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Chapter 141: The swan geese return south and form an alliance thousands of miles away [4]

Li Huigu looked at her husband who was as white as paper on the sickbed and was as angry as silk. She grabbed his cold hands and felt uncontrollable sadness in her heart. She fell beside the bed and cried bitterly.

The several deputy generals of the Yulin Camp who were standing aside didn't know how to comfort them, so they could only sigh on the side. Speaking of which, if it weren't for Xia Houxuan, the Yulin Camp would have continued to live a despised life in Luoyang City.

Today, they are able to become famous and avenge their previous shame. Their new commander has put in a lot of effort and effort. Now, looking at the dying general on the bed, they also feel very uncomfortable.

I heard that the antidote to the curare poison is still in the hands of Xianbei Fuyi Wang Kebineng. I only hope that General Qin Lang can deal with them as soon as possible and get the antidote. Several hundred generals from the Yulin camp have also discussed it. If

If that still doesn't work, they will take all their brothers and break into the Monan Xianbei royal court. Even if they rob it by force, they will also snatch out the antidote to detoxify the general!


In the early morning, Qin Lang, the general of the heroic cavalry, led his eight heroic soldiers, and galloped out of Jinyang City together with the imperial messenger, heading towards the desert to the north.

Speaking of the Xianbei clan, they are a different species of Donghu. [Note 1: The most common theory is that Xianbei originated from Donghu. "Book of the Later Han", "Book of the Three Kingdoms", "Book of Jin" and "Spring and Autumn of the Sixteen Kingdoms" all say that the Xianbei

They are the remnants of Donghu. Historical books such as "Book of Wei" compiled by Wang Shen of the Jin Dynasty and "Xu Hanshu" by Sima Biao also mention that Xianbei and Donghu have a close relationship. "Historical Records Suoyin" quotes Hu Guangyun of the Eastern Han Dynasty: "Xianbei

, a different species of Donghu.]

The Xianbei tribe first arose in the Daxinganling area north of Liaodong.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, Donghu was defeated by the Xiongnu Maodun Chanyu, and was then divided into two tribes. The two tribes retreated to the Wuhuan Mountains and the Xianbei Mountains respectively. Both took the name of the mountain as their clan name, forming the Wuhuan and Xianbei tribes in the future.

Although the two groups were able to save everyone, since the defeat by Maodun Shanyu, the two groups have been enslaved by the Huns and have never been able to stand up again.

Since Xianbei and Wuhuan share the same ancestry and are bordering the Xiongnu, the customs and habits of the Xianbei people are very similar to those of the Wuhuan and Xiongnu peoples.

Later, because the Xianbei followed the Huns and invaded the borders, the new Xianbei ethnic group was known to the Han Dynasty in the Central Plains.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, after the Xiongnu division weakened, the Xianbei people were finally able to get rid of their control and further multiplied and gradually became a major tribe in the northern desert. Later, the Xianbei attacked the Xiongnu twice and defeated them both times, so they became famous.

The world.

Later, the Northern Xiongnu were attacked by the Han Dynasty and the Southern Xiongnu, and were forced to move to Taixi, a land in the far west [Note 2: In ancient times, the ancients believed that there was a land in the far west to the west of the West Sea, named Taixi.],

The Xianbei people then took the opportunity to occupy the Mongolian grassland and became the king of the desert, completely dominating the northern region.

Under the rule of the Great Khan Tanshihuai, the power of the Xianbei clan reached its peak.

The Great Khan Tanshihuai divided the Xianbei territory into three parts, each of which was led by a capable leader. The territory stretched from Liaodong in the east to Dunhuang in the west, which was already extremely vast.

After the death of Tan Shihuai, the first hero, his son Helian inherited the desert. However, Helian was a greedy and incompetent guy. Under his perverse behavior, the Xianbei clan, which had finally become strong, turned to split.

, the small Xianbei tribes west of Daijun have established their own Qushuai leaders, the most famous of which is the famous Suotou Tuoba Xianbei.

In the last years of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, the Great Khan and his company were shot to death by the Han army while raiding the border of the Han Dynasty. As a result, more serious chaos occurred in the Xianbei clan.

