villa talking and laughing.

The long table is filled with sliced ​​ingredients, and there are two pots on the table.

They are non-spicy pot bases prepared for Sissi and Zhou Li respectively.

Another one is the spicy pot base.

"If you want to eat, just put it in yourself. If it's not enough, ask the butler to make up for it."

"Brother-in-law, if you want to drink, don't wear your armor and fly back at night. Take my sister's car back."

When Zhou He saw Wang Lin sitting at the table, he reached for the pot of wine.

"Well, okay, I'll take Xiaoli's car back in the evening." Wang Lin laughed dryly and quickly poured himself a glass.

"Dad, I want to drink peach juice, help me get it." Sissi pointed to the peach juice on Wang Lin's right and said.

"Okay, there is also watermelon juice and mango juice here, and they are put aside for you."

Wang Lin smiled and took three bottles of juice and placed them next to Sissi.

"Thank you, dad." Sissi thanked her cutely.

"It's so delicious. Every time I eat it, it feels like my tongue is about to fall off."

"I really don't know how your company develops these delicious and healthy ingredients."

Wang Lin took out the beef leaf that had been chewed a few times and put it into his mouth. His eyes narrowed. It was so delicious.

(End of chapter)

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