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Chapter 136 Long Drive to the Northern Territory, Zuo Ling Xianbei [1]

"All the officers and soldiers of the Xiaoqi Camp and the Bingzhou Army are listening to the order. The enemy has arrived. All the cavalry are listening to the order and prepare to mount their horses. When the enemy is eighty steps away from our army, start charging!"

The fish-scale armor on Qin Lang's body made a clanging sound. He stretched out his arms and waved the flag. Thousands of cavalrymen in the Xiaoqi camp and more than ten thousand cavalrymen in the Bingzhou camp immediately put one foot in the stirrup [Note 1], ready at any time.

Mount your horse and charge.

[Note 1: The Langya Wang Tombs of the Eastern Jin Dynasty were excavated in Xiangshan, Nanjing. A pottery horse with double stirrups was unearthed in Tomb No. 7. The tomb was dated to the first year of Yongchang in the Eastern Jin Dynasty or later. A bronze horse stirrup from the Three Kingdoms period was unearthed in Chibi Wulin.

And an inkstone with "Eight Years of Jian'an" printed on it. It can be seen that stirrups already appeared during the Three Kingdoms period.]

Since ancient times, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, before the Qin and Han dynasties, when cavalry fought, in order not to become a target for enemy archers, they would generally not ride directly on the horse before charging, but would stand under the horse and wait for orders. Once the general

After giving the order, all the cavalry will mount their horses quickly and sweep towards the enemy like a strong wind. This has the advantage of hiding the position of the cavalry in the formation, preventing the enemy from being prepared in advance, thus achieving surprise.

, the effect of catching someone off guard.

"All crossbowmen listen to the order. When the enemy is 200 steps away from our army, start firing arrows. When the enemy is 80 steps away from our army, stop firing arrows and charge with the cavalry together with the infantry!"

"Yes!" Thousands of crossbowmen in the whole camp shouted loudly, and there was only a "cluck" sound of crossbow wood, and everyone was ready to draw their bows and set arrows.

"The entire infantry battalion obeys the order and uses thick shields to cover the cavalry and crossbowmen. When the enemy is fifty steps away from our army, they draw their swords and charge with the cavalry!"

"Follow the general's order!" The more than 10,000 Wei infantrymen did not pull out the Huanshou sword from their waists for the time being, but raised their shields and oars in their hands and formed a shield wall in front of the formation.

The wind, sand and smoke carried by the Wolf Smoke Cavalry in the distance became more and more violent. The oncoming wind and sand made people unable to open their eyes. Qin Lang understood that the wind direction was quite unfavorable to him at this time. He only had a head-on collision with the enemy.

Afraid of suffering a loss.

"General Qi."

At this time, Xia Houxuan mobilized the white bird to come forward, came to Qin Lang's side and said:

"At this moment, the weather is not conducive to our army. It is best to send a surprise force to the enemy's rear in a roundabout way, so that the advantage of the wind direction is not only occupied by the enemy. When the time comes, our army will attack from both sides, and the north and south will respond. The enemy will definitely be in chaos. This way

Once you come, you will have a greater chance of winning!"

"General Xiahou's words are reasonable, but..."

Qin Lang was a little hesitant at the moment. He thought that if too many people were sent to take a detour, the target would be too big and easily intercepted and strangled by the enemy. However, if too few people were sent, they might be lost in the wind and sand.

Identify the direction, and who is willing to take such a big risk at this moment?

"General, the enemy is approaching. Don't hesitate. Xuan Yuan will lead 500 Yulin and 200 Xuanjia guards to take a detour to flank the Xianbei cavalry!"

Seeing that Qin Lang was still hesitating, Xia Houxuan felt anxious, so he continued to urge:

"General, this opportunity cannot be missed. Fighting opportunities are fleeting. Give the order quickly!"

Qin Lang, who has never been one to drag his feet, was in a state of confusion at this moment. He did not know the young Changling Marquis Xia Houxuan very well. He only knew that he was a hero, a well-known family, and had always been quite famous.

He is a talented person, but leading troops to fight is no child's play. Not to mention that Xia Houxuan is young and has no experience in leading troops in battle. The other party is a hero of the emperor's family and a favorite of His Majesty.

Xia Houxuan accidentally died in battle, how could I explain to His Majesty?

"General, the enemy is coming soon, don't miss this opportunity!"

Seeing that Qin Lang was still hesitant, Xia Houxuan turned around and shouted loudly for fear of missing the opportunity:

"Yulin Camp, where is the Xuanjia Guard?"

"Here! Here! Here!" The five hundred Yulin Army and the two hundred Xuanjia Guards came to the northern border this time. They were all full of enthusiasm and wanted to make achievements and impress others. At this moment, they saw the general Chang Chang.

