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Chapter Fourteen: Father and Son Reunite, Monarch and Minister Divorce

"It turns out that Grandpa Yu Jin met the late king like this." Xia Houxuan thought thoughtfully.

Yu Jin continued to talk, and there seemed to be two more tears on the old man's furrowed face.


In the eleventh year of Jian'an in the Han Dynasty, sixteen years ago. Yedu.

"Marquis Yishou Ting, the partial general received the order from the ban. Our king has an edict, and Chang Xi, the prefect of the East China Sea, rebelled. He ordered him to rush to the East China Sea within the ban month to regain the lost territory."

[Note 1: "Three Kingdoms Wei Shu 17": "Chang Xi rebelled again and sent Ban to conquer...Jin said: 'Although Xi is an old friend, Ban has lost his integrity!' Zi Lin and Xi fought, and died.

Weep and behead him..."]

The words of the king's envoy were like a sharp sword, piercing Yu Jin's heart.

He understood that the eldest brother Chang Xi's loyalty had always been to the so-called Han Dynasty, not to the lord. Now that the lord had shown extraordinary ambitions, the eldest brother would naturally choose his own path.

I couldn't sleep all night, but the result was still suffocating and hopeless.

How he hoped that this was all just a nightmare.

Xuzhou, Donghai County, below the county city, in front of the two armies.

In the past, we were young and energetic, and we traveled together in the world; now it is life and death, fighting for our lives in front of the battle.

"Brother Chang, why..."

"There is no reason, just like when you and I left the original military camp and went to the great Han Dynasty Yanzhou Mu Cao Mengde. Now, I just choose to leave the Wei King Cao Cao, that's all." Chang Xi replied softly.

"The Han Dynasty has long existed in name only. Whether it is Yanzhou Mu, Sikong, the Prime Minister, or the King of Wei, as long as the king can unify the world and restore peace, what is the difference between reviving the Han Dynasty..." Yu Jin is still trying.

He tried to convince the other party, but was interrupted by Chang Xi.

"Now that the man has made his decision, there is no need to say more. You and I, brothers, have finished our destiny today, so let's take action!"

"Brother Chang..." Yu Jin's eyes, which had turned scarlet, couldn't hold back the tears like a river bursting from its banks. He tremblingly pulled out the saber from his waist.

"To eliminate thieves for the country, kill them!"

It turns out that the feeling of blood and tears blending together is so hot...


"When I swung that sword, I understood that I had failed Brother Chang in this life..." Old Yu Jin burst into tears and sighed as he looked at Hanjiang.

Although Yu Jin did not say it explicitly, Xia Houxuan probably knew that the orphaned baby that Yu Jin and Chang Xi rescued together was most likely his master, Yu Gui.


Jiangling City, which has entered autumn, is still prosperous and lively.

Under the treatment of a famous doctor from Wu who was appointed by Lu Yi, Yu Gui has recovered most of the poison from his body. At this moment, he is staying in an inn accompanied by Cao Xi, quietly recovering from his injuries.

The gray-haired Yu Jin walked slowly on the street, looking at the children on the street corner waiting for their father to come home, and his eyes became wet.

Finally arriving at the small inn where Yu Gui and Cao Xi stayed, Xia Houxuan cheered, handed the little white horse to the inn's groom, and ran in. Yu Jin suddenly felt a little dazed. Since he was captured, in the past three years, he

I no longer exchange letters with Gui'er. I wonder if Gui'er...is okay...

"Father..." After learning that his father Yu Jin was outside the house, Yu Gui rushed out of the inn and suddenly stopped. He looked at his haggard father in front of him, and his heart was full of sorrow. He was not as old as his sixtieth birthday.

, actually already has a head full of white hair...

"Gui'er..." Yu Jin felt that there were thousands of words stuck in his throat, but he didn't know where to start. Looking at his calm and handsome son, he felt extremely happy. The old man had mixed feelings for a while.

He was actually in tears.

Yu Gui stepped forward and hugged his father, as if he were a child waiting for his father on the street corner: "Father, you...have suffered..."

"Gui'er has grown up and will no longer have to worry about being a father..."

"Father, let me take you in." Yu Gui said, then helped the old man and walked towards the door of the inn.

In the guest room, Xia Houxuan and Cao Xi were happily playing with little 'Amo'. 'Amo' bit Cao Xi's finger gently, but did not use any force. Looking at its face, it turned out that

As if with a smile.

"Be careful it bites you."

"Will not."

Yu Gui and his father were chatting about what happened in Luoyang and Wudi in the past few years. Suddenly he seemed to remember something, grabbed Yu Jin's hand and asked: "Father, regarding what happened after your defeat three years ago, I want to

Know a little more."

"Three years ago..." Yu Jin's eyes were full of fear. It was a late autumn that was unbearable to look back on...

"Three years ago, Guan Yunchang's northern expedition to Xiangyang shocked China. The late king sent me, leading seven elite northern armies, to help Cao Ren and defend Xiangfan."


In the autumn of the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an in the Han Dynasty, there was a continuous rain on the plains of Jianghuai, Jingxiang.

An elite army of more than 30,000 people from Wei State was marching southward in the rain.

This is exactly the seven armies commanded by Yu Jin.

"General, the road is muddy and it's getting dark soon. I'm afraid it will be difficult to move forward." Deputy General Pang De said to the general.

"The terrain here is low-lying. We are afraid of a flash flood. Let's go forward and see if there is a more suitable camping spot." The Lord said in a low voice while looking at the rain and mud on the road.

