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Chapter 221 Why dont you hang out with me (please subscribe)

Facing a group of cave monsters of this size, Jiang Yi has no battlefield advantage at all even if she relies on territorial defense. This is a very severe challenge for her.

From the beginning of the crypt challenge, Jiang Yi has maintained an active killing state and eliminated many nearby crypt monsters. It is precisely because of this that the density of nearby monsters has not been high.

The maximum number of monster groups is one or two hundred, and the maximum number is tens or hundreds.

There are still seven to eight thousand lords in the area who can attract crypt monsters. As long as you clean up diligently on a daily basis, it stands to reason that there will not be an extremely dense group of monsters in the surrounding area.

But he didn't expect that such a large group of monsters would suddenly appear near the territory.

Her eyes subconsciously looked at Medina. With the help of his soldiers, these monsters could be eliminated safely...

Medina was still watching the show, looking at the approaching group of monsters one kilometer away, with an enigmatic smile on his face.

He seemed to have seen the scene where the monsters were swarming the area, and Jiang Yi was unable to resist, and could only beg to join his army to seek shelter, which made him feel an inexplicable pleasure.

Medina is an ambitious person, and he is also a very lucky person, otherwise he would not have established a [legion] in the first place and started to win over the surrounding lords.

As the leader of the legion, the bigger the legion is, the greater the benefits will be to him. When he accumulates enough strength, he can initiate group actions to occupy an entire village or conquer certain large ruins.

As the leader, he is also the most powerful person in the legion, and he can easily obtain the greatest benefits from this.

Controlling the natives and the soldiers he recruited no longer gave him much pleasure. Only by controlling other lords could he gain a sense of accomplishment. After all, the relationship between lords was theoretically on the same level, and only by controlling others could he gain a sense of accomplishment.

It is the true way of the king.

Jiang Yi grasped the long knife with both hands, and his palms were full of sweat. These cave monsters were attracted by Jiang Yi's territory. Their goal was clear, and it didn't take long to get close to a position several hundred meters away from the territory.

The arrow tower behind them began to attack, and black sharp arrows flew out one after another, hitting several cave monsters to a brief stop. Then these monsters were surrounded by other monsters behind them and continued to move forward.

Just like a few insignificant waves hit by the tide, there is no way to stop their progress.

Everyone could already hear the sound of the cave monsters scraping against the ground as they advanced.

Jiang Yi was also troubled in her heart. All the soldiers under her command gathered around her and stood ready. Everyone's expression was very serious. Looking at the dark cave monsters, they all felt a sense of pressure that a storm was coming.

"Haha, dear Jiang, why not..."

Medina spoke again, preparing to break through Jiang Yi's defense step by step.

He has regarded this stubborn oriental woman as his target of conquest.

It is rare to find female lords who are so adaptable and so diligent. Most female lords take a long time to adapt to this environment, let alone take the initiative like Jiang Yi.

"Eh? That's that?!"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Yi let out an exclamation.

Medina's words were stuck in his throat. He followed Jiang Yi's gaze. The next moment, his light blue eyes suddenly shrank, and a surprised expression appeared on his face that had always remained calm.

Not far behind the group of crypt monsters, a small group of black shadows appeared. This group of black shadows quickly approached the crypt monsters, and finally collided with each other, like a steel knife, ruthlessly killing the group of crypt monsters.

There was a gaping hole in the back.

This distance was enough for them to clearly see the dark figures that appeared later. They were a group of powerful warriors, obviously a lord force.

Four warriors holding spears and heavy shields were at the forefront. A night elf woman riding a black panther was constantly wandering and throwing three-edged moon blades that could be ejected. There was also a man wearing solid armor holding two.

The exaggerated sword slashed wildly at the crypt monsters.

Behind them, magic and arrows were flying, like raindrops, hitting the cave monsters. They were gorgeous and gorgeous. At the end of the team, there was a man holding a hunting crossbow and riding a giant wild boar with ferocious tusks. This was

A type of military that Medina has never seen before.

The entire team was simply a killing machine. While strangling the monsters quickly, they pushed forward quickly and tore a big hole into the group of crypt monsters.

This sudden scene outside the territory made Medina stunned and lost all grace. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the body on the horse unconsciously leaned forward, trying to make the picture seen with his eyes clearer.

This is a group of five to six hundred monsters. Even with his current configuration, he does not dare to attack them head-on. At most, he can rely on defense or roaming the terrain to kill them.

But the group of people in front of them are so brutal. There is no so-called detour at all. They are completely barbaric and rough and directly penetrate into the monster group. The killing speed is extremely fast. It is obvious that these warriors are not simple. They have obviously passed through

Upgrade, change clothes or other enhancements.