Ling Hou Xia Houxuan gave the order. Everyone was gearing up, their hearts were surging, and even their voices were full of energy.

Qin Lang couldn't help but be surprised when he saw that these five hundred feathers and two hundred black armors were so small in number but had such impressive courage. Just as he was stunned, the five hundred feathers roared and followed Xia Hou

Xuan rushed into the chaotic wind and sand.

Qin Lang frowned helplessly and shook his head. He thought to himself, he just hoped that the boy would be lucky and that nothing would happen to him.

"Reporting to General, the enemy has already reached our army by 200 steps!"

The messenger's face was full of dust.

Qin Lang's originally gentle and worried face was instantly filled with murderous intent:

"Crossbowmen obey orders!"


"Fire the arrow!"


As soon as the sound of the bowstring was heard, a shower of arrows, like a thick rain, flew towards the Xianbei Monan Iron Cavalry to the north in an instant!

Just as the Xianbei leader Kebineng and his cavalry were rushing towards the Wei army in the wind and sand, a rain of arrows like locusts and hail came unexpectedly against the wind.

Kebi Neng, the Xianbei leader with a beard and a fierce voice, looked at the knight beside him who kept screaming and falling, and became furious.

"Archer, shoot!"

Upon hearing Kebineng's order, a burst of arrows shot from a powerful Xianbei horn bow rained down on the Wei army's camp.

Since ancient times, there have been many good bows in the north of the Yan-Zhao Great Wall, especially for the ethnic groups in the north such as the Xiongnu and Xianbei who lived on horseback. Since they often rode and hunted, the bows and arrows they used were made of tougher and stronger materials. Since ancient times, the production of bows and arrows requires "six

"Material" - dry, angle, tendon, glue, silk, paint. [Note 2]

[Note 2: The compound bow is also called the sinew and horn compound bow. As the name states, it uses the sinews and horns of animals as materials. "Kaogong Ji" records: "If it is a stem, it is thought to be far away; if it is a horn, it is far away."

It is thought to be diseased; the tendons are thought to be deep; the glue is thought to be harmonious; the silk is thought to be solid; the lacquer is thought to be exposed to frost and dew.

Materials: stems, horns, tendons, glue, silk, lacquer, and their functions. Therefore, "Kao Gong Ji Gong Ren" says: "The six materials must be taken at the right time." Zheng Xuan noted: "Take the stems for winter and the horns for winter.

Autumn comes, silk lacquer comes to summer. Tendon and glue are unheard of." The traditional sinew-angle composite bow is also very particular in its production, and is meticulous. The production time of a traditional sinew-angle bow is usually one to three years, and it takes one to three years to make a good one.

Bows are extremely difficult, and making them rigorously has become the first criterion for bow craftsmen.]

Among them, "stem" is the main stem of a bow, which is extremely important.

The selection of materials for this "stem" is also based on local conditions. Where bamboo is produced, bamboo is used as the "stem", and where wood is produced, wood is used as the "stem". Due to the lack of "corner" materials in the Central Plains, they are generally omitted.

The strength of the bow is naturally greatly reduced, and the nomadic people who make a living by raising cattle, horses, and sheep on the grassland use tendons and horns most conveniently, so they all use short and powerful horn bows.

The livestock raised by the northern peoples often make the best use of the animals. In addition to eating their meat, drinking their milk, and wearing their hair, they also make full use of their sinews, horns, and skins to make armor and fighting tools.

In ancient times, the horn bow in the Central Plains was developed through continuous fighting and ethnic exchanges with the northern nomads since the Qin Dynasty.

Since fighting on horseback makes it impossible to use large and long bows and arrows, the bows and arrows used by the northern peoples are generally shorter, but absolutely powerful.

However, Qin Lang had already ordered his shield bearers to strictly defend themselves in advance, so although the bows and arrows fired by Kebi Neng's cavalry archers were powerful, their hit rate was extremely low.

On the contrary, these Monan cavalry were on horseback at the moment, their targets were larger, and they were not protected by thick cowhide shields, so their losses were even more severe than those of the Wei army.

However, no matter how good the archery skills of the Wei army's crossbowmen were, they could not kill more people with their bows and arrows.

After all, the cavalry was a cavalry. Not only was it good at riding and shooting, it fought fiercely, but it was also good at speed. After the Wei army fired three rounds of bows and arrows, the Monan cavalry had already rushed to the Wei army's position.

"General, the enemy is already a hundred steps away from our army!"

"The whole army listens to the order!" Qin Lang estimated that the enemy army was within eighty steps, then he split the order flag and loudly ordered: "Cavalry battalion, charge!"