After several years of melee, the eastern Xianbei tribe east of Daijun, which had long been separated from the main Xianbei tribe, was once again divided into three small tribes. After being divided again, three small tribes were separated. These three small tribes,

They are the Budugen tribe, the Kebineng tribe, and the tribes of Suli, Mika, and Queji.

Although these three small tribes are much smaller than the previous large Xianbei tribe when Tanshihuai was at its peak, a closer look at their power shows that each tribe still controls hundreds of thousands of cavalrymen, which should not be underestimated.

Later, Emperor Wu of the Wei Dynasty, Cao Cao, led the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry to pacify the Wuhuan clan. Bu Dugen and Ke Bineng were afraid of Emperor Wu, so they took the initiative to pay tribute to the court through Yan Rou, the captain of the Wuhuan School, and paid tribute to the court.

, openly surrendered to the Central Plains, but in fact secretly accumulated strength and planned to make a big splash in the future.

When Emperor Taizu Wu went west to Guanzhong and fought against Ma Chao, Tian Yin took the opportunity to rebel in Hejian. Ke Bineng even led more than 3,000 Xianbei cavalry to follow Yan Rou, the Wuhuan captain of the Wei Dynasty, and defeated Tian Yin.

Yin helped the Wei Dynasty put down the rebellion. Therefore, Emperor Wu was always not wary of the Xianbei tribe.

However, when Daijun Wuhuan later rebelled against the imperial court, Kebi Neng was capricious and helped the Wuhuan clan plunder people on the Wei border and acted as an accomplice. This completely angered the Wei Dynasty, the established overlord of the Central Plains.

Then, Emperor Taizu Wu sent his third son, Yanlinghou Gongzi Cao Zhang, as commander, and Xiahou Shang as deputy commander in the army, to send troops to the northern expedition to Wuhuan and Xianbei. After Kebineng, who secretly assisted Wuhuan, was defeated, he had to flee outside the Great Wall.

Soon after, he took the initiative to contribute gifts to the court. The Wei Dynasty thought that he was sincerely attached to him this time, so he stopped killing him.

In short, although there were many battles with Xianbei, the Wei Dynasty, the overlord of the Central Plains, was not afraid of Xianbei, a powerful neighbor. However, the Wei Dynasty did not choose to confront the Xianbei clan head-on. Instead, it chose to appease the soft and gentle people. The Wei State adopted this

The main reason for the diplomatic strategy is that the world is divided into three parts and has not yet unified. The melee in the Central Plains, the chaos in the world, the power of the tripartite, and the constraints of all forces have made it impossible for the Wei Dynasty to fundamentally eradicate the troublesome Xianbei in the north in a short period of time.


But even so, the Wei Dynasty's gentle policy towards the northern peoples, which mainly appeased them, still benefited Wuhuan, Xianbei, and the remaining Xiongnu tribes a lot, and it also resolved many wars and military disasters on the border. Therefore,

This policy cannot be said to be a weak move of seeking compromise.

It's just that the leader of Monan, Ke Bineng, is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. Even though he has received the title of King Fuyi of the Wei Dynasty and has suffered repeated defeats, he is not willing to surrender to the Wei State. But this time, he will do it by his own hand.

The war they provoked once again ended in failure.


The large tent of the Xianbei royal court has finally arrived.

Qin Lang and the dozen riders behind him didn't have time to carefully observe the majestic palace buildings of the largest tribe in the north, so they hurriedly dismounted and walked towards the largest gold-embroidered royal tent among all the tents.

Although Xianbei is just a wild land in the north, and the royal court cannot compare with the wealth and grandeur of the Luoyang Palace in the Central Plains of the Wei Dynasty, Qin Lang and his party still felt a breathtaking majesty here as soon as they entered the tent.

All around the big tent, strong and majestic Xianbei warriors wearing bearskin armor and holding swords, spears and halberds were standing. In the center of the tent was burning a very large fire, peeling off the burning

On both sides of the fire stood various Xianbei adults and leaders of the Kebineng tribe. Sitting north and south, on the high tiger-skin throne, sat a tall leader with a beard on his face, long eyebrows and big eyes, and an extraordinary majesty.

