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Chapter 134 Xiaoqi marches north, Habayashi goes to the border

Three days later, after General Qin Lang and Superintendent of the Feather Forest Xia Houxuan swore an oath and worshiped the flag at the Xuanwu Field in the northern suburbs of Luoyang, they led the 8,000 elite soldiers of the Imperial Army's Xiaoqi Battalion and 500 royal feather groves towards the northern border of Bingzhou.

"Marquis Changling, is this your first time leading an army on an expedition?"

Qin Lang, wearing a pair of gorgeous fish scale armor and a purple cloak, riding a jade horse with a slow bridle, asked Xia Houxuan with a smile.

When Xia Houxuan saw Qin Lang's gentle smile, his nervousness instantly relaxed a lot, and he nodded.

Qin Lang smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Marquis Changling. After this battle, you will be considered to have achieved military success!"

Xia Houxuan nodded again and said with a smile:

"Okay! If we win a big victory then, Xuanding and General Qiaoqi will get drunk!"


Speaking of Qin Lang, the heroic cavalry general, he was also the adopted son of Emperor Wu Cao Cao.

Qin Lang, whose nickname is Yuan Ming and whose nickname is Asu, was originally the son of Qin Yilu, a subordinate of Lu Bu, a great warlord in the former dynasty. After Qin Yilu's death, his mother, Mrs. Du, remarried Emperor Wu, so Qin Lang became Emperor Wu's adopted son.

He was deeply loved by Emperor Wu.

Speaking of Emperor Wu's three adopted sons, they all had different personalities.

The prince-in-law, He Yan and Uncle He Ping, were wild-tempered, talented, and sharp-edged. When they were young, they disobeyed the crown prince's clothes and therefore had an enmity with Emperor Wen Cao Pi who was still in the East Palace. This is why he has nothing to do until now.

Serious and practical reasons.

The late Grand Sima, Shaoling Yuanhou, Cao Zhen, and Cao Zidan were men of strong character, wisdom and courage. Even so, although he had meritorious service, he was not proud, and he was also very kind to his soldiers.

, he was loyal to the country throughout his life until his death.

Although Qin Lang, Qin Yuanming, and Qin Yuanming, the valiant cavalry generals, were highly valued by the three kings of the Wei Kingdom: Emperor Wu, Emperor Wen, and the present His Majesty, and he was considered quite talented, his temperament had always been quite gentle and low-key, without any trace of He Yan.

Such a sharp edge.

It is precisely because of this that he has won the trust and respect of His Majesty today.

In the first year of Taihe, when Your Majesty just came to the throne, Qin Lang was promoted to the general in charge of the Xiaoqi Battalion, one of the five battalions of the Forbidden Army.

The power to accompany the emperor and participate in major political planning.

However, when Qin Lang was in his position, he did not seek power at all, did not form cliques and friends, and often followed the emperor's wishes without disobeying the emperor's wishes at all, so he was very favored by the emperor.

People also bribed Qin Lang more because he was the emperor's favorite. Although Qin Lang was not a party man, he did not refuse money, so he became very rich. People in Luoyang's market often commented privately on various influential figures in Luoyang.

Qin Lang, the Cavalry General, everyone generally has the same idea, that is, General Qin is very rich.

Although he was not awarded a title, due to bribes from people in Luoyang, the wealth in his mansion was compared to that of the serious Marquises of Shiyi, such as Changling Marquis Xia Houxuan, Changping Marquis Cao Zhao, Shaoling Marquis Cao Shuang, and Dingling Marquis Zhong Yu.

, and much higher.

Not only that, the emperor also built a large mansion for Qin Lang in the most prosperous area of ​​Luoyang, which was enough to envy others.

However, although Qin Lang was rich, he did not squander the money at will. Instead, he used his assets to improve the weapons for the soldiers of the Xiaoqi Battalion under his account. Because of this, Qin Lang's Xiaoqi Battalion was among the five camps of the Forbidden Army, compared with the Nawuwei Camp.

, the backbone camp, the middle base camp, and the guerrilla camp are the four battalions that have more appearance.

The nearly 10,000 troops of Xiaoqi Camp and Yulin Camp crossed the river from the north and marched northwest along the Taihang Valley Road.

After the troops arrived at Shangdang County, Hebei Province, Qin Lang and Xia Houxuan led their troops to take a short rest in a nearby marching camp. After replenishing military supplies and food, they began to move north again.

The five hundred high-spirited Yu Lin, as the vanguard of the army, took the lead in exploring the road along the way. When Xia Houxuan was young, his family's residence was located in Yedu, Jizhou. Later, after Emperor Wen accepted the abdication of the Han Dynasty, his father moved the residence to Luoyang

, Therefore, except for the time during the early Huang Dynasty, when he came to the northern border to offer advice on the order of the king of Pingyuan who was the supervisor of the country at that time, that is, his current majesty, this is the second time he came to the northern border of Bingzhou.

Along the way, up and down the Taihang Mountains, there were herds of cattle and sheep; and in the valleys between the mountains, wheat, beans and other green crops were planted.

Since the imperial court at the end of the Han Dynasty allowed the Huns and Xianbei people from the north to move inward, Bingzhou and Jizhou in the north have become the scene of intertwined farming and pastoralism as they are today. After the various ethnic groups in the north moved inward, in the past few decades, it has

They have always lived in harmony with the people of Middle-earth. Now, everyone is as close as one family, and there is no distinction between them.

Since Emperor Wu Cao Cao unified the north, he could not completely trust the Xiongnu in Bingzhou, so Emperor Wu divided the foreign people in Bingzhou into five tribes, appointed nobles from each tribe as commanders of each tribe, and also selected Han Chinese from the Central Plains

As a Sima, I come to supervise all clans.

