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Chapter 320 Mo Wenchuan's Observation

Long Cheng felt very strange now, his head was dizzy, and the picture in front of him sometimes became distorted. What made him most uncomfortable was the feeling of a foreign body in his brain, as if there was a small bone stuck in his brain.

However, he still climbed into the cockpit of [Iron Plow King].

Since passing the throne of [Iron Plowing King] to him, Uncle Gen has expressed his unwillingness and nostalgia many times and cannot give him a chance.

Jasmine's concern came from the communication channel: "Teacher, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Would you like to take a break?"

"Need not."

Long Cheng shook his head and tried his best to keep his head clear. Farming is a big thing and requires full dedication. Whether the depth of plowing is standard enough, the amount of watering, and the type of fertilizer are all very particular, and they are all related to

This year’s harvest.

Becoming a professional farmer is Longcheng’s dream. No one can take the throne of [Iron Plowing King] away from him!

Not to mention his favorite apple tree.

When he thought of the apple trees all over the mountains and plains, covered with red apples, Long Cheng felt full of energy.

Long Cheng, who was about to show off his skills, suddenly noticed a foreign body sensation in his pocket.

A severely damaged chip.

Why is there a damaged chip in my pocket? When was it put in?

After looking at it for a long time, Long Cheng found that he had no memory and could not remember it at all. It was most likely that he had picked up the scraps from Roma's dismantling of the light armor...

I casually inserted the chip into the external chip slot of the main console, and a warning message popped up in front of me: The chip is damaged and cannot be recognized!

It seems so.

Long Cheng ignored it and concentrated on operating the [Iron Plowing King].

Driving his beloved light armor, Dragon City is like a tireless iron bull, galloping across this fertile land.

The iron plow turned over the soil, like a heavy armor launching a fearless charge, with a terrifying roar. The agricultural nutrient solution sprayed out as it passed by at low altitude was like a dense tracer bullet, blocking the sky and the sun. The fragile saplings were in the huge

In the hands of the agricultural light armor, like a highly sensitive time bomb, every movement of Longcheng was extremely precise and careful.

The newly reclaimed land exudes the fragrance of earth, which is more refreshing than the smoke of the battlefield.

Immersed in his dream, Longcheng completely forgot himself, and all the discomfort on his body disappeared without a trace.

After finishing his work, Long Cheng skillfully checked whether the water tank was empty, the extent of damage to the iron plow, and the remaining energy status. He made sure that the energy furnace was turned off before jumping out of the cockpit.

It was in the evening, and the afterglow of the setting sun fell on the brand-new farmland. The saplings were arranged neatly, like soldiers waiting for inspection. The water droplets were covered with the young shoots, crystal clear, and dripped on the newly plowed soil. The slight wind pushed

The white clouds were blowing over the half-height grass on the farm, making a rustling sound.

Long Cheng pulled a piece of grass and held it in his mouth, feeling the greenness in his mouth and admiring the beautiful scenery in front of him. He felt extremely satisfied and happy.

You have to tell Jasmine to raise more cattle and sheep so that you will have meat to eat every day.

Sure enough, compared to the talent of becoming a master, the talent of my own farmers is obviously better.

Uncle Gen said sourly from the side: "The work in Xiaolongcheng is very good, almost the same as when I was young. I think back then, when I drove the [Iron Plow King], it was the most powerful force in all the villages and towns in Xinghai..."

Long Cheng, who was holding a grass stalk in his mouth, looked at Uncle Gen warily, not wanting to take back the throne of the [Iron Plowing King] from his own hands.

Suddenly, he yawned involuntarily and felt a little sleepy.

Jasmine's energetic voice sounded on the communication channel: "Teacher! Dinner is ready!"

Tonight's meal was much richer than usual. The table full of various dishes attracted everyone's attention, and the sound of swallowing saliva could be heard in the simple restaurant.

Zong Ya glanced at Mo Wenchuan with some dissatisfaction: "Why is this guy still here?"

If you have more mouths, wouldn’t you eat less?

Mo Wenchuan didn't expect that he was so unpopular, and felt a little embarrassed inside. However, since he was an old Jianghu, and he had a thick beard and dark skin, there was no clue.