, he is the Xianbei Fuyi King, Kebineng.

At this moment, all the Xianbei leaders in the tent, large and small, were staring at the few Wei officers who walked into the tent with their cold, sharp eyes.

Although Qin Lang has been on the battlefield for a long time, he still couldn't help but feel numb in his heart and feel a chill down his spine when he first entered the camp in the face of such an imposing manner.

At this moment, he suddenly thought in his mind that as long as Ke Bineng exists in Monan Xianbei, the northern territory of the Wei Dynasty will be unstable for a day. It seems that this Ke Bineng must be eliminated sooner or later.


"I don't know that the angel from your country has arrived, but the little king missed the greeting from afar. I hope your envoy can forgive me." Kebi could see Qin Lang and everyone entering the tent. Although his words were polite and humble, his body remained motionless and he sat on the throne as firmly as a mountain.

It was just an understatement of hello.

Seeing that the other party was so arrogant, Qin Lang and his party clearly didn't take Wei seriously, so they couldn't help but feel angry. As their anger rose, everyone felt a little more courageous.

Qin Lang slightly bowed his waist and saluted, and replied in a neither humble nor arrogant tone: "Your Excellency, Qin Lang, the Cavalry General of the Great Wei, is here today to escort my angel of the Great Wei and the letter of alliance signed by me, the Emperor of the Wei. The present letter of credence is here.

King Fuyi, why don’t you kneel down quickly and accept the order?”

Ke Bineng was still arrogant at first, but when he heard that Qin Lang actually brought back the alliance letter, he couldn't help but be slightly shocked. After all, he was defeated by Wei this time, losing more than 10,000 cavalry, and was injured.

Yuan Qi is now able to reconcile with Wei, a powerful neighbor, which he naturally desires.

Kebineng hurriedly walked down from the throne, knelt down on one knee and said: "Little Wang Kebineng, thank you, Emperor Wei, and wish that our two countries will be brothers from now on, never have swords and wars, and be friends for generations to come!"

Qin Lang saw that the official business was over, so he said: "King Fuyi had previously made an appointment with me. As soon as the credentials arrived, he would give me the poisonous arrow antidote to Xiahou Taichu, the Marquis of Changling in the Wei Dynasty. Now the credentials have been handed over to you.

, I hope your Majesty will not break your promise."

"That's easy to say." Ke Bineng's plan was accomplished and he was in a good mood. He laughed, stood up, took out a small bottle from his body, threw it to Qin Lang, and said: "I hope the general will apologize to General Xiahou on behalf of Xiao Wang.


Qin Lang saw that although Ke Bineng was ambitious, overbearing and proud, he was still a heroic and generous man, so he felt a good impression of him in his heart.

"Of course, thank you very much, King Fuyi, and take my leave."

"Your Majesty, it's a good trip!"

The two of them cupped their hands for a moment, Qin Lang didn't say much, and Ke Bineng didn't stay in vain anymore.

After Qin Lang and his party completed their mission, they quickly galloped towards the south through the snow.

Half a month later.

Among the formations of the Wei army slowly returning south, Xia Houxuan, who was riding a 'White Bird' and wearing white armor, was riding side by side with his wife, walking slowly on the snow.

"Madam, look, I didn't lie to you, did I?" Xia Houxuan held his wife's hand and said with a smile: "Isn't the snow scene in this desert very different from that in our Central Plains?"

Li Huigu looked at her husband who had recovered and smiled.

"The snow scene is indeed very beautiful. It's not in vain that I get to see you once in this life. Husband, you have to promise me that you won't put yourself in danger like this again, okay?"

Xiahou Xuan smiled warmly, nodded and said with a smile:

"Okay, my husband promises you!"

Seeing her husband's gentle smile, Hui Gu couldn't help but smile back:

"A gentleman's word?"

Xiahou Xuan held the bridle and laughed loudly:

"It's hard to catch up with thousands of horses!"

This chapter has been completed!
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