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Section 43 Tiger Fights Rabbit

The spaceship in front stopped, and the light armors from the Guangjia Club shouted and surrounded it.

Cai Hongxing licked his lips: "Lao Lu, how are you doing there?"

Lao Lu's steady voice came from the communication channel: "Everything is in place."

Cai Hongxing breathed a sigh of relief, the most important step was completed. If you want to entangle the target, you must drive the opponent to the sky, and intercepting the bottom path is the most important step.

Although there were many people, Cai Hongxing did not dare to slack off. Longcheng used Yan Falcon to knock down Park Xuanhai in one blow. He saw it with his own eyes and asked himself whether he was his opponent. However, he was a veteran in fighting and knew how to judge the situation and use his own advantages.

"Everyone, cheer up! Dragon City will come out later. Remember, fight! Don't rush too close!"

"Our task is to entangle him, and the experts in the agency will handle the rest."

"If you are injured, withdraw from the battlefield by yourself. If the injury is not serious, go to the back by yourself, but remember, the radar power is set to the maximum! It will help locate the location of Dragon City."

Cai Hongxing was a little nervous, and so were the others. All the weapon systems of the light armor were activated and ready to fire at any time. The recent battles in Dragon City were stunning. The last time we were outnumbered, it was like chopping melons and vegetables.

There is a lot of pressure on such a master.

The door of the surrounded small spaceship opened with a crash.

Coming out?

Everyone's nerves suddenly became tense, and the muzzles of their guns and cannons were all aimed at the hatch. The moment any mech came out, they would encounter concentrated fire from all directions.

Suddenly, several black spots flew out of it.

That is……

Cai Hongxing's eyes twitched: "Be careful, dodge..."

Before he could finish the word "light bomb", his eyes turned white.

Brain control gives light armor a new life, with more powerful combat power, smoother and smoother movements, and the ability to control the mind like an arm. Along with this, the attacks suffered by the light armor will also be fed back to the human brain. Especially

Like flash bombs, the physiological stress response produced is amplified, and their effect is far more powerful than in the classical era.

In order to ensure the effect, Longcheng prepared as many as six flash bombs. The bright light produced by their simultaneous explosion was enough to cause temporary blindness even in broad daylight.

Almost everyone was hit, blinded by the flash bomb, and their tense nerves were instantly broken. In panic, everyone including Cai Hongxing's subconscious reaction was to open fire!

There was a lot of gunfire and cannon fire.

Various energy bombs and kinetic energy bombs pierced the sky, with shrill roars and dazzling light marks, and rushed towards the spacecraft like raindrops.

How could the poor small spacecraft withstand such a violent attack? It was torn to pieces in less than two seconds.


The small spacecraft exploded violently, turning into a ball of bright red flames. At the same time, countless silver metal powders, like a goddess scattering flowers, covered the entire area with the surging explosion airflow.

The intensive gunfire suddenly stopped.

Before Cai Hongxing's vision could be restored, the mech's main control optical brain reminded him: "The radar is interfered and cannot lock on to the target."

No, electromagnetic interference bomb!

This is...bait!

Cai Hongxing's face turned pale and his head was buzzing. He knew that this battle would be difficult. He thought of various preset plans, but he did not expect that the opponent would not play according to common sense at all.

The layout of Dragon City is fast and fierce.

Cai Hongxing was also a brave and ruthless person, but at this moment, there was actually a trace of fear in his heart.

Where is Dragon City?

At this moment, a phantom suddenly rushed out from the flames of the spacecraft. It was the weapon box of Dragon City. It dragged out a long tail of flames and black smoke, like a meteorite entering the atmosphere.

The strong protection allows the weapon box to remain unharmed in such a violent explosion.

After rushing out of the weapon box of the fire ball, the top plate suddenly flipped over, and a rapid-fire cannon was set up. The blue light of the barrel lit up, charging, and firing!

The special alloy warhead of the electromagnetic rail gun was instantly accelerated to an extremely terrifying speed and flew out of the gun barrel with the light of fire.

Bang bang bang!

The rapid-fire cannon spits tongues of fire, and at such a close distance, the red bullet chains are like the scythe of death, harvesting wildly. And the light armor, which is interfered by flash bombs and electromagnetic interference, is like fish on the chopping board.

Two hundred and forty rounds of artillery shells were fired by Long Cheng in one breath. Although it was usually painful to spend money on artillery shells, when Long Cheng entered combat mode, he seemed to be a completely different person, squandering ammunition wantonly and crazily.

Because Longcheng knows very well that only when you win can you have the right to worry about ammunition. If you lose, leaving more ammunition will be an advantage for the enemy.

The burst of the rapid-fire cannon was extremely sudden and violent, and the results were equally horrific. Three mechs were destroyed and five were seriously injured. The other mechs were all damaged to varying degrees, and many of them were accidentally injured by stray bullets from our own side.

Before the other light armors could react, the weapon box sank suddenly and roared towards the ground.

Behind a rock, the red falcon has set up its "Spring Bell" early and is ready to go.

Long Cheng quietly left the spaceship long ago, and Yan Falcon lurked along the bottom of the valley. The spaceship was his bait, and the weapon box left on the spacecraft was a thorn hidden inside the bait.

But he didn't expect that the effect of flash bombs combined with electromagnetic interference was so good, and the weapon box harvesting efficiency exceeded his expectations.