Jasmine picked up the rice spoon and said casually: "Oh, he gave me money."

Zong Ya frowned in dissatisfaction and said: "It's amazing if you give me money? Can you eat if you give me money? He's not from our farm!"

"What you said makes sense!" Jasmine agreed, "But he gave too much."

Mo Wenchuan forced out a friendly smile. He has flown to many galaxies and dealt with various people. He is thick-skinned and flexible, and can always find a way. Although he doesn't know why this guy with bandages all over his body is full of hostility towards him.

, but he was at ease.

Zong Ya glared at Mo Wenchuan fiercely, then sat down with a cold snort in his hands.

Mo Wenchuan, who was observing secretly, took a bite absentmindedly, huh? His eyes widened slightly, this taste...

Mo Wenchuan believed in asceticism and was addicted to martial arts. He had always been very repulsive to pleasure, and he was not particular about his appetite. But at this moment, he couldn't help but pick up another piece of ribs and put it into his mouth.

Human! World! Beautiful! Taste!


Zongya was like a Shiba Inu guarding his food, staring at Mo Wenchuan with bared teeth, wishing he could snatch Mo Wenchuan's rice plate away.

No one paid attention to him, and everyone had a heated discussion while eating.

"Teacher, the way you collapse under high pressure is so cute. Just like a child, you even compete with Guoguo for apples, which makes Guoguo cry..."

"Oh, don't tell me, Acheng looks so cute! He is well-behaved and cute. If Acheng were a little girl, she would be much more lovable if she put on a skirt!"

"Haha, Xiao Longcheng is a girl, how can I teach him how to open light armor? How can he inherit the throne of [Iron Plowing King]?"

"Guanggun, who cares about your scrap metal?"

Grandma smiled and kept putting ribs into Long Cheng's bowl. Seeing Long Cheng's face immersed in eating, she felt most happy and relieved.

Acheng's health is better than anything else.

Mo Wenchuan has been secretly observing this group of people and finds it very interesting. It is said that they migrated from a very far away place and went to build a farm in a place where gangs are chaotic. It is strange for everyone.

At first, Mo Wenchuan thought they had other plans, but looking at the old, weak, sick and disabled people in front of him, it didn't seem like it.

Moreover, the composition of this group of people is also very strange. Most of them are farmers without fighting ability. Judging from the content of the low-pitched discussion between the middle-aged couple, they are either engineers or mechanics, and they should be of high level. There are also dads with children.

, a skilled cook.

There are only three people with fighting ability, Luo Suijia, Zong Ya and Long Pingguo.

Luo Chaijia gave him a strange feeling, very peaceful, indescribable peace, the kind of peace without a trace of ripples, just like the sage state after getting some kind of satisfaction.

Zong Ya was probably the strongest, and Mo Wenchuan felt in him a temperament similar to his own, that kind of unabashed aggression.

Dragon Apple has been yawning like a high school student in the first class in the morning.

This group of strange people is very harmonious, as if they are a family.

But Mo Wenchuan soon discovered that the key was that Dragon Apple, who kept yawning like a high school student, was the core of the entire team.

Everyone's talk basically revolves around Dragon Apple, and Acheng should be his nickname. The unruly Zongya will dodge his eyes a little when facing Dragon Apple. Although this is very small, he is still asked by Mo

Chuan keenly captured it.

Luo Caijiaping and Sage's gaze would cause slight ripples when they touched the dragon apple.

Not to mention the cook, who wanted to put her face to Dragon Apple's mouth.

What about dragon apples?

The sequelae of the collapse of the high-pressure support have not completely disappeared. His movements will be laggy, like a malfunctioning robot. However, it is remarkable that he can recover from the collapse of the high-pressure support. Mo Wenchuan is very curious, how does this guy do it?


Zong Ya gnawed the last bone without finishing it, put down his chopsticks, coughed slightly, and said proudly: "Dragon Apple, now that you have recovered, it's time for me to fulfill my promise."

Long Cheng shook his heavy eyelids and yawned again involuntarily, holding back the sleepiness that came over him: "What?"