The various tribes were not subordinate to each other but were divided and ruled. It was also through this method that the Wei Dynasty controlled the chanyus of various ethnic groups under the jurisdiction of the court.

For example, the five tribes of the Southern Xiongnu are all scattered around Jinyang County, which is governed by Bingzhou Prefecture:

More than 10,000 people in the left part live in Zishi; more than 6,000 people in the right part live in Qixian County; more than 3,000 people in the south live in Puzi; more than 4,000 people in the north live in Xinxing; more than 6,000 people in the middle part live in Daling.

As a result, the Huns' original herding life gradually turned to the farming life in the Central Plains.

At the same time, the Wuhuan, Xianbei, Jie, Di, Qiang and other nomadic peoples who had previously had close relations with the Xiongnu also moved in large numbers to the Fen River Basin, and the Taihang Mountains were also full of Zahu.

Therefore, Jinyang in Bingzhou, north of the river, became the place where the Hu people were most concentrated in the Cao Wei agricultural area.

The army marched all the way north from Shangdang for more than half a month, and finally arrived at Jinyang, the first county of Bingzhou, the prefecture's capital.

When Bi Gui, the governor of Bingzhou, heard that the reinforcements sent by the emperor of the capital had arrived, he immediately led the officials and generals of the state to the outskirts of the city to greet them.

"The two generals have been working hard all the way. I have prepared a banquet for the two generals. I have also invited the two generals to take a bath and change clothes in the post house before coming to the banquet."

Bi Gui looked at the Imperial Imperial Guards who came from thousands of miles away in the south, with dazzling armor and majestic weapons. They bowed and saluted from a distance and greeted them loudly.

"Bi Shijun is so polite."

Qin Lang, the general of cavalry, returned the salute from a distance on his horse, handed the weapons in his hands to the soldiers in front of the horse, turned over the armor and skirts on his legs, made a clang, turned around and dismounted, and at the same time waved his hand to order the entire army to dismount and enter the city.

The troops of Xiaoqi Camp and Yulin Camp were stationed in the camp prepared by Bi Gui in advance. Generals Qin Lang and Xiahou Xuanzhong, led by Bi Gui, the governor, came to Jinyang Mansion. After drinking and eating, Qin Lang thought

We need to learn about the war situation in the north as soon as possible.

After Bi Gui understood the situation, he ordered people to evacuate the banquet and brought the terrain defense map of the northern border of Bingzhou.

"General, please look at this. This is the defense plan for the northern part of Bingzhou."

Bi Gui stood up as he spoke, pointed at the map and began to tell the generals at the table about the recent battle situation:

"I feel ashamed to say that a few months ago, I sent generals Su Shang and Dong Bi to the north in an attempt to defeat the Xianbei troops in one fell swoop. However, unexpectedly, I was ambushed by Ke Bineng and Bu Dugen in the Loufan area.

, the troops were lost and the generals were lost, so during these days, I have withdrawn my troops and returned to the defense, just waiting for the generals to come, so as to avenge our army's previous humiliation."

"As for the Xianbei leader Ke Bineng, please tell me in detail about his habits and the strength of the enemy and our troops."

Qin Lang asked while looking at the topographic map of the North attentively.

Although Xia Houxuan had studied military books with his father and uncle since he was a child and had gone to the battlefield, he had never led an army in actual combat. This time, he did not know much about the situation in Bingzhou, so he did not say anything, but just observed carefully.

The terrain of the northern border was explained by Bi Gui about the course of the previous battle.

"Report to General Qin."

Bi Gui pointed at the map and said:

"Na Kebineng is an outstanding leader of Xianbei. He is brave in battle. It is said that he has always enforced the law fairly and is not greedy for money. That's why he was elected as a tribal leader by the Xianbei people. The tribe to which Kebineng belongs is close to me in Bingzhou Zhongtu, so he

He also vigorously promoted restructuring, so his tribe, culture and customs are quite similar to our Han people.

The tribesmen under his command obeyed the law in battle, and their combat power must not be underestimated. Ever since Emperor Taizu Wu's Northern Expedition, Kebineng has been paying tribute to our court year after year to show his loyalty. Marquis Changling knows that, until Wen

When he was the emperor, Ke Bineng was also granted the title of King Fuyi.

However, later, due to Wei's interference in his ambition to unify various ministries, he once again had second thoughts about Wei.

Among the Xianbei clan, the Kebineng tribe is the most powerful, with a total of more than 100,000 riders under its command. Because every time it plunders property from the northern border of the Wei Dynasty, it is open and transparent and distributes it equally, so it is also deeply favored by its tribe.

The soldiers were extremely capable of killing each other, and all the leaders in the army were in awe of him.

This time, Na Kebi's troops that can invade our Bingzhou are about 10,000 Mobei cavalry, and they are currently stationed at the border between Mobei and our Bingzhou. This is exactly the situation in the north."

"According to what Bi Shijun said, this Ke Bineng is really not to be underestimated." Qin Lang couldn't help but frowned after hearing what Bi Gui said: "Then, how many soldiers are there in Bi Fujun's account who can fight?


"Reporting to General Qin, I have more than 20,000 infantry troops and more than 2,000 cavalry troops that can be mobilized by the state army."

"More than 20,000, plus the 8,000 Imperial Guards of the Valiant Cavalry led by me, and the 500 Yu Lin Lang led by the Marquis of Changling, it is enough."

Qin Lang smiled confidently, raised the wine bottle and said:

"Tomorrow I will lead the troops north with the Marquis of Changling to compete with Kebi Neng. I will rely entirely on Bi Shijun for the transportation of food and supplies in the rear. Come, let us drink from this cup!"

"Okay, do it!"

As they spoke, everyone raised their wine bottles and drank them all in one gulp.

This chapter has been completed!
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