In the last training camp, those who made the same mistake were the first to die.

Dragon City used flash bombs to see if they could create opportunities for one or two sneak attacks. The electromagnetic interference was aimed at the opponent's radar, so that they could more easily escape from the battlefield and take the initiative.

These people are dumber than he thought.

After the ammunition for the rapid-fire cannon in the weapon box was exhausted, Longcheng's mind-controlled attention switched to [Spring Bell].

Three crisp gunshots rang out in the valley on the ground, three spring bells!

The heads of the three mechas farthest from Dragon City exploded almost simultaneously. He chose to take the lead in destroying the radar center of the other mechas.

What a gun!

Long Cheng couldn't help but secretly praise it. This was the best electromagnetic rail gun he had ever used. It was accurate, powerful and had an excellent shooting frequency.

He liked it very much.

Unfortunately, there was not much ammunition, and only three bullets were seized last time. He originally wanted to replenish some ammunition, but after checking the prices of these bullets, his desire disappeared immediately.

It's better to wait until we go back and ask Fermi who seized the spring bell from last time.

Yan Xuan put the spring bell back on his back, held the will-o'-the-wisp sword in his right hand, and hung "Daily Rejection" on his left arm, soaring into the sky.

At this time, the vision of the members of the Light Armor Club returned to normal. They reacted and switched to the optical mode one after another. The optical mode is not affected by electromagnetic interference.

When Lao Lu saw the surrounding situation clearly, he was shocked and angry. The mechs above were swept away. The remaining mechs were all like him, "buying lows" close to the ground.

Digging, a tactical term, refers to cutting off the connection between the target and the ground.

Lao Lu immediately realized that they were ambushed and Dragon City was below!

Damn it, a man from Longcheng actually dared to ambush them, and was succeeded by the other party. He was always calm and calm, but he felt the blood rushing to his forehead.

"Dragon City is down there, copy it!"

Fighting in close combat, encountering each other on a narrow road, the brave one wins!

Lao Lu's light armor threw away the electromagnetic gun in his hand, and with a laser sword in his hand, he rushed towards Yan Falcon.

Although the Yan Falcon in front of him was completely unrecognizable, Lao Lu didn't care at all at this moment, and his eyes were red. Lao Lu showed his determination to make a desperate move with the laser sword. The laser sword's cutting ability is extremely powerful, but its blocking ability is zero.

In his rage, Lao Lu still had a clear mind.

Cai Hongxing's light armor was seriously injured, and he had to re-boost his team's morale. Dragon City's series of vicious and violent attacks completely stunned them, and the team members fled without turning around, which was already quite difficult.

This can't go on like this!

Dragon City is just like a tiger. How can a tiger be kind to its prey?

As long as I can pester Longcheng for a few rounds...

With fighting spirit burning in Lao Lu's eyes, without any fear, he held a laser sword and rushed towards the Dragon City Yan Falcon.

The red swallow falcon magnified sharply in his field of vision, and the distance between the two parties quickly narrowed. Lao Lu took a deep breath and prepared for a fight to the death. At the worst, he would go to the hospital for a few weeks, who was afraid of whom?

At this moment, the sound of air flow suddenly sounded above his head.

"Watch your head!"

There were several exclamations in the team channel.

Is there a sneak attack overhead?

Lao Lu's light armor subconsciously raised the laser sword in his hand and swung it upwards.

Something was cut and it was very light.

The next moment, his vision was flooded by the red flames of the explosion, and Lao Lu's eyes suddenly widened. This was... a high-explosive bomb!

not good!

Diagonally above his head, the weapon box fired a high-explosive bomb at him. The high-explosive bomb could not cause damage to Lao Lu's light armor, but the flames that exploded interfered with his vision. In optical mode, he could not see anything.


Lao Lu tried to retreat, but Long Cheng reacted faster than him.

In the eyes of others, Dragon City is like a bolt of lightning, passing by the fireball.

The will-o'-the-wisp sword suddenly sank into the waist of the light armor, and a powerful impact poured into the sword body. The light armor was instantly cut off at the waist and split into two.

Lao Lu's light armor split into two sections, dragging flames and black smoke as it fell downwards.

The remaining team members were stunned, with a chill running from the soles of their feet to their foreheads. At this moment, all rewards and rewards were thrown out of the sky. Their minds went blank, and their fearful instincts took over. They turned around and ran away in unison.



They only hate that the light armor flies too slowly, and they want to stay away from this devil.

Several people have thought of quitting the club. Although quitting the club will be difficult, they feel a sense of relief when they think of not having to fight a terrifying guy like Long Cheng, as if a drowning person can breathe again.

They were both good fighters, but it was just a fight.

Longcheng just wants to kill them!

In the team channel, two students could not even control their crying. This was something that had never happened before. The others were not much better. Their faces were bloodless, their eyes were blank, and they were in despair. They allowed the light armor to turn on the automatic flight mode.

For a long time, today's fiasco will appear in their nightmares.

They didn't know that behind them, Yan Falcon stared at their departing figures for a long time.

Inside the light armor, Longcheng felt regretful and heartbroken. The light armor was basically intact.

When his eyes returned to the final battlefield, Yan Xuan picked up the will-o'-the-wisp sword and began to clean the battlefield.

Longcheng is determined to earn back its capital!

This chapter has been completed!
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