Jasmine was a little worried. She had never seen a teacher look so sleepy. In her mind, the teacher was a robot that didn't need sleep.

Is it a sequelae of high-pressure support? Oops, why is it so cute?

"Teach you the [Beauty of the Moon]!"

Zong Ya's expression was solemn, his eyes were shining brightly, and he spoke loudly: "My sect has fought countless battles, big and small, and simplified the complex, creating the unparalleled secret skill [Moon Flower]! You saw it that day! I am not bragging.

Without awn or with awn, who can look directly at the beauty of the moonlight?"

"This unique skill of swordsmanship has been passed down from ancient times to the present. It would not be passed down to anyone but my disciples. However, my sect is very honest and upright. Unlike some people who like to use some underhanded methods, I will never teach it to you after I tell you."

Will hide half of my privacy..."

After saying that, he glanced at Roma contemptuously.

Rom returned a sage smile, he felt that his condition was getting better and better recently.

When Mo Wenchuan heard this, his mind was shaken. He created his own sword technique, and he could also use the non-glazed sword against the glazed sword. What kind of sword technique was this? He was called [Thunder Sword], and he was a master of swordsmanship. At this moment, he was like an old man.

The glutton smelled the aroma of meat and couldn't contain his excitement.

He is indeed a master!

Long Cheng felt that the noise in his head was getting heavier. He didn't know if it was because his eyes were drowsy, and his vision was a little blurry. Extremely strong sleepiness came over him, and now he longed for his own bed. He couldn't help but yawned again: "

I want to sleep."


Zong Ya thought his ears were wrong. I want to teach you peerless sword skills, but you said you want to sleep?

A rush of hot blood rushed to his forehead. Zong Ya felt humiliated like never before. His face turned red as if he was about to bleed. The veins on his neck burst out. He was furious: "Shi can be killed but not humiliated! Dragon Apple, don't say anything today."


Bang, Long Cheng fell down on the dining table.

Zongya's roar stopped suddenly, and everyone was startled. A few seconds later, Longcheng's snoring sounded like a bellows, rhythmically.

"Oh, the teacher is asleep? How cute! The teacher has been working very hard recently. I will definitely have a good dream tonight!"

"What a child. He falls asleep as soon as he says he's asleep, even faster than Guoguo."

"Hurry and move him to the bed before he catches a cold!"

"Yes, yes! Ouch, so heavy? Can't you see it? Xiaolongcheng looks thin and small, and is very heavy."

"You think all those ribs are in vain? How many pigs are you getting?"

Everyone carried Long Cheng out of the restaurant with all their hands and feet. In a blink of an eye, only Zong Ya with a stiff expression and Mo Wenchuan with a hot blood were left in the restaurant. It was very quiet.

Mo Wenchuan stood up slowly, his whole body full of fighting spirit: "I am [Thunder Sword] Mo Wenchuan, level 12, good at sword skills, self-created sword skill [Wind and Thunder Slash], I wonder if I can see your Excellency's [Moon Flower]"


Zong Ya's expression was very strange, and he said to himself: "You fell asleep now? You can't pretend, right? Damn it, he pretended!"

Mo Wenchuan was rarely ignored like this, and he was slightly angry in his heart. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Do you dare to fight?"

Zong Yaru woke up from a dream, looked up at Mo Wenchuan, frowned and said dissatisfied: "Why are you shouting so loudly? By the way, what did you just say?"

Before Mo Wenchuan could answer, Zong Ya said, "What did you call the knife?"

Mo Wenchuan: "Thunder Sword Mo Wenchuan!"

Zong Ya said "oh" again, nodded reservedly, and gave me a look that was either encouraging or perfunctory. I couldn't tell whether it was encouraging or perfunctory: "Good knife, good knife, young man... Well, people can't grow old at heart, so work hard."

After that, he turned and walked out of the restaurant, muttering to himself as he walked: "Want to sleep? That's a sign that the body needs to rest. Could it be that during this period of confrontation, I put too much pressure on Long Apple? This caused Long Apple to

Apple's physical fitness is close to the critical point? Hey, this is a good idea..."

Mo Wenchuan stood alone in the restaurant, looking like a sculpture under the light above his head.

This chapter has been completed!
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