"Get the order!" After receiving the order, several lieutenants and corps commanders of the cavalry battalion shouted and led their respective cavalry troops against the wind towards the Kebineng Department.

The wind and sand mixed with the dust kicked up by the horses' hooves almost completely covered up the sound of the men and horses in the formation of the two armies.

"Infantry battalion, the crossbowmen listen to the order, draw their swords, and charge!"


After hearing Qin Lang's order and waving his flag, nearly 20,000 Wei infantry followed the cavalry and rushed forward.

The wind is strong and the sand is tight.

The forwards of the two armies collided together, both trying to tear the enemy's forward formation into pieces and then kill the entire army.

On the battlefield, you can hardly see the flying flesh and blood, and you can't hear the roar of life-and-death struggle, because all the blood and shouts seem to have been drowned by the strong wind and yellow sand in the sky!


Xia Houxuan was leading the 500 Yulin Army and 200 Xuanjia Guards at this moment. He was covering his mouth and nose with a mask and was walking against the wind.

Even in the face of this unprecedented adversity, the fearless fighting spirit of these seven hundred warriors has not been destroyed. They have long been fed up with the feeling of being despised and even ignored.

As a human being, who doesn’t desire respect from others?

As a warrior of the Wei Dynasty, who doesn’t want to make achievements, gallop on the battlefield, and defend the country?

Even though the person leading them at this moment was only a disciple of Guijie who was only in his twenties, they did not have the slightest doubt about Xia Houxuan.

At this moment, they firmly believe that as long as they break through the difficulties in front of them and complete this task, they can avenge their shame and be admired by others. Only by moving forward can they be worthy of being called warriors of the Wei Dynasty!

"Brothers!" Xia Houxuan reined in his horse and stared at the northwest sky: "Did you see it? To the northwest is the wolf flag of the Xianbei tribe, charge!"

"Charge!" After the Five Hundred Yulin saw the flag fluttering in the wind and sand, their morale was greatly boosted. They followed Xia Houxuan's big banner and rushed into the dust in the direction of the Xianbei wolf flag.



"General Qi, our forward cavalry is in a stalemate with the enemy and seems to be entangled by them!"

Qin Lang couldn't help frowning when he heard this. He must know that the current weather is very unfavorable to his side. The enemy is coming with the wind and the offensive is fierce. If he cannot win the battle quickly, the battle situation will definitely get worse and worse. Even if he wants to

It's very difficult to escape unscathed.

"The deputy general of the Xiaoqi Battalion obeys the order!"

"The end is here!"

"The wind and sand are too strong at the moment. I order you to lead a thousand knights and light cavalry to join Xia Houxuan and make a detour to the enemy's rear together!"

"No!" After hearing the order, the deputy general of the Xiaoqi camp led more than a thousand Qingqi from the Xiaoqi camp and ran towards the wind and sand ahead.

"Soldiers, hold on!" Qin Lang said, pulling out the saber from his waist and leading the soldiers behind him towards the main force of the Xianbei cavalry in front.

"Brothers, look, General Qin is here, General Qin is here in person, everyone, keep charging and kill!"

The soldiers of the Wei army who were fighting against the main force of Xianbei in the dusty headwind of the sky, when they saw Qin Lang rushing into the formation, their military morale was immediately boosted, and they all waved their swords to kill the enemy.

Although the cavalry were extremely brave, they did not get any advantage at the moment when faced with the Wei army, which was already very powerful and started to fight tooth and nail.


Amidst the wind and sand, Xia Houxuan and the seven hundred cavalry warriors continued to move forward.

"General, look, that's the Xianbei Wolf Flag!"

Xia Houxuan looked in the direction pointed by the hundred-man general. Sure enough, in the yellow sand in front of him, there was a rolling military flag embroidered with a black wolf pattern.

"Brothers, listen to my order. The entire army will turn around and stand with the wind!"

Xia Houxuan, the 500 Yulin Camp soldiers, and the 200 Changling Houfu Xuanjia guards looked at the Xianbei cavalry shouting and charging under the wolf-headed military flag with their backs to themselves. They were all very excited.

"Brothers, rush!"

Xia Houxuan shouted and took the lead in urging his horse to charge towards the unsuspecting Xianbei cavalry in the south with his sword. Behind him, the Yulin and Xuanjia guards saw this and rushed forward one after another. Compared with the previous pain of walking against the wind,

, at this moment, the horses under their legs were taking advantage of the wind, as comfortable and fast as flying among thousands of miles of yellow sand.

While the Xianbei cavalry, led by Ke Bineng, were concentrating on fighting the main cavalry of the Wei army in front of them, a commotion suddenly came from behind their own camp.

This chapter has been completed!
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