Jiang Yi was also stunned on the spot. Her eyes saw a familiar figure. After staring at it for a while, she finally confirmed that it was none other than Zong Shen!

Seeing Zong Shen, her expression turned out to be a little joyful. Compared to the gloomy Medina, she was still more inclined to cooperate with Zong Shen.

Medina is a smiling tiger. He had been in contact with Jiang Yi when the Crypt Challenge first appeared. At that time, not long after the official rules were adjusted, he couldn't wait to create a legion and upgrade the territory.

At level 3, this resulted in a lot of overlapping areas between his territory and Jiang Yi's territory.

After Jiang Yi rejected his invitation for the first time, inexplicable groups of cave monsters appeared every night in the past few days. They seemed to be deliberately attracted by others and were highly targeted.

That's why Jiang Yi is so tired, not only because of her "liver", but also because there is a dark hand who is always secretly attracting the cave monsters, increasing her pressure, and trying to kill her step by step.


It is not difficult to attract monsters with highly mobile units, because the movement speed of crypt monsters is generally not very fast, and the number of gargoyles that are the only ones in the air is not large. As long as you are careful, you can avoid attracting the attention of gargoyles.

Under such circumstances, the crypt monsters will be attracted.

Every time when pressure suddenly appeared, Medina would always appear near the territory with his men, lobbying and watching the show, trying to break through Jiang Yi's defenses, a typical old Yin ratio, a shrimp and a pig's heart.

Jiang Yi, a lonely girl, was under great pressure to deal with a smiling tiger with both strength and conspiracy like Medina. At this time, she was relieved to see Zong Shen.

Although Zong Shen is a bit domineering, he is still a good person. He is not merciless when it comes to taking things he should take, and he is not greedy when taking things he shouldn't. In comparison, he feels very safe.

She quickly raised her long knife and shouted into the distance.

"Lord of the clan!"

"I'll pick you up!"

"All soldiers, follow me to launch an assault!"

Jiang Yi raised her arms and took the lead to rush out. The soldiers behind her also rushed out after her.

Facing the direction of Zong Shen's attack, they launched a coordinated attack and fiercely charged into the monster group.

With Zong Shen pushing forward from behind to suppress the formation, Jiang Yi was very confident and suddenly had the momentum to move forward. The two sides began to merge quickly and at the same time tore the entire monster group into two parts.

Zong Shen was holding two big swords, which were unbelievably powerful. With his super high attributes, he was almost like a wolf among sheep. He also saw Jiang Yi and waved to her with a smile on his face.

Two minutes later, the two sides had defeated the entire monster group and achieved a rendezvous.

The two teams joined forces and returned towards the territory.

Finally, Jiang Yi and Zong Shen walked into the territory, leaving the soldiers to form a formation outside the defense built by Juma to strangle the crypt monsters.

Jiang Yi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lord Zong, thank you for coming!"

"Otherwise I'd be in for a tough fight."

Jiang Yi said with some excitement.

Seeing her tired expression, Zong Shen scratched his head and asked with some confusion.

"You look like you haven't rested for several days."

"You are working too hard, and I don't think you are lazy. Why is there suddenly a group of cave monsters of this size nearby? It doesn't feel right."

As Zong Shen spoke, he turned to look at Medina, who was standing behind the territory and eating melon.

Medina also glanced at Zong Shen, and for a moment, the smell of gunpowder filled the air.

Both of them dislike each other at the same time. This is an inexplicable rejection intuition that cannot be faked.

He turned back to look at Jiang Yi again.

"Is this big golden retriever your friend?"

"You're all here in the territory, why don't you help?

Zong Shen said bluntly that he had already seen the evil intentions of this guy.

"Lord of the clan, this is the lord who I told you established and prepared the [Legion]."

"His territory is in the south, and he has already recruited five or six members."

Jiang Yi looked at Medina, then stood beside Zong Shen and introduced her seriously like a little secretary.

Then she introduced Zong Shen to Medina.

"Sir Medina, this is the strong man in our area that I told you, Lord Zong."

Upon hearing this, Medina narrowed his eyes slightly, his face changed and a smile appeared, he got off the prairie horse, came to Zong Shen and stretched out his right hand.

"Hello, Master Zong."

"My name is Medina, and I am the commander of the [Light Chaser Legion]."

"Nice to meet you."

Zong Shen looked at his outstretched palm, then looked at him, smiled, stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and at the same time looked at the soldiers behind him.

What Zong Shen said the next moment made Medina stop laughing.


"I'm also planning to form a legion."

"You seem to have some experience, why not hang out with me."

This chapter has been completed!
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