"General, the general has already inspected the ten miles ahead. It is no different from here. According to the general's opinion, how about climbing up the hill here and setting up camp on the hill?"

"It's dark and rainy, and the road is slippery and difficult to travel, let alone mountaineering?" Yu Jin looked at the mountain road, which was neither high nor low, but full of mud, and shook his head: "Send an order to the three armies to set up camp on the spot!"

"No!" Lieutenant General Pang De took the order and immediately began to arrange for the army to camp on the spot.


"Back then, I thought the rain was not strong enough to cause flash floods, but I didn't expect that that night, Guan Yu sent people to dig the embankment of the nearby Han River..." Yu Jin closed his eyes: "Although I

The army encountered a water attack, but there were still more than 20,000 and nearly 30,000 people left, and they could still fight. But from then on, Zi Xudu sent a secret order."

There seemed to be a trace of confusion and confusion in the old man's eyes.


Three years ago, the Wei army camp.

Yu Jin looked at the secret order under the candlelight, full of hesitation.

"Why is one corner of the Lord's seal blurred in this secret order?"

Yu Jin looked at the secret order of King Wei in his hand, still hesitant.

"Reporting to General Zuo, the military situation is urgent. The king's seal has recently been damaged, so it has not been repaired."

Yu Jin nodded. This secret order was indeed written by the king. He had known the king for thirty years, and he could still distinguish the handwriting of the king's store clearly.

In this secret order, the lord actually wants to pretend to surrender to Guan Yu and wait for an opportunity to act! However, now that his main force is still there, if he goes to the enemy camp, wouldn't he be controlled by others, like a sheep in a tiger's mouth?

Although this secret order is indeed in the lord's handwriting, he and his lord have known each other for more than thirty years, but this time he does not understand his lord's intention...

Yu Jin read the secret order for the last time and placed it on the candlelight.

[Note 2: There is no secret order in the history books, so I am adding fiction here.]


"In August, I led the remaining 30,000 men under my command and surrendered to Guan Yu. However, pioneer Pang De did not believe in any secret orders and would rather die than obey my orders. He led the remaining troops to resist with all their might.

Shuishang was captured by Yu, and then refused to surrender and was killed by Yu. Our army and Guan Yu's army were originally short of food, and the addition of the Jiangling Army made the originally impregnable Jiangling City in need of food."

"Guan Yu had no choice but to secretly purchase grain from a giant merchant in Soochow. However, the secret was leaked, which gave Soochow an opportunity. Wu general Lu Meng divided thousands of people into dozens of teams and pretended to be transporters one after another.

The caravan passed through Guan Yu's tight defense without any hindrance. As a result, Guan Yu prospered but declined. He was defeated in Maicheng and died in Linju. And I was also captured by the Wu army..."

The two children, Yu Gui, Cao and Xia, were fascinated by what they heard. It turned out that there was such a hidden secret in it back then.

"Master, are there any problems with the secret order?" Xia Houxuan asked Yu Gui with a frown.

"Didn't Grandpa Yu Jin tell you that the letter was indeed written by the late king?" Cao Xi shouted.

"Father, why was the seal of the late king unclear in that secret order? Did the late king only have one royal seal?" Yu Gui seemed to have been reminded by Xia Houxuan and asked suddenly.

Yu Jin seemed to be stimulated by something. His pupils suddenly shrank. How could he be so stupid! The late king never forgot to stamp his military orders and government orders. How could such an important secret be used for no reason?

As for Po Xi, he claimed to be acquainted with the late king, but he was still so confused that he made such a low-level and ridiculous mistake!

Yu Jin always thought that he respected the late king's secret order, and even if he ruined his life and reputation, he would still be worthy of the late king. But now, how could he have the appearance to meet the late king!

Yu Jin shouted, with regret and pain on his face: "How could I be so stupid!"

"Father, don't blame yourself." Yu Gui gently stroked Yu Jin's back: "It has already passed. It has all passed."

"Who is it that is so vicious that he created this false letter and ruined my life?" Yu Jin's emotions were a little out of control.

"At that time, everyone in the court knew that the few young masters who were qualified to inherit the throne of the previous king were none other than Your Majesty, as well as the Marquis of Linzi, Cao Zhi, and the Marquis of Yanling, Cao Zhang. Young Master Cao Zhang and Young Master Cao Zhi had always been on good terms, so the competition was fiercest.

They are the crown prince and the young master Cao Zhi." Yu Gui analyzed step by step: "Although his father and the pioneer General Pang De did not participate in the party struggle, they made friends with the young master Cao Zhang in the army, which invisibly affected the prince, who is today's general.

His Majesty poses a threat."

"That's right!" Xia Houxuan also suddenly realized: "This can easily explain it. The prince set up this trap in order to get rid of Grandpa Yu Jin and General Pang De who have military power."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Yu Gui heard Xia Houxuan's rebellious words and hurriedly stopped: "Back then, the prince had many advisers and many central officials. Naturally, there were many people who could imitate the former king Li Cao, but how could he

It is concluded that the prince did it."

Yu Jin's mood seemed to calm down. It turned out to be His Majesty. His eyes were full of sorrow and disappointment. He murmured: "Stop talking, I'm tired..."

The sky has not yet cleared up, and there is finally a hint of autumn coolness in Jiangling City.

Xia Houxuan and Cao Xi seemed a little reluctant to leave. After all, they had experienced too much in this capital of Jiangnan.

Xia Houxuan stroked the little head of 'Amo', climbed on the 'White Bird', and looked back to the north.

This chapter has been completed!
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